blob: 8b6eceed16c62897679cd79e0bc71b293c5afaeb [file] [log] [blame]
(* Ensure a legacy web-ui app compiles and runs -- also checks basic debugger operations *)
Run toggleHints
RunWithNewResults "Step 0"
(* No longer running the bulk of the code lab. Testing web_ui compatibility only
put the result into Outcome
if the status of Outcome is not "Success" then
log Outcome
set TestList to ("Step 1","Step 5")
repeat with each testScript of TestList
RunWithNewResults testScript
put the result into Outcome
put testScript & ":" && status of Outcome && Return after currentReport
if the status of Outcome is "Failure" then
run "clean up"
end if
end repeat
Log "Final Results"
repeat with each line of currentReport
log it
end Repeat
end if