blob: fb8f4533fe6d3828b3f964b0cbce06085073006e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012, the Dart project authors.
* Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Instances of the class {@code InstanceCreationExpression} represent an instance creation
* expression.
* <pre>
* newExpression ::=
* ('new' | 'const') {@link TypeName type} ('.' {@link SimpleIdentifier identifier})? {@link ArgumentList argumentList}
* </pre>
* @coverage dart.engine.ast
public class InstanceCreationExpression extends Expression {
* The keyword used to indicate how an object should be created.
private Token keyword;
* The name of the constructor to be invoked.
private ConstructorName constructorName;
* The list of arguments to the constructor.
private ArgumentList argumentList;
* The element associated with the constructor based on static type information, or {@code null}
* if the AST structure has not been resolved or if the constructor could not be resolved.
private ConstructorElement staticElement;
* The result of evaluating this expression, if it is constant.
private EvaluationResultImpl result;
* Initialize a newly created instance creation expression.
* @param keyword the keyword used to indicate how an object should be created
* @param constructorName the name of the constructor to be invoked
* @param argumentList the list of arguments to the constructor
public InstanceCreationExpression(Token keyword, ConstructorName constructorName,
ArgumentList argumentList) {
this.keyword = keyword;
this.constructorName = becomeParentOf(constructorName);
this.argumentList = becomeParentOf(argumentList);
public <R> R accept(AstVisitor<R> visitor) {
return visitor.visitInstanceCreationExpression(this);
* Return the list of arguments to the constructor.
* @return the list of arguments to the constructor
public ArgumentList getArgumentList() {
return argumentList;
public Token getBeginToken() {
return keyword;
* Return the name of the constructor to be invoked.
* @return the name of the constructor to be invoked
public ConstructorName getConstructorName() {
return constructorName;
public Token getEndToken() {
return argumentList.getEndToken();
* Return the result of evaluating this constant as a compile-time constant expression, or
* {@code null} if this variable is not a 'const' expression or an error prevented the result from
* being computed.
* @return the result of evaluating this constant
public EvaluationResultImpl getEvaluationResult() {
return result;
* Return the keyword used to indicate how an object should be created.
* @return the keyword used to indicate how an object should be created
public Token getKeyword() {
return keyword;
public int getPrecedence() {
return 16;
* Return the element associated with the constructor based on static type information, or
* {@code null} if the AST structure has not been resolved or if the constructor could not be
* resolved.
* @return the element associated with the constructor
public ConstructorElement getStaticElement() {
return staticElement;
* Return {@code true} if this creation expression is used to invoke a constant constructor.
* @return {@code true} if this creation expression is used to invoke a constant constructor
public boolean isConst() {
return keyword instanceof KeywordToken
&& ((KeywordToken) keyword).getKeyword() == Keyword.CONST;
* Set the list of arguments to the constructor to the given list.
* @param argumentList the list of arguments to the constructor
public void setArgumentList(ArgumentList argumentList) {
this.argumentList = becomeParentOf(argumentList);
* Set the name of the constructor to be invoked to the given name.
* @param constructorName the name of the constructor to be invoked
public void setConstructorName(ConstructorName constructorName) {
this.constructorName = becomeParentOf(constructorName);
* Set the result of evaluating this expression as a compile-time constant expression to the given
* result.
* @param result the result of evaluating this expression
public void setEvaluationResult(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
this.result = result;
* Set the keyword used to indicate how an object should be created to the given keyword.
* @param keyword the keyword used to indicate how an object should be created
public void setKeyword(Token keyword) {
this.keyword = keyword;
* Set the element associated with the constructor based on static type information to the given
* element.
* @param element the element to be associated with the constructor
public void setStaticElement(ConstructorElement element) {
this.staticElement = element;
public void visitChildren(AstVisitor<?> visitor) {
safelyVisitChild(constructorName, visitor);
safelyVisitChild(argumentList, visitor);