blob: 1237a8a5b3814e0913113c35f77305367780bc41 [file] [log] [blame]
part of angular.filter;
* Creates a new List or String containing only a prefix/suffix of the
* elements as specified by the `limit` parameter.
* When operating on a List, the returned list is always a copy even when all
* the elements are being returned.
* When the `limit` expression evaluates to a positive integer, `limit` items
* from the beginning of the List/String are returned. When `limit` evaluates
* to a negative integer, `|limit|` items from the end of the List/String are
* returned. If `|limit|` is larger than the size of the List/String, then the
* entire List/String is returned. In the case of a List, a copy of the list is
* returned.
* If the `limit` expression evaluates to a null or non-integer, then an empty
* list is returned. If the input is a null List/String, a null is returned.
* Example:
* - `{{ 'abcdefghij' | limitTo: 4 }}` → `'abcd'`
* - `{{ 'abcdefghij' | limitTo: -4 }}` → `'ghij'`
* - `{{ 'abcdefghij' | limitTo: -100 }}` → `'abcdefghij'`
* <br>
* This [ng-repeat] directive:
* <li ng-repeat="i in 'abcdefghij' | limitTo:-2">{{i}}</li>
* results in
* <li>i</li>
* <li>j</li>
class LimitToFilter {
Injector _injector;
dynamic call(dynamic items, [int limit]) {
if (items == null) return null;
if (limit == null) return const[];
if (items is! List && items is! String) return items;
int i = 0, j = items.length;
if (limit > -1) {
j = (limit > j) ? j : limit;
} else {
i = j + limit;
if (i < 0) i = 0;
return items is String ?
(items as String).substring(i, j) :
(items as List).getRange(i, j).toList(growable: false);