blob: 0b115cbd533363f596fefefd3171c8cffa882442 [file] [log] [blame]
library dart2js.cps_ir_integrity;
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import 'cps_ir_nodes_sexpr.dart';
import '../tracer.dart' as tracer;
/// Dump S-expressions on error if the tracer is enabled.
/// Technically this has nothing to do with the tracer, but if you want one
/// enabled, you typically want the other as well, so we use the same flag.
const bool ENABLE_DUMP = tracer.TRACE_FILTER_PATTERN != null;
/// Performs integrity checks on the CPS IR.
/// To be run for debugging purposes, not for use in production.
/// The following integrity checks are performed:
/// - References are in scope of their definitions.
/// - Recursive Continuations and InvokeContinuations are marked as recursive.
/// - InvokeContinuations have the same arity as their target.
/// - Reference chains are valid doubly-linked lists.
/// - Reference chains contain exactly the references that are in the IR.
/// - Each definition object occurs only once in the IR (no redeclaring).
/// - Each reference object occurs only once in the IR (no sharing).
class CheckCpsIntegrity extends RecursiveVisitor {
ExecutableDefinition topLevelNode;
Set<Definition> seenDefinitions = new Set<Definition>();
Map<Definition, Set<Reference>> seenReferences =
<Definition, Set<Reference>>{};
Map<Definition, Node> bindings = <Definition, Node>{};
Set<Continuation> insideContinuations = new Set<Continuation>();
doInScope(Iterable<Definition> defs, Node binding, action()) {
for (Definition def in defs) {
bindings[def] = binding;
for (Definition def in defs) {
void markAsSeen(Definition def) {
if (!seenDefinitions.add(def)) {
error('Redeclared $def', def);
seenReferences[def] = new Set<Reference>();
visitLetCont(LetCont node) {
// Analyze each continuation separately without the others in scope.
for (Continuation continuation in node.continuations) {
// We always consider a continuation to be in scope of itself.
// The isRecursive flag is checked explicitly to give more useful
// error messages.
doInScope([continuation], node, () => visit(continuation));
// Analyze the body with all continuations in scope.
doInScope(node.continuations, node, () => visit(node.body));
visitContinuation(Continuation node) {
if (node.isReturnContinuation) {
error('Non-return continuation missing body', node);
doInScope(node.parameters, node, () => visit(node.body));
visitRunnableBody(RunnableBody node) {
if (!node.returnContinuation.isReturnContinuation) {
error('Return continuation with a body', node);
doInScope([node.returnContinuation], node, () => visit(node.body));
visitLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
doInScope([node.primitive], node, () => visit(node.body));
visitLetMutable(LetMutable node) {
doInScope([node.variable], node, () => visit(node.body));
visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) {
if (node.thisParameter != null) {
if (node.body != null) {
doInOptionalScope(node.thisParameter, node,
() => doInScope(node.parameters, node, () => visit(node.body)));
visitConstructorDefinition(ConstructorDefinition node) {
if (node.thisParameter != null) {
doInScope(node.parameters, node, () {
if (node.initializers != null) node.initializers.forEach(visit);
if (node.body != null) {
doInOptionalScope(node.thisParameter, node, () => visit(node.body));
doInOptionalScope(Parameter parameter, Node node, action) {
return (parameter == null)
? action()
: doInScope([parameter], node, action);
visitDeclareFunction(DeclareFunction node) {
doInScope([node.variable], node, () {
processReference(Reference reference) {
if (!bindings.containsKey(reference.definition)) {
error('Referenced out of scope: ${reference.definition}', reference);
if (!seenReferences[reference.definition].add(reference)) {
error('Duplicate use of Reference to ${reference.definition}', reference);
processInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) {
Continuation target = node.continuation.definition;
if (node.isRecursive && !insideContinuations.contains(target)) {
error('Non-recursive InvokeContinuation marked as recursive', node);
if (!node.isRecursive && insideContinuations.contains(target)) {
error('Recursive InvokeContinuation marked as non-recursive', node);
if (node.isRecursive && !target.isRecursive) {
error('Recursive Continuation was not marked as recursive', node);
if (node.arguments.length != target.parameters.length) {
error('Arity mismatch in InvokeContinuation', node);
void checkReferenceChain(Definition def) {
Set<Reference> chainedReferences = new Set<Reference>();
Reference prev = null;
for (Reference ref = def.firstRef; ref != null; ref = {
if (ref.definition != def) {
error('Reference in chain for $def points to ${ref.definition}', def);
if (ref.previous != prev) {
error('Broken .previous link in reference to $def', def);
prev = ref;
if (!chainedReferences.add(ref)) {
error('Cyclic reference chain for $def', def);
if (!chainedReferences.containsAll(seenReferences[def])) {
error('Seen reference to $def not in reference chain', def);
if (!seenReferences[def].containsAll(chainedReferences)) {
error('Reference chain for $def contains orphaned references', def);
error(String message, node) {
String sexpr;
try {
Decorator decorator = (n, String s) => n == node ? '**$s**' : s;
sexpr = new SExpressionStringifier(decorator).visit(topLevelNode);
} catch (e) {
sexpr = '(Exception thrown by SExpressionStringifier: $e)';
} else {
sexpr = '(Set DUMP_IR flag to enable)';
throw 'CPS integrity violation in ${topLevelNode.element}:\n'
'SExpr dump (offending node marked with **):\n\n'
void check(ExecutableDefinition node) {
topLevelNode = node;
// Check this last, so out-of-scope references are not classified as
// a broken reference chain.