Revert "Make pipelines properly propagate their targets to child pipelines"

This reverts commit 443e3112b7f532ae70537c625c48e8b04cb326b1.
diff --git a/python/src/pipeline/ b/python/src/pipeline/
index 573623a..018342f 100755
--- a/python/src/pipeline/
+++ b/python/src/pipeline/
@@ -1587,7 +1587,8 @@
       blocking_slot_dict[slot_record.key()] = slot_record
-    barriers_to_trigger = []
+    task_list = []
+    updated_barriers = []
     for barrier in results:
       ready_slots = []
       for blocking_slot_key in barrier.blocking_slots:
@@ -1606,44 +1607,32 @@
       # the task name tombstones.
       pending_slots = set(barrier.blocking_slots) - set(ready_slots)
       if not pending_slots:
-        barriers_to_trigger.append(barrier)
+        if barrier.status != _BarrierRecord.FIRED:
+          barrier.status = _BarrierRecord.FIRED
+          barrier.trigger_time = self._gettime()
+          updated_barriers.append(barrier)
+        purpose = barrier.key().name()
+        if purpose == _BarrierRecord.START:
+          path = self.pipeline_handler_path
+          countdown = None
+        else:
+          path = self.finalized_handler_path
+          # NOTE: Wait one second before finalization to prevent
+          # contention on the _PipelineRecord entity.
+          countdown = 1
+        pipeline_key =
+        logging.debug('Firing barrier %r', barrier.key())
+        task_list.append(taskqueue.Task(
+            url=path,
+            countdown=countdown,
+            name='ae-barrier-fire-%s-%s' % (, purpose),
+            params=dict(pipeline_key=pipeline_key, purpose=purpose),
+            headers={'X-Ae-Pipeline-Key': pipeline_key}))
         logging.debug('Not firing barrier %r, Waiting for slots: %r',
                       barrier.key(), pending_slots)
-    pipeline_keys_to_trigger = [
-        for barrier in barriers_to_trigger]
-    pipelines_to_trigger = dict(zip(
-        pipeline_keys_to_trigger, db.get(pipeline_keys_to_trigger)))
-    task_list = []
-    updated_barriers = []
-    for barrier in barriers_to_trigger:
-      if barrier.status != _BarrierRecord.FIRED:
-        barrier.status = _BarrierRecord.FIRED
-        barrier.trigger_time = self._gettime()
-        updated_barriers.append(barrier)
-      purpose = barrier.key().name()
-      if purpose == _BarrierRecord.START:
-        path = self.pipeline_handler_path
-        countdown = None
-      else:
-        path = self.finalized_handler_path
-        # NOTE: Wait one second before finalization to prevent
-        # contention on the _PipelineRecord entity.
-        countdown = 1
-      pipeline_key =
-      target = pipelines_to_trigger[pipeline_key].params.get('target')
-      logging.debug('Firing barrier %r', barrier.key())
-      task_list.append(taskqueue.Task(
-          url=path,
-          countdown=countdown,
-          name='ae-barrier-fire-%s-%s' % (, purpose),
-          params=dict(pipeline_key=pipeline_key, purpose=purpose),
-          headers={'X-Ae-Pipeline-Key': pipeline_key},
-          target=target))
     # Blindly overwrite _BarrierRecords that have an updated status. This is
     # acceptable because by this point all finalization barriers for
     # generator children should have already had their final outputs assigned.
@@ -2608,8 +2597,7 @@
-            headers={'X-Ae-Pipeline-Key': pipeline_key},
-            target=pipeline_record.params.get('target'))
+            headers={'X-Ae-Pipeline-Key': pipeline_key})
         task.add(queue_name=self.queue_name, transactional=True)
@@ -2727,7 +2715,7 @@
-          target=child_pipeline.params.get('target'),
+          target=child_pipeline.params['target'],
           headers={'X-Ae-Pipeline-Key': pipeline_key},
           name='ae-pipeline-fan-out-' + child_pipeline.key().name()))