blob: 131323ab5b0ff86aa39395e78f62e92da8c26b48 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# FS QA Test No. 032
# cross check mkfs detection of foreign filesystems
. ./common/preamble
_begin_fstest mkfs auto quick
# Import common functions.
. ./common/filter
# real QA test starts here
_supported_fs xfs btrfs
# not all the FS support zoned block device
_require_non_zoned_device "${SCRATCH_DEV}"
# mkfs.btrfs did not have overwrite detection at first
if [ "$FSTYP" == "btrfs" ]; then
grep -q 'force overwrite' `echo $MKFS_BTRFS_PROG | awk '{print $1}'` || \
_notrun "Installed mkfs.btrfs does not support -f option"
echo "Silence is golden."
for fs in `echo ${MKFS_PROG}.* | sed -e "s:${MKFS_PROG}.::g"`
preop="" # for special input needs
preargs="" # for any special pre-device options
postargs="" # for any special post-device options
# minix, msdos and vfat mkfs fails for large devices, restrict to 2000 blocks
[ $fs = minix ] && postargs=2000
[ $fs = msdos ] && postargs=2000
[ $fs = vfat ] && postargs=2000
# these folks prompt before writing
[ $fs = jfs ] && preop="echo Y |"
[ $fs = gfs ] && preop="echo y |" && preargs="-p lock_nolock -j 1"
[ $fs = gfs2 ] && preop="echo y |" && preargs="-p lock_nolock -j 1"
[ $fs = reiserfs ] && preop="echo y |" && preargs="-f"
[ $fs = reiser4 ] && preop="echo y |" && preargs="-f"
# cramfs mkfs requires a directory argument
[ $fs = cramfs ] && preargs=/proc/fs
[ $fs = ext2 ] && preargs="-F"
[ $fs = ext3 ] && preargs="-F"
[ $fs = ext4 ] && preargs="-F"
[ $fs = ext4dev ] && preargs="-F"
# jffs2 mkfs requires '-r $directory' and '-o $image'
[ $fs = jffs2 ] && preargs="-r /proc/fs -o"
# overwite the first few Kb - should blow away superblocks
$here/src/devzero -n 20 $SCRATCH_DEV >/dev/null
# create a filesystem of this type
echo "=== Creating $fs filesystem..." >>$seqres.full
echo " ( $preop mkfs -t $fs $preargs $SCRATCH_DEV $postargs )" >>$seqres.full
eval $preop mkfs -t $fs $preargs $SCRATCH_DEV $postargs >>$seqres.full 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
# next, ensure we don't overwrite it
# jffs2 mkfs doesn't check overwrite case
[ $fs = jffs2 ] && continue
echo "=== Attempting $FSTYP overwrite of $fs..." >>$seqres.full
${MKFS_PROG} -t $FSTYP $SCRATCH_DEV >>$seqres.full 2>&1
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "Failed - overwrote fs type ${fs}!"
echo "mkfs of type ${fs} failed" >>$seqres.full
# success, all done