blob: fe025d4d5a0e6b13821601c8210765a7999ce302 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- ======================================================================
Sep 6, 2011 4:04:51 PM
Dart Tools Tests Build
Build the Dart Tools tests and then run them over the Dart code
Mark R Russell (
====================================================================== -->
<project name="Dart Tools Tests Build" default="test">
Build the Dart Tools tests and the exercise then over the Dart code
<import file="../" />
<!-- =================================
target: test
Master target to controll the running of the tests
================================= -->
<target name="test" depends="doTests,check_results" description="Exercise the Dart Tools tests">
setup the classpaths and create properties for the run of tests
<target name="setupTests">
<path id="build.pde.test.port.locator.class.path">
location="${build.source}/build/pde.test.utils_3.3.jar" />
<fileset dir="${}/eclipse/plugins">
<include name="org.junit_3.*/**/junit.jar" />
<path id="build.pde.test.listener.class.path">
<path refid="build.pde.test.port.locator.class.path" />
<fileset dir="${}/eclipse/plugins">
<include name="org.apache.ant_*/**/ant.jar" />
<include name="org.apache.ant_*/**/ant-junit.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.jdt.junit_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.jdt.junit.core_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.debug.core_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.osgi_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.core.resources_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.swt_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.equinox.preferences_*.jar" />
<include name="org.junit_3.*/**/junit.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.core.runtime_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.equinox.common_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.ui.workbench_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.jface_*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.swt*.jar" />
<include name="org.eclipse.swt.*.jar" />
<property name="build.test.suite" value="" />
<property name="build.test.classname.list" value="" />
get the port used to communicate between Eclipse and the test listener
<target name="getPort">
classpathref="build.pde.test.port.locator.class.path" />
<available file="${build.tmp}/" />
<property file="${build.tmp}/" prefix="build." />
<echo message="Using port ${build.pde.test.port} for listening to PDE Test run" />
run the tests in DartTools
<target name="doTests" depends="deploy, setupTests, getPort">
<property name="build.eclipse.test_application"
value="org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.coretestapplication" />
<property name="build.test.platform.vm.args" value="" />
<property name="build.test.platform.command.args" value="" />
<property name="" value="DashTests" />
<property name="build.test.eclipse.workspace" value="${build.stage.abs}/workspace-test" />
<property name="build.test.reports.dir" value="${build.out}/reports" />
<echoproperties prefix="build." />
<fileset dir="${}/eclipse/plugins"
id="" />
<pathconvert property="" refid="" />
<echo message="starting Eclipse with ${}" />
<echo message="running application ${build.eclipse.test_application}"/>
<echo message="running test listener" />
<java classname="pde.test.utils.PDETestResultsCollector"
<arg line="${build.test.suite} ${build.pde.test.port}" />
<!-- Give the listener a few seconds to start up. -->
<sleep seconds="5" />
<echo message="Launching eclipse with ${}" />
<java jar="${}" fork="true" failonerror="false">
<jvmarg line="${build.test.platform.vm.args}" />
<jvmarg value="-Xmx1024m" />
<jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" />
<jvmarg value="-ea" />
<jvmarg value="${}/eclipse/dart-sdk" />
<jvmarg value="-Dbuild.extra.artifacts=${build.extra.artifacts}" />
<arg value="-consolelog" />
<arg value="-debug" />
<arg line="-application ${build.eclipse.test_application}" />
<arg line="${build.test.platform.command.args}" />
<arg value="-data" />
<arg value="${build.test.eclipse.workspace}" />
<arg value="-clean" />
<arg line="-port ${build.pde.test.port}" />
<arg line="-testpluginname ${build.test.suite}" />
<!-- This is only needed for SWTBot testing, but it doesn't cause
any ill effects for non-SWTBot tests. -->
<arg line="-loaderpluginname org.eclipse.jdt.junit.runtime" />
<arg line="-classNames ${build.test.classname.list}" />
<mkdir dir="${build.test.reports.dir}" />
<move todir="${build.test.reports.dir}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="**/TEST-*.xml" />
<!-- The -check_results task parses the generated XML report and looks for
the substrings 'failures="0"' and 'errors="0"'. If eitherof these
strings cannot be found, then a <fail> task is run.-->
<target name="check_results">
<headfilter lines="10" />
<!-- TODO: This condition assumes that there is a single report file with a
single <testsuite> tag. If we start generating more report files, or if each
may end up containing more than one <testsuite> tag, then this condition
needs to be modified. Rework this condition so that it is more
robust. -->
<condition property="tests.passed">
<available file="${build.test.reports.dir}/TEST-${build.test.suite}.xml" />
substring="errors=&quot;0&quot;" />
substring="failures=&quot;0&quot;" />
message="FAILED - some tests failed - see the XML report in ${build.test.reports.dir} for more details"
unless="tests.passed" />
message="SUCCESS - all tests passed - see the XML report in ${build.test.reports.dir} for more details" />
deploy the tests to the out directory so they can be used by the test runner
<target name="deploy" depends="build" description="Deploy the built Dart tests">
<property file="${build.stage.scripts}/" prefix="build.pde."/>
<unzip dest="${}" >
<fileset dir="${build.stage.abs}/${build.pde.buildLabel}" includes="*.zip" />
call the PDE and build the test feature
<target name="build" depends="setupBuild" description="Build the Dart Tools tests">
<dirset dir="${build.runtime}/eclipse/plugins" id="pde.ds">
<include name="*pde.build_*" />
<pathconvert property="" refid="pde.ds" setonempty="false"/>
<property name="pde.scripts.update" location="${}/scripts" />
<echo message="PDE is located in ${}" />
<mkdir dir="${build.stage.scripts}" />
<copy todir="${build.stage.scripts}" file="" />
<property file="${build.stage.scripts}/" prefix="pde." />
<echoproperties prefix="pde." />
<runAntBuildInEclipse script="${pde.scripts.update}/build.xml" eclipse="3.7"
builddir="${build.stage.scripts}" />
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
target: setupRuntimeEclipse
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<target name="setupRuntimeEclipse">
<setupEclipse location="${build.runtime}" version="${build.runtime.eclipse.version}"
arch="${build.eclipse.arch}""${}" />
<fileset dir="${build.runtime}/eclipse/plugins" id="launcherFs" >
<include name="*launcher_*.jar" />
<pathconvert property="eclipse.runtime.launcher.jar" refid="launcherFs" />
<target name="setupBuild" depends="init, setupRuntimeEclipse">
<setupEclipse location="${}" version="${}"
arch="${build.eclipse.arch}""${}" />
<setupDeltaPack location="${}" eclipse="${}" />
<copy todir="${build.stage.plugins}">
<fileset dir="${build.source}/tools/plugins">
<!-- for now, don't copy this over; several of its plugin dependencies are not satisfied -->
<exclude name="**"/>
<include name="*_test/**" />
<copy todir="${build.stage.features}">
<fileset dir="${build.source}/tools/features">
<include name="*/**" />
<property name=""
value="${build.stage.plugins}/" />
<mkdir dir="${}/src-compiler-javatests" />
<!-- -->
<property name="dart.thirdparty_test.dir"
value="${build.stage.plugins}/" />
<copy todir="${dart.thirdparty_test.dir}/lib">
<fileset dir="${build.source.root}/third_party">
<include name="fest/**" />
<include name="hamcrest/**" />
<include name="mockito/**" />
<!-- deploy the plugins and features to the dropins directory -->
<unzip dest="${}" src="${build.out}/dart-editor-${}.${build.eclipse.arch}.zip">
<include name="**/plugins/*/**" />
<include name="**/features/*/**" />
<!-- deploy samples, libraries, and dart-sdk to the target eclipse -->
<unzip dest="${}" src="${build.out}/dart-editor-${}.${build.eclipse.arch}.zip">
<include name="*/samples/**" />
<include name="*/dart-sdk/**" />
<move todir="${}/eclipse">
<fileset dir="${}/dart">
<include name="samples/**" />
<include name="dart-sdk/**" />
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
target: init
initialize the build environment by cleaning up the directory and
creating the needed directories
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<target name="init" depends="setOS, readProperties">
<property environment="env" />
<echoproperties prefix="env." />
<format property="" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmm" />
<echoProperty propertyName="ant.file" />
<echoProperty propertyName="ant.home" />
<echoProperty propertyName="ant.version" />
<echoProperty propertyName="java.home" />
<echoProperty propertyName="java.vendor" />
<echoProperty propertyName="java.version" />
<echoProperty propertyName="" />
<echoProperty propertyName="dataLocation" />
<condition property="data.location" value="${dataLocation}">
<isset property="dataLocation" />
<property name="data.location" location="../" />
<echoProperty propertyName="data.location" />
validate that the data location is a directory
data.location must be set to a valid directory containing the configuration properties file.
the current value is ${data.location}.
<available file="${data.location}" type="dir" />
<property name="" location="${data.location}/${}.properties" />
<property name="" location="${data.location}/" />
<property name="" location="${data.location}/" />
<echo message="reading ${}" />
<property file="${}" />
<echo message="reading ${}" />
<property file="${}" />
validate that the file exists
${} must exist.
<available file="${}" type="file" />
validate the the build.source is a directory
build.source must be set to the root of the dart Eclipse tree it must be a directory
containing the source for the dart Eclipse product.
The current value is ${build.source}.
<available file="${build.source}" type="dir" />
validate that ${build.source}/docs/README.txt exists
It appears that build.source is not pointing to the root of the dart Eclipse tree.
The build is trying to verify that file ${build.source}/docs/README.txt is a file.
The current value is ${build.source}/dart/bundle/README.txt.
<available file="${build.source}/docs/README.txt" type="file" />
<condition property="build.revision" value="${env.BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION}">
<isset property="env.BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION" />
<property name="build.revision" value="unknown" />
<dirname file="${build.source}" property="build.source.root"/>
<property file="${}" />
<property name="build.stage.scripts" location="${build.stage}/scripts" />
<echoproperties prefix="java." />
<property name="build.runtime.abs" location="${build.runtime}" />
<property name="" location="${}" />
<property name="build.stage.abs" location="${build.stage}" />
<echoproperties prefix="build." />
<echoproperties prefix="build." destfile="${}"/>
<echoProperty propertyName="eclipse-sdk.3.8.url" />
<echoProperty propertyName="" />
<echoProperty propertyName="eclipse-sdk.3.7.url" />
<echoProperty propertyName="" />
<echoProperty propertyName="eclipse-sdk-win32.win32.ext" />
<echoProperty propertyName="eclipse-sdk-linux.gtk.ext" />
<echoProperty propertyName="eclipse-sdk-macosx.macosx.ext" />
cleanup the build.tmp directory
<delete failonerror="false" includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${build.tmp}" />
create the build structure
<mkdir dir="${build.downloads}" />
<mkdir dir="${build.runtime}" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${build.stage.plugins}" />
<mkdir dir="${build.stage.features}" />
<mkdir dir="${build.out}" />