blob: 7e259aac1cf308a9c05d823ea20dbfda0b43bd4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.semantics_visitor;
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../dart2jslib.dart' show invariant;
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../universe/universe.dart';
import '../util/util.dart' show Spannable, SpannableAssertionFailure;
import 'access_semantics.dart';
import 'operators.dart';
import 'resolution.dart';
import 'send_structure.dart';
part 'semantic_visitor_mixins.dart';
part 'send_resolver.dart';
abstract class SemanticVisitor<R, A> extends Visitor<R>
with SendResolverMixin {
TreeElements elements;
SemanticSendVisitor<R, A> get sendVisitor;
R visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support argument.
A arg = null;
if (node.isThis()) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Parse `this` as a [Send] whose selector is `this`
// to normalize with `this(...)`.
return sendVisitor.visitThisGet(node, arg);
return null;
R visitSend(Send node) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support argument.
A arg = null;
SendStructure structure = computeSendStructure(node);
if (structure == null) {
return internalError(node, 'No structure for $node');
} else {
return structure.dispatch(sendVisitor, node, arg);
R visitSendSet(SendSet node) {
return visitSend(node);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add visits for [visitLocalConstantGet],
// [visitLocalConstantInvoke], [visitStaticConstantGet], etc.
abstract class SemanticSendVisitor<R, A> {
R apply(Node node, A arg);
/// Read of the [parameter].
/// For instance:
/// m(parameter) => parameter;
R visitParameterGet(
Send node,
ParameterElement parameter,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the [parameter].
/// For instance:
/// m(parameter) {
/// parameter = rhs;
/// }
R visitParameterSet(
SendSet node,
ParameterElement parameter,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the final [parameter].
/// For instance:
/// m(final parameter) {
/// parameter = rhs;
/// }
R errorFinalParameterSet(
SendSet node,
ParameterElement parameter,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the [parameter] with [arguments].
/// For instance:
/// m(parameter) {
/// parameter(null, 42);
/// }
R visitParameterInvoke(
Send node,
ParameterElement parameter,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Read of the local [variable].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// var variable;
/// return variable;
/// }
R visitLocalVariableGet(
Send node,
LocalVariableElement variable,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the local [variable].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// var variable;
/// variable = rhs;
/// }
R visitLocalVariableSet(
SendSet node,
LocalVariableElement variable,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the final local [variable].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// final variable = null;
/// variable = rhs;
/// }
R errorFinalLocalVariableSet(
SendSet node,
LocalVariableElement variable,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the local variable [variable] with [arguments].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// var variable;
/// variable(null, 42);
/// }
R visitLocalVariableInvoke(
Send node,
LocalVariableElement variable,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Closurization of the local [function].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// o(a, b) {}
/// return o;
/// }
R visitLocalFunctionGet(
Send node,
LocalFunctionElement function,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the local [function].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// o(a, b) {}
/// o = rhs;
/// }
R errorLocalFunctionSet(
SendSet node,
LocalFunctionElement function,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the local [function] with [arguments].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// o(a, b) {}
/// return o(null, 42);
/// }
R visitLocalFunctionInvoke(
Send node,
LocalFunctionElement function,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Getter call on [receiver] of the property defined by [selector].
/// For instance
/// m(receiver) =>;
R visitDynamicPropertyGet(
Send node,
Node receiver,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Setter call on [receiver] with argument [rhs] of the property defined by
/// [selector].
/// For instance
/// m(receiver) {
/// = rhs;
/// }
R visitDynamicPropertySet(
SendSet node,
Node receiver,
Selector selector,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the property defined by [selector] on [receiver] with
/// [arguments].
/// For instance
/// m(receiver) {
///, 42);
/// }
R visitDynamicPropertyInvoke(
Send node,
Node receiver,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Getter call on `this` of the property defined by [selector].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// m() =>;
/// }
/// or
/// class C {
/// m() => foo;
/// }
R visitThisPropertyGet(
Send node,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Setter call on `this` with argument [rhs] of the property defined by
/// [selector].
/// class C {
/// m() { = rhs; }
/// }
/// or
/// class C {
/// m() { foo = rhs; }
/// }
R visitThisPropertySet(
SendSet node,
Selector selector,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the property defined by [selector] on `this` with
/// [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// m() {, 42); }
/// }
/// or
/// class C {
/// m() { foo(null, 42); }
/// }
R visitThisPropertyInvoke(
Send node,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Read of `this`.
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// m() => this;
/// }
R visitThisGet(
Identifier node,
A arg);
/// Invocation of `this` with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// m() => this(null, 42);
/// }
R visitThisInvoke(
Send node,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Read of the super [field].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// var foo;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() =>;
/// }
R visitSuperFieldGet(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the super [field].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// var foo;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() { = rhs; }
/// }
R visitSuperFieldSet(
SendSet node,
FieldElement field,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the final static [field].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// final foo = null;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() { = rhs; }
/// }
R errorFinalSuperFieldSet(
SendSet node,
FieldElement field,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the super [field] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// var foo;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() {, 42); }
/// }
R visitSuperFieldInvoke(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Closurization of the super [method].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// foo(a, b) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() =>;
/// }
R visitSuperMethodGet(
Send node,
MethodElement method,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the super [method] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// foo(a, b) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() {, 42); }
/// }
R visitSuperMethodInvoke(
Send node,
MethodElement method,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the super [method].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// foo(a, b) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() { = rhs; }
/// }
R errorSuperMethodSet(
Send node,
MethodElement method,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Getter call to the super [getter].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// get foo => null;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() =>;
/// }
R visitSuperGetterGet(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
A arg);
/// Getter call the super [setter].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// set foo(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() =>;
/// }
R errorSuperSetterGet(
Send node,
FunctionElement setter,
A arg);
/// Setter call to the super [setter].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// set foo(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() { = rhs; }
/// }
R visitSuperSetterSet(
SendSet node,
FunctionElement setter,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the super [getter].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// get foo => null;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() { = rhs; }
/// }
R errorSuperGetterSet(
SendSet node,
FunctionElement getter,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the super [getter] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// get foo => null;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() {, 42; }
/// }
R visitSuperGetterInvoke(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the super [setter] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// set foo(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() {, 42; }
/// }
R errorSuperSetterInvoke(
Send node,
FunctionElement setter,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Invocation of a [expression] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// m() => (a, b){}(null, 42);
R visitExpressionInvoke(
Send node,
Node expression,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Read of the static [field].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static var foo;
/// }
/// m() =>;
R visitStaticFieldGet(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the static [field].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static var foo;
/// }
/// m() { = rhs; }
R visitStaticFieldSet(
SendSet node,
FieldElement field,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the final static [field].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static final foo;
/// }
/// m() { = rhs; }
R errorFinalStaticFieldSet(
SendSet node,
FieldElement field,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the static [field] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static var foo;
/// }
/// m() {, 42); }
R visitStaticFieldInvoke(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Closurization of the static [function].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static foo(a, b) {}
/// }
/// m() =>;
R visitStaticFunctionGet(
Send node,
MethodElement function,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the static [function] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static foo(a, b) {}
/// }
/// m() {, 42); }
R visitStaticFunctionInvoke(
Send node,
MethodElement function,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the static [function].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static foo(a, b) {}
/// }
/// m() { = rhs; }
R errorStaticFunctionSet(
Send node,
MethodElement function,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Getter call to the static [getter].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static get foo => null;
/// }
/// m() =>;
R visitStaticGetterGet(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
A arg);
/// Getter call the static [setter].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static set foo(_) {}
/// }
/// m() =>;
R errorStaticSetterGet(
Send node,
FunctionElement setter,
A arg);
/// Setter call to the static [setter].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static set foo(_) {}
/// }
/// m() { = rhs; }
R visitStaticSetterSet(
SendSet node,
FunctionElement setter,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the static [getter].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static get foo => null;
/// }
/// m() { = rhs; }
R errorStaticGetterSet(
SendSet node,
FunctionElement getter,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the static [getter] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static get foo => null;
/// }
/// m() {, 42; }
R visitStaticGetterInvoke(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the static [setter] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class C {
/// static set foo(_) {}
/// }
/// m() {, 42; }
R errorStaticSetterInvoke(
Send node,
FunctionElement setter,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Read of the top level [field].
/// For instance
/// var foo;
/// m() => foo;
R visitTopLevelFieldGet(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the top level [field].
/// For instance
/// var foo;
/// m() { foo = rhs; }
R visitTopLevelFieldSet(
SendSet node,
FieldElement field,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the final top level [field].
/// For instance
/// final foo = null;
/// m() { foo = rhs; }
R errorFinalTopLevelFieldSet(
SendSet node,
FieldElement field,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the top level [field] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// var foo;
/// m() { foo(null, 42); }
R visitTopLevelFieldInvoke(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Closurization of the top level [function].
/// For instance
/// foo(a, b) {};
/// m() => foo;
R visitTopLevelFunctionGet(
Send node,
MethodElement function,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the top level [function] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// foo(a, b) {};
/// m() { foo(null, 42); }
R visitTopLevelFunctionInvoke(
Send node,
MethodElement function,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the top level [function].
/// For instance
/// foo(a, b) {};
/// m() { foo = rhs; }
R errorTopLevelFunctionSet(
Send node,
MethodElement function,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Getter call to the top level [getter].
/// For instance
/// get foo => null;
/// m() => foo;
R visitTopLevelGetterGet(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
A arg);
/// Getter call the top level [setter].
/// For instance
/// set foo(_) {}
/// m() => foo;
R errorTopLevelSetterGet(
Send node,
FunctionElement setter,
A arg);
/// Setter call to the top level [setter].
/// For instance
/// set foo(_) {}
/// m() { foo = rhs; }
R visitTopLevelSetterSet(
SendSet node,
FunctionElement setter,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the top level [getter].
/// For instance
/// get foo => null;
/// m() { foo = rhs; }
R errorTopLevelGetterSet(
SendSet node,
FunctionElement getter,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the top level [getter] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// get foo => null;
/// m() { foo(null, 42); }
R visitTopLevelGetterInvoke(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the top level [setter] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// set foo(_) {};
/// m() { foo(null, 42); }
R errorTopLevelSetterInvoke(
Send node,
FunctionElement setter,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Read of the type literal for class [element].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m() => C;
R visitClassTypeLiteralGet(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the type literal for class [element] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m() => C(null, 42);
R visitClassTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the type literal for class [element].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m() { C = rhs; }
R errorClassTypeLiteralSet(
SendSet node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Read of the type literal for typedef [element].
/// For instance
/// typedef F();
/// m() => F;
R visitTypedefTypeLiteralGet(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the type literal for typedef [element] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// typedef F();
/// m() => F(null, 42);
R visitTypedefTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the type literal for typedef [element].
/// For instance
/// typedef F();
/// m() { F = rhs; }
R errorTypedefTypeLiteralSet(
SendSet node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Read of the type literal for type variable [element].
/// For instance
/// class C<T> {
/// m() => T;
/// }
R visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralGet(
Send node,
TypeVariableElement element,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the type literal for type variable [element] with
/// [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class C<T> {
/// m() { T(null, 42); }
/// }
R visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
TypeVariableElement element,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the type literal for type variable [element].
/// For instance
/// class C<T> {
/// m() { T = rhs; }
/// }
R errorTypeVariableTypeLiteralSet(
SendSet node,
TypeVariableElement element,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Read of the type literal for `dynamic`.
/// For instance
/// m() => dynamic;
R visitDynamicTypeLiteralGet(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the type literal for `dynamic` with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// m() { dynamic(null, 42); }
R visitDynamicTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the type literal for `dynamic`.
/// For instance
/// m() { dynamic = rhs; }
R errorDynamicTypeLiteralSet(
SendSet node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Call to `assert` with [expression] as the condition.
/// For instance:
/// m() { assert(expression); }
R visitAssert(
Send node,
Node expression,
A arg);
/// Call to `assert` with the wrong number of [arguments].
/// For instance:
/// m() { assert(); }
/// or
/// m() { assert(expression1, expression2); }
R errorInvalidAssert(
Send node,
NodeList arguments,
A arg);
/// Binary expression `left operator right` where [operator] is a user
/// definable operator. Binary expressions using operator `==` are handled
/// by [visitEquals] and index operations `a[b]` are handled by [visitIndex].
/// For instance:
/// add(a, b) => a + b;
/// sub(a, b) => a - b;
/// mul(a, b) => a * b;
R visitBinary(
Send node,
Node left,
BinaryOperator operator,
Node right,
A arg);
/// Binary expression `super operator argument` where [operator] is a user
/// definable operator implemented on a superclass by [function]. Binary
/// expressions using operator `==` are handled by [visitSuperEquals].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// operator +(_) => null;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => super + a;
/// }
R visitSuperBinary(
Send node,
FunctionElement function,
BinaryOperator operator,
Node argument,
A arg);
/// Index expression `receiver[index]`.
/// For instance:
/// lookup(a, b) => a[b];
R visitIndex(
Send node,
Node receiver,
Node index,
A arg);
/// Prefix operation on an index expression `operator receiver[index]` where
/// the operation is defined by [operator].
/// For instance:
/// lookup(a, b) => --a[b];
R visitIndexPrefix(
Send node,
Node receiver,
Node index,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix operation on an index expression `receiver[index] operator` where
/// the operation is defined by [operator].
/// For instance:
/// lookup(a, b) => a[b]++;
R visitIndexPostfix(
Send node,
Node receiver,
Node index,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Index expression `super[index]` where 'operator []' is implemented on a
/// superclass by [function].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// operator [](_) => null;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => super[a];
/// }
R visitSuperIndex(
Send node,
FunctionElement function,
Node index,
A arg);
/// Prefix operation on an index expression `operator super[index]` where
/// 'operator []' is implemented on a superclass by [indexFunction] and
/// 'operator []=' is implemented on by [indexSetFunction] and the operation
/// is defined by [operator].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// operator [](_) => null;
/// operator []=(a, b) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => --super[a];
/// }
R visitSuperIndexPrefix(
Send node,
FunctionElement indexFunction,
FunctionElement indexSetFunction,
Node index,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix operation on an index expression `super[index] operator` where
/// 'operator []' is implemented on a superclass by [indexFunction] and
/// 'operator []=' is implemented on by [indexSetFunction] and the operation
/// is defined by [operator].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// operator [](_) => null;
/// operator []=(a, b) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => super[a]++;
/// }
R visitSuperIndexPostfix(
Send node,
FunctionElement indexFunction,
FunctionElement indexSetFunction,
Node index,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Index expression `super[index]` where 'operator []' is unresolved.
/// For instance:
/// class B {}
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => super[a];
/// }
R errorUnresolvedSuperIndex(
Send node,
Element element,
Node index,
A arg);
/// Prefix operation on an index expression `operator super[index]` where
/// 'operator []' or 'operator []=' is unresolved and the operation
/// is defined by [operator].
/// For instance:
/// class B {}
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => --super[a];
/// }
R errorUnresolvedSuperIndexPrefix(
Send node,
Element function,
Node index,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix operation on an index expression `super[index] operator` where
/// 'operator []' or 'operator []=' is unresolved and the operation
/// is defined by [operator].
/// For instance:
/// class B {}
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => super[a]++;
/// }
R errorUnresolvedSuperIndexPostfix(
Send node,
Element function,
Node index,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Binary expression `left == right`.
/// For instance:
/// neq(a, b) => a != b;
R visitNotEquals(
Send node,
Node left,
Node right,
A arg);
/// Binary expression `super != argument` where `==` is implemented on a
/// superclass by [function].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// operator +(_) => null;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => super + a;
/// }
R visitSuperNotEquals(
Send node,
FunctionElement function,
Node argument,
A arg);
/// Binary expression `left == right`.
/// For instance:
/// eq(a, b) => a == b;
R visitEquals(
Send node,
Node left,
Node right,
A arg);
/// Binary expression `super == argument` where `==` is implemented on a
/// superclass by [function].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// operator ==(_) => null;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => super == a;
/// }
R visitSuperEquals(
Send node,
FunctionElement function,
Node argument,
A arg);
/// Unary expression `operator expression` where [operator] is a user
/// definable operator.
/// For instance:
/// neg(a, b) => -a;
/// comp(a, b) => ~a;
R visitUnary(
Send node,
UnaryOperator operator,
Node expression,
A arg);
/// Unary expression `operator super` where [operator] is a user definable
/// operator implemented on a superclass by [function].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// operator -() => null;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a) => -super;
/// }
R visitSuperUnary(
Send node,
UnaryOperator operator,
FunctionElement function,
A arg);
/// Unary expression `!expression`.
/// For instance:
/// not(a) => !a;
R visitNot(
Send node,
Node expression,
A arg);
/// Index set expression `receiver[index] = rhs`.
/// For instance:
/// m(receiver, index, rhs) => receiver[index] = rhs;
R visitIndexSet(
SendSet node,
Node receiver,
Node index,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Index set expression `super[index] = rhs` where `operator []=` is defined
/// on a superclass by [function].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// operator []=(a, b) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(a, b) => super[a] = b;
/// }
R visitSuperIndexSet(
SendSet node,
FunctionElement function,
Node index,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Logical and, &&, expression with operands [left] and [right].
/// For instance
/// m() => left && right;
R visitLogicalAnd(
Send node,
Node left,
Node right,
A arg);
/// Logical or, ||, expression with operands [left] and [right].
/// For instance
/// m() => left || right;
R visitLogicalOr(
Send node,
Node left,
Node right,
A arg);
/// Is test of [expression] against [type].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m() => expression is C;
R visitIs(
Send node,
Node expression,
DartType type,
A arg);
/// Is not test of [expression] against [type].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m() => expression is! C;
R visitIsNot(
Send node,
Node expression,
DartType type,
A arg);
/// As cast of [expression] to [type].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m() => expression as C;
R visitAs(
Send node,
Node expression,
DartType type,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] of the property on
/// [receiver] whose getter and setter are defined by [getterSelector] and
/// [setterSelector], respectively.
/// For instance:
/// m(receiver, rhs) => += rhs;
R visitDynamicPropertyCompound(
Send node,
Node receiver,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
Selector getterSelector,
Selector setterSelector,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] of the property on
/// `this` whose getter and setter are defined by [getterSelector] and
/// [setterSelector], respectively.
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// m(rhs) => += rhs;
/// }
/// or
/// class C {
/// m(rhs) => foo += rhs;
/// }
R visitThisPropertyCompound(
Send node,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
Selector getterSelector,
Selector setterSelector,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a [parameter].
/// For instance:
/// m(parameter, rhs) => parameter += rhs;
R visitParameterCompound(
Send node,
ParameterElement parameter,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a final
/// [parameter].
/// For instance:
/// m(final parameter, rhs) => parameter += rhs;
R errorFinalParameterCompound(
Send node,
ParameterElement parameter,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a local
/// [variable].
/// For instance:
/// m(rhs) {
/// var variable;
/// variable += rhs;
/// }
R visitLocalVariableCompound(
Send node,
LocalVariableElement variable,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a final local
/// [variable].
/// For instance:
/// m(rhs) {
/// final variable = 0;
/// variable += rhs;
/// }
R errorFinalLocalVariableCompound(
Send node,
LocalVariableElement variable,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a local
/// [function].
/// For instance:
/// m(rhs) {
/// function() {}
/// function += rhs;
/// }
R errorLocalFunctionCompound(
Send node,
LocalFunctionElement function,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a static
/// [field].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static var field;
/// m(rhs) => field += rhs;
/// }
R visitStaticFieldCompound(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a final static
/// [field].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static final field = 0;
/// m(rhs) => field += rhs;
/// }
R errorFinalStaticFieldCompound(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] reading from a
/// static [getter] and writing to a static [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static get o => 0;
/// static set o(_) {}
/// m(rhs) => o += rhs;
/// }
R visitStaticGetterSetterCompound(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] reading from a
/// static [method], that is, closurizing [method], and writing to a static
/// [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static o() {}
/// static set o(_) {}
/// m(rhs) => o += rhs;
/// }
R visitStaticMethodSetterCompound(
Send node,
FunctionElement method,
FunctionElement setter,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a top level
/// [field].
/// For instance:
/// var field;
/// m(rhs) => field += rhs;
R visitTopLevelFieldCompound(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a final top
/// level [field].
/// For instance:
/// final field = 0;
/// m(rhs) => field += rhs;
R errorFinalTopLevelFieldCompound(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] reading from a
/// top level [getter] and writing to a top level [setter].
/// For instance:
/// get o => 0;
/// set o(_) {}
/// m(rhs) => o += rhs;
R visitTopLevelGetterSetterCompound(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] reading from a
/// top level [method], that is, closurizing [method], and writing to a top
/// level [setter].
/// For instance:
/// o() {}
/// set o(_) {}
/// m(rhs) => o += rhs;
R visitTopLevelMethodSetterCompound(
Send node,
FunctionElement method,
FunctionElement setter,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a super
/// [field].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// var field;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(rhs) => super.field += rhs;
/// }
R visitSuperFieldCompound(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a final super
/// [field].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// final field = 0;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(rhs) => super.field += rhs;
/// }
R errorFinalSuperFieldCompound(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] reading from a
/// super [getter] and writing to a super [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// get o => 0;
/// set o(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(rhs) => super.o += rhs;
/// }
R visitSuperGetterSetterCompound(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] reading from a
/// super [method], that is, closurizing [method], and writing to a super
/// [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// o() {}
/// set o(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(rhs) => super.o += rhs;
/// }
R visitSuperMethodSetterCompound(
Send node,
FunctionElement method,
FunctionElement setter,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] reading from a
/// super [field] and writing to a super [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class A {
/// var o;
/// }
/// class B extends A {
/// set o(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(rhs) => super.o += rhs;
/// }
R visitSuperFieldSetterCompound(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
FunctionElement setter,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] reading from a
/// super [getter] and writing to a super [field].
/// For instance:
/// class A {
/// var o;
/// }
/// class B extends A {
/// get o => 0;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(rhs) => super.o += rhs;
/// }
R visitSuperGetterFieldCompound(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FieldElement field,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a type literal
/// for class [element].
/// For instance:
/// class C {}
/// m(rhs) => C += rhs;
R errorClassTypeLiteralCompound(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a type literal
/// for typedef [element].
/// For instance:
/// typedef F();
/// m(rhs) => F += rhs;
R errorTypedefTypeLiteralCompound(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on a type literal
/// for type variable [element].
/// For instance:
/// class C<T> {
/// m(rhs) => T += rhs;
/// }
R errorTypeVariableTypeLiteralCompound(
Send node,
TypeVariableElement element,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on the type
/// literal for `dynamic`.
/// For instance:
/// m(rhs) => dynamic += rhs;
R errorDynamicTypeLiteralCompound(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on the index
/// operators of [receiver] whose getter and setter are defined by
/// [getterSelector] and [setterSelector], respectively.
/// For instance:
/// m(receiver, index, rhs) => receiver[index] += rhs;
R visitCompoundIndexSet(
SendSet node,
Node receiver,
Node index,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment expression of [rhs] with [operator] on the index
/// operators of a super class defined by [getter] and [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// operator [](index) {}
/// operator [](index, value) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m(index, rhs) => super[index] += rhs;
/// }
R visitSuperCompoundIndexSet(
SendSet node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
Node index,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] of the property on [receiver] whose
/// getter and setter are defined by [getterSelector] and [setterSelector],
/// respectively.
/// For instance:
/// m(receiver) =>;
R visitDynamicPropertyPrefix(
Send node,
Node receiver,
IncDecOperator operator,
Selector getterSelector,
Selector setterSelector,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on a [parameter].
/// For instance:
/// m(parameter) => ++parameter;
R visitParameterPrefix(
Send node,
ParameterElement parameter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on a local [variable].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// var variable;
/// ++variable;
/// }
R visitLocalVariablePrefix(
Send node,
LocalVariableElement variable,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on a local [function].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// function() {}
/// ++function;
/// }
R errorLocalFunctionPrefix(
Send node,
LocalFunctionElement function,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] of the property on `this` whose getter
/// and setter are defined by [getterSelector] and [setterSelector],
/// respectively.
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// m() => ++foo;
/// }
/// or
/// class C {
/// m() =>;
/// }
R visitThisPropertyPrefix(
Send node,
IncDecOperator operator,
Selector getterSelector,
Selector setterSelector,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on a static [field].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static var field;
/// m() => ++field;
/// }
R visitStaticFieldPrefix(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] reading from a static [getter] and
/// writing to a static [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static get o => 0;
/// static set o(_) {}
/// m() => ++o;
/// }
R visitStaticGetterSetterPrefix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] reading from a static [method], that is,
/// closurizing [method], and writing to a static [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static o() {}
/// static set o(_) {}
/// m() => ++o;
/// }
R visitStaticMethodSetterPrefix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on a top level [field].
/// For instance:
/// var field;
/// m() => ++field;
R visitTopLevelFieldPrefix(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] reading from a top level [getter] and
/// writing to a top level [setter].
/// For instance:
/// get o => 0;
/// set o(_) {}
/// m() => ++o;
R visitTopLevelGetterSetterPrefix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] reading from a top level [method], that
/// is, closurizing [method], and writing to a top level [setter].
/// For instance:
/// o() {}
/// set o(_) {}
/// m() => ++o;
R visitTopLevelMethodSetterPrefix(
Send node,
FunctionElement method,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on a super [field].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// var field;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => ++super.field;
/// }
R visitSuperFieldPrefix(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] reading from the super field [readField]
/// and writing to the different super field [writtenField].
/// For instance:
/// class A {
/// var field;
/// }
/// class B extends A {
/// final field;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => ++super.field;
/// }
R visitSuperFieldFieldPrefix(
Send node,
FieldElement readField,
FieldElement writtenField,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] reading from a super [field] and writing
/// to a super [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class A {
/// var field;
/// }
/// class B extends A {
/// set field(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => ++super.field;
/// }
R visitSuperFieldSetterPrefix(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] reading from a super [getter] and
/// writing to a super [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// get field => 0;
/// set field(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => ++super.field;
/// }
R visitSuperGetterSetterPrefix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] reading from a super [getter] and
/// writing to a super [field].
/// For instance:
/// class A {
/// var field;
/// }
/// class B extends A {
/// get field => 0;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => ++super.field;
/// }
R visitSuperGetterFieldPrefix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FieldElement field,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] reading from a super [method], that is,
/// closurizing [method], and writing to a super [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// o() {}
/// set o(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => ++super.o;
/// }
R visitSuperMethodSetterPrefix(
Send node,
FunctionElement method,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on a type literal for a class [element].
/// For instance:
/// class C {}
/// m() => ++C;
R errorClassTypeLiteralPrefix(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on a type literal for a typedef
/// [element].
/// For instance:
/// typedef F();
/// m() => ++F;
R errorTypedefTypeLiteralPrefix(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on a type literal for a type variable
/// [element].
/// For instance:
/// class C<T> {
/// m() => ++T;
/// }
R errorTypeVariableTypeLiteralPrefix(
Send node,
TypeVariableElement element,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Prefix expression with [operator] on the type literal for `dynamic`.
/// For instance:
/// m() => ++dynamic;
R errorDynamicTypeLiteralPrefix(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] of the property on [receiver] whose
/// getter and setter are defined by [getterSelector] and [setterSelector],
/// respectively.
/// For instance:
/// m(receiver) =>;
R visitDynamicPropertyPostfix(
Send node,
Node receiver,
IncDecOperator operator,
Selector getterSelector,
Selector setterSelector,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on a [parameter].
/// For instance:
/// m(parameter) => parameter++;
R visitParameterPostfix(
Send node,
ParameterElement parameter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on a local [variable].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// var variable;
/// variable++;
/// }
R visitLocalVariablePostfix(
Send node,
LocalVariableElement variable,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on a local [function].
/// For instance:
/// m() {
/// function() {}
/// function++;
/// }
R errorLocalFunctionPostfix(
Send node,
LocalFunctionElement function,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] of the property on `this` whose getter
/// and setter are defined by [getterSelector] and [setterSelector],
/// respectively.
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// m() => foo++;
/// }
/// or
/// class C {
/// m() =>;
/// }
R visitThisPropertyPostfix(
Send node,
IncDecOperator operator,
Selector getterSelector,
Selector setterSelector,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on a static [field].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static var field;
/// m() => field++;
/// }
R visitStaticFieldPostfix(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] reading from a static [getter] and
/// writing to a static [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static get o => 0;
/// static set o(_) {}
/// m() => o++;
/// }
R visitStaticGetterSetterPostfix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] reading from a static [method], that
/// is, closurizing [method], and writing to a static [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class C {
/// static o() {}
/// static set o(_) {}
/// m() => o++;
/// }
R visitStaticMethodSetterPostfix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on a top level [field].
/// For instance:
/// var field;
/// m() => field++;
R visitTopLevelFieldPostfix(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] reading from a top level [getter] and
/// writing to a top level [setter].
/// For instance:
/// get o => 0;
/// set o(_) {}
/// m() => o++;
R visitTopLevelGetterSetterPostfix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] reading from a top level [method], that
/// is, closurizing [method], and writing to a top level [setter].
/// For instance:
/// o() {}
/// set o(_) {}
/// m() => o++;
R visitTopLevelMethodSetterPostfix(
Send node,
FunctionElement method,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on a super [field].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// var field;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => super.field++;
/// }
R visitSuperFieldPostfix(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] reading from the super field
/// [readField] and writing to the different super field [writtenField].
/// For instance:
/// class A {
/// var field;
/// }
/// class B extends A {
/// final field;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => super.field++;
/// }
R visitSuperFieldFieldPostfix(
Send node,
FieldElement readField,
FieldElement writtenField,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] reading from a super [field] and
/// writing to a super [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class A {
/// var field;
/// }
/// class B extends A {
/// set field(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => super.field++;
/// }
R visitSuperFieldSetterPostfix(
Send node,
FieldElement field,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] reading from a super [getter] and
/// writing to a super [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// get field => 0;
/// set field(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => super.field++;
/// }
R visitSuperGetterSetterPostfix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] reading from a super [getter] and
/// writing to a super [field].
/// For instance:
/// class A {
/// var field;
/// }
/// class B extends A {
/// get field => 0;
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => super.field++;
/// }
R visitSuperGetterFieldPostfix(
Send node,
FunctionElement getter,
FieldElement field,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] reading from a super [method], that is,
/// closurizing [method], and writing to a super [setter].
/// For instance:
/// class B {
/// o() {}
/// set o(_) {}
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => super.o++;
/// }
R visitSuperMethodSetterPostfix(
Send node,
FunctionElement method,
FunctionElement setter,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on a type literal for a class
/// [element].
/// For instance:
/// class C {}
/// m() => C++;
R errorClassTypeLiteralPostfix(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on a type literal for a typedef
/// [element].
/// For instance:
/// typedef F();
/// m() => F++;
R errorTypedefTypeLiteralPostfix(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on a type literal for a type variable
/// [element].
/// For instance:
/// class C<T> {
/// m() => T++;
/// }
R errorTypeVariableTypeLiteralPostfix(
Send node,
TypeVariableElement element,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix expression with [operator] on the type literal for `dynamic`.
/// For instance:
/// m() => dynamic++;
R errorDynamicTypeLiteralPostfix(
Send node,
TypeConstantExpression constant,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Read of the [constant].
/// For instance
/// const c = c;
/// m() => c;
R visitConstantGet(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the [constant] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// const c = null;
/// m() => c(null, 42);
R visitConstantInvoke(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Read of the unresolved [element].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m1() => unresolved;
/// m2() => prefix.unresolved;
/// m3() =>;
/// m4() =>;
/// m5() =>;
/// m6() => C.unresolved;
/// m7() => prefix.C.unresolved;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Split the cases in which a prefix is resolved.
R errorUnresolvedGet(
Send node,
Element element,
A arg);
/// Assignment of [rhs] to the unresolved [element].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m1() => unresolved = 42;
/// m2() => prefix.unresolved = 42;
/// m3() => = 42;
/// m4() => = 42;
/// m5() => = 42;
/// m6() => C.unresolved = 42;
/// m7() => prefix.C.unresolved = 42;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Split the cases in which a prefix is resolved.
R errorUnresolvedSet(
Send node,
Element element,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Invocation of the unresolved [element] with [arguments].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m1() => unresolved(null, 42);
/// m2() => prefix.unresolved(null, 42);
/// m3() =>, 42);
/// m4() =>, 42);
/// m5() =>, 42);
/// m6() => C.unresolved(null, 42);
/// m7() => prefix.C.unresolved(null, 42);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Split the cases in which a prefix is resolved.
R errorUnresolvedInvoke(
Send node,
Element element,
NodeList arguments,
Selector selector,
A arg);
/// Compound assignment of [rhs] on the unresolved [element].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m1() => unresolved += 42;
/// m2() => prefix.unresolved += 42;
/// m3() => += 42;
/// m4() => += 42;
/// m5() => += 42;
/// m6() => C.unresolved += 42;
/// m7() => prefix.C.unresolved += 42;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Split the cases in which a prefix is resolved.
R errorUnresolvedCompound(
Send node,
Element element,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Prefix operation on the unresolved [element].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m1() => ++unresolved;
/// m2() => ++prefix.unresolved;
/// m3() =>;
/// m4() =>;
/// m5() =>;
/// m6() => ++C.unresolved;
/// m7() => ++prefix.C.unresolved;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Split the cases in which a prefix is resolved.
R errorUnresolvedPrefix(
Send node,
Element element,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Postfix operation on the unresolved [element].
/// For instance
/// class C {}
/// m1() => unresolved++;
/// m2() => prefix.unresolved++;
/// m3() =>;
/// m4() =>;
/// m5() =>;
/// m6() => C.unresolved++;
/// m7() => prefix.C.unresolved++;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Split the cases in which a prefix is resolved.
R errorUnresolvedPostfix(
Send node,
Element element,
IncDecOperator operator,
A arg);
/// Index set operation on the unresolved super [element].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => super[1] = 42;
/// }
R errorUnresolvedSuperIndexSet(
Send node,
Element element,
Node index,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Compound index set operation on the unresolved super [element].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => super[1] += 42;
/// }
// TODO(johnniwinther): Split this case into unresolved getter/setter cases.
R errorUnresolvedSuperCompoundIndexSet(
Send node,
Element element,
Node index,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
A arg);
/// Unary operation on the unresolved super [element].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => -super;
/// }
R errorUnresolvedSuperUnary(
Send node,
UnaryOperator operator,
Element element,
A arg);
/// Binary operation on the unresolved super [element].
/// For instance
/// class B {
/// }
/// class C extends B {
/// m() => super + 42;
/// }
R errorUnresolvedSuperBinary(
Send node,
Element element,
BinaryOperator operator,
Node argument,
A arg);
/// Invocation of an undefined unary [operator] on [expression].
R errorUndefinedUnaryExpression(
Send node,
Operator operator,
Node expression,
A arg);
/// Invocation of an undefined unary [operator] with operands
/// [left] and [right].
R errorUndefinedBinaryExpression(
Send node,
Node left,
Operator operator,
Node right,
A arg);