blob: 52acf0f801279b3ef47b2e8e26142191f75e8e58 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
use strict;
use IO::File;
use Getopt::Std;
# Modify a filesystem's superblock and AGF metadata structures
# so that only a subset of the allocation groups will be used.
# Intended use is in testing large virtual devices (eg. loop)
# with extremely large filesystems, where we want to ensure
# high allocation groups are used as much as possible (where
# the block addresses are large).
my %opt;
getopts('cf:l:qr:v', \%opt);
die "Usage: $0 [-f AG] [-l AG] [-r bytes] [-cqv] device\n" unless (@ARGV == 1);
my $device = shift @ARGV;
die "$device: no such file\n" unless (-e $device);
my $clearall = defined($opt{'c'}) ? 1 : 0;
my $retain = defined($opt{'r'}) ? $opt{'r'} : -1;
my $quiet = defined($opt{'q'}) ? 1 : 0;
my $verbose = defined($opt{'v'}) ? 1 : 0;
my $nagfirst = defined($opt{'f'}) ? $opt{'f'} : 0;
my $naglast = defined($opt{'l'}) ? $opt{'l'} : 0;
# "clearall" means clear everything barring the final AG.
# "retain" means clearall and retain a specified amount in the
# second-from-last AG as well (value is the number of bytes).
# [NB: retain with a value of zero is now the same as clearall].
if ($retain >= 0) {
$clearall = 1;
sub xfs_db {
my $xfsdb = 'xfs_db -x';
my %hash;
foreach (@_) {
$xfsdb .= ' -c ' . $_;
print $xfsdb, ' ', $device, "\n" if ($verbose);
die unless open(DB, "$xfsdb $device 2>/dev/null |");
while (<DB>) {
if (/^(\S+) = (.*)$/) {
print if ($verbose);
$hash{$1} = $2;
return %hash;
# Stage 1: Get control information from the superblock
my @sbprint = ( '"print fdblocks"', '"print agcount"', '"print blocksize"' );
my @agffree = ( '"print freeblks"' );
my %sb = xfs_db 'sb', @sbprint;
print "=== Initially ", $sb{'fdblocks'}, " blocks free across ",
$sb{'agcount'}, " AGs\n" unless $quiet;
if ($clearall && ($nagfirst || $naglast)) {
print STDERR " o Clearall/retain specified with first/last AG\n";
if ($nagfirst >= $sb{'agcount'}) {
print STDERR " o First AG number is too large\n";
if ($naglast >= $sb{'agcount'}) {
print STDERR " o Last AG number is too large\n";
if ($naglast - $nagfirst < 0) {
print STDERR " o No AGs to clear\n";
if ($clearall) {
$naglast = $sb{'agcount'} - 2;
if ($retain > 0) {
my %check;
$retain /= $sb{'blocksize'}; # convert to fsblocks
%check = xfs_db "'agf $naglast'", @agffree;
if ($check{'freeblks'} < $retain) {
print STDERR " o Insufficient space to retain\n";
# Stage 2: Wipe out all completely masked allocation groups.
my @agfprint = ( '"print freeblks"', '"print flcount"' );
my @agfcommands = ( '"write freeblks 0"',
'"write longest 0"', '"write flcount 0"',
'"write bnolevel 1"', '"write cntlevel 1"',
'"write flfirst 0"', '"write fllast 0"' );
my @bnoprint = ( '"addr bnoroot"', '"print numrecs"' );
my @bnocommands = ( '"addr bnoroot"', '"write numrecs 0"',
'"write leftsib -1"', '"write rightsib -1"' );
my @cntprint = ( '"addr cntroot"', '"print numrecs"' );
my @cntcommands = ( '"addr cntroot"', '"write numrecs 0"',
'"write leftsib -1"', '"write rightsib -1"' );
print "=== Wiping ", $naglast - $nagfirst + 1,
" AGs starting from AG #", $nagfirst, "\n" unless $quiet;
my $ag = $nagfirst;
while ($ag <= $naglast) {
print " o AG#", $ag, " AGF fields\n" unless $quiet;
my %agf = xfs_db "'agf $ag'", @agfprint;
xfs_db "'agf $ag'", @agfcommands;
my $blockcnt = $agf{'freeblks'} + $agf{'flcount'};
$sb{'fdblocks'} -= $blockcnt;
print " cleared ", $blockcnt, " blocks from AG#", $ag, "\n"
unless $quiet;
my %btree = xfs_db "'agf $ag'", @bnoprint;
xfs_db "'agf $ag'", @bnocommands, "'agf $ag'", @cntcommands;
print " cleared ", $btree{'numrecs'}, " BNO/CNT btree recs in AG#",
$ag, "\n" unless $quiet;
# Stage 3: Wipe out any partially masked allocation group.
if ($retain > 0) {
print " o AG#", $ag, " AGF fields (partial)\n" unless $quiet;
my %ragf = xfs_db "'agf $ag'", '"print freeblks"',
'"addr bnoroot"', '"print recs[1].startblock"';
my $maskblks = $ragf{'freeblks'} - $retain;
my $newstart = $ragf{'recs[1].startblock'} + $maskblks;
xfs_db "'agf $ag'",
"'write freeblks $retain'", "'write longest $retain'",
"'agf $ag'", '"addr bnoroot"',
"'write recs[1].startblock $newstart'",
"'write recs[1].blockcount $retain'",
"'agf $ag'", '"addr cntroot"',
"'write recs[1].startblock $newstart'",
"'write recs[1].blockcount $retain'";
$sb{'fdblocks'} -= $maskblks;
print " cleared ", $maskblks, " blocks from AG#", $ag, "\n"
unless $quiet;
print "=== Updating final freespace count, ", $sb{'fdblocks'}, " blocks\n"
unless $quiet;
xfs_db "'sb 0'", "'write fdblocks $sb{'fdblocks'}'"