blob: 9216de6011ae6297b996b02ddbcd53a900d26491 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.
* Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
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* the License.
public class ElementLocationImplTest extends EngineTestCase {
public void test_create_encoding() {
String encoding = "a;b;c";
ElementLocationImpl location = new ElementLocationImpl(encoding);
assertEquals(encoding, location.getEncoding());
* For example unnamed constructor.
public void test_create_encoding_emptyLast() {
String encoding = "a;b;c;";
ElementLocationImpl location = new ElementLocationImpl(encoding);
assertEquals(encoding, location.getEncoding());
public void test_equals_equal() {
String encoding = "a;b;c";
ElementLocationImpl first = new ElementLocationImpl(encoding);
ElementLocationImpl second = new ElementLocationImpl(encoding);
public void test_equals_notEqual_differentLengths() {
ElementLocationImpl first = new ElementLocationImpl("a;b;c");
ElementLocationImpl second = new ElementLocationImpl("a;b;c;d");
public void test_equals_notEqual_notLocation() {
ElementLocationImpl first = new ElementLocationImpl("a;b;c");
public void test_equals_notEqual_sameLengths() {
ElementLocationImpl first = new ElementLocationImpl("a;b;c");
ElementLocationImpl second = new ElementLocationImpl("a;b;d");
public void test_getComponents() {
String encoding = "a;b;c";
ElementLocationImpl location = new ElementLocationImpl(encoding);
String[] components = location.getComponents();
assertLength(3, components);
assertEquals("a", components[0]);
assertEquals("b", components[1]);
assertEquals("c", components[2]);
public void test_getEncoding() {
String encoding = "a;b;c;;d";
ElementLocationImpl location = new ElementLocationImpl(encoding);
assertEquals(encoding, location.getEncoding());
public void test_hashCode_equal() {
String encoding = "a;b;c";
ElementLocationImpl first = new ElementLocationImpl(encoding);
ElementLocationImpl second = new ElementLocationImpl(encoding);
assertTrue(first.hashCode() == second.hashCode());