blob: be4f7f4018a71578ce2cca5b748c631dcf0a6bb7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.
* Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* Instances of the class {@code Library} represent the data about a single library during the
* resolution of some (possibly different) library. They are not intended to be used except during
* the resolution process.
* @coverage dart.engine.resolver
public class Library {
* The analysis context in which this library is being analyzed.
private InternalAnalysisContext analysisContext;
* The inheritance manager which is used for this member lookups in this library.
private InheritanceManager inheritanceManager;
* The listener to which analysis errors will be reported.
private AnalysisErrorListener errorListener;
* The source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library.
private Source librarySource;
* The library element representing this library.
private LibraryElementImpl libraryElement;
* A list containing all of the libraries that are imported into this library.
private Library[] importedLibraries = EMPTY_ARRAY;
* A table mapping URI-based directive to the actual URI value.
private HashMap<UriBasedDirective, String> directiveUris = new HashMap<UriBasedDirective, String>();
* A flag indicating whether this library explicitly imports core.
private boolean explicitlyImportsCore = false;
* A list containing all of the libraries that are exported from this library.
private Library[] exportedLibraries = EMPTY_ARRAY;
* A table mapping the sources for the compilation units in this library to their corresponding
* AST structures.
private HashMap<Source, ResolvableCompilationUnit> astMap = new HashMap<Source, ResolvableCompilationUnit>();
* The library scope used when resolving elements within this library's compilation units.
private LibraryScope libraryScope;
* An empty array that can be used to initialize lists of libraries.
private static final Library[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Library[0];
* The prefix of a URI using the dart-ext scheme to reference a native code library.
private static final String DART_EXT_SCHEME = "dart-ext:";
* Initialize a newly created data holder that can maintain the data associated with a library.
* @param analysisContext the analysis context in which this library is being analyzed
* @param errorListener the listener to which analysis errors will be reported
* @param librarySource the source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library
public Library(InternalAnalysisContext analysisContext, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener,
Source librarySource) {
this.analysisContext = analysisContext;
this.errorListener = errorListener;
this.librarySource = librarySource;
this.libraryElement = (LibraryElementImpl) analysisContext.getLibraryElement(librarySource);
* Return the AST structure associated with the given source.
* @param source the source representing the compilation unit whose AST is to be returned
* @return the AST structure associated with the given source
* @throws AnalysisException if an AST structure could not be created for the compilation unit
public CompilationUnit getAST(Source source) throws AnalysisException {
ResolvableCompilationUnit holder = astMap.get(source);
if (holder == null) {
holder = analysisContext.computeResolvableCompilationUnit(source);
astMap.put(source, holder);
return holder.getCompilationUnit();
* Return an array of the {@link CompilationUnit}s that make up the library. The first unit is
* always the defining unit.
* @return an array of the {@link CompilationUnit}s that make up the library. The first unit is
* always the defining unit
public CompilationUnit[] getCompilationUnits() throws AnalysisException {
ArrayList<CompilationUnit> unitArrayList = new ArrayList<CompilationUnit>(astMap.size());
for (Source source : astMap.keySet()) {
if (!librarySource.equals(source)) {
return unitArrayList.toArray(new CompilationUnit[unitArrayList.size()]);
* Return a collection containing the sources for the compilation units in this library, including
* the defining compilation unit.
* @return the sources for the compilation units in this library
public Set<Source> getCompilationUnitSources() {
return astMap.keySet();
* Return the AST structure associated with the defining compilation unit for this library.
* @return the AST structure associated with the defining compilation unit for this library
* @throws AnalysisException if an AST structure could not be created for the defining compilation
* unit
public CompilationUnit getDefiningCompilationUnit() throws AnalysisException {
return getAST(librarySource);
* Return {@code true} if this library explicitly imports core.
* @return {@code true} if this library explicitly imports core
public boolean getExplicitlyImportsCore() {
return explicitlyImportsCore;
* Return an array containing the libraries that are exported from this library.
* @return an array containing the libraries that are exported from this library
public Library[] getExports() {
return exportedLibraries;
* Return an array containing the libraries that are imported into this library.
* @return an array containing the libraries that are imported into this library
public Library[] getImports() {
return importedLibraries;
* Return an array containing the libraries that are either imported or exported from this
* library.
* @return the libraries that are either imported or exported from this library
public Library[] getImportsAndExports() {
HashSet<Library> libraries = new HashSet<Library>(importedLibraries.length
+ exportedLibraries.length);
for (Library library : importedLibraries) {
for (Library library : exportedLibraries) {
return libraries.toArray(new Library[libraries.size()]);
* Return the inheritance manager for this library.
* @return the inheritance manager for this library
public InheritanceManager getInheritanceManager() {
if (inheritanceManager == null) {
return inheritanceManager = new InheritanceManager(libraryElement);
return inheritanceManager;
* Return the library element representing this library, creating it if necessary.
* @return the library element representing this library
public LibraryElementImpl getLibraryElement() {
if (libraryElement == null) {
try {
libraryElement = (LibraryElementImpl) analysisContext.computeLibraryElement(librarySource);
} catch (AnalysisException exception) {
"Could not compute library element for " + librarySource.getFullName(),
return libraryElement;
* Return the library scope used when resolving elements within this library's compilation units.
* @return the library scope used when resolving elements within this library's compilation units
public LibraryScope getLibraryScope() {
if (libraryScope == null) {
libraryScope = new LibraryScope(libraryElement, errorListener);
return libraryScope;
* Return the source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library.
* @return the source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library
public Source getLibrarySource() {
return librarySource;
* Return the modification time associated with the given source.
* @param source the source representing the compilation unit whose modification time is to be
* returned
* @return the modification time associated with the given source
* @throws AnalysisException if an AST structure could not be created for the compilation unit
public long getModificationTime(Source source) throws AnalysisException {
ResolvableCompilationUnit holder = astMap.get(source);
if (holder == null) {
holder = analysisContext.computeResolvableCompilationUnit(source);
astMap.put(source, holder);
return holder.getModificationTime();
* Return the result of resolving the URI of the given URI-based directive against the URI of the
* library, or {@code null} if the URI is not valid. If the URI is not valid, report the error.
* @param directive the directive which URI should be resolved
* @return the result of resolving the URI against the URI of the library
public Source getSource(UriBasedDirective directive) {
StringLiteral uriLiteral = directive.getUri();
if (uriLiteral instanceof StringInterpolation) {
errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError(
return null;
String uriContent = uriLiteral.getStringValue().trim();
directiveUris.put(directive, uriContent);
uriContent = UriUtilities.encode(uriContent);
if (directive instanceof ImportDirective && uriContent.startsWith(DART_EXT_SCHEME)) {
return null;
try {
new URI(uriContent);
Source source = analysisContext.getSourceFactory().resolveUri(librarySource, uriContent);
if (!analysisContext.exists(source)) {
errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError(
return source;
} catch (URISyntaxException exception) {
errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError(
return null;
* Returns the URI value of the given directive.
public String getUri(UriBasedDirective directive) {
return directiveUris.get(directive);
* Set the AST structure associated with the defining compilation unit for this library to the
* given AST structure.
* @param modificationStamp the modification time of the source from which the compilation unit
* was created
* @param unit the AST structure associated with the defining compilation unit for this library
public void setDefiningCompilationUnit(long modificationStamp, CompilationUnit unit) {
astMap.put(librarySource, new ResolvableCompilationUnit(modificationStamp, unit));
* Set whether this library explicitly imports core to match the given value.
* @param explicitlyImportsCore {@code true} if this library explicitly imports core
public void setExplicitlyImportsCore(boolean explicitlyImportsCore) {
this.explicitlyImportsCore = explicitlyImportsCore;
* Set the libraries that are exported by this library to be those in the given array.
* @param exportedLibraries the libraries that are exported by this library
public void setExportedLibraries(Library[] exportedLibraries) {
this.exportedLibraries = exportedLibraries;
* Set the libraries that are imported into this library to be those in the given array.
* @param importedLibraries the libraries that are imported into this library
public void setImportedLibraries(Library[] importedLibraries) {
this.importedLibraries = importedLibraries;
* Set the library element representing this library to the given library element.
* @param libraryElement the library element representing this library
public void setLibraryElement(LibraryElementImpl libraryElement) {
this.libraryElement = libraryElement;
if (inheritanceManager != null) {
public String toString() {
return librarySource.getShortName();