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/* **********************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2011-2022 Google, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
* **********************************************************/
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of VMware, Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be
* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
#ifndef _DR_CONFIG_H_
#define _DR_CONFIG_H_ 1
* Deployment API
* @file dr_config.h
* @brief Deployment API for DynamoRIO. Use these functions to register
* processes to run under DynamoRIO, unregister processes, obtain existing
* registration information, and nudge running processes.
* \note The dr_config library is currently not multi-thread safe. Users of
* the library should ensure that no more then one thread accesses the library
* at a time. This limitation will be addressed in future releases.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Maximum length of a registered process's options string */
/** Specifies DynamoRIO's operation mode. */
typedef enum {
* No mode. Clients should not attempt to register a process in
* this mode.
* Run DynamoRIO in Code Manipulation mode.
* This does not preclude using the Probe API.
* Run DynamoRIO in Probe mode. This mode has no code cache.
* \warning This mode is not fully supported at this time.
* Run DynamoRIO in security Memory Firewall mode.
* \warning This mode is not fully supported at this time.
* Do not run this application under DynamoRIO control.
* Useful for following all child processes except a handful
* (blocklist).
} dr_operation_mode_t;
/** Return status codes for process registration, unregistration and nudging. */
typedef enum {
/** Operation succeeded. */
/** Process registration failed due to an existing registration. */
/** Operation failed because the supplied process is not registered. */
/** Client registration failed due to an invalid priority value. */
/** Client registration failed due to a conflicting ID. */
/** Client operation failed due to an invalid client ID. */
/** Unknown failure. Check that caller has adequate permissions for this operation. */
/** Nudge operation failed because the specified process id is not under DR. */
/** Nudge operation timed out waiting for target process to finish handling a nudge.*/
/** Field length exceeded, probably due to a too-long option string */
/** Failed to write to the config file. */
/** Nudge operation failed because the specified process id does not exist. */
/** Client options contain invalid characters (';' or all 3 quotes). */
* Failed to locate a valid config dir.
* Consider calling dr_get_config_dir(, true, ,).
* A parameter was not set.
* A primary client configuration was not found at the time an alternate bitwidth
* client was attempted to be registered.
} dr_config_status_t;
/** Allow targeting both 32-bit and native 64-bit processes separately. */
typedef enum {
DR_PLATFORM_DEFAULT, /**< The platform this tool is compiled for. */
DR_PLATFORM_32BIT, /**< 32-bit settings (for 32-bit processes). */
DR_PLATFORM_64BIT, /**< 64-bit settings (for native 64-bit processes). */
DR_PLATFORM_NONE, /**< Invalid platform. */
} dr_platform_t;
* Information about a client library setup.
typedef struct _dr_config_client_t {
* The size of this structure. This field must be set when passing as an input
* to functions like dr_get_client_info_ex(). Used for backward compatibility.
size_t struct_size;
* This is a client_id_t uniquely identifying the client. DynamoRIO provides the
* client ID as a parameter to dr_client_main(). Clients use this ID to retrieve
* client-specific path and option information. Outside entities also identify
* the target of a nudge via this ID.
client_id_t id;
* The client number, or priority. Client registration includes a value
* indicating the priority of a client relative to other clients. In
* multi-client settings, a client's priority influences event callback
* ordering. That is, higher priority clients can register their callbacks first;
* DynamoRIO then calls these routines last. Client priorities range
* consecutively from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of registered clients.
* Specify priority 0 to register a client with highest priority.
size_t priority;
* A NULL-terminated string specifying the full path to a valid client library.
* The string length cannot exceed #MAXIMUM_PATH. The client path may not
* include any semicolons and when combined with \p client_options may not
* include all three quote characters (', ", `) simultaneously.
* When querying via dr_get_client_info_ex() or dr_client_iterator_next_ex(), the
* caller must either set this to NULL if that data is not needed or point at a
* caller-allocated array of length #MAXIMUM_PATH.
char *path;
* A NULL-terminated string specifying options that are available to the client
* as arguments of dr_client_main() or via dr_get_option_array(). The string
* length cannot exceed #DR_MAX_OPTIONS_LENGTH. The client options may not
* include any semicolons and when combined with \p client_path may not include
* all three quote characters (', ", `) simultaneously.
* When querying via dr_get_client_info_ex() or dr_client_iterator_next_ex(), the
* caller must either set this to NULL if that data is not needed or point at a
* caller-allocated array of length #DR_MAX_OPTIONS_LENGTH.
char *options;
* Specifies whether this is a regular client registration for the target process
* (this field is false) or whether this is an "alternate bitwidth" registration
* which specifies the configuration to use if the target process creates a child
* process that is a different bitwidth from itself. The regular client must
* first be registered on its own before the alternate client is registered, and
* the alternate must have the same client ID. If the target process creates a
* child application of a different bitwdith (e.g., the target process is 64-bit
* and it creates a 32-bit child), this registration allows a client of the
* appropriate bitwidth to be loaded into the child. Unregistering a client with
* dr_unregister_client() will also unregister the alternate bitwidth client with
* the same client ID.
bool is_alt_bitwidth;
} dr_config_client_t;
/* Note that we provide this as an inlined function for use by
* dr_nudge_client and dr_nudge_client_ex without requiring drconfiglib
* to be linked into a client.
* Translates dr_config_status_t code to its corresponding message string.
* \param[in] code dr_config_status_t code to be translated.
* \return The translated message string.
static inline const char *
dr_config_status_code_to_string(dr_config_status_t code)
const char *msg;
/* XXX: should we have a string array for lookup instead?
* If so, we must make sure the consistency between the array and
* the status enum.
switch (code) {
case DR_SUCCESS: msg = "success"; break;
case DR_PROC_REG_EXISTS: msg = "registration already exists"; break;
case DR_PROC_REG_INVALID: msg = "target process is not registered"; break;
case DR_PRIORITY_INVALID: msg = "invalid priority value"; break;
case DR_ID_CONFLICTING: msg = "conflicting ID"; break;
case DR_ID_INVALID: msg = "invalid client ID"; break;
case DR_NUDGE_PID_NOT_INJECTED: msg = "target process is not under DynamoRIO"; break;
case DR_NUDGE_TIMEOUT: msg = "timed out"; break;
case DR_CONFIG_STRING_TOO_LONG: msg = "config option string too long"; break;
case DR_CONFIG_FILE_WRITE_FAILED: msg = "failed to write to the config file"; break;
case DR_NUDGE_PID_NOT_FOUND: msg = "target process id does not exist"; break;
msg = "failed to locate a valid config directory";
case DR_FAILURE: msg = "unknown failure"; break;
default: msg = "invalid dr_config_status_t code"; break;
return msg;
* Register a process to run under DynamoRIO.
* Note that this routine only sets the base options to run a process
* under DynamoRIO. To register one or more clients, call
* dr_register_client() subsequently.
* In order to use local config files when the normal interactive user
* home directory environment variable (HOME on Linux or MacOS;
* USERPROFILE on Windows) is not set and when using one-step
* configure-and-run (i.e., when \p pid != 0), call
* dr_get_config_dir() prior to creating the child process (and prior
* to calling this routine) and pass true for \p alternative_local.
* For multi-step, the caller must set the DYNAMORIO_CONFIGDIR
* environment variable before calling this routine.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If \p pid != 0, a one-time configuration is created
* just for it. If \p pid == 0, a general configuration
* is created for all future instances of process_name.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_root_dir A NULL-terminated string specifying the full
* path to a valid DynamoRIO root directory.
* The string length cannot exceed #MAXIMUM_PATH.
* The path to the DynamoRIO library to be used will
* be constructed from this path assuming a default
* layout. To precisely specify the path, call
* dr_register_inject_paths() afterward.
* \param[in] dr_mode Specifies the mode under which DynamoRIO should
* operate. See dr_operation_mode_t.
* \param[in] debug If true, a DynamoRIO debug build will be used;
* otherwise, a release build will be used.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to set.
* \param[in] dr_options A NULL-terminated string controlling
* DynamoRIO's behavior. Most users should
* not need to specify options. The total
* string length cannot exceed #DR_MAX_OPTIONS_LENGTH.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of
* registration. Note that registration fails if the requested
* process is already registered. To modify a process's
* registration, first call dr_unregister_process() to remove an
* existing registration.
* \remarks
* After registration, a process will run under DynamoRIO when launched by the
* drinject tool or using drinjectlib. Note that some processes may require a
* system reboot to restart. Process registration that is not specific to one
* pid (i.e., if \p pid == 0) persists across reboots until explicitly
* unregistered.
dr_register_process(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
const char *dr_root_dir, dr_operation_mode_t dr_mode, bool debug,
dr_platform_t dr_platform, const char *dr_options);
* Unregister a process from running under DynamoRIO.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the existing one-time configuration is
* removed. If pid == 0, the general configuration
* for process_name is removed.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to set.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of
* unregistration. Note that unregistration fails if the process
* is not currently registered to run under DynamoRIO.
dr_unregister_process(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform);
* Sets the paths to the DynamoRIO library and the alternate-bitwidth DynamoRIO
* library for a process that has already been registered via dr_register_process().
* If this routine is not called, default library paths will be used which assume
* a default path layout within the \p dr_root_dir passed to dr_register_process().
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the one-time configuration for that pid
* will be modified. If pid == 0, the general
* configuration for process_name will be modified.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to check.
* \param[in] dr_lib_path A NULL-terminated string specifying the full
* path to a valid DynamoRIO library of the same
* bitwidth as \p dr_platform.
* The string length cannot exceed #MAXIMUM_PATH.
* \param[in] dr_alt_lib_path A NULL-terminated string specifying the full
* path to a valid DynamoRIO library of the alternative
* bitwidth to \p dr_platform.
* The string length cannot exceed #MAXIMUM_PATH.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of
* registration. Note that registration fails if the requested
* process is already registered. To modify a process's
* registration, first call dr_unregister_process() to remove an
* existing registration.
* \remarks
* After registration, a process will run under DynamoRIO when launched by the
* drinject tool or using drinjectlib. Note that some processes may require a
* system reboot to restart. Process registration that is not specific to one
* pid (i.e., if \p pid == 0) persists across reboots until explicitly
* unregistered.
dr_register_inject_paths(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform, const char *dr_lib_path,
const char *dr_alt_lib_path);
#ifdef WINDOWS
* Sets up systemwide injection so that registered applications will run under
* DynamoRIO however they are launched (i.e., they do not need to be explicitly
* invoked with the drrun or drinject tools). This requires administrative
* privileges and affects all users (though configurations remain private to
* each user). On Windows NT, a reboot is required for this to take effect.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* to use.
* \param[in] dr_root_dir The root DynamoRIO directory.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of
* the operation. The operation will fail if the caller does
* not have sufficient privileges.
* \note On Windows, an application that does not link with user32.dll will not be
* run under control of DynamoRIO via systemwide injection. Such applications
* will only be under DynamoRIO control if launched by the drrun or drinject
* tools or if the parent process (typically explorer.exe, for manually launched
* applications) is already under DynamoRIO control (the parent can be in any
* mode, but a 32-bit parent cannot inject into a 64-bit child). Only some small
* non-graphical applications do not link with user32.dll.
* \note Not yet available on Linux or MacOS.
dr_register_syswide(dr_platform_t dr_platform, const char *dr_root_dir);
* Disables systemwide injection. Registered applications will not run
* under DynamoRIO unless explicitly launched with the drrun or drinject
* tools (or a custom tool that uses the drinjectlib library).
* On Windows NT, a reboot is required for this to take effect.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* to use.
* \param[in] dr_root_dir The root DynamoRIO directory.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of
* the operation. The operation will fail if the caller does
* not have sufficient privileges.
* \note Not yet available on Linux or MacOS.
dr_unregister_syswide(dr_platform_t dr_platform, const char *dr_root_dir);
* Returns whether systemwide injection is enabled.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* to use.
* \param[in] dr_root_dir The root DynamoRIO directory.
* \return Whether systemwide injection is enabled.
* \note Not yet available on Linux or MacOS.
dr_syswide_is_on(dr_platform_t dr_platform, const char *dr_root_dir);
#endif /* WINDOWS */
* Check if a process is registered to run under DynamoRIO. To obtain client
* information, use dr_get_client_info().
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the one-time configuration for that pid
* will be queried. If pid == 0, the general
* configuration for process_name will be queried.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to check.
* \param[out] dr_root_dir If the process is registered, the root DynamoRIO
* directory provided at registration. Callers can
* pass NULL if this value is not needed. Otherwise,
* the parameter must be a caller-allocated array of
* length #MAXIMUM_PATH.
* \param[out] dr_mode If the process is registered, the mode provided
* at registration. Callers can pass NULL if this
* value is not needed.
* \param[out] debug If the process is registered, the debug flag
* provided at registration. Callers can pass NULL
* if this value is not needed.
* \param[out] dr_options If the process is registered, the extra DynamoRIO
* parameters provided at registration. Callers can
* pass NULL if this value is not needed. Otherwise,
* the parameter must be a caller-allocated array of
* \return true if the process is registered for the given platform.
dr_process_is_registered(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform, char *dr_root_dir /* OUT */,
dr_operation_mode_t *dr_mode /* OUT */, bool *debug /* OUT */,
char *dr_options /* OUT */);
#ifdef WINDOWS
typedef struct _dr_registered_process_iterator_t dr_registered_process_iterator_t;
* Creates and starts an iterator for iterating over all processes registered for
* the given platform and given global or local parameter.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to check.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \return iterator for use with dr_registered_process_iterator_hasnext()and
* dr_registered_process_iterator_next(). Must be freed
* with dr_registered_process_iterator_stop()
* \note Not yet available on Linux or MacOS.
dr_registered_process_iterator_t *
dr_registered_process_iterator_start(dr_platform_t dr_platform, bool global);
* \param[in] iter A registered process iterator created with
* dr_registered_process_iterator_start()
* \return true if there are more registered processes to iterate over
* \note Not yet available on Linux or MacOS.
dr_registered_process_iterator_hasnext(dr_registered_process_iterator_t *iter);
* Return information about a registered process
* \param[in] iter A registered process iterator created with
* dr_registered_process_iterator_start().
* \param[out] process_name The name of the registered process. Callers can
* pass NULL if this value is not needed. Otherwise
* the parameter must be a caller-allocated array
* of length #MAXIMUM_PATH.
* \param[out] dr_root_dir The root DynamoRIO directory provided at registration.
* Callers can pass NULL if this value is not needed.
* Otherwise, the parameter must be a caller-allocated
* array of length #MAXIMUM_PATH.
* \param[out] dr_mode If the process is registered, the mode provided
* at registration. Callers can pass NULL if this
* value is not needed.
* \param[out] debug If the process is registered, the debug flag
* provided at registration. Callers can pass NULL
* if this value is not needed.
* \param[out] dr_options If the process is registered, the extra DynamoRIO
* parameters provided at registration. Callers can
* pass NULL if this value is not needed. Otherwise,
* the parameter must be a caller-allocated array of
* \return true if the information was successfully retrieved.
* \note Not yet available on Linux or MacOS.
dr_registered_process_iterator_next(dr_registered_process_iterator_t *iter,
char *process_name /* OUT */,
char *dr_root_dir /* OUT */,
dr_operation_mode_t *dr_mode /* OUT */,
bool *debug /* OUT */, char *dr_options /* OUT */);
* Stops and frees a registered process iterator.
* \param[in] iter A registered process iterator created with
* dr_registered_process_iterator_start()
* \note Not yet available on Linux or MacOS.
dr_registered_process_iterator_stop(dr_registered_process_iterator_t *iter);
#endif /* WINDOWS */
* Register a client for a particular process. Note that the process must first
* be registered via dr_register_process() before calling this routine.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the one-time configuration for that pid
* will be modified. If pid == 0, the general
* configuration for process_name will be modified.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to set.
* \param[in] client_id A client_id_t uniquely identifying the client.
* DynamoRIO provides the client ID as a parameter
* to dr_client_main(). Clients use this ID to retrieve
* client-specific path and option information.
* Outside entities also identify the target of
* a nudge via this ID.
* \param[in] client_pri The client number, or priority. Client registration
* includes a value indicating the priority of a client
* relative to other clients. In multi-client settings,
* a client's priority influences event callback
* ordering. That is, higher priority clients can
* register their callbacks first; DynamoRIO then calls
* these routines last. Client priorities range
* consecutively from 0 to N-1, where N is the number
* of registered clients. Specify priority
* 0 to register a client with highest priority.
* \param[in] client_path A NULL-terminated string specifying the full path
* to a valid client library. The string length
* cannot exceed #MAXIMUM_PATH. The client path may not
* include any semicolons and when combined with
* \p client_options may not include all
* three quote characters (\', \", \`) simultaneously.
* \param[in] client_options A NULL-terminated string specifying options that
* are available to the client as arguments of
* dr_client_main() or via dr_get_option_array().
* The string length cannot exceed #DR_MAX_OPTIONS_LENGTH.
* The client options may not include any semicolons
* and when combined with \p client_path may not include
* all three quote characters (\', \", \`) simultaneously.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of registration.
dr_register_client(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform, client_id_t client_id, size_t client_pri,
const char *client_path, const char *client_options);
* Register a client for a particular process. Note that the process must first
* be registered via dr_register_process() before calling this routine.
* The #dr_config_client_t structure allows specifying additional options beyond
* what dr_register_client() supports, such as an alternate bitwidth client.
* For an alternate bitwidth client, the main client must first be
* registered by an earlier call. Unregistering a client with
* dr_unregister_client() will also unregister the alternate bitwidth
* client.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the one-time configuration for that pid
* will be modified. If pid == 0, the general
* configuration for process_name will be modified.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to set.
* \param[in] client Defines the attributes of the client to be registered.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of registration.
dr_register_client_ex(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform, DR_PARAM_IN dr_config_client_t *client);
* Unregister a client for a particular process.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the one-time configuration for that pid
* will be modified. If pid == 0, the general
* configuration for process_name will be modified.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to unset.
* \param[in] client_id The unique client ID provided at client
* registration.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of unregistration.
dr_unregister_client(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform, client_id_t client_id);
* Retrieve the number of clients registered for a particular process for
* the current user.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the one-time configuration for that pid
* will be queried. If pid == 0, the general
* configuration for process_name will be queried.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to unset.
* \return The number of clients registered for the given process and platform.
* An alternative bitwidth client is counted as a separate client.
dr_num_registered_clients(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform);
* Retrieve client registration information for a particular process for the current
* user. If multiple clients are registered (alternative bitwidth clients are
* considered separate), information on the highest-priority client is returned.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the one-time configuration for that pid
* will be queried. If pid == 0, the general
* configuration for process_name will be queried.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to unset.
* \param[in] client_id The unique client ID provided at client
* registration.
* \param[out] client_pri The client's priority.
* \param[out] client_path The client's path provided at registration.
* Callers can pass NULL if this value is not needed.
* Otherwise, the parameter must be a caller-allocated
* array of length #MAXIMUM_PATH.
* \param[out] client_options The client options provided at registration.
* Callers can pass NULL if this value is not needed.
* Otherwise, the parameter must be a caller-allocated
* array of length #DR_MAX_OPTIONS_LENGTH.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of the call.
dr_get_client_info(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform, client_id_t client_id,
size_t *client_pri, /* OUT */
char *client_path, /* OUT */
char *client_options /* OUT */);
* Retrieve client registration information for a particular process for the current
* user. If multiple clients are registered (alternative bitwidth clients are
* considered separate), information on the highest-priority client is returned.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the one-time configuration for that pid
* will be queried. If pid == 0, the general
* configuration for process_name will be queried.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to unset.
* \param[out] client The returned information about the client. On input,
* the struct_size field must be set and the client_id
* field set to the unique client ID provided at client
* registration to be queried. Furthermore, the client_path
* and client_options fields must each either be NULL
* if that data is not needed or point at a caller-allocated
* array of length #MAXIMUM_PATH for client_path or
* #DR_MAX_OPTIONS_LENGTH for client_options.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of the call.
dr_get_client_info_ex(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform, dr_config_client_t *client /* IN/OUT */);
typedef struct _dr_client_iterator_t dr_client_iterator_t;
* Creates and starts an iterator for iterating over all clients registered for
* the given process.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable (e.g., calc.exe).
* \param[in] pid A process id of a target process, typically just
* created and suspended via dr_inject_process_exit().
* If pid != 0, the one-time configuration for that pid
* will be queried. If pid == 0, the general
* configuration for process_name will be queried.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] dr_platform Configurations are kept separate
* for 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
* This parameter allows selecting which of those
* configurations to check.
* \return iterator for use with dr_client_iterator_hasnext() and
* dr_client_iterator_next(). Must be freed with
* dr_client_iterator_stop()
dr_client_iterator_t *
dr_client_iterator_start(const char *process_name, process_id_t pid, bool global,
dr_platform_t dr_platform);
* \param[in] iter A client iterator created with dr_client_iterator_start()
* \return true if there are more clients to iterate over
dr_client_iterator_hasnext(dr_client_iterator_t *iter);
* Return information about a client.
* \param[in] iter A client iterator created with dr_client_iterator_start()
* \param[out] client_id The unique client ID provided at client registration.
* \param[out] client_pri The client's priority.
* \param[out] client_path The client's path provided at registration.
* Callers can pass NULL if this value is not needed.
* Otherwise, the parameter must be a caller-allocated
* array of length #MAXIMUM_PATH.
* \param[out] client_options The client options provided at registration.
* Callers can pass NULL if this value is not needed.
* Otherwise, the parameter must be a caller-allocated
* array of length #DR_MAX_OPTIONS_LENGTH.
dr_client_iterator_next(dr_client_iterator_t *iter, client_id_t *client_id, /* OUT */
size_t *client_pri, /* OUT */
char *client_path, /* OUT */
char *client_options /* OUT */);
* Return information about a client.
* \param[in] iter A client iterator created with dr_client_iterator_start()
* \param[out] client The returned information about the client. On input,
* the struct_size field must be set and the client_path
* and client_options fields must each either be NULL
* if that data is not needed or point at a caller-allocated
* array of length #MAXIMUM_PATH for client_path or
* #DR_MAX_OPTIONS_LENGTH for client_options.
dr_client_iterator_next_ex(dr_client_iterator_t *iter, dr_config_client_t *client
/* IN/OUT */);
* Stops and frees a client iterator.
* \param[in] iter A client iterator created with dr_client_iterator_start()
dr_client_iterator_stop(dr_client_iterator_t *iter);
#ifdef WINDOWS
* Provides a mechanism for an external entity on the guest OS to
* communicate with a client. Requires administrative privileges. A
* process 'nudge' causes a client event handler to be invoked (use
* dr_register_nudge_event() to register the handler function). A
* nudge is ignored if the process is not running under DynamoRIO,
* the specified client is not loaded, or if the client does not
* provide a handler.
* \param[in] process_name A NULL-terminated string specifying the name
* of the target process. The string should
* identify the base name of the process, not the
* full path of the executable.
* \param[in] client_id The unique client ID provided at client
* registration.
* \param[in] arg An argument passed to the client's nudge
* handler.
* \param[in] timeout_ms The number of milliseconds to wait for each
* nudge to complete before continuing. If INFINITE
* is supplied then the wait is unbounded. If 0
* is supplied the no wait is performed. If a
* wait times out DR_NUDGE_TIMEOUT will be returned.
* \param[out] nudge_count Returns the number of processes nudged.
* Client can supply NULL if this value is
* not needed.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of the nudge.
* \remarks
* If there are multiple processes executing with the same name, all
* of them are nudged.
* \remarks
* A process nudge is a one way asynchronous communication from an
* external entity to a client. It does not allow a client to
* return information back to the nudge originator. To communicate
* from a client to another process, use the channels specified
* in \ref sec_comm.
* \note Not yet available on Linux or MacOS.
dr_nudge_process(const char *process_name, client_id_t client_id, uint64 arg,
uint timeout_ms, int *nudge_count /*OUT */);
* Provides a mechanism for an external entity on the guest OS to
* communicate with a client. Requires administrative privileges. A
* process 'nudge' causes a client event handler to be invoked (use
* dr_register_nudge_event() to register the handler function). A
* nudge is ignored if the process is not running under DynamoRIO,
* the specified client is not loaded, or if the client does not
* provide a handler.
* \param[in] process_id The system id of the process to nudge
* (see dr_get_process_id())
* \param[in] client_id The unique client ID provided at client
* registration.
* \param[in] arg An argument passed to the client's nudge
* handler.
* \param[in] timeout_ms The number of milliseconds to wait for the
* nudge to complete before returning. If INFINITE
* is supplied then the wait is unbounded. If 0
* is supplied the no wait is performed. If the
* wait times out DR_NUDGE_TIMEOUT will be returned.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of the nudge.
* \remarks
* A process nudge is a one way asynchronous communication from an
* external entity to a client. It does not allow a client to
* return information back to the nudge originator. To communicate
* from a client to another process, use the channels specified
* in \ref sec_comm.
* \note Not yet available on MacOS.
dr_nudge_pid(process_id_t process_id, client_id_t client_id, uint64 arg, uint timeout_ms);
#ifdef WINDOWS
* Provides a mechanism for an external entity on the guest OS to
* communicate with a client. Requires administrative privileges. A
* process 'nudge' causes a client event handler to be invoked (use
* dr_register_nudge_event() to register the handler function). A
* nudge is ignored if the process is not running under DynamoRIO,
* the specified client is not loaded, or if the client does not
* provide a handler. Nudges are attempted to all processes running
* on the system.
* \param[in] client_id The unique client ID provided at client
* registration.
* \param[in] arg An argument passed to the client's nudge
* handler.
* \param[in] timeout_ms The number of milliseconds to wait for each
* nudge to complete before continuing. If INFINITE
* is supplied then the wait is unbounded. If 0
* is supplied the no wait is performed. If a
* wait times out DR_NUDGE_TIMEOUT will be returned.
* \param[out] nudge_count Returns the number of processes nudged.
* Client can supply NULL if this value is
* not needed.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of the nudge.
* \remarks
* A process nudge is a one way asynchronous communication from an
* external entity to a client. It does not allow a client to
* return information back to the nudge originator. To communicate
* from a client to another process, use the channels specified
* in \ref sec_comm.
* \note Not yet available on Linux or MacOS.
dr_nudge_all(client_id_t client_id, uint64 arg, uint timeout_ms,
int *nudge_count /*OUT */);
#endif /* WINDOWS */
* Returns in \p config_dir the configuration directory used to store config
* files. In order to use local config files when the normal interactive user
* home directory environment variable (HOME on Linux or MacOS; USERPROFILE on Windows)
* is not set and when using one-step configure-and-run, call this routine prior
* to creating the child process and pass true for \p alternative_local. For
* multi-step, the caller must set the DYNAMORIO_CONFIGDIR environment variable
* (in the child process) to point at the resulting \p config_dir.
* \param[in] global Whether to use global or user-local config
* files. On Windows, global config files are
* stored in a dir pointed at by the DYNAMORIO_HOME
* registry key. On Linux, they are in
* /etc/dynamorio. Administrative privileges may
* be needed if global is true. Note that
* DynamoRIO gives local config files precedence
* when both exist. The caller must separately
* create the global directory.
* \param[in] alternative_local Whether to locate a temporary directory to
* use for user-local config files and to set
* the DYNAMORIO_CONFIGDIR environment variable
* to point at it, if the regular local
* config dir is not found.
* \param[out] config_dir Receives the full path to the config dir.
* \param[in] config_dir_sz The capacity, in characters, of \p config_dir.
* \return A dr_config_status_t code indicating the result of the request.
dr_get_config_dir(bool global, bool alternative_local, char *config_dir /* OUT */,
size_t config_dir_sz);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _DR_CONFIG_H_ */