blob: 3a0981cc6a81b9ca8c5871ad628c877121786782 [file] [log] [blame]
# v 1.0.0
# Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Gil Dabah,
# disOps is a part of the diStorm project, but can be used for anything.
# The generated output is tightly coupled with diStorm data structures which can be found at instructions.h.
# The code in diStorm that actually walks these structures is found at instructions.c.
# Since the DB was built purposely for diStorm, there are some
# Known issues:
# 1. ARPL/MOVSXD information in DB is stored as ARPL.
# Since ARPL and MOVSXD share the same opcode this DB doesn't support this mix.
# Therefore, if you use this DB for x64 instructions, you have to take care of this one.
# 2. SSE CMP pseudo instructions have the DEFAULT suffix letters of its type in the second mnemonic,
# the third operand, Imm8 which is responsible for determining the suffix,
# doesn't appear in the operands list but rather an InstFlag.PSEUDO_OPCODE implies this behavior.
# 3. The WAIT instruction is a bit problematic from a static DB point of view, read the comments in init_FPU in
# 4. The OpLen.OL_33, [0x66, 0x0f, 0x78, 0x0], ["EXTRQ"] is very problematic as well.
# Since there's another 8 group table after the 0x78 byte in this case, but it's already a Prefixed table.
# Therefore, we will handle it as a normal 0x78 instruction with a mandatory prefix of 0x66.
# But the REG (=0) field of the ModRM byte will be checked in the decoder by a flag that states so.
# Otherwise, another normal table after Prefixed table really complicates matters,
# and doesn't worth the hassle for one exceptional instruction.
# 5. The NOP (0x90) instruction is really set in the DB as xchg rAX, rAX. Rather than true NOP, this is because of x64 behavior.
# Hence, it will be decided in runtime when decoding streams according to the mode.
# 6. The PAUSE (0xf3, 0x90) instruction isn't found in the DB, it will be returned directly by diStorm.
# This is because the 0xf3 in this case is not a mandatory prefix, and we don't want it to be built as part of a prefixed table.
# 7. The IO String instructions don't have explicit form and they don't support segments.
# It's up to diStorm to decide what to do with the operands and which segment is default and overrided.
# 8. Since opcodeId is an offset into the mnemonics table, the psuedo compare mnemonics needs a helper table to fix the offset.
# Psuedo compare instructions work in such a way that only the first instruction is defined in the DB.
# The rest are found using the third operand (that's why they are psuedo).
# To maximize the usage of this DB, one should learn the documentation of diStorm regarding the InstFlag and Operands Types.
import re
import time
import functools
import x86sets
import x86db
import x86generator
# Work with multi line and dot-all.
reFlags = re.M | re.S
def CreateMnemonicsC(mnemonicsIds):
""" Create the opcodes arrays for C header files. """
opsEnum = "typedef enum {\n\tI_UNDEFINED = 0, "
pos = 0
l2 = sorted(mnemonicsIds.keys())
for i in l2:
s = "I_%s = %d" % (i.replace(" ", "_").replace(",", ""), mnemonicsIds[i])
if i != l2[-1]:
s += ","
pos += len(s)
if pos >= 70:
s += "\n\t"
pos = 0
elif i != l2[-1]:
s += " "
opsEnum += s
opsEnum += "\n} _InstructionType;"
# Mnemonics are sorted by insertion order. (Psuedo mnemonics depend on this!)
s = "const unsigned char _MNEMONICS[] =\n\"\\\\x09\" \"UNDEFINED\\\\0\" "
l = list(zip(mnemonicsIds.keys(), mnemonicsIds.values()))
l = sorted(l, key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x, y: x[1] - y[1]))
for i in l:
s += "\"\\\\x%02x\" \"%s\\\\0\" " % (len(i[0]), i[0])
if len(s) - s.rfind("\n") >= 76:
s += "\\\\\n"
s = s[:-1] + ";" # Ignore last space.
# Return enum & mnemonics.
return (opsEnum, s)
def CreateMnemonicsPython(mnemonicsIds):
""" Create the opcodes dictionary for Python. """
s = "Mnemonics = {\n"
for i in mnemonicsIds:
s += "0x%x: \"%s\", " % (mnemonicsIds[i], i)
if len(s) - s.rfind("\n") >= 76:
s = s[:-1] + "\n"
# Fix ending of the block.
s = s[:-2] # Remote last comma/space we always add for the last line.
if s[-1] != "\n":
s += "\n"
# Return mnemonics dictionary only.
return s + "}"
def CreateMnemonicsJava(mnemonicsIds):
""" Create the opcodes dictionary/enum for Java. """
s = "public enum OpcodeEnum {\n\tUNDEFINED, "
for i in mnemonicsIds:
s += "%s, " % (i.replace(" ", "_").replace(",", ""))
if len(s) - s.rfind("\n") >= 76:
s = s[:-1] + "\n\t"
# Fix ending of the block.
s = s[:-2] # Remote last comma/space we always add for the last line.
if s[-1] != "\n":
s += "\n"
opsEnum = s + "}"
s = "static {\n\t\tmOpcodes.put(0, OpcodeEnum.UNDEFINED);\n"
for i in mnemonicsIds:
s += "\t\tmOpcodes.put(0x%x, OpcodeEnum.%s);\n" % (mnemonicsIds[i], i.replace(" ", "_").replace(",", ""))
s += "\t}"
# Return enum & mnemonics.
return (opsEnum, s)
def WriteMnemonicsC(mnemonicsIds):
""" Write the enum of opcods and their corresponding mnemonics to the C files. """
path = "..\\include\\mnemonics.h"
print("- Try rewriting mnemonics for %s." % path)
e, m = CreateMnemonicsC(mnemonicsIds)
old = open(path, "r").read()
rePattern = "typedef.{5,20}I_UNDEFINED.*?_InstructionType\;"
if re.compile(rePattern, reFlags).search(old) == None:
raise Exception("Couldn't find matching mnemonics enum block for substitution in " + path)
new = re.sub(rePattern, e, old, 1, reFlags)
open(path, "w").write(new)
path = "..\\src\\mnemonics.c"
print("- Try rewriting mnemonics for %s." % path)
old = open(path, "r").read()
rePattern = "const unsigned char _MNEMONICS\[\] =.*?;"
if re.compile(rePattern, reFlags).search(old) == None:
raise Exception("Couldn't find matching mnemonics text block for substitution in " + path)
new = re.sub(rePattern, m, old, 1, reFlags)
open(path, "w").write(new)
def WriteMnemonicsPython(mnemonicsIds):
""" Write the dictionary of opcods to the python module. """
# Fix Python dictionary inside
path = "..\\python\\distorm3\\"
print("- Try rewriting mnemonics for %s." % path)
d = CreateMnemonicsPython(mnemonicsIds)
old = open(path, "r").read()
rePattern = "Mnemonics = \{.*?\}"
if re.compile(rePattern, reFlags).search(old) == None:
raise Exception("Couldn't find matching mnemonics dictionary for substitution in " + path)
new = re.sub(rePattern, d, old, 1, reFlags)
open(path, "w").write(new)
def WriteMnemonicsJava(mnemonicsIds):
""" Write the enum of opcods and their corresponding mnemonics to the Java files. """
# Fix Java enum and mnemonics arrays
path = "..\\examples\\java\\distorm\\src\\diStorm3\\"
print("- Try rewriting mnemonics for %s." % path)
e, m = CreateMnemonicsJava(mnemonicsIds)
old = open(path, "r").read()
rePattern = "public enum OpcodeEnum \{.*?}"
if re.compile(rePattern, reFlags).search(old) == None:
raise Exception("Couldn't find matching mnemonics enum block for substitution in " + path)
new = re.sub(rePattern, e, old, 1, reFlags)
open(path, "w").write(new)
path = "..\\examples\\java\\distorm\\src\\diStorm3\\"
print("- Try rewriting mnemonics for %s." % path)
old = open(path, "r").read()
rePattern = "static \{.*?}"
if re.compile(rePattern, reFlags).search(old) == None:
raise Exception("Couldn't find matching mnemonics text block for substitution in " + path)
new = re.sub(rePattern, m, old, 1, reFlags)
open(path, "w").write(new)
def WriteInstsC(lists):
""" Write the tables of the instructions in the C source code. """
path = "..\\src\\insts.c"
print("- Try rewriting instructions for %s." % path)
old = open(path, "r").read()
pos = old.find("/*\n * GENERATED")
if pos == -1:
raise Exception("Can't find marker in %s" % path)
new = old[:pos]
new += "/*\n * GENERATED BY disOps at %s\n */\n\n" % time.asctime()
new += lists
open(path, "w").write(new)
def main():
# Init the 80x86/x64 instructions sets DB.
db = x86db.InstructionsDB()
x86InstructionsSet = x86sets.Instructions(db.SetInstruction)
# Generate all tables of id's and pointers with the instructions themselves.
mnemonicsIds, lists = x86generator.CreateTables(db)
# Rewrite C instructions tables.
# Rewrite mnemonics of the C source code.
# Rewrite mnemonics for the Python module.
# Rewrite mnemonics for the Java binding example code.
# C#:
# Note that it will update its mnemonics upon compilation by taking them directly from the C code.