blob: ac1b5ddc8e653fddaa887a5a66272460a72ecc35 [file] [log] [blame]
part of angular.mock;
* Class which simplifies bootstraping of angular for unit tests.
* Simply inject [TestBed] into the test, then use [compile] to
* match directives against the view.
class TestBed {
final Injector injector;
final Scope rootScope;
final Compiler compiler;
final Parser parser;
Element rootElement;
List<Node> rootElements;
Block rootBlock;
TestBed(this.injector, this.rootScope, this.compiler, this.parser);
* Use to compile HTML and activate its directives.
* If [html] parameter is:
* - [String] then treat it as HTML
* - [Node] then treat it as the root node
* - [List<Node>] then treat it as a collection of nods
* After the compilation the [rootElements] contains an array of compiled root nodes,
* and [rootElement] contains the first element from the [rootElemets].
* An option [scope] parameter can be supplied to link it with non root scope.
Element compile(html, {Scope scope, DirectiveMap directives}) {
var injector = this.injector;
if (scope != null) {
injector = injector.createChild([new Module()..value(Scope, scope)]);
if (html is String) {
rootElements = toNodeList(html);
} else if (html is Node) {
rootElements = [html];
} else if (html is List<Node>) {
rootElements = html;
} else {
throw 'Expecting: String, Node, or List<Node> got $html.';
rootElement = rootElements[0];
if (directives == null) {
directives = injector.get(DirectiveMap);
rootBlock = compiler(rootElements, directives)(injector, rootElements);
return rootElement;
* Convert an [html] String to a [List] of [Element]s.
List<Element> toNodeList(html) {
var div = new DivElement();
div.setInnerHtml(html, treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
var nodes = [];
for (var node in div.nodes) {
return nodes;
* Triggern a specific DOM element on a given node to test directives
* which listen to events.
triggerEvent(element, name, [type='MouseEvent']) {
element.dispatchEvent(new Event.eventType(type, name));
// Since we are manually triggering event we need to simpulate apply();
* Select an [OPTION] in a [SELECT] with a given name and trigger the
* appropriate DOM event. Used when testing [SELECT] controlls in forms.
selectOption(element, text) {
element.querySelectorAll('option').forEach((o) => o.selected = o.text == text);
triggerEvent(element, 'change');