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/* *******************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Google, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2010 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
* *******************************************************************************/
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of VMware, Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be
* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
/* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Determina Corp. */
* optionsx.h
* Options and corresponding command line options
/* This file is included multiple times
- in globals.h once for structure definition,
- in options.c, four times: for initialization, option parsing and enumeration
- TODO: should also be included in the GUI
/* Client files that include this header should define the following macro
#define OPTION_COMMAND(type, name, default_value, command_line_option, \
statement, description, dynamic_flag, pcache)
#include "optionsx.h"
dynamic_flag takes the values
DYNAMIC - option can be modified externally
STATIC - option cannot be modified externally and changes are ignored
pcache takes values from op_pcache_t
/* PR 330860: the statement of an OPTION_COMMAND is allowed to read
* and write to the "options" struct. It can also change other state
* but only inside of a check for the bool "for_this_process".
/* The liststring_t type is assumed to contain ;-separated values that are
* appended to if multiple option instances are specified
/* Shortcuts for the common cases */
#define OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, value, description) \
OPTION_COMMAND(type, name, value, #name, {}, description, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
#define OPTION_NAME_DEFAULT(type, name, value, option_name, description) \
OPTION_COMMAND(type, name, value, option_name, {}, description, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
#define OPTION_NAME(type, name, option_name, description) \
OPTION_NAME_DEFAULT(type, name, 0, option_name, description)
#define OPTION(type, name, description) OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, 0, description)
#define PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, value, description) \
OPTION_COMMAND(type, name, value, #name, {}, description, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
#define PC_OPTION(type, name, description) PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, 0, description)
#define PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, value, description) \
OPTION_COMMAND(type, name, value, #name, {}, description, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_LOCAL)
#define PCL_OPTION(type, name, description) PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, 0, description)
/* Dynamic option shortcut definitions,
CHECK: if most options end up being dynamic just add a flag to the above */
#define DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, value, description) \
OPTION_COMMAND(type, name, value, #name, {}, description, DYNAMIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
#define DYNAMIC_OPTION(type, name, description) \
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, 0, description)
#define DYNAMIC_PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, value, description) \
OPTION_COMMAND(type, name, value, #name, {}, description, DYNAMIC, OP_PCACHE_LOCAL)
#define DYNAMIC_PCL_OPTION(type, name, description) \
DYNAMIC_PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(type, name, 0, description)
/* Shortcut for defining alias command line options to set another option to a constant
value, Note we can't read the real type/description, and aliases are not transitive */
#define OPTION_ALIAS(new_alias, real_internal_name, real_value, dynamic_flag, pcache) \
bool, new_alias##_aka_##real_internal_name, false, #new_alias, \
{ \
if (options->new_alias##_aka_##real_internal_name) \
options->real_internal_name = real_value; \
}, \
#new_alias " is an alias for " #real_internal_name, dynamic_flag, pcache)
/* OPTION_COMMAND_INTERNAL is parsed separately in options.h to
define constants with default values that are used by INTERNAL_OPTION */
/* FIXME: dynamic internal options not yet supported */
#define OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(type, name, value, description) \
OPTION_COMMAND_INTERNAL(type, name, value, #name, {}, description, STATIC, \
#define OPTION_NAME_INTERNAL(type, name, option_name, description) \
OPTION_COMMAND_INTERNAL(type, name, 0, option_name, {}, description, STATIC, \
#define OPTION_INTERNAL(type, name, description) \
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(type, name, 0, description)
#define PC_OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(type, name, value, description) \
OPTION_COMMAND_INTERNAL(type, name, value, #name, {}, description, STATIC, \
#define PC_OPTION_INTERNAL(type, name, description) \
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(type, name, 0, description)
/* option helper macros */
#define DISABLE_RESET(prefix) \
{ \
(prefix)->enable_reset = false; \
IF_INTERNAL((prefix)->reset_at_fragment_count = 0;) \
(prefix)->reset_at_nth_thread = 0; \
(prefix)->reset_at_switch_to_os_at_vmm_limit = false; \
(prefix)->reset_at_vmm_percent_free_limit = 0; \
(prefix)->reset_at_vmm_free_limit = 0; \
(prefix)->reset_at_vmm_full = false; \
(prefix)->reset_at_commit_percent_free_limit = 0; \
(prefix)->reset_at_commit_free_limit = 0; \
(prefix)->reset_every_nth_pending = 0; \
(prefix)->reset_at_nth_bb_unit = 0; \
(prefix)->reset_at_nth_trace_unit = 0; \
(prefix)->reset_every_nth_bb_unit = 0; \
(prefix)->reset_every_nth_trace_unit = 0; \
#define REENABLE_RESET(prefix) \
{ \
(prefix)->enable_reset = true; \
(prefix)->reset_at_vmm_full = DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(reset_at_vmm_full); \
(prefix)->reset_every_nth_pending = \
DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(reset_every_nth_pending); \
(prefix)->reset_at_switch_to_os_at_vmm_limit = \
DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(reset_at_switch_to_os_at_vmm_limit); \
(prefix)->reset_at_vmm_percent_free_limit = \
DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(reset_at_vmm_percent_free_limit); \
(prefix)->reset_at_vmm_free_limit = \
DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(reset_at_vmm_free_limit); \
(prefix)->reset_at_commit_percent_free_limit = \
DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(reset_at_commit_percent_free_limit); \
(prefix)->reset_at_commit_free_limit = \
DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(reset_at_commit_free_limit); \
/* FIXME: case 9014 reenabling more resets or maybe
* reset_at_vmm_threshold reset_at_commit_threshold shouldn't be
* disabled in DISABLE_RESET but left under the main option
#define DISABLE_TRACES(prefix) \
{ \
(prefix)->disable_traces = true; \
(prefix)->enable_traces = false; \
(prefix)->shared_traces = false; \
(prefix)->shared_trace_ibl_routine = false; \
(prefix)->bb_ibl_targets = true; \
#define REENABLE_TRACES(prefix) \
{ \
(prefix)->disable_traces = false; \
(prefix)->enable_traces = true; \
(prefix)->shared_traces = true; \
(prefix)->shared_trace_ibl_routine = true; \
(prefix)->bb_ibl_targets = false; \
#define ENABLE_SECURITY(prefix) \
{ \
options->native_exec = true; \
options->code_origins = true; \
options->ret_after_call = true; \
/* we need to know ib sources */ \
options->indirect_stubs = true; \
options->rct_ind_call = IF_WINDOWS_ELSE( \
options->rct_ind_jump = IF_WINDOWS_ELSE( \
IF_WINDOWS(options->apc_policy = \
/* options start here */
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, dynamic_options, true, "dynamically update options")
bool, dummy_version, 0, "version",
if (for_this_process)
print_file(STDERR, "<%s>\n", dynamorio_version_string);
"print version number", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
PC_OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, nolink, "disable linking")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, link_ibl, true, "link indirect branches")
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, tracedump_binary, "binary dump of traces (after optimization)")
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, tracedump_text, "text dump of traces (after optimization)")
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, tracedump_origins, "write out original instructions for each trace")
OPTION(bool, syntax_intel, "use Intel disassembly syntax")
OPTION(bool, syntax_att, "use AT&T disassembly syntax")
OPTION(bool, syntax_arm, "use ARM (32-bit) disassembly syntax")
OPTION(bool, syntax_riscv, "use RISC-V disassembly syntax")
/* TODO i#4382: Add syntax_aarch64. */
/* whether to mark gray-area instrs as invalid when we know the length (i#1118) */
OPTION(bool, decode_strict, "mark all known-invalid instructions as invalid")
OPTION(uint, disasm_mask, "disassembly style as a dr_disasm_flags_t bitmask")
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, bbdump_tags, "dump tags, sizes, and sharedness of all bbs")
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, gendump, "dump generated code")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, global_rstats, true, "enable global release-build statistics")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, rstats_to_stderr, false,
"print the final global rstats to stderr")
/* this takes precedence over the DYNAMORIO_VAR_LOGDIR config var */
OPTION_DEFAULT(pathstring_t, logdir, EMPTY_STRING, "directory for log files")
OPTION(bool, log_to_stderr, "log to stderr instead of files")
#ifdef DEBUG /* options that only work for debug build */
/* we do allow logging for customers for forensics/diagnostics that requires
* debug build for more information.
* FIXME: somehow restrict info we dump out to prevent IP leakage for INTERNAL=0?
* restrict loglevel to <= 2 for INTERNAL=0?
/* log control fields will be kept in dr_statistics_t structure so they can be updated,
yet we'll also have the initial value in options_t at the cost of 8 bytes */
uint, stats_logmask, 0, "logmask",
if (d_r_stats != NULL && for_this_process)
d_r_stats->logmask = options->stats_logmask;
"set mask for logging from specified modules", DYNAMIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
uint, stats_loglevel, 0, "loglevel",
if (d_r_stats != NULL && for_this_process)
d_r_stats->loglevel = options->stats_loglevel;
"set level of detail for logging", DYNAMIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
OPTION_INTERNAL(uint, log_at_fragment_count,
"start execution at loglevel 1 and raise to the specified -loglevel at "
"this fragment count")
/* For debugging purposes. The bb count is distinct from the fragment count. */
uint, go_native_at_bb_count,
"once this count is reached, each thread will go native when creating a new bb")
/* Note that these are not truly DYNAMIC, and they don't get synchronized before each LOG
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, checklevel, 2, "level of asserts/consistency checks (PR 211887)")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, thread_stats, true, "enable thread local statistics")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, global_stats, true, "enable global statistics")
uint, thread_stats_interval, 10000,
"per-thread statistics dump interval in fragments, 0 to disable periodic dump")
uint, global_stats_interval, 5000,
"global statistics dump interval in fragments, 0 to disable periodic dump")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, hashtable_study, true, "enable hashtable studies")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, hashtable_ibl_stats, true,
"enable hashtable statistics for IBL routines")
/* off by default until non-sharing bug 5846 fixed */
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, hashtable_ibl_entry_stats, false,
"enable hashtable statistics per IBL entry")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, hashtable_ibl_study_interval, 50,
"dump stats after some IBL entry additions")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, stay_on_trace_stats, false,
"enable stay on trace statistics")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, speculate_last_exit_stats, false,
"enable speculative last stay_on_trace_stats")
# endif
#endif /* DEBUG */
#ifdef KSTATS
/* turn on kstats by default for debug builds */
/* For ARM we have no cheap tsc so we disable by default (i#1581) */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, kstats, IF_DEBUG_ELSE_0(IF_X86_ELSE(true, false)),
"enable path timing statistics")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, deadlock_avoidance, true,
"enable deadlock avoidance checks")
uint, mutex_callstack, 0 /* 0 to disable, 4 recommended, MAX_MUTEX_CALLSTACK */,
"collect a callstack up to specified depth when a mutex is locked")
OPTION(uint, prof_caller, /* 0 to disable, 3-5 recommended */
"collect caller data for instrumented routines to this depth")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, heap_accounting_assert, true,
"enable heap accounting assert")
#if defined(UNIX)
OPTION_NAME_INTERNAL(bool, profile_pcs, "prof_pcs", "pc-sampling profiling")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint_size, prof_pcs_heap_size, 24 * 1024,
"special heap size for pc-sampling profiling")
OPTION_NAME(bool, profile_pcs, "prof_pcs", "pc-sampling profiling")
# endif
/* XXX i#1114: enable by default when the implementation is complete */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, opt_jit, false, "optimize translation of dynamically generated code")
#ifdef UNIX
pathstring_t, xarch_root, EMPTY_STRING, "xarch_root",
/* Running under QEMU requires timing out and then leaving
* the failed-takeover QEMU thread native, so we bundle that
* here for convenience. We target the common use case of a
* small app, for which we want a small timeout.
if (options->xarch_root[0] != '\0') {
options->unsafe_ignore_takeover_timeout = true;
options->takeover_timeout_ms = 400;
"QEMU support: prefix to add to opened files for emulation; also sets "
"-unsafe_ignore_takeover_timeout and -takeover_timeout_ms 400",
OPTION_NAME_INTERNAL(bool, profile_times, "prof_times", "profiling via measuring time")
# endif
/* -prof_counts and PROFILE_LINKCOUNT are no longer supported and have been removed */
/* FIXME (xref PR 215082): make these external now that our product is our API? */
/* XXX: These -client_lib* options do affect pcaches, but we don't want the
* client option strings to matter, so we check them separately
* from the general -persist_check_options.
/* This option is ignored for STATIC_LIBRARY. */
/* XXX: We could save space by removing -client_lib and using only the {32,64}
* versions (or by having some kind of true alias where _lib points to the other).
";-separated string containing client "
"lib paths, IDs, and options")
# ifdef X64
liststring_t, client_lib64, EMPTY_STRING, "client_lib64",
snprintf(options->client_lib, BUFFER_SIZE_ELEMENTS(options->client_lib), "%s",
";-separated string containing client "
"lib paths, IDs, and options",
STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP /* See note about pcache above. */)
# define ALT_CLIENT_LIB_NAME client_lib32
# else
liststring_t, client_lib32, EMPTY_STRING, "client_lib32",
snprintf(options->client_lib, BUFFER_SIZE_ELEMENTS(options->client_lib), "%s",
";-separated string containing client "
"lib paths, IDs, and options",
STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP /* See note about pcache above. */)
# define ALT_CLIENT_LIB_NAME client_lib64
# endif
IF_X64_ELSE("client_lib32", "client_lib64"), {},
";-separated string containing client "
"lib paths, IDs, and options for other-bitwidth children",
/* If we revive hotpatching should use this there as well: but for now
* don't want to mess up any legacy tools that rely on hotp libs in
* regular loader list
/* XXX i#1285: MacOS private loader is NYI */
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, private_loader,
/* i#2117: for UNIX static DR we disable TLS swaps. */
IF_MACOS_ELSE(false, true)),
"use private loader for clients and dependents")
# ifdef UNIX
/* We cannot know the total tls size when allocating tls in os_tls_init,
* so use the runtime option to control the tls size.
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, client_lib_tls_size, 1,
"number of pages used for client libraries' TLS memory")
/* Controls whether we register symbol files with gdb. This has very low
* overhead if gdb is not attached, and if it is, we probably want to have
* symbols anyway.
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, privload_register_gdb, true,
"register private loader DLLs with gdb")
# endif
# ifdef WINDOWS
/* Heap isolation for private dll copies. Valid only with -private_loader. */
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, privlib_privheap, true,
"redirect heap usage by private libraries to DR heap")
/* PEB and select TEB field isolation for private dll copies (i#249).
* Valid only with -private_loader.
* XXX: turning this option off is not supported. Should we remove it?
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, private_peb, true,
"use private PEB + TEB fields for private libraries")
# endif
/* PR 200418: Code Manipulation API. This option enables the code
* manipulation events and sets some default options. We can't
* afford to check for this in our exported routines, so we allow
* ourselves to be used as a utility or standalone library
* regardless of this option.
* For the static library, we commit to use with code_api and enable
* it by default as it's more of a pain to set options with this model.
bool, code_api, IF_STATIC_LIBRARY_ELSE(true, false), "code_api",
if (options->code_api) {
"enable Code Manipulation API", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
/* PR 200418: Probe API. Note that the code manip API is off by
* default, so -probe_api by itself will give users the lightweight
* and more restricted version of the probe API. If users want the
* flexibility to place a probe anywhere, or if they also want code
* manipulation ability, they'll have to enable the code manip API
* as well. For simplicity, we assume they're willing to accept
* any associated performance hit (e.g., turning off elision), when
* enabling the code manip API.
bool, probe_api, false, "probe_api",
if (options->probe_api) { /* else leave alone */
IF_HOTP(options->hot_patching = true);
IF_HOTP(options->liveshields = false;)
IF_GBOP(options->gbop = 0;)
"enable Probe API", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
# define DISABLE_PROBE_API(prefix) \
{ \
(prefix)->probe_api = false; \
IF_HOTP((prefix)->hot_patching = false;) \
/* PR 326610: provide -opt_speed option. In future we may want to
* expose these separately (PR 225139), and fully support their
* robustness esp in presence of clients: for now we consider this
* less robust.
* FIXME: actually we can't turn elision on b/c it violates our
* translation and client trace building assumptions: plus Tim
* hit crashes w/ max_elide_call and code_api on in 32-bit linux.
* So leaving option here for now but not documenting it.
bool, opt_speed, false, "opt_speed",
if (options->opt_speed) {
/* We now have -coarse_units and -indirect_stubs off by default,
* so elision is the only thing left here, but -indcall2direct
* is significant on windows server apps.
/* See comments under -code_api about why these cause problems
* with clients: but we risk it here.
options->max_elide_jmp = 16;
options->max_elide_call = 16;
options->indcall2direct = true;
"enable high performance at potential loss in client fidelity", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
/* We turned -coarse_units off by default due to PR 326815 */
bool, opt_memory, false, "opt_memory",
if (options->opt_memory) {
"enable memory savings at potential loss in performance", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
IF_AARCH64_ELSE(true, IF_RISCV64_ELSE(true, false)),
"give all bbs a prefix")
/* If a client registers a bb hook, we force a full decode. This option
* requests a full decode regardless of whether there is a bb hook.
* Note that there is no way to make this available for non-CI builds
* yet be exposed in non-internal CI builds, so we make it CI-only.
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, full_decode, "decode all instrs to level 3 during bb building")
/* Provides a speed boost at startup for observation-only clients that don't
* use any libraries that need to see all instructions.
* Not officially supported yet: see i#805 and i#1112.
* Not compatible with DR_EMIT_STORE_TRANSLATIONS.
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, fast_client_decode,
"avoid full decoding even when clients are present (risky)")
#ifdef UNIX
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, separate_private_bss, true,
"place empty page to separate private lib .bss")
/* i#42: Optimize and shrink clean call sequences */
/* Optimization level of clean call instrumentation:
* 0 - no optimization
* 1 - callee's register usage analysis, e.g. use of XMM registers
* 2 - simple callee inline optimization,
* callee save reg analysis
* aflags usage analysis and optimization on the instrumented ilist
* 3 - more aggressive callee inline optimization
* All the optimizations assume that clean callee will not be changed
* later.
/* FIXME i#2094: NYI on ARM. */
/* FIXME i#2796: Clean call inlining is missing a few bits on AArch64. */
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, opt_cleancall, IF_X86_ELSE(2, IF_AARCH64_ELSE(1, 0)),
"optimization level on optimizing clean call sequences")
/* Assuming the client's clean call does not rely on the cleared eflags,
* i.e., initialize the eflags before using it, we can skip the eflags
* clear code.
* Note: we still clear DF for string instructions.
* Note: this option is ignored for ARM.
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, cleancall_ignore_eflags, true,
"skip eflags clear code with assumption that clean call does not rely on "
"cleared eflags")
#ifdef X86
/* TLS handling summary:
* On X86, we use -mangle_app_seg to control if we will steal app's TLS.
* If -mangle_app_seg is true, DR steals app's TLS and monitors/mangles all
* accesses to app's TLS. This provides better isolation between app and DR.
* Private loader and libraries (-private_loader) also relies on -mangle_app_seg
* for better transparency with separate copy of TLS used by client libraries.
* On ARM, we want to steal app's TLS for similar reason (better transparaency).
* In addition, because monitoring app's TLS is easier (we only need mangle simple
* thread register read instruction) and more robust (fewer assumptions about
* app's TLS layout for storing DR's TLS base), we decide to always steal the
* app's TLS, and so no option is needed. Also, we cannot easily handle
* raw threads created without CLONE_SETTLS without stealing TLS.
/* i#107: To handle app using same segment register that DR uses, we should
* mangle the app's segment usage.
* It cannot be used with DGC_DIAGNOSTICS.
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, mangle_app_seg,
IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(false, IF_LINUX_ELSE(true, false)),
"mangle application's segment usage.")
#endif /* X86 */
#ifdef X64
# ifdef WINDOWS
/* TODO i#49: This option is still experimental and is not fully tested/supported yet. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, inject_x64, false,
"Inject 64-bit DynamoRIO into 32-bit child processes.")
# endif
bool, x86_to_x64, false, "x86_to_x64",
/* i#1494: to avoid decode_fragment messing up the 32-bit/64-bit mode,
* we do not support any cases of using decode_fragment, including
* trace and coarse_units (coarse-grain code cache management).
if (options->x86_to_x64) {
"translate x86 code to x64 when on a 64-bit kernel.", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, x86_to_x64_ibl_opt, false,
"Optimize ibl code with extra 64-bit registers in x86_to_x64 mode.")
#ifdef AARCHXX
/* we only allow register between r8 and r12(A32)/r29(A64) to be used */
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, steal_reg, IF_X64_ELSE(28 /*r28*/, 10 /*r10*/),
"the register stolen/used by DynamoRIO")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, steal_reg_at_reset, 0, "reg to switch to at first reset")
/* Optimization level of mangling:
* 0 - no optimization,
* 1 - simple optimization with fast and simple analysis for low overhead
* at instrumentation time,
* 2 - aggressive optimization with complex analysis for better performance
* at execution time.
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, opt_mangle, 1,
"optimization level on optimizing mangle sequences")
#ifdef AARCH64
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, unsafe_build_ldstex, false,
"replace blocks using exclusive load/store with a "
"macro-instruction (unsafe)")
#if defined(AARCHXX) || defined(RISCV64)
/* TODO i#1698: ARM is still missing the abilty to convert the following:
* + ldrexd..strexd.
* + Predicated exclusive loads or stores.
* It will continue with a debug build warning if it sees those.
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, ldstex2cas, true,
"replace exclusive load/store with compare-and-swap to "
"allow instrumentation, at the risk of ABA errors")
#ifdef RISCV64
/* We only allow register between x18 and x31 to be used. */
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, steal_reg, 27, "The register stolen/used by DynamoRIO")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, prof_pcs_DR, 2,
"PC profile dynamorio.dll, value is bit shift to use, < 2 or > 32 "
"disables, requires -prof_pcs")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, prof_pcs_gencode, 2,
"PC profile generated code, value is bit shift to use, < 2 or > 32 "
"disables, requires -prof_pcs")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, prof_pcs_fcache, 30,
"PC profile fcache units, value is bit shift to use, < 2 or > 32 "
"disables, requires -prof_pcs")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, prof_pcs_stubs, 30,
"PC profile separate stub units. Value is bit shift to use: < 2 or > 32 "
"disables. Requires -prof_pcs.")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, prof_pcs_ntdll, 30,
"PC profile ntdll.dll, value is bit shift to use, < 2 or > 32 disables, "
"requires -prof_pcs")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, prof_pcs_global, 30,
"PC profile global, value is bit shift to use, < 8 or > 32 sets to "
"default, requires -prof_pcs")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, prof_pcs_freq, 10000,
"Profiling sample frequency in 100's of nanoseconds, requires -prof_pcs")
uint, msgbox_mask,
/* Enable for client debug builds so DR ASSERTS are visible (xref PR 232783) */
/* i#116/PR 394985: for Linux off by default since won't work for all apps */
/* For CI builds, interactive use is the norm: so we enable, esp since
* we can't print to the cmd console. The user must explicitly disable
* for automation or running daemons.
"show a messagebox for events")
#ifdef WINDOWS
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_time, eventlog_timeout, 10000,
"gives the timeout (in ms) to use for an eventlog transaction")
DYNAMIC_OPTION(bool, pause_via_loop,
"For -msgbox_mask, use an infinite loop instead of waiting for stdin")
#endif /* WINDOWS */
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, syslog_mask, 0, /* PR 232126: re-enable: SYSLOG_ALL */
"log only specified message types")
/* Example: -syslog_mask 0x4 - error messages
* -syslog_mask 0x6 - error and warning messages
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, syslog_internal_mask,
0, /* PR 232126: re-enable: SYSLOG_ALL */
"log only specified internal message types")
bool, syslog_init, false,
"initialize syslog, unnecessary if correctly installed") /* PR 232126: re-enable for
product: true */
#ifdef WINDOWS
DYNAMIC_OPTION(uint, internal_detach_mask,
"indicates what events the core should detach from the app on")
/* Leaving dumpcore off by default even for DEBUG + INTERNAL b/c that's
* now what's packaged up. For test suites we can explicitly turn it on
* in the future by setting up some other define.
* Good defaults for Windows are 0x8bff, for Linux 0x837f
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, dumpcore_mask, 0, "indicate events to dump core on")
/* This is basically superseded by -msgbox_mask + -pause_via_loop (i#1665) */
/* Note that you also won't get more then -report_max violation core dumps */
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, dumpcore_violation_threshold, 3,
"maximum number of violations to core dump on")
bool, live_dump, IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(true, IF_VMX86_ELSE(true, false)),
"do a live core dump (no outside dependencies) when warranted by the dumpcore_mask")
#ifdef WINDOWS
/* XXX: make a dynamic option */
bool, external_dump,
"do a core dump using an external debugger (specified in the ONCRASH registry value) "
"when warranted by the dumpcore_mask (kills process on win2k or w/ drwtsn32)")
#if defined(STATIC_LIBRARY) && defined(UNIX)
/* i#2119: invoke app handler on DR crash.
* If this were off by default it could be a dumpcore bitflag instead.
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, invoke_app_on_crash, true,
"On a DR crash, invoke the app fault handler if it exists.")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, stderr_mask,
/* Enable for client linux debug so ASSERTS are visible (PR 232783) */
"show messages onto stderr")
"report diagnostic information on application faults")
#ifdef UNIX
/* Xref PR 258731 - options to duplicate stdout/stderr for our or client logging if
* application tries to close them. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, dup_stdout_on_close, true,
"Duplicate stdout for DynamoRIO "
"or client usage if app tries to close it.")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, dup_stderr_on_close, true,
"Duplicate stderr for DynamoRIO "
"or client usage if app tries to close it.")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, dup_stdin_on_close, true,
"Duplicate stdin for DynamoRIO "
"or client usage if app tries to close it.")
/* Clients using drsyms can easily load dozens of files (i#879).
* No downside to raising since we'll let the app have ours if it
* runs out.
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, steal_fds, 96,
"number of fds to steal from the app outside the app's reach")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, fail_on_stolen_fds, true,
"return failure on app operations on fds preserved for DR's usage")
/* Xref PR 308654 where calling dlclose on the client lib at exit time can lead
* to an app crash. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, avoid_dlclose, true, "Avoid calling dlclose from DynamoRIO.")
/* PR 304708: we intercept all signals for a better client interface */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, intercept_all_signals, true, "intercept all signals")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, reroute_alarm_signals, true,
"reroute alarm signals arriving in a blocked-for-app thread")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, max_pending_signals, 8,
"maximum count of pending signals per thread")
/* i#2080: we have had some problems using sigreturn to set a thread's
* context to a given state. Turning this off will instead use a direct
* mechanism that will set only the GPR's and will assume the target stack
* is valid and its beyond-TOS slot can be clobbered. X86-only.
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, use_sigreturn_setcontext, true,
"use sigreturn to set a thread's context")
/* i#853: Use our all_memory_areas address space cache when possible. This
* avoids expensive reads of /proc/pid/maps, but if the cache becomes stale,
* we may have incorrect results.
* This option has no effect on platforms with a direct memory query, such
* as MacOS.
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, use_all_memory_areas, true,
"Use all_memory_areas "
"address space cache to query page protections.")
#endif /* UNIX */
/* Disable diagnostics by default. -security turns it on */
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, diagnostics, false, "enable diagnostic reporting")
/* For MacOS, set to 0 to disable the check */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, max_supported_os_version, IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(105, IF_MACOS_ELSE(19, 0)),
/* case 447, defaults to supporting NT, 2000, XP, 2003, and Vista.
* Windows 7 added with i#218
* Windows 8 added with i#565
* Windows 8.1 added with i#1203
* Windows 10 added with i#1714
"Warn on unsupported (but workable) operating system versions greater "
"than max_supported_os_version")
uint, os_aslr,
/* case 8225 - for now we disable our own ASLR.
* we do not disable persistent caches b/c they're off by default
* anyway and if someone turns them on then up to him/her to understand
* that we don't have relocation support (i#661)
"disable selectively pcache or our ASLR when OS provides ASLR on most modules")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, os_aslr_version, 60, /* WINDOWS_VERSION_VISTA, Vista RTM+ */
"minimal OS version to assume ASLR may be provided by OS")
/* case 10509: we only use this on <= win2k as it significantly impacts boot time */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_time, svchost_timeout, 1000,
"timeout (in ms) on an untimely unloaded library on Windows NT or Windows "
"2000") /* case
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_time, deadlock_timeout,
IF_DEBUG_ELSE_0(60) * 3 * 1000, /* disabled in release */
"timeout (in ms) before assuming a deadlock had occurred (0 to disable)")
/* stack_size may be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size(). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, stack_size,
/* For clients we have a larger MAX_OPTIONS_STRING so we need
* a larger stack even w/ no client present.
* 32KB is the max that will still allow sharing per-thread
* gencode in the same 64KB alloc as the stack on Windows.
/* Mac M1's page size is 16K. */
IF_MACOSA64_ELSE(32 * 1024, 24 * 1024),
"size of thread-private stacks, in KB")
#ifdef UNIX
/* signal_stack_size may be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size(). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, signal_stack_size, 24 * 1024,
"size of signal handling stacks, in KB")
/* PR 415959: smaller vmm block size makes this both not work and not needed
* on Linux.
* FIXME PR 403008: stack_shares_gencode fails on vmkernel
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, stack_shares_gencode,
/* We disable for client builds for DrMi#1723 for high-up stacks
* that aren't nec reachable. Plus, client stacks are big
* enough now (56K) that this option was internally never triggered.
"stack and thread-private generated code share an allocation region")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, spinlock_count_on_SMP, 1000U, "spinlock loop cycles on SMP")
/* This is a true spinlock where on an SMP we check for availability in a tight loop
instead of yielding and waiting on a kernel object. See Robbins for a discussion on a
good value for the above -
it should be based on expectations on how long does it take to finish a task. */
/* i#1111: try to improve startup-time performance by avoiding the bb lock
* in the initial thread. However, we can have races if a new thread
* appears for which we did not see the creation call: e.g., for a nudge,
* or any other externally-created thread. Thus this is off by default.
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, nop_initial_bblock,
"nop bb building lock until 2nd thread is created")
/* INTERNAL options */
/* These options should be used with a wrapper INTERNAL_OPTION(opt) which in external */
/* builds is turned into the default value, hence all non-default code is dead. */
/* This should be used for experimental internal options */
PC_OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, nullcalls, "do not take over")
/* replace dynamorio_app_init & _start w/ empty functions */
uint, trace_threshold, 50U, "trace_threshold",
{ options->disable_traces = options->trace_threshold == 0; },
"hot threshold value for trace creation", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
/* Override the default threshold for hot trace selection. */
/* PR 200418: Traces are off by default for the BT API. We now have
* -enable_traces to turn them on; plus, -probe and -security
* turn them on.
* We mark as pcache-affecting though we have other explicit checks
/* FIXME i#1551, i#1569: enable traces on ARM/AArch64 once we have them working */
bool, disable_traces, IF_X86_ELSE(false, true), "disable_traces",
if (options->disable_traces) { /* else leave alone */
"disable trace creation (block fragments only)", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
/* FIXME i#1551, i#1569: enable traces on ARM/AArch64 once we have them working */
bool, enable_traces, IF_X86_ELSE(true, false), "enable_traces",
if (options->enable_traces) { /* else leave alone */
"enable trace creation", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
uint, trace_counter_on_delete, 0U,
"trace head counter will be reset to this value upon trace deletion")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, max_elide_jmp, 16, "maximum direct jumps to elide in a basic block")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, max_elide_call, 16, "maximum direct calls to elide in a basic block")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, elide_back_jmps, true,
"elide backward unconditional jumps in basic blocks?")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, elide_back_calls, true,
"elide backward direct calls in basic blocks?")
/* Xref case 8163, if selfmod_max_writes is too small may cause problems
* with pattern reverify from case 4020. Though if too big can cause issues
* with max bb size (even 64 may be too big), xref case 7893. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, selfmod_max_writes, 5, "maximum write instrs per selfmod fragment")
/* If this is too large, clients with heavyweight instrumentation hit the
* "exceeded maximum size" failure.
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, max_bb_instrs, 256, "maximum instrs per basic block")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, process_SEH_push, IF_RETURN_AFTER_CALL_ELSE(true, false),
"break bb's at an SEH push so we can see the frame pushed on in "
"interp, required for -borland_SEH_rct")
bool, check_for_SEH_push, true,
"extra debug build checking to ensure -process_SEH_push is catching "
"all SEH frame pushes")
/* PR 361894: if no TLS available, we fall back to thread-private */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, shared_bbs, IF_HAVE_TLS_ELSE(true, false),
"use thread-shared basic blocks")
/* Note that if we want traces off by default we would have to turn
* off -shared_traces to avoid tripping over un-initialized ibl tables
* PR 361894: if no TLS available, we fall back to thread-private
/* FIXME i#1551, i#1569: enable traces on ARM/AArch64 once we have them working */
bool, shared_traces, IF_HAVE_TLS_ELSE(IF_X86_ELSE(true, false), false),
/* for -no_shared_traces, set options back to defaults for private
* traces: */
IF_NOT_X64_OR_ARM(options->private_ib_in_tls = options->shared_traces;)
options->atomic_inlined_linking = options->shared_traces;
options->shared_trace_ibl_routine = options->shared_traces;
/* private on by default, shared off until proven stable FIXME */
/* we prefer -no_indirect_stubs to inlining, though should actually
* measure it: FIXME */
if (!options->shared_traces && options->indirect_stubs)
options->inline_trace_ibl = true;
IF_NOT_X64(IF_WINDOWS(options->shared_fragment_shared_syscalls =
(options->shared_traces && options->shared_syscalls);))
"use thread-shared traces", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
/* PR 361894: if no TLS available, we fall back to thread-private */
bool, thread_private, IF_HAVE_TLS_ELSE(false, true), "thread_private",
options->shared_bbs = !options->thread_private;
options->shared_traces = !options->thread_private;
/* i#871: set code cache infinite for thread private as primary cache
options->finite_bb_cache = !options->thread_private;
options->finite_trace_cache = !options->thread_private;
if (options->thread_private && options->indirect_stubs) {
IF_NOT_ARM(options->coarse_units = true); /* i#1575: coarse NYI on ARM */
IF_NOT_X64_OR_ARM(options->private_ib_in_tls = !options->thread_private;)
options->atomic_inlined_linking = !options->thread_private;
options->shared_trace_ibl_routine = !options->thread_private;
/* we prefer -no_indirect_stubs to inlining, though should actually
* measure it: FIXME */
if (options->thread_private && options->indirect_stubs)
options->inline_trace_ibl = true;
IF_WINDOWS(options->shared_fragment_shared_syscalls =
(!options->thread_private && options->shared_syscalls)));
/* If most stubs are private, turn on separate ones and pay
* the cost of individual frees on thread exit (i#4334) for
* more compact caches. (ARM can't reach, so x86-only.)
IF_X86(options->separate_private_stubs = !options->thread_private);
IF_X86(options->free_private_stubs = !options->thread_private);
"use thread-private code caches", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, remove_shared_trace_heads, true,
"remove a shared trace head replaced with a trace")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, remove_trace_components, false, "remove bb components of new traces")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, shared_deletion, true, "enable shared fragment deletion")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, syscalls_synch_flush, true,
"syscalls are flush synch points (currently for shared_deletion only)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, lazy_deletion_max_pending, 128,
"maximum size of lazy shared deletion list before moving to normal list")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, free_unmapped_futures, true,
"free futures on app mem dealloc (potential perf hit)")
/* Default TRUE as it's needed for shared_traces (which is on by default)
* and for x64 (PR 244737, PR 215396)
* PR 361894: if no TLS available, we fall back to thread-private
/* FIXME: private_ib_in_tls option should go away once case 3701 has all
* ibl using tls when any fragments are shared
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, private_ib_in_tls,
IF_HAVE_TLS_ELSE(true, IF_X64_ELSE(true, false)),
"use tls for indirect branch slot in private caches")
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, single_thread_in_DR, "only one thread in DR at a time")
/* deprecated: we have finer-grained synch that works now */
/* Due to ARM reachability complexities we only support local stubs there.
* For x86, we avoid separate private stubs when they are rare due to shared
* caches being on by default, to avoid having to walk and free individual fragments
* in order to free the stubs on thread exit (i#4334).
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, separate_private_stubs, false,
"place private direct exit stubs in a separate area from the code cache")
/* Due to ARM reachability complexities we only support local stubs */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, separate_shared_stubs, IF_X86_ELSE(true, false),
"place shared direct exit stubs in a separate area from the code cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, free_private_stubs, false,
"free separated private direct exit stubs when not pointed at")
/* FIXME Freeing shared stubs is currently an unsafe option due to a lack of
* linking atomicity. (case 2081). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, unsafe_free_shared_stubs, false,
"free separated shared direct exit stubs when not pointed at")
/* XXX i#1611: for ARM, our far links go through the stub and hence can't
* be shared with an unlinked fall-through. If we switch to allowing
* "ldr pc, [pc + X]" as an exit cti we can turn this back on for 32-bit ARM.
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, cbr_single_stub, IF_X86_ELSE(true, false),
"both sides of a cbr share a single stub")
/* PR 210990: Improvement is in the noise for spec2k on P4, but is noticeable on
* Core2, and on IIS on P4. Note that this gets disabled if
* coarse_units is on (PR 213262 covers supporting it there).
/* XXX i#1611: For ARM, reachability concerns make it difficult to
* avoid a stub unless we use "ldr pc, [r10+offs]" as an exit cti, which
* complicates the code that handles exit ctis and doesn't work for A64.
bool, indirect_stubs, IF_X86_ELSE(false, true), "indirect_stubs",
/* we put inlining back in place if we have stubs, for private,
* though should re-measure whether inlining is worthwhile */
if (options->thread_private && options->indirect_stubs) {
options->inline_trace_ibl = true;
/* we also turn coarse on (xref PR 213262) */
options->coarse_units = true;
"use indirect stubs to keep source information", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
/* control inlining of fast path of indirect branch lookup routines */
/* NOTE : Since linking inline_indirect branches is not atomic (see bug 751)
* don't turn this on (need atomic linking for trace building in a shared
* cache) without turning on atomic_inlined_linking,
* should be ok for traces since ?think? only need atomic unlinking
* there (for flushing), reconsider esp. if we go to a shared trace cache
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, inline_bb_ibl, false, "inline head of ibl routine in basic blocks")
/* Default TRUE as it's needed for shared_traces (which is on by default) */
/* PR 361894: if no TLS available, we fall back to thread-private */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, atomic_inlined_linking, IF_HAVE_TLS_ELSE(true, false),
"make linking of inlined_ibls atomic with respect to thread in the cache, "
"required for inline_{bb,traces}_ibl with {bb,traces} being shared, cost "
"is an extra 7 bytes per inlined stub (77 bytes instead of 70)")
/* Default FALSE since not supported for shared_traces (which is on by default) */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, inline_trace_ibl, false, "inline head of ibl routine in traces")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, shared_bb_ibt_tables, false, "use thread-shared BB IBT tables")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, shared_trace_ibt_tables, false, "use thread-shared trace IBT tables")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, ref_count_shared_ibt_tables, true,
"use ref-counting to free thread-shared IBT tables prior to process exit")
/* PR 361894: if no TLS available, we fall back to thread-private */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, ibl_table_in_tls, IF_HAVE_TLS_ELSE(true, false),
"use TLS to hold IBL table addresses & masks")
/* FIXME i#1551, i#1569: enable traces on ARM/AArch64 once we have them working */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, bb_ibl_targets, IF_X86_ELSE(false, true), "enable BB to BB IBL")
/* IBL code cannot target both single restore prefix and full prefix frags
* simultaneously since the restore of %eax in the former case means that the
* 2nd flags restore in the full prefix would be wrong. So if the BB table
* is including trace targets, bb_single_restore_prefix and
* trace_single_restore_prefix must be the same value. See options.c for
* what is currently done for options compatibility.
OPTION(bool, bb_ibt_table_includes_traces, "BB IBT tables holds trace targets also")
PC_OPTION(bool, bb_single_restore_prefix, "BBs use single restore prefixes")
OPTION(bool, trace_single_restore_prefix, "Traces use single restore prefixes")
uint, rehash_unlinked_threshold, 100,
"%-age of #unlinked entries to trigger a rehash of a shared BB IBT table")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, rehash_unlinked_always, false,
"always rehash a shared BB IBT table when # unlinked entries > 0")
bool, fragment_sharing_study, false, "fragment_sharing_study",
if (options->fragment_sharing_study) { /* else leave alone */
options->shared_bbs = false;
options->shared_traces = false;
/* undo things that the default-on shared_traces turns on */
IF_NOT_X64(IF_WINDOWS(options->shared_fragment_shared_syscalls = false;))
IF_NOT_X64_OR_ARM(options->private_ib_in_tls = false;)
options->shared_trace_ibl_routine = false;
/* will work w/ wset but let's not clutter creation count stats */
options->finite_bb_cache = false;
options->finite_trace_cache = false;
"counts duplication of bbs and traces among threads (requires all-private fragments)",
bool, shared_bbs_only, false, "shared_bbs_only",
if (options->shared_bbs_only) { /* else leave alone */
options->shared_bbs = true;
options->private_ib_in_tls = true;
"Run in shared BBs, no traces mode", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
/* control sharing of indirect branch lookup routines */
/* Default TRUE as it's needed for shared_traces (which is on by default) */
/* PR 361894: if no TLS available, we fall back to thread-private */
/* FIXME i#1551, i#1569: enable traces on ARM/AArch64 once we have them working */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, shared_trace_ibl_routine,
IF_HAVE_TLS_ELSE(IF_X86_ELSE(true, false), false),
"share ibl routine for traces")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, speculate_last_exit, false,
"enable speculative linking of trace last IB exit")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, max_trace_bbs, 128, "maximum number of basic blocks in a trace")
/* FIXME i#3522: re-enable SELFPROT_DATA_RARE on linux */
uint, protect_mask,
/* XXX i#5383: Can we enable for M1 with the JIT_WRITE calls? */
0x100 /*SELFPROT_GENCODE*/))),
"which memory regions to protect")
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, single_privileged_thread,
"suspend all other threads when one is out of cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, alt_hash_func, 1,
"use to select alternate hashing functions for all fragment "
"tables except those that have in cache lookups")
uint, ibl_hash_func_offset, 0,
/* Ignore LSB bits for ret and indjmp hashtables (use ibl_indcall_hash_offset
* for indcall hashtables).
* This may change the hash function distribution and for offsets
* larger than 3 (4 on x64) will add an extra instruction to the IBL hit path.
"mask out lower bits in IBL table hash function")
/* PR 263331: call* targets on x64 are often 16-byte aligned so ignore LSB 4 */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, ibl_indcall_hash_offset, IF_X64_ELSE(4, 0),
/* Ignore LSB bits for indcall hashtables. */
"mask out lower bits in indcall IBL table hash function")
uint, shared_bb_load,
/* FIXME: since resizing is costly (no delete) this used to be up to 65 but that
* hurt us lot (case 1677) when we hit a bad hash function distribution -
* My current theory is that since modules addresses are 64KB
* aligned we are doing bad on the 16-bit capacity.
55, "load factor percent for shared bb hashtable")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, shared_trace_load,
/* not used for in-cache lookups */
55, "load factor percent for shared trace hashtable")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, shared_future_load,
/* performance not critical, save some memory */
60, "load factor percent for shared future hashtable")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, shared_after_call_load,
/* performance not critical */
/* we use per-module tables despite the name of the option */
80, "load factor percent for after call hashtables")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, global_rct_ind_br_load,
/* performance not critical */
/* we use per-module tables despite the name of the option */
80, "load factor percent for global rct ind branch hashtable")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, private_trace_load,
/* trace table is no longer used for in-cache lookups
* we can probably use higher than \alpha = 1/2
55, "load factor percent for private trace hashtables")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, private_ibl_targets_load,
/* IBL tables are performance critical, so we use a smaller load.
* we started with \alpha = 1/2,
* 40 seemed to be the best tradeoff of memory & perf for
* crafty, which is of course our primary nemesis.
* Increasing to accommodate IIS for private tables.
* FIXME: case 4902 this doesn't really control the effective load.
50, "load factor percent for private ibl target trace hashtables")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, private_bb_ibl_targets_load,
/* BB IBL tables are not proven to be performance critical trying a 1/2
60, "load factor percent for private ibl hashtables targeting shared bbs")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, shared_ibt_table_trace_init, 7,
"Shared trace shared IBT tables initial size, log_2 (in bits)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, shared_ibt_table_bb_init, 7,
"Shared BB shared IBT tables initial size, log_2 (in bits)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, shared_ibt_table_trace_load, 50,
"load factor percent for shared ibl hashtables targeting shared traces")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, shared_ibt_table_bb_load, 70,
"load factor percent for shared ibl hashtables targeting shared bbs")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, coarse_htable_load,
/* there is a separate table per module so we keep the load high */
80, "load factor percent for all coarse module hashtables")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, coarse_th_htable_load,
/* there is a separate table per module so we keep the load high */
80, "load factor percent for all coarse module trace head hashtables")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, coarse_pclookup_htable_load,
/* there is a separate table per module so we keep the load high */
80, "load factor percent for all coarse module trace head hashtables")
/* FIXME: case 4814 currently disabled */
uint, bb_ibt_groom,
/* Should either be 0 to disable grooming or be <= private_bb_ibl_targets_load */
0, "groom factor percent for ibl hashtables targeting bb's")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, trace_ibt_groom,
/* Should either be 0 to disable grooming or be <= private_ibl_targets_load
* since traces are considered hot already, grooming the table may not work
* as well here
0, "groom factor percent for ibl hashtables targeting traces")
/* for small table sizes resize is not an expensive operation and we start smaller */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, private_trace_ibl_targets_init, 7,
"Trace IBL tables initial size, log_2 (in bits)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, private_bb_ibl_targets_init, 6,
"BB IBL tables initial size, log_2 (in bits)")
/* maximum size of IBL table - table is reset instead of resized when reaching load factor
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, private_trace_ibl_targets_max, 0, /* 0 for unlimited */
"Trace IBL tables maximum size, log_2 (in bits)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, private_bb_ibl_targets_max, 0, /* 0 for unlimited */
"BB IBL tables maximum size, log_2 (in bits)")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, private_bb_load,
/* Note there are usually no private bbs when using shared_bbs */
60, "load factor percent for private bb hashtables")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, private_future_load,
/* performance not critical, save memory */
/* This table is suffering from the worst collisions */
65, "load factor percent for private future hashtables")
/* FIXME: remove this once we are happy with new rwlocks */
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, spin_yield_rwlock, false,
"use old spin-yield rwlock implementation")
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, simulate_contention,
"simulate lock contention for testing purposes only")
/* Virtual memory manager.
* We assume that our reservations cover 99% of the usage, and that we do not
* need to tune our sizes for standalone allocations where we would want 64K
* units for Windows. If we exceed the reservations we'll end up with less
* efficient sizing, but that is worth the simpler and cleaner common case
* sizing. We save a lot of wasted alignment space by using a smaller
* granularity (PR 415959, i#2575) and we avoid the complexity of adding guard
* pages while maintaining larger-than-page sizing (i#2607).
* vmm_block_size may be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size().
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, vmm_block_size, 4 * 1024,
"allocation unit for virtual memory manager")
/* initial_heap_unit_size may be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size(). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, initial_heap_unit_size, 24 * 1024,
"initial private heap unit size")
/* We avoid wasted space for every thread on UNIX for the
* non-persistent heap which often stays under 12K (i#2575).
/* initial_heap_nonpers_size may be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size(). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, initial_heap_nonpers_size, IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(24, 12) * 1024,
"initial private non-persistent heap unit size")
/* initial_global_heap_unit_size may be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size(). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, initial_global_heap_unit_size, 24 * 1024,
"initial global heap unit size")
/* if this is too small then once past the vm reservation we have too many
* DR areas and subsequent problems with DR areas and allmem synch (i#369)
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint_size, max_heap_unit_size, 256 * 1024,
"maximum heap unit size")
/* heap_commit_increment may be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size(). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, heap_commit_increment, 4 * 1024, "heap commit increment")
/* cache_commit_increment may be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size(). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_commit_increment, 4 * 1024, "cache commit increment")
/* cache capacity control
* FIXME: these are external for now while we study the right way to
* tune them for server apps as well as desktop apps
* Should we make then internal again once we're happy with the defaults?
* FIXME: unit params aren't that user-friendly -- there's an ordering required:
* init < quadruple < max && init < upgrade < max
* We complain if that's violated, but if you just set max we make you go and
* set the others instead of forcing the others to be ==max.
* FIXME: now that we have cache commit-on-demand we should make the
* private-configuration caches larger. We could even get rid of the
* fcache shifting.
OPTION(uint_size, cache_bb_max, "max size of bb cache, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
/* for default configuration of all-shared we want a tiny bb cache for
* our temp private bbs
/* The 56K values below are to hit 64K with two 4K guard pages.
* We no longer need to hit 64K since VMM blocks are now 4K, but we keep the
* sizes to match historical values and to avoid i#4433.
/* x64 does not support resizing individual cache units so start at the max. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_bb_unit_init, (IF_X64_ELSE(56, 4) * 1024),
"initial bb cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_bb_unit_max, (56 * 1024),
"maximum bb cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
/* w/ init at 4, we quadruple to 16 and then to 64 */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_bb_unit_quadruple, (56 * 1024),
"bb cache units are grown by 4X until this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION(uint_size, cache_trace_max, "max size of trace cache, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
/* x64 does not support resizing individual cache units so start at the max. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_trace_unit_init, (IF_X64_ELSE(56, 8) * 1024),
"initial trace cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_trace_unit_max, (56 * 1024),
"maximum trace cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_trace_unit_quadruple, (IF_X64_ELSE(56, 32) * 1024),
"trace cache units are grown by 4X until this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION(uint_size, cache_shared_bb_max, "max size of shared bb cache, in KB or MB")
/* override the default shared bb fragment cache size */
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_shared_bb_unit_init, (56 * 1024),
/* FIXME: cannot handle resizing of cache setting to unit_max, FIXME:
should be 32*1024 */
"initial shared bb cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
/* May be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size(). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_shared_bb_unit_max, (56 * 1024),
"maximum shared bb cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_shared_bb_unit_quadruple,
(56 * 1024), /* FIXME: should be 32*1024 */
"shared bb cache units are grown by 4X until this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION(uint_size, cache_shared_trace_max, "max size of shared trace cache, in KB or MB")
/* override the default shared trace fragment cache size */
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_shared_trace_unit_init, (56 * 1024),
/* FIXME: cannot handle resizing of cache setting to unit_max, FIXME:
should be 32*1024 */
"initial shared trace cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
/* May be adjusted by adjust_defaults_for_page_size(). */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_shared_trace_unit_max, (56 * 1024),
"maximum shared trace cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_shared_trace_unit_quadruple,
(56 * 1024), /* FIXME: should be 32*1024 */
"shared trace cache units are grown by 4X until this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION(uint_size, cache_coarse_bb_max, "max size of coarse bb cache, in KB or MB")
/* override the default coarse bb fragment cache size */
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_coarse_bb_unit_init, (56 * 1024),
/* FIXME: cannot handle resizing of cache setting to unit_max, FIXME:
should be 32*1024 */
"initial coarse bb cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_coarse_bb_unit_max, (56 * 1024),
"maximum coarse bb cache unit size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_coarse_bb_unit_quadruple,
(56 * 1024), /* FIXME: should be 32*1024 */
"coarse bb cache units are grown by 4X until this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
/* adaptive working set */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, finite_bb_cache, true, "adaptive working set bb cache management")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, finite_trace_cache, true,
"adaptive working set trace cache management")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, finite_shared_bb_cache, false,
"adaptive working set shared bb cache management")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, finite_shared_trace_cache, false,
"adaptive working set shared trace cache management")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, finite_coarse_bb_cache, false,
"adaptive working set shared bb cache management")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_bb_unit_upgrade, (56 * 1024),
"bb cache units are always upgraded to this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_trace_unit_upgrade, (56 * 1024),
"trace cache units are always upgraded to this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_shared_bb_unit_upgrade, (56 * 1024),
"shared bb cache units are always upgraded to this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_shared_trace_unit_upgrade, (56 * 1024),
"shared trace cache units are always upgraded to this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, cache_coarse_bb_unit_upgrade, (56 * 1024),
"shared coarse cache units are always upgraded to this size, in KB or MB")
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 4, 4k, 4m, or 0 for unlimited */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_bb_regen, 10, "#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing bb cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_bb_replace, 50,
"#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing bb cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_trace_regen, 10,
"#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing trace cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_trace_replace, 50,
"#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing trace cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_shared_bb_regen, 20,
"#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing shared bb cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_shared_bb_replace, 100,
/* doesn't mean much for shared sizing, so default 100 makes
* regen param a percentage */
"#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing shared bb cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_shared_trace_regen, 10,
"#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing shared trace cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_shared_trace_replace, 100,
/* doesn't mean much for shared sizing, so default 100 makes
* regen param a percentage */
"#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing shared trace cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_coarse_bb_regen, 20,
"#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing shared coarse cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_coarse_bb_replace, 100,
/* doesn't mean much for shared sizing, so default 100 makes
* regen param a percentage */
"#regen per #replaced ratio for sizing shared coarse cache")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_trace_align, 8, "alignment of trace cache slots")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_bb_align, 4, "alignment of bb cache slots")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, cache_coarse_align, 1, "alignment of coarse bb cache slots")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, ro2sandbox_threshold, 10,
"#write faults in a region before switching to sandboxing, 0 to disable")
uint, sandbox2ro_threshold, 20,
"#executions in a sandboxed region before switching to page prot, 0 to disable")
bool, sandbox_writable, false, "sandbox_writable",
if (options->sandbox_writable) {
options->sandbox2ro_threshold = 0;
"always sandbox writable regions", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
/* FIXME: Do we want to turn this on by default? If we do end up
* making this the default for a single process only, we might
* want to make it OP_PCACHE_NOP.
bool, sandbox_non_text, false, "sandbox_non_text",
if (options->sandbox_non_text) {
options->sandbox2ro_threshold = 0;
"always sandbox non-text writable regions", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
/* FIXME: separate for bb and trace shared caches? */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, cache_shared_free_list, true,
"use size-separated free lists to manage empty shared cache slots")
/* FIXME i#1674: enable on ARM once bugs are fixed, along with all the
* reset_* trigger options as well.
bool, enable_reset, IF_X86_ELSE(true, false), "enable_reset",
if (!options->enable_reset) {
"separate persistent memory from non-persistent for resets", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(uint, reset_at_fragment_count, 0,
"reset all caches at a certain fragment count")
OPTION(uint, reset_at_nth_thread,
"reset all caches when the nth thread is explicitly created")
/* FIXME - is potentially using up all the os allocation leaving nothing for the
* app, however that's prob. better then us spinning (xref 9145). It would be nice
* to switch back to resetting when the address space is getting low, but there's
* no easy way to figure that out. */
bool, switch_to_os_at_vmm_reset_limit, true,
"if we hit the reset_at_vmm_*_limit switch to requesting from the os (so we'll "
"only actually reset once the os is out and we're at the limit)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, reset_at_switch_to_os_at_vmm_limit,
false), /* i#1674: re-enable on ARM once xl8 bugs are fixed */
"schedule a reset the first (and only the first) time we switch to the os "
"allocations from -switch_to_os_at_vmm_reset_limit above")
uint, reset_at_vmm_percent_free_limit,
IF_X86_ELSE(10, 0), /* i#1674: re-enable on ARM once xl8 bugs are fixed */
"reset all when vmm heap % free is < reset_at_vmm_percent_free (0 disables)")
uint_size, reset_at_vmm_free_limit, 0,
"reset all when vmm heap has less then reset_at_vmm_free free memory remaining")
uint, report_reset_vmm_threshold, 3,
"syslog one thrash warning message after this many resets at low vmm heap free")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, reset_at_vmm_full,
false), /* i#1674: re-enable on ARM once xl8 bugs are fixed */
"reset all caches the first time vmm heap runs out of space")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, reset_at_commit_percent_free_limit, 0,
"reset all less than this % of the commit limit remains free (0 disables)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, reset_at_commit_free_limit,
IF_X86_ELSE((32 * 1024 * 1024),
0), /* i#1674: re-enable once ARM bugs fixed */
"reset all when less then this much free committable memory remains")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, report_reset_commit_threshold, 3,
"syslog one thrash warning message after this many resets at low commit")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, reset_every_nth_pending,
IF_X86_ELSE(35, 0), /* i#1674: re-enable on ARM once xl8 bugs are fixed */
"reset all caches when pending deletion has this many entries")
/* the reset-by-unit options focus on filled units and not created units
* to avoid being triggered by new, empty, private units for new threads
OPTION(uint, reset_at_nth_bb_unit,
"reset all caches once, when the nth new bb cache unit is created/reused")
OPTION(uint, reset_at_nth_trace_unit,
"reset all caches once, when the nth new trace cache unit is created/reused")
/* these options essentially put a ceiling on the size of the cache */
OPTION(uint, reset_every_nth_bb_unit,
"reset all caches every nth bb cache unit that is created/reused")
OPTION(uint, reset_every_nth_trace_unit,
"reset all caches every nth trace cache unit that is created/reused")
/* virtual memory management */
/* See case 1990 for examples where we have to fight for virtual address space with the
* app */
/* FIXME: due to incomplete implementation for detaching we will leave memory behind */
bool, skip_out_of_vm_reserve_curiosity, false,
"skip the assert curiosity on out of vm_reserve (for regression tests)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, vm_reserve, true, "reserve virtual memory")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, vm_size,
/* The 64-bit default is 1G instead of the full 32-bit-reachable
* 2G to allow for -vm_base_near_app to reduce overheads.
* If this is set to 2G, -vm_base_near_app will always fail.
/* TODO i#3570: Add support for private loading inside the vm_size
* region so Windows can support a 2G size.
IF_X64_ELSE(IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(512, 1024UL), 128) * 1024 * 1024,
"capacity of virtual memory region reserved (maximum supported is "
"512MB for 32-bit and 2GB for 64-bit) for code and reachable heap")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, vmheap_size, IF_X64_ELSE(8192ULL, 128) * 1024 * 1024,
/* XXX: default value is currently not good enough for 32-bit sqlserver,
* for which we need more than 256MB.
"capacity of virtual memory region reserved for unreachable heap")
#ifdef WINDOWS
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, vmheap_size_wow64, 128 * 1024 * 1024,
/* XXX: default value is currently not good enough for 32-bit sqlserver,
* for which we need more than 256MB.
"capacity of virtual memory region reserved for unreachable heap "
"on WoW64 processes")
/* We hardcode an address in the mmap_text region here, but verify via
* in vmk_init().
* For Linux we start higher to avoid limiting the brk (i#766), but with our
* new default -vm_size of 0x20000000 we want to stay below our various
* preferred addresses of 0x7xxx0000 so we keep the base plus offset plus
* size below that.
* For a 64-bit process on MacOS __PAGEZERO takes up the first 4GB by default.
* We ignore this for x64 if -vm_base_near_app and the app is far away.
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, vm_base,
IF_VMX86_ELSE(IF_X64_ELSE(0x40000000, 0x10800000),
"preferred base address hint for reachable code+heap")
/* FIXME: we need to find a good location with no conflict with DLLs or apps allocations
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, vm_max_offset,
IF_VMX86_ELSE(IF_X64_ELSE(0x18000000, 0x05800000), 0x10000000),
"base address maximum random jitter")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, vm_allow_not_at_base, true,
"if we can't allocate vm heap at "
"preferred base (plus random jitter) allow the os to choose where to "
"place it instead of dying")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, vm_allow_smaller, true,
"if we can't allocate vm heap of "
"requested size, try smaller sizes instead of dying")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, vm_base_near_app, true,
"allocate vm region near the app if possible (if not, if "
"-vm_allow_not_at_base, will try elsewhere)")
#ifdef X64
/* We prefer low addresses in general, and only need this option if it's
* an absolute requirement (XXX i#829: it is required for mixed-mode).
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, heap_in_lower_4GB, false,
"on 64bit request that the dr heap be allocated entirely within the "
"lower 4GB of address space so that it can be accessed directly as a "
"32bit address. See PR 215395. Requires -reachable_heap.")
/* By default we separate heap from code and do not require reachability for heap. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, reachable_heap, false,
"guarantee that all heap memory is 32-bit-displacement "
"reachable from the code cache.")
/* i#3570: For static DR we do not guarantee reachability. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, reachable_client, IF_STATIC_LIBRARY_ELSE(false, true),
"guarantee that clients are reachable from the code cache.")
/* XXX i#3566: Support for W^X has some current limitations:
* + It is not implemented for Windows or Mac.
* + Pcaches are not supported.
* + -native_exec_list is not supported.
* + dr_nonheap_alloc(rwx) is not supported.
* + DR_ALLOC_CACHE_REACHABLE is not supported.
* Clients using other non-vmcode sources of +wx memory will also not comply.
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, satisfy_w_xor_x, false,
"avoids ever allocating memory that is both writable and executable.")
/* FIXME: the lower 16 bits are ignored - so this here gives us
* 12bits of randomness. Could make it larger if we verify as
* collision free the whole range [vm_base, * vm_base+vm_size+vm_max_offset)
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, vm_use_last, "use the vm reservation only as a last resort")
OPTION(uint, silent_oom_mask,
/* a mask of the oom_source_t constants, usually 12 ==
* (OOM_COMMIT | OOM_EXTEND) on commit limit either when
* system running out of pagefile or process hitting job limit
"silently die when out of memory")
/* FIXME: case 6919 forcing a hardcoded name in the core, this
* should rather go into a configuration file. Since
* per-executable no real need for an append list. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, silent_commit_oom_list, OPTION_STRING("wmiprvse.exe"),
"silently die on reachinig commit limit in these ;-separated executables")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_time, oom_timeout, 5 * 1000, /* 5s */
/* 5 second x 2 -> adds at least 10 seconds before we terminate
* when out of memory, but gives us a chance to not die */
/* case 2294 pagefile resize, or case 7032 where we hope that
* a memory hog on the machine would die by the time we retry.
* Applies only to committed memory, for reservations sleeping
* is futile (other than artificial ballooning).
* Note: Two of these timeouts on the same thread's request
* and we'll terminate - we will also try freeing up our own
* memory after the first timeout.
"short sleep (in ms) and retry after a commit failure")
/* The follow children options control when we inject into a child. We inject if
* any one of the three says we should, see their descriptions for more details. */
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, follow_children, true,
"inject into all spawned processes unless preinjector is set up "
"to inject into them or they have app-specific RUNUNDER_OFF")
/* not dynamic do to interactions with -early_inject */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, follow_systemwide, true,
"inject into all spawned processes that are configured to run under dr "
"(app specific RUNUNDER_ON, or no app specific and RUNUNDER_ALL in the "
"global key), dangerous without either -early_inject or "
"-block_mod_load_list_default preventing double injection")
bool, follow_explicit_children, true,
"inject into all spawned processes that have app-specific RUNUNDER_EXPLICIT")
/* XXX: do we want to make any of the -early_inject* options dynamic?
* if so be sure we update os.c:early_inject_location on change etc. */
/* XXX i#47: for Linux, we can't easily have this option on by default as
* code like get_application_short_name() called from drpreload before
* even _init is run needs to have a non-early default.
* Thus we turn this on in privload_early_inject.
/* On Windows this does *not* imply early injection anymore: it just enables control
* over where to inject via a hook and alternate injection methods, rather than using
* the old thread injection.
* XXX: Clean up by removing this option and thread injection completely?
bool, early_inject, IF_UNIX_ELSE(false /*see above*/, true), "early_inject",
if (options->early_inject) {
/* i#1004: we need to emulate the brk for early injection */
IF_UNIX(options->emulate_brk = true;)
"inject early", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
/* To support cross-arch follow-children injection we need to use the map option. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, early_inject_map, true, "inject earliest via map")
/* See enum definition is os_shared.h for notes on what works with which
* os version. Our default is late injection to make it easier on clients
* (as noted in i#980, we don't want to be too early for a private kernel32).
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, early_inject_location, 8 /* INJECT_LOCATION_ThreadStart */,
"where to hook for early_injection. Use 5 =="
"INJECT_LOCATION_KiUserApcdefault for earliest injection; use "
"4 == INJECT_LOCATION_LdrDefault for easier-but-still-early.")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, early_inject_address, 0,
"specify the address to hook at for INJECT_LOCATION_LdrCustom")
#ifdef WINDOWS /* probably the surrounding options should also be under this ifdef */
pathstring_t, early_inject_helper_dll, OPTION_STRING(INJECT_HELPER_DLL1_NAME),
"path to 1st early inject helper dll that is used to auto find LdrpLoadImportModule")
OPTION_DEFAULT(pathstring_t, early_inject_helper_name,
"PE name of 2nd early inject helper dll that is used to auto find "
bool, early_inject_stress_helpers, false,
"When early injected and using early_inject_location LdprLoadImportModule, don't use "
"parent's address, instead always use helper dlls to find it")
/* FIXME - won't work till we figure out how to get the process parameters
* in maybe_inject_into_proccess() in os.c (see notes there) */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, inject_at_create_process, false,
"inject at post create process instead of create first thread, requires "
"early injection")
/* Separated from above option since on Vista+ we have to inject at create
* process (there is no separate create first thread). On vista+ proc
* params are available at create process so everything works out. */
bool, vista_inject_at_create_process, true,
"if os version is vista+, inject at post create (requires early injection)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, inject_primary, false,
/* case 9347 - we may leave early threads as unknown */
"check and wait for injection in the primary thread")
#ifdef UNIX
/* Should normally only be on if -early_inject is on */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, emulate_brk, false, "i#1004: emulate brk for early injection")
/* options for controlling the synch_with_* routines */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, synch_thread_max_loops, 10000,
"max number of wait loops in "
"synch_with_thread before we give up (UINT_MAX loops forever)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, synch_all_threads_max_loops, 10000,
"max number of wait loops "
"in synch_with_all_threads before we give up (UINT_MAX loops forever)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, synch_thread_sleep_UP, true,
"for uni-proc machines : if true "
"use sleep in synch_with_* wait loops instead of yield")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, synch_thread_sleep_MP, true,
"for multi-proc machines : if "
"true use sleep in synch_with_* wait loops instead of yield")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_time, synch_with_sleep_time, 5,
"time in ms to sleep for each "
"wait loop in synch_with_* routines")
#ifdef WINDOWS
/* FIXME - only an option since late in the release cycle - should always be on */
bool, suspend_on_synch_failure_for_app_suspend, true,
"if we fail "
"to synch with a thread for an app suspend, suspend anyways to preserved the "
"apps suspend count")
/* see in case 2520 why this is off by default for Windows */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, ignore_syscalls, IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(false, true),
"ignore system calls that do not need to be intercepted")
/* Whether we inline ignoreable syscalls inside of bbs (xref PR 307284) */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, inline_ignored_syscalls, true,
"inline ignored system calls in the middle of bbs")
#ifdef LINUX
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, hook_vsyscall, true, "hook vdso vsyscall if possible")
/* PR 356503: workaround to allow clients to make syscalls */
OPTION_ALIAS(sysenter_is_int80, hook_vsyscall, false, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, disable_rseq, false,
"cause the restartable sequence SYS_rseq "
"system call to return -ENOSYS as a workaround for rseq features not "
"supportable by DR")
#ifdef UNIX
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, restart_syscalls, true,
"restart appropriate syscalls when interrupted by a signal")
/* These should be made internal when sufficiently tested */
#if defined(WINDOWS) || defined(MACOS64)
/* We mark as pcache-affecting though we have other explicit checks */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, tls_align,
IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(1 /* case 6770: for disabling alignment */, 0),
/* 0 - use processor cache line */
/* 1, 2, 4 - no alignment
* 32 - Pentium III, Pentium M cache line
* 64 - Pentium 4 cache line
/* XXX: if we ever change our -tls_align default from 1 we should
* consider implications on platform-independence of persisted caches
"TLS slots preferred alignment")
#ifdef WINDOWS
/* FIXME There's gotta be a better name for this. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, ignore_syscalls_follow_sysenter, true,
"for ignore_syscalls, continue interp after the sysenter")
/* Optimize syscall handling for syscalls that don't need to be intercepted
* by DR by executing them using shared syscall. */
bool, shared_syscalls, true,
"syscalls that do not need to be intercepted are executed by shared syscall")
/* Default TRUE as it's needed for shared_traces (which is on by default) */
/* PR 361894: if no TLS available, we fall back to thread-private */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, shared_fragment_shared_syscalls, IF_HAVE_TLS_ELSE(true, false),
"enable fragments that use shared syscall to be share-able")
/* Optimize shared syscall handling by using a faster code sequence if
* possible. This currently works only w/-disable_traces. */
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, shared_syscalls_fastpath, "use a faster version of shared syscall")
/* This option only applies when shared_syscalls is 'true'. 'true' means that
* only ignorable syscalls can be optimized. 'false' means that a much broader
* set of syscalls can be optimized -- any syscall that DR doesn't need to
* intercept, as identified in the syscall_requires_action array in win32/os.c.
OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, shared_eq_ignore,
"use ignorable syscall classification for shared_syscalls")
/* We mark as pcache-affecting though we have other explicit checks */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, tls_flags, 1 | 2, /* TLS_FLAG_BITMAP_TOP_DOWN |
"TLS allocation choices")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, alt_teb_tls, true,
"Use other parts of the TEB for TLS once out of real TLS slots")
#endif /* WINDOWS */
/* i#2089: whether to use a special safe read of a magic field to determine
* whether a thread's TLS is initialized yet, on x86.
* XXX: we plan to remove this once we're sure it's stable.
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, safe_read_tls_init, IF_LINUX_ELSE(true, false),
"use a safe read to identify uninit TLS")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, guard_pages, true,
"add guard pages to all thread-shared vmm allocations; if disabled, also "
"disables -per_thread_guard_pages")
bool, per_thread_guard_pages, true,
"add guard pages to all thread-private vmm allocations, if -guard_pages is also on")
/* Today we support just one stack guard page. We may want to turn this
* option into a number in the future to catch larger strides beyond TOS.
* There are problems on Windows where the PAGE_GUARD pages must be used, yet
* the kernel's automated stack expansion does not do the right thing vs
* our -vm_reserve.
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, stack_guard_pages, IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(false, true),
"add guard pages to detect stack overflow")
/* PR 200418: -security_api just turns on the bits of -security needed for the
* Memory Firewall API */
bool, security_api, false, "security_api",
if (options->security_api) {
"enable Security API", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
/* PR 200418: program shepherding is now runtime-option-controlled. Note - not
* option_command_internal so that we can use for release builds. */
bool, security, false, "security",
if (options->security) {
options->diagnostics = true;
/* xref PR 232126 */
options->syslog_mask = SYSLOG_ALL_NOVERBOSE;
options->syslog_init = true;
IF_INTERNAL(options->syslog_internal_mask = SYSLOG_ALL;)
/* We used to have -use_moduledb by default (disabled with
* -staged).
/* memory wins over gcc/gap perf issues (PR 326815)
* (ENABLE_SECURITY turns on -indirect_stubs for us)
options->coarse_units = true;
"enable Memory Firewall security checking", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
/* attack handling options */
DYNAMIC_PCL_OPTION(bool, detect_mode,
"only report security violations - will execute attackers code!")
uint, detect_mode_max, 0, "detect_mode_max", { options->detect_mode = true; },
"max number of security violations to allow in detect_mode - will revert to "
"next higher-priority handling option after the max",
DYNAMIC_OPTION(bool, diagnose_violation_mode,
"on a security violations, report whether a trampoline")
uint, report_max, 20,
"max number of security violations to report, (0 is infinitely many)")
/* alternatives to kill application */
DYNAMIC_OPTION(bool, kill_thread,
"kill offending thread only, WARNING: application may hang")
uint, kill_thread_max, 10, "kill_thread_max", { options->kill_thread = true; },
"max number of threads to kill before killing process", DYNAMIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
DYNAMIC_OPTION(bool, throw_exception,
"throw exception on security violations, WARNING: application may die")
uint, throw_exception_max, 10, "throw_exception_max",
{ options->throw_exception = true; },
"max number of exceptions before killing thread or process", DYNAMIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, throw_exception_max_per_thread, 10,
"max number of exceptions per single thread")
DYNAMIC_OPTION(uint_time, timeout, "timeout value to throttle down an attack")
/* FIXME: should this apply to the whole process or the attacked thread only? */
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(pathstring_t, simulate_at, EMPTY_STRING,
"fragment count list for simulated attacks")
# endif
/* case 280: remove futureexec areas for selfmod regions.
* Disabled for now since -sandbox2ro_threshold invalidates its assumptions
* (case 8167)
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, selfmod_futureexec, true,
"leave selfmod areas on the future-exec list")
/* our default policies --- true by default, so you'd use no_ to turn them off
* example: -no_executable_if_flush
* note that if_flush and if_alloc use the future list, and so their regions
* are considered executable until de-allocated -- even if written to!
* N.B.: any changes in defaults must also change the -X command below!
/* N.B.: case 9799: any changes in policy or exemption default values may
* require changing from PC_ to PCL_, and changing whether we mark modules as
* exempted!
OPTION(bool, code_origins, "check that code origins meet security policies")
# ifdef WINDOWS
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, executable_if_flush, true,
"allow execution after a region has been NtFlushInstructionCache-d")
PC_OPTION(bool, executable_after_load,
"allow execution from region marked x but modified during load time (normal "
"behavior for relocation or rebinding)")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, emulate_IAT_writes, true, "keep IAT non-w, emulate writes there")
bool, unsafe_ignore_IAT_writes, false,
"ignore IAT writes by the loader, assuming nothing else writes at the same time")
# endif
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, executable_if_rx_text, true,
"allow execution from any rx portion of the text section, subsumes "
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, executable_if_alloc, true,
"allow execution from certain regions marked x at allocation time")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, executable_if_trampoline, true,
"allow execution from pattern-matched trampoline blocks")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, executable_if_hook, true,
"allow execution from text section briefly marked rwx")
/* specific trampoline exemptions */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, trampoline_dirjmp, true, "allow direct jmp trampoline")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, trampoline_dircall, true, "allow direct call trampoline")
/* not needed w/ native_exec but may be needed in the future */
PC_OPTION(bool, trampoline_com_ret, "allow .NET COM method table ret trampoline")
/* allow simple hook displacement of original code */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, trampoline_displaced_code, true,
"allow hook-displaced code trampoline")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, executable_if_driver, true,
"allow execution from a kernel-mode address (case 9022)")
bool, driver_rct, true,
/* marked as VM_DRIVER_ADDRESS */
"allow any RCT if source is from a kernel-mode address (case 9022/9096)")
/* methods to loosen policies */
bool, executable_if_text,
"allow execution from text sections of modules, subsumes -executable_if_rx_text")
PCL_OPTION(bool, executable_if_dot_data, "allow execution from .data sections of modules")
PCL_OPTION(bool, executable_if_dot_data_x,
"allow execution from .data sections of modulesif marked x")
/* ..x means care about execute permission, but not read or write;
* .-x means care about execute with no write permission. See case 3287.
PCL_OPTION(bool, executable_if_x, "allow execution from regions marked ..x")
PCL_OPTION(bool, executable_if_rx, "allow execution from regions marked .-x")
PCL_OPTION(bool, executable_if_image,
"allow execution from any mapped section from an executable or library image")
OPTION(bool, executable_stack, "allow execution from the stack")
OPTION(bool, executable_heap, "allow execution from the heap")
/* Obfuscated options how to suppress security violations of types A and B */
OPTION_ALIAS(A, executable_stack, true, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP /*no effect on images*/)
OPTION_ALIAS(B, executable_heap, true, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP /*no effect on images*/)
/* each exempt list has a corresponding boolean for easy disabling */
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, exempt_text, true, "allow execution from exempt text sections")
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_text_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"allow execution from text sections of these ;-separated modules")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_mapped_image_text_default_list,
/* case 9385 - loaded in unknown thread */
"allow execution from text sections in MEM_IMAGE mappings"
" of these ;-separated modules, default")
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_mapped_image_text_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"allow execution from text sections in MEM_IMAGE mappings"
" of these ;-separated modules, append")
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, exempt_dot_data, true,
"allow execution from exempt .data sections")
/* xref case 4244 on SM2USER.dll */
/* FIXME case 9799: since default not split out, anything on this list
* by default will not have shared pcaches for any process w/ ANY non-default
* exemption lists */
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_dot_data_list, OPTION_STRING("SM2USER.dll"),
"allow execution from .data sections of these ;-separated modules")
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, exempt_dot_data_x, true,
"allow execution from exempt .data sections if marked x")
/* Case 7345: allow all kdb*.dlls for shark; later on (porpoise?) implement
* -executable_if_dot_data_rx, turn it on by default and set this exempt
* list to empty.
/* FIXME case 9799: since default not split out, anything on this list
* by default will not have shared pcaches for any process w/ ANY non-default
* exemption lists */
liststring_t, exempt_dot_data_x_list,
"allow execution from .data sections of these ;-separated modules if marked x")
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, exempt_image, true, "allow execution from exempt image modules")
liststring_t, exempt_image_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"allow execution from anywhere in the image of these ;-separated modules")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, exempt_dll2heap, true,
"allow execution in heap first targeted by exempt modules")
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_dll2heap_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"allow execution in heap first targeted by these ;-separated modules")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, exempt_dll2stack, true,
"allow execution in stack first targeted by exempt modules")
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_dll2stack_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"allow execution in stack first targeted by these ;-separated modules")
DYNAMIC_PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, exempt_threat, true, "allow exempt threat ids")
liststring_t, exempt_threat_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"silently allow these ;-separated threat ids, ? wildcards allowed")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, silent_block_threat_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"silently block these ;-separated threat ids, ? wildcards allowed")
/* note that exempt_threat_list takes precedence over silent_block_threat_list */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, ret_after_call, false,
"return after previous call instructions only")
/* Obfuscated option how to suppress security violations of type C */
OPTION_ALIAS(C, ret_after_call, false, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, vbjmp_allowed, true, "allow execution of VB direct jmp via ret")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, vbpop_rct, true, "allow execution of VB pop via ret")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, fiber_rct, true, "allow execution of fiber initialization")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, mso_rct, true,
"allow execution of MSO continuations") /* FIXME: no clue what it is */
bool, licdll_rct, true,
"allow execution of licdll obfuscated call") /* FIXME: no clue what it is */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, seh_rct, true, "allow execution of SEH ret constructs")
/* xref case 5752 */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, borland_SEH_rct, true,
"allow execution of borland SEH constructs")
/* case 7317, from SQL2005 case 6534
* off by default as case 7266 has us currently running these dlls natively
PC_OPTION(bool, pushregret_rct, "allow execution of push;ret constructs")
/* PR 276529: ntdll64!RtlRestoreContext uses iret as a general jmp* */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, iret_rct, IF_X64_ELSE(true, false),
"allow ntdll64!RtlRestoreContext iret")
/* case 7319, from SQL2005 cases 6541 and 6534
* off by default as case 7266 has us currently running these dlls natively
PC_OPTION(bool, xdata_rct, "allow ret to .xdata NtFlush targets")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, exempt_rct, true, "allow rct in exempt modules")
/* case 9725 slsvc.exe->heap .C (software licensing service on Vista)
* FIXME slsvc.exe is also in exempt_rct_to_default_list for slsvc.exe -> slsvc.exe
* .C violations which would be covered here if it weren't for case 285. */
liststring_t, exempt_rct_default_list,
"allow rct within these ;-separated modules or to DGC")
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_rct_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"allow rct within these ;-separated modules or to DGC, append")
/* exempt_rct_from_{default,}_list are less strict than exempt_rct_list */
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_rct_from_default_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"allow rct from these ;-separated modules")
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_rct_from_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"allow rct from these ;-separated modules, append")
/* exempt_rct_to_{default,}_list are less strict than exempt_rct_list */
/* case 1690 dpcdll.dll, licdll.dll; case 1158 mso.dll */
/* case 1214 winlogon.exe */
/* case 5912 .F sysfer.dll,
* FIXME: should be in exempt_rct_default_list, case 285 */
/* case 6076 blackd.exe: .F iss-pam1.dll ---> iss-pam1.dll,
* FIXME: should be in exempt_rct_default_list, case 285 */
/* case 5051 w3wp.exe: .C jmail.dll ---> jmail.dll,
* FIXME: should be in exempt_rct_default_list, case 285 */
/* case 6412, 7659: .E msvbvm50.dll;msvbvm60.dll;vbe6.dll */
/* case 9385 LVPrcInj.dll loaded by unknown thread */
/* case 9716 slc.dll (software licensing dll) on Vista .C */
/* case 9724 slsvc.exe->slsvc.exe (software licensing service) on Vista .C
* FIXME: should be only in exempt_rct_default_list, case 285 */
liststring_t, exempt_rct_to_default_list,
"allow rct to these ;-separated modules")
PCL_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_rct_to_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"allow rct to these ;-separated modules, append")
/* case 2144 - FIXME: should we have a general exemption for .A and .B as well? */
/* note we want to silently handle a .C - and to preserve compatibility with previous
* releases we use the default attack handling (e.g. kill thread for services)
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, rct_ret_unreadable,
"alternative handling of return targets in unreadable memory")
/* note indirect call and indirect jump will always just throw an exception */
/* case 5329 - leaving for bug-compatibility with previous releases */
PC_OPTION(bool, rct_sticky, "leaves all RCT tables on unmap, potential memory leak")
/* case 9331 - FIXME: still leaking on DGC */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, rac_dgc_sticky, true,
"leaves all RAC tables from DGC, potential memory leak")
uint, rct_cache_exempt, 1, /* RCT_CACHE_EXEMPT_MODULES */
"whether to cache exempted addresses, 0 never, 1 only in modules, 2 always")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, rct_section_type, 0x20, /* IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE */
"bitflag to enable RCT checks on module code 0x20,data 0x40, or "
"uninitialized sections 0x80")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, rct_section_type_exclude,
0x80000020, /* IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE|IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, xref case 8360 */
"TESTALL bitflag to disable RCT checks for specific module sections "
"sections that are matched by rct_section_type")
bool, rct_modified_entry, true,
"if not within module, lookup image entry point"
"in LDR list for already mapped modules, and at MapViewOfSection for late")
/* expected to be overwritten by mscoree.dll */
/* case 286 */
/* FIXME: currently OPTION_ENABLED doesn't do much yet, see rct_process_module_mmap() for
* details */
/* FIXME: not yet supported on Linux (case 4983) */
"indirect call policy: address taken instructions only")
"indirect jump policy: address taken or return targets")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, rct_analyze_at_load, true,
"analyze modules for ind branch targets at module load time")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, rct_reloc, true, "use relocation information to find references")
/* PR 215408: even when we have reloc info, we need to scan for rip-rel lea,
* but only in modules that executed code we didn't see.
* This option controls whether we proactively scan or only rely on our
* scan-on-violation (PR 277044/277064).
bool, rct_scan_at_init, IF_X64_ELSE(true, false),
"scan modules present at inject time for rip-rel lea even when relocs are present")
/* PR 275723: RVA-table-based switch statements. Not on for Linux b/c we
* don't have per-module RCT tables there.
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, rct_exempt_intra_jmp,
IF_X64_ELSE(IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(true, false), false),
"allow jmps to target any intra-module address")
/* Obfuscated options to suppress security violations of types E and F */
# endif /* RCT_IND_BRANCH */
# endif /* RETURN_AFTER_CALL */
/* FIXME: there must be a way to make sure that new security
* options are added here; and less importantly make sure that
* when options are turned off by default they are taken out
bool, X, false, "X",
IF_RETURN_AFTER_CALL(options->ret_after_call = false;)
IF_WINDOWS(options->executable_if_flush = false;)
options->executable_if_alloc = false;
options->executable_if_trampoline = false;
options->executable_if_hook = false;
options->executable_if_x = true;
IF_RCT_IND_BRANCH(options->rct_ind_call = OPTION_DISABLED;)
IF_RCT_IND_BRANCH(options->rct_ind_jump = OPTION_DISABLED;)
"duplicate Microsoft's nx: allow x memory only and don't enforce RCT", DYNAMIC,
OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL /*since is not only a relaxation*/)
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, enable_block_mod_load, true,
"switch for enabling the block module from being loaded feature, if "
"enabled the modules to block from loading are specified by the "
"block_mod_load_list[_default] options")
/* dynamorio.dll : on this list to prevent non early_inject follow
* children from double injecting if the process is already under dr */
/* entapi.dll;hidapi.dll : case 2871 for Entercept/VirusScan */
/* Caution: add to this list only DLLs whose callers don't crash
* if LdrLoadDll calls fail, e.g. do not use the result for
* GetProcAddress.
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, block_mod_load_list_default,
"if -enable_block_mod_load block the loading (at LdrLoadDll) of the "
"following ;-separated modules, note that since this is blocking at "
"LdrLoadDll the module match will be based on the filename of module "
"being loaded NOT the PE name (which is used by most other options)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, block_mod_load_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"if -enable_block_mod_load, block the loading (at LdrLoadDll) of the "
"following ;-separated modules, note that since this is blocking at "
"LdrLoadDll the module match will be based on the filename of module "
"being loaded NOT the PE name (which is used by most other options)")
uint, handle_DR_modify, 1 /*DR_MODIFY_NOP*/,
"specify how to handle app attempts to modify DR memory protection: either halt with "
"an error, turn into a nop (default), or return failure to the app")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, handle_ntdll_modify,
/* i#467: for CI builds the goal is to run an arbitrary app and
* err on the side of DR missing stuff while native rather than
* messing up the app's behavior.
"specify how to handle app attempts to modify ntdll code: either halt "
"with an error, turn into a nop (default), or return failure to the app")
/* generalized DR_MODIFY_NOP for customizable list of modules */
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, patch_proof_default_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"ignore protection changes and writes to text of ;-separated module list, "
"or * for all")
/* note '*' has to be at first position to mean all modules */
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, patch_proof_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"ignore protection changes and writes to text of ;-separated module list, "
"append, or * for all")
/* note '*' has to be at first position to mean all modules */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, use_moduledb, false, "activate module database")
OPTION_ALIAS(staged, use_moduledb, false, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL) /* xref case 8924 */
/* FIXME - can't handle a company name with a ; in it */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, allowlist_company_names_default,
"don't relax protections as part of moduledb matching for these ; "
"separated company names")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, allowlist_company_names,
OPTION_STRING("Microsoft Corporation"),
"don't relax protections as part of moduledb matching for these ; "
"separated company names")
uint, unknown_module_policy,
"module policy control field for non-allowlisted modules")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, unknown_module_load_report_max, 10,
"max number of non allowlist modules to log/report at load time")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, moduledb_exemptions_report_max, 3,
"max number of moduledb security exemptions to report")
/* case 9330 detect race in our security policies during DLL
* unload, and also case 9364 for .C only after unload
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, unloaded_target_exception, true,
"detect and silently handle as exceptions app races during DLL unload")
#ifdef WINDOWS
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, hide, true, "remove DR dll from module lists")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, hide_from_query,
"mask to control what option to take to hide dr when the app does a query "
"virtual memory call on our dll base")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, track_module_filenames, true,
"track module file names by watching section creation")
/* XXX: since we have dynamic options this option can be false for most of the time,
* and the gui should set true only when going to detach to prevent a security risk.
* The setting should be removed when detach is complete.
* In vault mode: -no_allow_detach -no_dynamic_options
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, allow_detach, true, "allow detaching from process")
/* turn off critical features, right now for experimentation only */
#ifdef WINDOWS
PC_OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, noasynch, "disable asynchronous event interceptions")
bool, hw_cache_consistency, IF_X86_ELSE(true, false),
"keep code cache consistent in face of hardware implicit icache sync")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, sandbox_writes, true,
"check each sandboxed write for selfmod?")
/* FIXME: off by default until dll load perf issues are solved: case 3559 */
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, safe_translate_flushed, false,
"store info at flush time for safe post-flush translation")
PC_OPTION_INTERNAL(bool, store_translations,
"store info at emit time for fragment translation")
/* i#698: our fpu state xl8 is a perf hit for some apps */
PC_OPTION(bool, translate_fpu_pc,
"translate the saved last floating-point pc when FPU state is saved")
/* case 8812 - owner validation possible only on Win32 */
/* Note that we expect correct ACLs to prevent anyone other than
* owner to have overwritten the files.
* XXX: not supported on linux
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, validate_owner_dir, IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(true, false),
"validate owner of persisted cache or ASLR directory")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, validate_owner_file, false,
"validate owner of persisted cache or ASLR, on each file")
/* PR 326815: off until we fix gcc+gap perf */
#define ENABLE_COARSE_UNITS(prefix) \
{ \
(prefix)->coarse_units = true; \
/* PR 326610: we turned off -indirect_stubs by default, but \
* -coarse_units doesn't support that yet (that's i#659/PR 213262). \
* XXX: duplicated in -persist \
*/ \
(prefix)->indirect_stubs = true; \
#define DISABLE_COARSE_UNITS(prefix) \
{ \
(prefix)->coarse_units = false; \
/* We turned off -indirect_stubs by default. */ \
(prefix)->indirect_stubs = false; \
bool, coarse_units, false, "coarse_units",
if (options->coarse_units) {
"use coarse-grain code cache management when possible", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
/* Currently a nop, but left in for the future */
OPTION_ALIAS(enable_full_api, coarse_units, false, STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_enable_freeze, false, "enable freezing of coarse units")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_freeze_at_exit, false,
"freeze coarse units at process exit")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_freeze_at_unload, false,
"freeze coarse units at module unload or other flush")
/* Remember that this is a threshold on per-module per-run new generated code.
* Though bb building time would recommend a fragment count threshold, for
* sharing benefits we care about code size.
* Remember also that we get wss and time improvements from RCT table
* being persisted; yet a large module w/ many RCT targets is likely to have
* a lot of code, though we may not execute much of it, so we have
* the coarse_freeze_rct_min option.
* Xref case 10362 on using pcache files for RCT independently of code caches.
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, coarse_freeze_min_size, 512,
"only freeze new coarse code > this cache size (bytes)")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, coarse_freeze_append_size, 256,
"only append new coarse code > this cache size (bytes)")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, coarse_freeze_rct_min, 2 * 1024,
"freeze a coarse module w/ > this RCT entries")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_freeze_clobber, false,
"overwrite existing persisted temp files")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_freeze_rename, true,
"rename existing persisted files when writing new ones")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_freeze_clean, true, "delete renamed persisted files")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_freeze_merge, true,
"merge unfrozen coarse code with frozen code when persisting")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_lone_merge, true,
"merge un-persisted unit w/ disk file when persisting")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_disk_merge, true,
"merge persisted unit w/ disk file when persisting")
#ifdef WINDOWS
bool, coarse_freeze_rebased_aslr, false,
"freeze modules with ASLR enabled that failed to load due to rebasing")
/* We have explicit support for mixing elision at gen and use so not PC_ */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_freeze_elide_ubr, true,
"elide fall-through ubr when freezing coarse units")
/* case 9677: unsafe to elide entire-bb-ubr since creates backmap ambiguity */
PC_OPTION(bool, unsafe_freeze_elide_sole_ubr,
"elide sole-ubr-bb fall-through ubr when freezing coarse units")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_pclookup_table, true,
"use a reverse cache lookup table for faster entry-pc lookup,"
"critical for performance of frozen units + trace building")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_per_app, false,
"use separate persisted cache per executable")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_per_user, true, "use separate persisted cache per user")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, use_persisted, false, "use persisted cache if it exists")
/* exemptions are based on canonical DR names (case 3858) */
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, persist_exclude_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"exclude these ;-separated modules from persisted use and generation")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_rct, true,
"persist RCT (call* target) tables; if this option is off, "
"we will still persist for Borland modules, but no others")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_rct_entire, true,
"if -persist_rct, persist RCT tables for entire module")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, use_persisted_rct, true,
"use persisted RCT info, if available, instead of analyzing module")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, use_persisted_hotp, true,
"use persisted hotp info to avoid flushing perscaches")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, coarse_fill_ibl, 1, /* mask from 1<<IBL_type (1=ret|2=call*|4=jmp*)
* indicating which per-type table(s) to fill */
"fill 1st thread's ibl tables from persisted RAC/RCT tables")
/* FIXME case 9599: w/ MEM_MAPPED this option removes COW from the cache */
/* FIXME: could make PC_ to coexist for separate values */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_map_rw_separate, true,
"map persisted read-only sections separately to support sharing"
"(option must be on both when generated and when using)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_lock_file, true,
"keep persisted file handle open to prevent writes/deletes")
/* FIXME: could make PC_ to coexist for separate values */
/* PR 215036: linux does not support PERSCACHE_MODULE_MD5_AT_LOAD */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, persist_gen_validation, IF_WINDOWS_ELSE(0x1d, 0xd),
"controls md5 values that we store when we persist")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, persist_load_validation, 0x5,
"controls which md5 values we check when we load a persisted file; must "
"be a subset of -persist_gen_validation, else we won't load anything")
/* Size of short checksum of file header and footer for PERSCACHE_MODULE_MD5_SHORT.
* Size must match that in effect at persist time. */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, persist_short_digest, (4 * 1024),
"size of file header and footer to check, in KB or MB")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_check_options, true,
"consider pcache-affecting options when using pcaches")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_check_local_options, false,
"include all local options in -persist_check_options")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_check_exempted_options, true,
"only check local options for modules affected by exemptions")
/* FIXME: make this part of -protect_mask? */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_protect_stubs, true, "keep persisted cache stubs read-only")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, persist_protect_stubs_limit, 0,
"stop write-protecting stubs after this many writes (0 protects forever)")
/* case 10074: we can trade working set to reduce pagefile, strangely */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_touch_stubs, true,
"touch stubs prior to protecting to avoid pagefile cost")
/* case 8640: relies on -executable_{if_rx_text,after_load} */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_merge_iat, true,
"merge iat page into coarse unit at +rx transition")
/* PR 214084: avoid push of abs addr in pcache
* TODO: should auto-enable (on Linux or Vista+ only?) for -coarse_enable_freeze?
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_split_calls, false,
"make all calls fine-grained and in own bbs")
#ifdef X64
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, coarse_split_riprel, false,
"make all rip-relative references fine-grained and in own bbs")
#ifdef UNIX
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, persist_trust_textrel, true,
"if textrel flag is not set, assume module has no text relocs")
/* the DYNAMORIO_VAR_PERSCACHE_ROOT config var takes precedence over this */
OPTION_DEFAULT(pathstring_t, persist_dir, EMPTY_STRING,
"base per-user directory for persistent caches")
/* the DYNAMORIO_VAR_PERSCACHE_SHARED config var takes precedence over this */
OPTION_DEFAULT(pathstring_t, persist_shared_dir, EMPTY_STRING,
"base shared directory for persistent caches")
/* convenience option */
bool, persist, false, "persist",
if (options->persist) {
options->coarse_enable_freeze = true;
options->coarse_freeze_at_exit = true;
options->coarse_freeze_at_unload = true;
options->use_persisted = true;
/* these two are for correctness */
IF_UNIX(options->coarse_split_calls = true;)
IF_X64(options->coarse_split_riprel = true;)
/* FIXME: i#660: not compatible w/ Probe API */
/* i#1051: disable reset until we decide how it interacts w/
* pcaches */
} else {
options->coarse_enable_freeze = false;
options->use_persisted = false;
"generate and use persisted caches", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
/* case 10339: tuned for boot and memory performance, not steady-state */
bool, desktop, false, "desktop",
if (options->desktop) {
options->coarse_enable_freeze = true;
options->use_persisted = true;
options->coarse_freeze_at_unload = true;
options->shared_bb_ibt_tables = true;
/* case 10525/8711: reduce # links via single fine-grained vsyscall
* bb N.B.: if we re-enable traces we'll want to turn this back on
options->indcall2direct = false;
/* i#1051: disable reset until we decide how it interacts w/
* pcaches */
} else {
/* -no_desktop: like -no_client, only use in simple
* sequences of -desktop -no_desktop
options->coarse_enable_freeze = false;
options->use_persisted = false;
options->coarse_freeze_at_unload = false;
options->shared_bb_ibt_tables = false;
options->indcall2direct = true;
"desktop process protection", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_GLOBAL)
/* should probably always turn on -executable_if_text if turning this on, for
* modules loaded by natively-executed modules
* these don't affect pcaches since the trampoline bbs won't be coarse-grain.
/* XXX i#1582: add ARM support for native_exec */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, native_exec, IF_X86_ELSE(true, false),
"attempt to execute certain libraries natively (WARNING: lots of issues "
"with this, use at own risk)")
/* initially populated w/ all dlls we've needed to get .NET, MS JVM, Sun JVM,
* Symantec JVM, and Panda AV working, but with very limited workload testing so far
liststring_t, native_exec_default_list,
/* case 3453, case 1962 .NET 1.0, 1.1 : mscorsvr.dll;mscorwks.dll;aspnet_isapi.dll */
/* case 6189 .NET 2.0: mscorwks_ntdef.dll(PE name of mscorwks.dll);aspnet_isapi.dll */
/* case 3453 MS JVM: msjava.dll;msawt.dll, Sun JVM: jvm.dll */
/* case 3749 Symantec Java! JIT: symcjit.dll */
/* case 3762 Panda AV: pavdll.dll */
"execute these ;-separated modules natively")
/* easy way to add dlls w/o having to re-specify default list, while keeping
* default list visible and settable at global level
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, native_exec_list, EMPTY_STRING,
"execute these ;-separated modules natively")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, native_exec_syscalls, true,
"intercept system calls while application is native")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, native_exec_dircalls, true,
"check direct calls as gateways to native_exec modules")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, native_exec_callcall, true,
"put gateway on 1st call of a pair where 2nd targets a native_exec module")
bool, native_exec_guess_calls, true,
"if TOS looks like a ret addr, assume transition to a new module was via call*")
/* case 7266: add exes and dlls with managed code to native_exec_areas */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, native_exec_managed_code, true,
"if module has managed code, execute it natively")
/* case 10998: add modules with .pexe sections to native_exec_areas,
* FIXME - for case 6765 turn this into a liststring_t so we can consider native exec
* for other potentially problematic sections like .aspack, .pcle, and .sforce */
bool, native_exec_dot_pexe, true,
"if module has .pexe section (proxy for strange int 3 behavior), execute it natively")
bool, native_exec_retakeover, false,
"attempt to re-takeover when a native module calls out to a non-native module")
/* XXX i#1238-c#1: we do not support inline optimization in Windows. */
bool, native_exec_opt, false, "native_exec_opt",
if (options->native_exec_opt) {
IF_KSTATS(options->kstats = false); /* i#1238-c#4 */
DISABLE_TRACES(options); /* i#1238-c#6 */
"optimize control flow transition between native and non-native modules", STATIC,
#ifdef WINDOWS
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, skip_terminating_threads, false,
"do not takeover threads that are terminating")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, sleep_between_takeovers, false,
"sleep between takeover attempts to allow threads to exit syscalls")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, takeover_attempts, 8, "number of takeover attempts")
/* vestiges from our previous life as a dynamic optimizer */
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, inline_calls, true, "inline calls in traces")
/* control-flow optimization to convert indirect calls to direct calls.
* This is separated from the optimization flags that follow below as it
* applies to all fragments, not just traces.
* FIXME Delete the setting after sufficient testing & qualification?
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, indcall2direct, true,
"optimization: convert indirect calls to direct calls")
/* case 85 - for optimization, and case 1948 for its basis for a stronger security check
/* similar to both indcall2direct and emulate_IAT_writes */
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, IAT_convert, false,
"convert indirect call or jmp through IAT to direct call or jmp")
PC_OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, IAT_elide, false,
"elide indirect call or jmp converted by IAT_convert"
"unless reached max_elide_{jmp,call}; requires IAT_convert")
OPTION_DEFAULT_INTERNAL(bool, unsafe_IAT_ignore_hooker, false, "ignore IAT writes")
/* compatibility options */
uint, thread_policy,
"thread delivered to a writable region allowed or squashed (optionally silently)")
/* custom bit off restricts thread_policy to VSE shellcode, on makes it general */
#ifdef WINDOWS
uint, apc_policy,
"APC delivered to a writable region allowed or squashed (optionally silently)")
/* custom bit off restricts apc_policy to VSE shellcode, on makes it general */
bool, hook_image_entry, true,
"Allow hooking of the image "
"entry point when we lose control at a pre-image-entry-point callback return. "
"Typically it's not needed to regain control if -native_exec_syscalls is on.")
bool, hook_ldr_dll_routines, false,
"Hook LdrLoadDll and LdrUnloadDll even with no direct reason other than "
"regaining control on AppInit injection.")
bool, clean_testalert, true, /* case 9288, 10414 SpywareDoctor etc. */
"restore NtTestAlert to a pristine state at load by clearing away any hooks")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, hook_conflict, 1 /* HOOKED_TRAMPOLINE_SQUASH */, /* case 2525 */
"action on conflict with existing non Nt* hooks: die, squash or chain")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, native_exec_hook_conflict,
/* i#467: for CI builds, better to let the app run correctly, even if
* DR missing something while native. Native intercept matters only
* for AppInit, or tools that go native, or future attach: all rare
* things.
"action on conflict with existing Nt* hooks: die, squash, or deeper")
/* NOTE - be careful about using the default value till the options are
* read */
bool, dr_sygate_int, false,
"Perform dr int system calls in a sygate compatible fashion (indirected via ntdll)")
bool, dr_sygate_sysenter, false,
"Perform dr int system calls in a sygate compatible fashion (indirected via ntdll)")
/* Turn off sygate compatibility int syscall indirection for app system
* calls. Dr system calls will still indirect as controlled by
* above options. */
bool, sygate_int, false,
"Perform app int system calls in Sygate compatible fashion (indirected via ntdll)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, sygate_sysenter, false,
"Perform app sysenter system calls in Sygate compatible fashion "
"(indirected via ntdll)")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, native_exec_hook_create_thread, true,
"if using native_exec hooks, decides whether or not to hook CreateThread "
"(disable for Sygate compatibility)")
bool, sygate, false, "sygate",
options->dr_sygate_int = true;
options->dr_sygate_sysenter = true;
options->sygate_int = true;
options->sygate_sysenter = true;
options->native_exec_hook_conflict = 3; /* HOOK_CONFLICT_HOOK_DEEPER */
options->native_exec_hook_create_thread = false;
"Sets necessary options for running in Sygate compatible mode", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
/* FIXME - disabling for 64bit due to layout considerations xref PR 215395,
* should re-enable once we have a better solution. xref PR 253621 */
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, aslr_dr, IF_X64_ELSE(false, true),
/* case 5366 randomize location of dynamorio.dll, uses
* aslr_parent_offset to control randomization padding which
* currently gives us 8 bits of randomness for wasting 16MB
* virtual space; breaks sharing for the relocated
* portions of our DLL
"randomization needs to be set in parent process")
/* Address Space Layout Randomization */
/* FIXME: case 2491 for stacks/heaps/PEBs/TEBs, sharing */
"address space layout randomization, from aslr_option_t")
uint, aslr_action, 0x111,
"address space layout handling and reporting, from aslr_action_t")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, aslr_retry, 2,
/* case 6739 - allow private ASLR to search for a good fit,
* 1 would allow linear range choice to leapfrog other DLLs
* 2+ would also have a chance to deal with unlikely races
"private ASLR attempts for a good fit after failure, 0 fallback to native")
uint, aslr_cache, 0, /* ASLR_DISABLED */
"address space layout process shared and persistent cache, from aslr_cache_t")
/* min_free_disk applies to both ASLR and persisted caches */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, min_free_disk, 50 * (1024 * 1024), /* 50MB */
"minimum free disk space (or quota) on DLL cache volume")
/* case 8494 cache capacity management for ASLR and pcaches
* Note default size is in Kilobytes, so it's best to always add M qualifier.
* Examples: 1m, 10M
#ifdef WINDOWS
uint, aslr_internal, 0 /* ASLR_INTERNAL_DEFAULT */,
"address space layout randomization, internal flags from aslr_internal_option_t")
/* FIXME: we need to find a good location to allow growth for other allocations */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, aslr_dll_base, 0x40000000, "starting DLL base addresses")
/* limit for ASLR_RANGE_BOTTOM_UP, or starting point for ASLR_RANGE_TOP_DOWN */
/* FIXME: case 6739 - what to do when reaching top,
* have to know stay out of the way since loader fails app if it
* finds that user32.dll is not where it wanted?
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, aslr_dll_top, 0x77000000, "top of DLL range")
/* FIXME: the lower 16 bits are ignored (Windows/x86
* AllocationGranularity is 64KB). This here gives us 12bits of
* randomness. Could make it larger if necessary. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, aslr_dll_offset, 0x10000000,
"maximum random jitter for first DLL")
/* FIXME: too little (4 bits) randomness between DLLs, vs too much fragmentation */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, aslr_dll_pad, 0x00100000, "maximum random jitter between DLLs")
/* case 6287 - first thread's stack can be controlled only by parent */
/* ASLR_STACK activates, though affect real heap reservations as well */
/* FIXME: the lower 16 bits are ignored (Windows/x86
* AllocationGranularity is 64KB). FIXME: This here gives us 8 bits of
* randomness. Could make it larger if necessary. */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, aslr_parent_offset, 0x01000000,
"maximum random jitter for parent reservation")
/* ASLR_HEAP activates, though affect real stack reservations as
* well This here gives us 12 bits of randomness. Could make it
* larger if necessary.
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, aslr_heap_reserve_offset, 0x10000000,
"random jitter for first child reservation (large)")
uint_addr, aslr_heap_exe_reserve_offset, 0x01000000,
/* if executable ImageBaseAddress is in the middle of virtual address space */
"random jitter for reservation after executable (smaller)")
/* ASLR_HEAP_FILL activates */
/* FIXME: too little (4 bits) randomness between heap reservations,
* vs too much fragmentation */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_addr, aslr_reserve_pad, 0x00100000,
"random jitter between reservations (tiny)")
/* FIXME: plan for 4.3 only after aslr_safe_save is checked in
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, aslr_validation, 0x1, /* ASLR_PERSISTENT_PARANOID */
"consistency and security validation level of stringency")
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, aslr_short_digest, (16 * 1024),
"size of file header and footer to check, in KB or MB")
/* used for checksum comparison of file header and footer,
* note that if this value is changed previously persisted
* files will not be accepted.
* 0 turns into a full file digest
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 1024, 1024k, 1m */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint_size, aslr_section_prefix, (16 * 1024),
"size of section prefix to match, in KB or MB")
/* used for byte comparison of a prefix of each file section,
* 0 disables section validation
/* default size is in Kilobytes, Examples: 1024, 1024k, 1m */
liststring_t, exempt_aslr_default_list,
/* user32.dll - case 6620 on STATUS_ILLEGAL_DLL_RELOCATION. Not
* clear whether loader is just whining, or there
* is a good reason it shouldn't be rebased.
* FIXME: without early injection affects only RU=5 processes that load it late,
* FIXME: Hopefully shouldn't be necessary for all KnownDlls, investigate full
* list. ole32.dll - case 7746 on Win2000 and case 7743 on NT complaining about
* STATUS_ILLEGAL_DLL_RELOCATION sfc.dll - case 8705 update.exe targeting directly
* sfc.dll!MySfcTerminateWatcherThread in winlogon.exe
* kbdus.dll,kbdbg.dll - case 6671 FIXME: list not complete,
* FIXME: case 6740: we don't actually support kbd*.dll
* kernel32.dll - with early injection this one also complains of being
* rebased.
"exempt from randomization these ;-separated modules")
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_aslr_list,
/* Note that allows '*' as a stress option */
"exempt from randomization these ;-separated modules, append")
/* case 7794 - when using private ASLR these large DLLs have a higher
* impact on visible memory, and in stress testing on performance.
* not really recommended but available until we enable sharing
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, aslr_extra, false, "ASLR DLL exempt longer list")
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, exempt_aslr_extra_list,
/* see case 7794 exempt from both private and shared */
/* note that these names are matched to PE name for private,
* but to file names for ASLR cache */
"exempt from randomization these ;-separated modules")
/* case 9495 - include or exclude list for DLLs to share and
* persist. Note that one cannot use simultaneously an include and
* exclude list, so to remove an entry from either need to provide the
* whole list as '#advapi32.dll'
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, aslr_cache_list, 1, /* ASLR_CACHE_LIST_INCLUDE */
"controls DLLs to be shared via aslr_cache {all,include,exclude}")
/* (note aslr_cache_list_t values match meaning in process_control) */
/* exemptions are based on file names, not PE names */
liststring_t, aslr_cache_include_list,
/* enabled via -aslr_cache_list 1 (ASLR_CACHE_LIST_INCLUDE) (default) */
/* All other DLLs are left for private ASLR if not exempt by
* exempt_aslr_extra_list. */
/* Need a slightly longer list to be worth enabling */
/* Note we're bound by MAX_LIST_OPTION_LENGTH so check total
* length before adding, and leave some room for DLLs that we
* may want to add in the field.
/* Note DLLs that have no or very few relocation pages shouldn't be added */
/* FIXME: browseui.dll; also has high wset in IE after empty.exe */
"comctl32.dll;" /* note two different SxS versions */
"jscript.dll;" /* IE */
"mshtml.dll;" /* shared by IE and Explorer */
/* FIXME: mso.dll is the top DLL in Office apps, yet has startup effects */
"riched20.dll;" /* different versions of in Office11\ and system32\ */
"sapi.dll;" /* only Speech\ for Office apps */
/* FIXME: shdocvw.dll; is a top DLL in Office and IE */
/* shdoclc.dll companion DLL has resources for shdocvw.dll,
* and has no relocations so it's fine to randomize privately
* the resources, while not having to validate them if in
* shared ASLR cache
"sptip.dll;" /* only Speech\ related */
"sxs.dll;" /* XP, in all processes, provides Side x Side */
"uxtheme.dll;" /* FIXME: XP, not very high WSet after startup */
"ws2_32.dll" /* case 9627 make sure any ASLR at all */
"use shared cache only for these ;-separated modules")
/* exemptions are based on file names, not PE names */
OPTION_DEFAULT(liststring_t, aslr_cache_exclude_list,
/* enabled via -aslr_cache_list 2 (ASLR_CACHE_LIST_EXCLUDE) */
/* exempt from shared ASLR but still apply private ASLR */
"exclude from shared cache these ;-separated modules")
OPTION_DEFAULT(bool, aslr_safe_save, true,
/* see case 9696 */
"ASLR DLL safe file creation in temporary file before rename")
/* Syntactic sugar for memory savings at the cost of security controlled from core */
bool, medium, false, "medium",
if (options->medium) {
options->aslr_extra = true;
options->thin_client = false; /* Case 9037. */
"medium security/memory mapping", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
bool, low, false, "low",
if (options->low) {
IF_HOTP(options->hot_patching = true);
IF_HOTP(options->hotp_only = true;)
IF_HOTP(options->liveshields = true;)
IF_HOTP(options->hotp_diagnostics = true;)
IF_HOTP(if (options->hotp_only == true) {
/* coordinate with hotp_only any additional option changes */
IF_RETURN_AFTER_CALL(options->ret_after_call = false;)
IF_RCT_IND_BRANCH(options->rct_ind_call = OPTION_DISABLED;)
IF_RCT_IND_BRANCH(options->rct_ind_jump = OPTION_DISABLED;)
/* Matching old behavior */
IF_WINDOWS(options->apc_policy =
options->vm_size = 32 * 1024 * 1024; /* 32MB */
IF_GBOP(options->gbop = 0x6037;) /* GBOP_CLIENT_DEFAULT */
options->aslr = 0x0; /* ASLR_DISABLED */
/* Reset has no meaning for hotp_only; see case 8389. */
IF_KSTATS(options->kstats = false); /* Cases 6837 & 8869. */
options->thin_client = false; /* Case 9037. */
"low security/memory mapping", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
bool, client, false, "client",
if (options->client) {
IF_HOTP(options->hot_patching = true);
IF_HOTP(options->hotp_only = true;)
IF_HOTP(options->liveshields = true;)
IF_HOTP(options->hotp_diagnostics = true;)
IF_HOTP(if (options->hotp_only == true) {
/* coordinate with hotp_only any additional option changes */
IF_RETURN_AFTER_CALL(options->ret_after_call = false;)
IF_RCT_IND_BRANCH(options->rct_ind_call = OPTION_DISABLED;)
IF_RCT_IND_BRANCH(options->rct_ind_jump = OPTION_DISABLED;)
/* Matching old behavior */
IF_WINDOWS(options->apc_policy =
options->vm_size = 32 * 1024 * 1024; /* 32MB */
IF_GBOP(options->gbop = 0x6037;) /* GBOP_CLIENT_DEFAULT */
/* making sure -client -low == -low -client*/
if (options->low) {
options->aslr = 0x0; /* ASLR_DISABLED */
options->aslr_cache = 0x0; /* ASLR_DISABLED */
} else {
options->aslr = 0x7; /* ASLR_CLIENT_DEFAULT */
options->aslr_cache = 0x192; /* ASLR_CACHE_DEFAULT */
/* Reset has no meaning for hotp_only; see case 8389. */
IF_KSTATS(options->kstats = false); /* Cases 6837 & 8869. */
options->thin_client = false; /* Case 9037. */
} else {
* case 8283 -no_client. Note that this will work well
* only for simple sequences of -client -no_client, as
* we do not attempt to actually recover and is very
* very likely we'll forget to keep this in synch
IF_HOTP(options->hotp_only = false;)
/* coordinate with hotp_only any additional option changes */
IF_RETURN_AFTER_CALL(options->ret_after_call =
IF_RCT_IND_BRANCH(options->rct_ind_call = DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(rct_ind_call);)
IF_RCT_IND_BRANCH(options->rct_ind_jump = DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(rct_ind_jump);)
options->vm_size = DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(vm_size);
IF_GBOP(options->gbop = DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(gbop);)
options->aslr = DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(aslr);
options->aslr_cache = DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE(aslr_cache);
IF_KSTATS(options->kstats = true);
"client process protection", STATIC, OP_PCACHE_NOP)
# ifdef GBOP
/* Generically Bypassable Overflow Protection in user mode */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, gbop, 0 /* GBOP_DISABLED */, "GBOP control, from GBOP_OPTION")
DYNAMIC_OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, gbop_frames, 0,
"GBOP stack backtrace frame depth") /* >0 NYI */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, gbop_include_set,
| 0x2 /* KERNEL32 BASE */
| 0x4 /* MSVCRT BASE */
| 0x8 /* WS2_32 BASE */
| 0x10 /* WININET BASE */
| 0x20 /* USER32 BASE */
| 0x40 /* SHELL32 BASE */
/* FIXME: case 8006 should enable MORE NTDLL KERNEL32 MSVCRT WS2_32 in a
later round */
"GBOP policy group control, 0 means all")
/* bit positions are as defined in GBOP_ALL_HOOKS */
OPTION_DEFAULT(uint, gbop_last_hook, 0 /* automatically determine number of hooks */,
/* note this should be internal, but currently provides good
* control over the performance impact of having extra GBOP hooks
"GBOP number of hooks length, crude override")
/* FIXME: may want to duplicate the above options for the extra
* hooks, that may have different flags and different frame depth