blob: 9ce6954cdc6df116f5e94cd10ff2b58e01c7696a [file] [log] [blame]
/* Implementation of coverage analysis.
Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
This file is part of elfutils.
This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
elfutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. */
# include <config.h>
#include "coverage.hh"
#include "pri.hh"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
coverage::find (uint64_t start) const
assert (!empty ());
size_t a = 0;
size_t b = size ();
while (a < b)
size_t i = (a + b) / 2;
cov_range const &r = at (i);
if (r.start > start)
b = i;
else if (r.start < start)
a = i + 1;
return begin () + i;
return begin () + a;
coverage::find (uint64_t start)
const_iterator it = const_cast<coverage const *> (this)->find (start);
return begin () + (it - begin ());
coverage::add (uint64_t start, uint64_t length)
cov_range nr = (struct cov_range){start, length};
if (empty ())
push_back (nr);
iterator r_i = find (start);
cov_range *to_insert = &nr;
cov_range *coalesce = &nr;
// Coalesce with previous range?
if (r_i > begin ())
iterator p_i = r_i - 1;
if (coalesce->start <= p_i->start + p_i->length)
uint64_t coalesce_end = coalesce->start + coalesce->length;
if (coalesce_end > p_i->start + p_i->length)
p_i->length = coalesce_end - p_i->start;
coalesce = &*p_i;
coalesce = NULL;
to_insert = NULL;
// Coalesce with one or more following ranges?
if (coalesce != NULL && r_i != end ())
iterator p_i = r_i;
while (p_i != end ()
&& coalesce->start + coalesce->length >= p_i->start)
uint64_t p_end = p_i->start + p_i->length;
if (p_end > coalesce->start + coalesce->length)
coalesce->length = p_end - coalesce->start;
if (to_insert != NULL)
*p_i = *to_insert;
to_insert = NULL;
coalesce = &*p_i;
assert (p_i == r_i);
++r_i; // keep this element
if (p_i > r_i)
erase (r_i, p_i);
if (to_insert != NULL)
size_t idx = r_i - begin ();
insert (begin () + idx, *to_insert);
coverage::remove (uint64_t start,
uint64_t length)
uint64_t a_end = start + length;
if (empty () || start == a_end)
return false;
iterator r_i = find (start);
iterator erase_begin_i = end ();
iterator erase_end_i = r_i; // end exclusive
bool overlap = false;
// Cut from previous range?
if (r_i > begin ())
iterator p_i = r_i - 1;
if (start < p_i->start + p_i->length)
uint64_t r_end = p_i->start + p_i->length;
// Do we cut the beginning of the range?
if (start == p_i->start)
p_i->length = a_end >= r_end ? 0 : r_end - a_end;
p_i->length = start - p_i->start;
// Do we shoot a hole in that range?
if (a_end < r_end)
add (a_end, r_end - a_end);
return true;
overlap = true;
if (p_i->length == 0)
erase_begin_i = p_i;
if (erase_begin_i == end ())
erase_begin_i = r_i;
// Cut from next range?
while (r_i < end () && r_i->start < a_end)
overlap = true;
if (a_end >= r_i->start + r_i->length)
uint64_t end0 = r_i->start + r_i->length;
r_i->length = end0 - a_end;
r_i->start = a_end;
assert (end0 == r_i->start + r_i->length);
// Did we cut out anything completely?
if (erase_end_i > erase_begin_i)
erase (erase_begin_i, erase_end_i);
return overlap;
coverage::is_covered (uint64_t start, uint64_t length) const
if (empty ())
return false;
const_iterator r_i = find (start);
uint64_t a_end = start + length;
if (r_i < end ())
if (start >= r_i->start)
return a_end <= r_i->start + r_i->length;
if (r_i > begin ())
return a_end <= r_i->start + r_i->length;
return false;
char *
range_fmt (char *buf, size_t buf_size, uint64_t start, uint64_t end)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << pri::range (start, end);
std::string s = ss.str ();
strncpy (buf, s.c_str (), buf_size);
return buf;
bool overlaps (uint64_t start, uint64_t end, cov_range const &r)
return (start >= r.start && start < r.start + r.length)
|| (end > r.start && end <= r.start + r.length)
|| (start < r.start && end > r.start + r.length);
coverage::is_overlap (uint64_t start, uint64_t length) const
if (empty ())
return false;
if (length == 0)
return is_covered (start, length);
uint64_t a_end = start + length;
const_iterator r_i = find (start);
if (r_i < end () && overlaps (start, a_end, *r_i))
return true;
if (r_i > begin ())
return overlaps (start, a_end, *--r_i);
return false;
coverage::find_holes (uint64_t start, uint64_t length,
bool (*hole)(uint64_t start, uint64_t length,
void *user_data),
void *user_data) const
if (length == 0)
return true;
if (empty ())
return hole (start, length, user_data);
if (start < front ().start)
if (!hole (start, front ().start - start, user_data))
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size () - 1; ++i)
uint64_t end_i = at (i).end ();
if (!hole (end_i, at (i+1).start - end_i, user_data))
return false;
if (start + length > back ().end ())
uint64_t end_last = back ().end ();
return hole (end_last, start + length - end_last, user_data);
return true;
coverage::find_ranges (bool (*cb)(uint64_t start, uint64_t length, void *data),
void *user_data) const
for (const_iterator it = begin (); it != end (); ++it)
if (!cb (it->start, it->length, user_data))
return false;
return true;
coverage::add_all (coverage const &other)
for (size_t i = 0; i < other.size (); ++i)
add (other[i].start, other[i].length);
coverage::remove_all (coverage const &other)
bool ret = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < other.size (); ++i)
if (remove (other[i].start, other[i].length))
ret = true;
return ret;
coverage::operator+ (coverage const &rhs) const
coverage ret = *this;
ret.add_all (rhs);
return ret;
coverage::operator- (coverage const &rhs) const
coverage ret = *this;
ret.remove_all (rhs);
return ret;
cov::_format_base::fmt (uint64_t start, uint64_t length)
if (_m_seen)
_m_os << _m_delim;
_m_os << pri::range (start, start + length);
_m_seen = true;
return true;
cov::_format_base::wrap_fmt (uint64_t start, uint64_t length, void *data)
_format_base *self = static_cast <_format_base *> (data);
return self->fmt (start, length);
cov::_format_base::_format_base (std::string const &delim)
: _m_delim (delim),
_m_seen (false)
cov::format_ranges::format_ranges (coverage const &cov,
std::string const &delim)
: _format_base (delim)
cov.find_ranges (&wrap_fmt, this);
cov::format_holes::format_holes (coverage const &cov,
uint64_t start, uint64_t length,
std::string const &delim)
: _format_base (delim)
cov.find_holes (start, length, &wrap_fmt, this);