blob: 28492e779e20294171d61e05f26a97e0577f7c4f [file] [log] [blame]
warning: panic message is not a string literal
--> src/
472 | panic!(AbortNow)
| ------ ^^^^^^^^
| |
| help: use std::panic::panic_any instead: `std::panic::panic_any`
= note: `#[warn(non_fmt_panics)]` on by default
= note: this usage of panic!() is deprecated; it will be a hard error in Rust 2021
= note: for more information, see <>
error: whole type
--> tests/ui/
4 | to_tokens_span!(std::option::Option);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: explicit .span()
--> tests/ui/
4 | to_tokens_span!(std::option::Option);
| ^^^