blob: dfe03eddb051e43a852026fc7318c2685680af3e [file] [log] [blame]
TypeText escape (* In case a prompt is showing *)
TypeText escape
(* if the debugger is open, close it after stopping it*)
(* close the project folder, discarding changes *)
put ImageFound("project icon") into proj
if proj then
put ImageLocation("project icon") into loc
Click loc
util.xWait 0.2
RightClick loc (* select project and show context menu *)
util.xWait 0.2
Click(Text:"Delete",CaseSensitive:"Yes",ValidCharacters:"*") (* delete it *)
util.xWait 0.5
put ImageFound("info icon") into res
if res then
end if
put ImageFound("continue button") into cont
if cont then (* yes, delete resources *)
Click "continue button"
end if
end if
(* close output tab, if any *)