blob: a5f0b68fef2bfc1fcb01c4ceee6d7ef45c5bf9a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.
* Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
* The object array is basically the same as ArrayList. It is a bit faster than ArrayList in some
* versions of Java.
public class ObjectArray<E> {
* The iterator for this list.
class ObjectArrayIterator implements Iterator<E> {
private int index;
public boolean hasNext() {
return index < size;
public E next() {
return get(index++);
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private static final int CAPACITY_INIT = 4, CAPACITY_SHRINK = 256;
* Create a new object with the default initial capacity.
* @return the object
public static <E> ObjectArray<E> newInstance() {
return new ObjectArray<E>(CAPACITY_INIT);
* Create a new object with all elements of the given collection.
* @param collection the collection with all elements
* @return the object
public static <E> ObjectArray<E> newInstance(Collection<E> collection) {
return new ObjectArray<E>(collection);
* Create a new object with the given initial capacity.
* @param capacity the initial capacity
* @return the object
public static <E> ObjectArray<E> newInstance(int capacity) {
return new ObjectArray<E>(CAPACITY_INIT);
int size;
private E[] data;
private ObjectArray(Collection<E> collection) {
size = collection.size();
data = createArray(size);
Iterator<E> it = collection.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i] =;
private ObjectArray(int capacity) {
data = createArray(capacity);
* Append an object at the end of the list.
* @param value the value
public void add(E value) {
if (size >= data.length) {
data[size++] = value;
* Insert an element at the given position. The element at this position and all elements with a
* higher index move one element.
* @param index the index where to insert the object
* @param value the object to insert
public void add(int index, E value) {
if (DebugConstants.CHECK2 && index > size) {
if (index == size) {
} else {
System.arraycopy(data, index, data, index + 1, size - index);
data[index] = value;
* Add all objects from the given list.
* @param list the list
public void addAll(ObjectArray<E> list) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size; i++) {
* Remove all elements from the list.
public void clear() {
if (data.length > CAPACITY_SHRINK) {
data = createArray(CAPACITY_INIT);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
data[i] = null;
size = 0;
* Get the object at the given index.
* @param index the index
* @return the value
public E get(int index) {
if (DebugConstants.CHECK2 && index >= size) {
return data[index];
* Get the index of the given object, or -1 if not found.
* @param o the object to search
* @return the index
public int indexOf(E o) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (data[i] == o) {
return i;
return -1;
public Iterator<E> iterator() {
return new ObjectArrayIterator();
* Remove the object at the given index.
* @param index the index
* @return the removed object
public E remove(int index) {
// TODO performance: the app should (where possible)
// remove from end to start, to avoid O(n^2)
if (DebugConstants.CHECK2 && index >= size) {
E value = data[index];
System.arraycopy(data, index + 1, data, index, size - index - 1);
data[size] = null;
// TODO optimization / lib: could shrink ObjectArray on element remove
return value;
* Remove a number of elements from the given start and end index.
* @param from the start index
* @param to the end index
public void removeRange(int from, int to) {
if (DebugConstants.CHECK2 && (to > size || from > to)) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("to=" + to + " from=" + from + " size=" + size);
System.arraycopy(data, to, data, from, size - to);
size -= to - from;
for (int i = size + (to - from) - 1; i >= size; i--) {
data[i] = null;
* Update the object at the given index.
* @param index the index
* @param value the new value
public void set(int index, E value) {
if (DebugConstants.CHECK2 && index >= size) {
data[index] = value;
* Fill the list with empty elements until it reaches the given size.
* @param size the new size
public void setSize(int size) {
this.size = size;
* Get the size of the list.
* @return the size
public int size() {
return size;
* Sort the elements using the given comparator.
* @param comp the comparator
public void sort(Comparator<E> comp) {
sort(comp, 0, size - 1);
* Convert this list to an array. The target array must be big enough.
* @param array the target array
public void toArray(E[] array) {
ObjectUtils.arrayCopy(data, array, size);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
builder.append(", ");
Object object = get(i);
builder.append(object == null ? "" : object.toString());
return builder.append('}').toString();
* Shrink the array to the required size.
public void trimToSize() {
E[] d = createArray(size);
System.arraycopy(data, 0, d, 0, size);
data = d;
private E[] createArray(int capacity) {
return (E[]) new Object[capacity > 1 ? capacity : 1];
private void ensureCapacity(int i) {
while (i >= data.length) {
E[] d = createArray(Math.max(CAPACITY_INIT, data.length * 2));
System.arraycopy(data, 0, d, 0, size);
data = d;
* Sort using the quicksort algorithm.
* @param comp the comparator
* @param l the first element (left)
* @param r the last element (right)
private void sort(Comparator<E> comp, int l, int r) {
int i, j;
while (r - l > 10) {
// randomized pivot to avoid worst case
i = RandomUtils.nextInt(r - l - 4) + l + 2;
if (, get(r)) > 0) {
swap(l, r);
if (, get(l)) < 0) {
swap(l, i);
} else if (, get(r)) > 0) {
swap(i, r);
j = r - 1;
swap(i, j);
E p = get(j);
i = l;
while (true) {
do {
} while (, p) < 0);
do {
} while (, p) > 0);
if (i >= j) {
swap(i, j);
swap(i, r - 1);
sort(comp, l, i - 1);
l = i + 1;
for (i = l + 1; i <= r; i++) {
E Object = get(i);
for (j = i - 1; j >= l && (, Object) > 0); j--) {
set(j + 1, get(j));
set(j + 1, Object);
private void swap(int l, int r) {
E Object = data[r];
data[r] = data[l];
data[l] = Object;
// public void sortInsertion(Comparator comp) {
// for (int i = 1, j; i < size(); i++) {
// Object Object = get(i);
// for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && (, Object) < 0); j--) {
// set(j + 1, get(j));
// }
// set(j + 1, Object);
// }
// }
private void throwException(int index) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("i=" + index + " size=" + size);