blob: d8bc6178bb8d63a9dd3eaa0f430e4889279e8ad6 [file] [log] [blame]
export SUT_MAC="" #vm680-m3
export SUT_LINUX="" #vm127-m3
export WORD=editor
#export EGG="./dart_eggplant"
# Use the standard install of EggPlant since the custom version
# does not work when invoked as a command-line app
export EGG="/usr/GNUstep/Local/Applications/"
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
export LOC="$DIR"
export OPT="-DefaultDocumentDirectory $LOC"
export RESULTS="$1/ftr"
run_test() {
# Run a functional test suite and pack the results
# Param 1: Name of test suite
# Param 2: Slave IP addr
# Param 3: File suffix to indicate platform (l/m/w)
# Delete all previous results -- will be managed elsewhere
rm -rf "$LOC/$1.suite/Results"
# Run functional test suite
$EGG "$LOC/$1.suite/Scripts/exec.script" $OPT -params $2 $WORD 5901
# Package up results to ship elsewhere
pushd "$LOC/$1.suite"
tar cfa "$RESULTS/$1-$3.tgz" Results
# Delete all previously packaged results
rm -rf $RESULTS
mkdir $RESULTS
# Run the tests
run_test "Samples" $SUT_LINUX l
run_test "DartEditor" $SUT_LINUX l
run_test EditorFeatures $SUT_LINUX l
run_test "Samples" $SUT_MAC m
run_test "DartEditor" $SUT_MAC m
run_test "EditorFeatures" $SUT_MAC m