| # DynamoRIO |
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| ## About DynamoRIO |
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| DynamoRIO is a runtime code manipulation system that supports code |
| transformations on any part of a program, while it executes. DynamoRIO |
| exports an interface for building dynamic tools for a wide variety of uses: |
| program analysis and understanding, profiling, instrumentation, |
| optimization, translation, etc. Unlike many dynamic tool systems, DynamoRIO |
| is not limited to insertion of callouts/trampolines and allows arbitrary |
| modifications to application instructions via a powerful IA-32/AMD64/ARM/AArch64 |
| instruction manipulation library. DynamoRIO provides efficient, |
| transparent, and comprehensive manipulation of unmodified applications |
| running on stock operating systems (Windows, Linux, or Android) and commodity |
| IA-32, AMD64, ARM, and AArch64 hardware. Mac OSX support is in progress. |
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| ## Existing DynamoRIO-based tools |
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| DynamoRIO is the basis for some well-known external tools: |
| - The [Arm Instruction Emulator (ArmIE)](https://developer.arm.com/Tools%20and%20Software/Arm%20Instruction%20Emulator) |
| - [WinAFL](https://github.com/googleprojectzero/winafl), the Windows fuzzing tool, as an instrumentation and code coverage engine |
| - The fine-grained profiler for ARM [DrCCTProf](https://xl10.github.io/blog/drcctprof.html) |
| - The portable and efficient framework for fine-grained value profilers [VClinic](https://github.com/VClinic/VClinic) |
| - The sampling-based sanitizer framework [GWPSan](https://github.com/google/gwpsan) |
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| Tools built on DynamoRIO and available in the [release package](https://dynamorio.org/page_download) include: |
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| - The memory debugging tool [Dr. Memory](http://drmemory.org) |
| - The tracing and analysis framework [drmemtrace](https://dynamorio.org/page_drcachesim.html) with multiple tools that operate on both online (with multi-process support) and offline instruction and memory address traces: |
| - The cache simulator [drcachesim](https://dynamorio.org/sec_drcachesim_tools.html#sec_tool_cache_sim) |
| - [TLB simulation](https://dynamorio.org/sec_drcachesim_tools.html#sec_tool_TLB_sim) |
| - [Reuse distance](https://dynamorio.org/sec_drcachesim_tools.html#sec_tool_reuse_distance) |
| - [Reuse time](https://dynamorio.org/sec_drcachesim_tools.html#sec_tool_reuse_time) |
| - [Opcode mix](https://dynamorio.org/sec_drcachesim_tools.html#sec_tool_opcode_mix) |
| - [Function call tracing](https://dynamorio.org/sec_drcachesim_tools.html#sec_tool_func_view) |
| - The legacy processor emulator |
| [drcpusim](https://dynamorio.org/page_drcpusim.html) |
| - The "strace for Windows" tool [drstrace](https://drmemory.org/page_drstrace.html) |
| - The code coverage tool [drcov](https://dynamorio.org/page_drcov.html) |
| - The library tracing tool [drltrace](http://dynamorio.org/page_drltrace.html) |
| - The memory address tracing tool [memtrace](https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/blob/master/api/samples/memtrace_x86.c) ([drmemtrace](https://dynamorio.org/page_drcachesim.html)'s offline traces are faster with more surrounding infrastructure, but this is a simpler starting point for customized memory address tracing) |
| - The memory value tracing tool [memval](https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/blob/master/api/samples/memval_simple.c) |
| - The instruction tracing tool [instrace](https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/blob/master/api/samples/instrace_x86.c) ([drmemtrace](https://dynamorio.org/page_drcachesim.html)'s offline traces are faster with more surrounding infrastructure, but this is a simpler starting point for customized instruction tracing) |
| - The basic block tracing tool [bbbuf](https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/blob/master/api/samples/bbbuf.c) |
| - The instruction counting tool [inscount](https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/blob/master/api/samples/inscount.cpp) |
| - The dynamic fuzz testing tool [Dr. Fuzz](http://drmemory.org/page_drfuzz.html) |
| - The disassembly tool [drdisas](https://dynamorio.org/page_drdisas.html) |
| - And more, including opcode counts, branch instrumentation, etc.: see [API samples](https://dynamorio.org/API_samples.html) |
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| ## Building your own custom tools |
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| DynamoRIO's powerful API abstracts away the details of the underlying |
| infrastructure and allows the tool builder to concentrate on analyzing or |
| modifying the application's runtime code stream. API documentation is |
| included in the release package and can also be [browsed |
| online](http://dynamorio.org/page_user_docs.html). [Slides from our past tutorials are |
| also available](https://dynamorio.org/page_slides.html). |
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| ## Downloading DynamoRIO |
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| DynamoRIO is available free of charge as a [binary package for both Windows |
| and Linux](https://dynamorio.org/page_download.html). |
| DynamoRIO's [source code is |
| available](https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio) primarily under a [BSD |
| license](https://dynamorio.org/page_license.html). |
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| ## Obtaining Help |
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| Use the [discussion list](http://groups.google.com/group/DynamoRIO-Users) |
| to ask questions. |
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| To report a bug, use the [issue |
| tracker](https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/issues). |
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| See also [the DynamoRIO home page](http://dynamorio.org/): [http://dynamorio.org/](http://dynamorio.org/) |