blob: 2f6b2b92e3fc656691451044543498b503c28841 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
* Copyright (c) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include "str_to_bytes.h"
* str_to_bytes(s)
* Computes the number of bytes described by string s. s is assumed to be
* a base 10 positive (ie. >= 0) number followed by an optional single
* character multiplier. The following multipliers are supported:
* char mult
* -----------------
* k 1024 bytes
* K 1024 * sizeof(long)
* m 2^20 (1048576)
* M 2^20 (1048576 * sizeof(long)
* g 2^30 (1073741824)
* G 2^30 (1073741824) * sizeof(long)
* for instance, "1k" and "1024" would both cause str_to_bytes to return 1024.
* Returns -1 if mult is an invalid character, or if the integer portion of
* s is not a positive integer.
#if linux
#define B_MULT DEV_BSIZE /* block size */
#define K_MULT 1024 /* Kilo or 2^10 */
#define M_MULT 1048576 /* Mega or 2^20 */
#define G_MULT 1073741824 /* Giga or 2^30 */
#define T_MULT 1099511627776 /* tera or 2^40 */
char *s;
char mult, junk;
int nconv;
float num;
nconv = sscanf(s, "%f%c%c", &num, &mult, &junk);
if (nconv == 0 || nconv == 3 )
return -1;
if (nconv == 1)
return num;
switch (mult) {
case 'b':
return (int)(num * (float)B_MULT);
case 'k':
return (int)(num * (float)K_MULT);
case 'K':
return (int)((num * (float)K_MULT) * sizeof(long));
case 'm':
return (int)(num * (float)M_MULT);
case 'M':
return (int)((num * (float)M_MULT) * sizeof(long));
case 'g':
return (int)(num * (float)G_MULT);
case 'G':
return (int)((num * (float)G_MULT) * sizeof(long));
return -1;
char *s;
char mult, junk;
long nconv;
float num;
nconv = sscanf(s, "%f%c%c", &num, &mult, &junk);
if (nconv == 0 || nconv == 3 )
return -1;
if (nconv == 1)
return (long)num;
switch (mult) {
case 'b':
return (long)(num * (float)B_MULT);
case 'k':
return (long)(num * (float)K_MULT);
case 'K':
return (long)((num * (float)K_MULT) * sizeof(long));
case 'm':
return (long)(num * (float)M_MULT);
case 'M':
return (long)((num * (float)M_MULT) * sizeof(long));
case 'g':
return (long)(num * (float)G_MULT);
case 'G':
return (long)((num * (float)G_MULT) * sizeof(long));
return -1;
* Force 64 bits number when compiled as a 32-bit binary.
* This allows for a number bigger than 2G.
long long
char *s;
char mult, junk;
long nconv;
double num;
nconv = sscanf(s, "%lf%c%c", &num, &mult, &junk);
if (nconv == 0 || nconv == 3 )
return -1;
if (nconv == 1)
return (long long)num;
switch (mult) {
case 'b':
return (long long)(num * (float)B_MULT);
case 'k':
return (long long)(num * (float)K_MULT);
case 'K':
return (long long)((num * (float)K_MULT) * sizeof(long long));
case 'm':
return (long long)(num * (float)M_MULT);
case 'M':
return (long long)((num * (float)M_MULT) * sizeof(long long));
case 'g':
return (long long)(num * (float)G_MULT);
case 'G':
return (long long)((num * (float)G_MULT) * sizeof(long long));
return -1;
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
main(int argc, char **argv)
int ind;
if (argc == 1 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "missing str_to_bytes() parameteres\n");
for (ind=1; ind<argc; ind++) {
printf("str_to_bytes(%s) returned %d\n",
argv[ind], str_to_bytes(argv[ind]));
printf("str_to_lbytes(%s) returned %ld\n",
argv[ind], str_to_lbytes(argv[ind]));
printf("str_to_llbytes(%s) returned %lld\n",
argv[ind], str_to_llbytes(argv[ind]));