blob: ddd1b35b233399867626b367d0ddc75d51724c0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.protocol;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
main() {
groupSep = ' | ';
Matcher _throwsRequestFailure = throwsA(new isInstanceOf<RequestFailure>());
class InvalidParameterResponseMatcher extends Matcher {
static const String ERROR_CODE = 'INVALID_PARAMETER';
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add("an 'invalid parameter' response (code $ERROR_CODE)");
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
if (item is! RequestFailure) {
return false;
var response = item.response;
if (response is! Response) {
return false;
if (response.error is! RequestError) {
return false;
RequestError requestError = response.error;
if (requestError.code != ERROR_CODE) {
return false;
return true;
class NotificationTest {
void test_fromJson() {
Notification original = new Notification('foo');
Notification notification = new Notification.fromJson(original.toJson());
expect(notification.event, equals('foo'));
expect(notification.toJson().keys, isNot(contains('params')));
void test_fromJson_withParams() {
Notification original = new Notification('foo', {'x': 'y'});
Notification notification = new Notification.fromJson(original.toJson());
expect(notification.event, equals('foo'));
expect(notification.toJson()['params'], equals({'x': 'y'}));
void test_toJson_noParams() {
Notification notification = new Notification('foo');
expect(notification.event, equals('foo'));
expect(notification.toJson().keys, isNot(contains('params')));
expect(notification.toJson(), equals({'event': 'foo'}));
void test_toJson_withParams() {
Notification notification = new Notification('foo', {'x': 'y'});
expect(notification.event, equals('foo'));
expect(notification.toJson()['params'], equals({'x': 'y'}));
notification.toJson(), equals({'event': 'foo', 'params': {'x': 'y'}}));
class RequestErrorTest {
void test_create() {
RequestError error =
new RequestError(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_REQUEST, 'msg');
expect(error.code, RequestErrorCode.INVALID_REQUEST);
expect(error.message, "msg");
expect(error.toJson(), equals({CODE: 'INVALID_REQUEST', MESSAGE: "msg"}));
void test_fromJson() {
var trace = 'a stack trace\r\nfoo';
var json = {
MESSAGE: 'foo',
RequestError error =
new RequestError.fromJson(new ResponseDecoder(null), '', json);
expect(error.code, RequestErrorCode.INVALID_PARAMETER);
expect(error.message, "foo");
expect(error.stackTrace, trace);
void test_toJson() {
var trace = 'a stack trace\r\nbar';
RequestError error = new RequestError(
RequestErrorCode.UNKNOWN_REQUEST, 'msg', stackTrace: trace);
expect(error.toJson(), {
MESSAGE: 'msg',
class RequestTest {
void test_fromJson() {
Request original = new Request('one', 'aMethod');
String json = JSON.encode(original.toJson());
Request request = new Request.fromString(json);
expect(, equals('one'));
expect(request.method, equals('aMethod'));
expect(request.clientRequestTime, isNull);
void test_fromJson_invalidId() {
String json =
Request request = new Request.fromString(json);
expect(request, isNull);
void test_fromJson_invalidMethod() {
String json =
Request request = new Request.fromString(json);
expect(request, isNull);
void test_fromJson_invalidParams() {
String json = '{"id":"one","method":"aMethod","params":"foobar"}';
Request request = new Request.fromString(json);
expect(request, isNull);
void test_fromJson_withBadClientTime() {
Request original = new Request('one', 'aMethod', null, 347);
Map<String, Object> map = original.toJson();
// Insert bad value - should be int but client sent string instead
map[Request.CLIENT_REQUEST_TIME] = '347';
String json = JSON.encode(map);
Request request = new Request.fromString(json);
expect(request, isNull);
void test_fromJson_withClientTime() {
Request original = new Request('one', 'aMethod', null, 347);
String json = JSON.encode(original.toJson());
Request request = new Request.fromString(json);
expect(, equals('one'));
expect(request.method, equals('aMethod'));
expect(request.clientRequestTime, 347);
void test_fromJson_withParams() {
Request original = new Request('one', 'aMethod', {'foo': 'bar'});
String json = JSON.encode(original.toJson());
Request request = new Request.fromString(json);
expect(, equals('one'));
expect(request.method, equals('aMethod'));
expect(request.toJson()['params'], equals({'foo': 'bar'}));
void test_toJson() {
Request request = new Request('one', 'aMethod');
equals({Request.ID: 'one', Request.METHOD: 'aMethod'}));
void test_toJson_withParams() {
Request request = new Request('one', 'aMethod', {'foo': 'bar'});
expect(request.toJson(), equals({
Request.ID: 'one',
Request.METHOD: 'aMethod',
Request.PARAMS: {'foo': 'bar'}
class ResponseTest {
void test_create_invalidRequestFormat() {
Response response = new Response.invalidRequestFormat();
expect(, equals(''));
expect(response.error, isNotNull);
expect(response.toJson(), equals({
Response.ID: '',
Response.ERROR: {'code': 'INVALID_REQUEST', 'message': 'Invalid request'}
void test_create_unanalyzedPriorityFiles() {
Response response = new Response.unanalyzedPriorityFiles('0', 'file list');
expect(, equals('0'));
expect(response.error, isNotNull);
expect(response.toJson(), equals({
Response.ID: '0',
Response.ERROR: {
'message': "Unanalyzed files cannot be a priority: 'file list'"
void test_create_unknownRequest() {
Response response = new Response.unknownRequest(new Request('0', ''));
expect(, equals('0'));
expect(response.error, isNotNull);
expect(response.toJson(), equals({
Response.ID: '0',
Response.ERROR: {'code': 'UNKNOWN_REQUEST', 'message': 'Unknown request'}
void test_fromJson() {
Response original = new Response('myId');
Response response = new Response.fromJson(original.toJson());
expect(, equals('myId'));
void test_fromJson_withError() {
Response original = new Response.invalidRequestFormat();
Response response = new Response.fromJson(original.toJson());
expect(, equals(''));
expect(response.error, isNotNull);
RequestError error = response.error;
expect(error.code, equals(RequestErrorCode.INVALID_REQUEST));
expect(error.message, equals('Invalid request'));
void test_fromJson_withResult() {
Response original = new Response('myId', result: {'foo': 'bar'});
Response response = new Response.fromJson(original.toJson());
expect(, equals('myId'));
Map<String, Object> result = response.toJson()['result'];
expect(result.length, equals(1));
expect(result['foo'], equals('bar'));