blob: 81823437b64fc5754ef7a101e7238fc0ed28e4ff [file] [log] [blame]
part of angular.mock;
* Mock implementation of [ExceptionHandler] that rethrows exceptions.
class RethrowExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandler {
call(error, stack, [reason]){
throw "$error $reason \nORIGINAL STACKTRACE:\n $stack";
class ExceptionWithStack {
final dynamic error;
final dynamic stack;
ExceptionWithStack(this.error, this.stack);
toString() => "$error\n$stack";
* Mock implementation of [ExceptionHandler] that logs all exceptions for
* later processing.
class LoggingExceptionHandler implements ExceptionHandler {
* All exceptions are stored here for later examining.
final errors = <ExceptionWithStack>[];
call(error, stack, [reason]) {
errors.add(new ExceptionWithStack(error, stack));
* This method throws an exception if the errors is not empty.
* It is recommended that this method is called on test tear-down
* to verify that all exceptions have been processed.
assertEmpty() {
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
throw new ArgumentError('Exception Logger not empty:\n$errors');