blob: a70aeb3d573cc2cac04de6f594ee9844996f724f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.
* Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class IntArrayToIntMapTest extends TestCase {
private static int[] HASH_32_KEY_1 = {1};
private static int[] HASH_32_KEY_2 = {33};
private static int[] HASH_32_KEY_3 = {65};
private static int[] HASH_33_KEY = {2};
private IntArrayToIntMap map = new IntArrayToIntMap(16, 0.75f);
public void test_get_no() throws Exception {
assertEquals(-1, map.get(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
public void test_put_conflict_3() throws Exception {
map.put(HASH_32_KEY_1, 10);
map.put(HASH_32_KEY_2, 20);
map.put(HASH_32_KEY_3, 30);
assertEquals(10, map.get(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
assertEquals(20, map.get(HASH_32_KEY_2, -1));
assertEquals(30, map.get(HASH_32_KEY_3, -1));
// update exiting Entry
map.put(HASH_32_KEY_2, 200);
assertEquals(10, map.get(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
assertEquals(200, map.get(HASH_32_KEY_2, -1));
assertEquals(30, map.get(HASH_32_KEY_3, -1));
public void test_put_noConflict() throws Exception {
map.put(HASH_32_KEY_1, 10);
map.put(HASH_33_KEY, 20);
assertEquals(10, map.get(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
assertEquals(20, map.get(HASH_33_KEY, -1));
public void test_remove_hasConflict() throws Exception {
// put
assertEquals(-1, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
assertEquals(-1, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_2, -1));
assertEquals(-1, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_3, -1));
map.put(HASH_32_KEY_1, 10);
map.put(HASH_32_KEY_2, 20);
map.put(HASH_32_KEY_3, 30);
assertEquals(3, map.size());
// remove
assertEquals(10, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
assertEquals(2, map.size());
assertEquals(20, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_2, -1));
assertEquals(1, map.size());
assertEquals(30, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_3, -1));
assertEquals(0, map.size());
// nothing to remove
assertEquals(-1, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
assertEquals(-1, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_2, -1));
assertEquals(-1, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_3, -1));
assertEquals(0, map.size());
public void test_remove_noConflict() throws Exception {
assertEquals(-1, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
// put
map.put(HASH_32_KEY_1, 10);
assertEquals(1, map.size());
// remove
assertEquals(10, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
assertEquals(-1, map.remove(HASH_32_KEY_1, -1));
assertEquals(0, map.size());
public void test_size() throws Exception {
// empty
assertEquals(0, map.size());
// 1 key
map.put(new int[] {1}, 10);
assertEquals(1, map.size());
// 2 keys
map.put(new int[] {1, 2}, 20);
assertEquals(2, map.size());
// same key
map.put(new int[] {1, 2}, 200);
assertEquals(2, map.size());
// remove
map.remove(new int[] {1, 2}, -1);
assertEquals(1, map.size());
public void test_stress() throws Exception {
int count = 1000;
// fill map
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int[] key = new int[] {i << 5, i << 3};
map.put(key, i);
// check map
assertEquals(count, map.size());
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int[] key = new int[] {i << 5, i << 3};
assertEquals(i, map.get(key, -1));