blob: 3fabeb437e743c2c7718dda77982b56140d7d9c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""EndpointsModel definition and accompanying definitions.
This model can be used to replace an existing NDB model and allow simple
conversion of model classes into ProtoRPC message classes. These classes can be
used to simplify endpoints API methods so that only entities need be used rather
than converting between ProtoRPC messages and entities and then back again.
import functools
import itertools
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
import re
import endpoints
from . import properties
from . import utils as ndb_utils
from .. import utils
from protorpc import messages
from protorpc import message_types
from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_query
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
__all__ = ['EndpointsModel']
QUERY_MAX_EXCEEDED_TEMPLATE = '%s results requested. Exceeds limit of %s.'
PROPERTY_COLLISION_TEMPLATE = ('Name conflict: %s set as an NDB property and '
'an Endpoints alias property.')
'Model %s has bad message fields schema type: %s. Only a '
'list, tuple, dictionary or MessageFieldsSchema are allowed.')
NO_MSG_FIELD_TEMPLATE = ('Tried to use a ProtoRPC message field: %s. Only '
'simple fields can be used when allow message fields '
'is turned off.')
REQUEST_MESSAGE = 'request_message'
RESPONSE_MESSAGE = 'response_message'
HTTP_METHOD = 'http_method'
PATH = 'path'
# This global will be updated after EndpointsModel is defined and is used by
# the metaclass EndpointsMetaModel
EndpointsAliasProperty = properties.EndpointsAliasProperty
MessageFieldsSchema = utils.MessageFieldsSchema
def _VerifyProperty(modelclass, attr_name):
"""Return a property if set on a model class, otherwise raises an exception.
modelclass: A subclass of EndpointsModel which has a
_GetEndpointsProperty method.
attr_name: String; the name of the property.
The property set at the attribute name.
AttributeError: if the property is not set on the class.
prop = modelclass._GetEndpointsProperty(attr_name)
if prop is None:
error_msg = ('The attribute %s is not an accepted field. Accepted fields '
'are limited to NDB properties and Endpoints alias '
'properties.' % (attr_name,))
raise AttributeError(error_msg)
return prop
def ToValue(prop, value):
"""Serializes a value from a property to a ProtoRPC message type.
prop: The NDB or alias property to be converted.
value: The value to be serialized.
The serialized version of the value to be set on a ProtoRPC message.
if value is None:
return value
elif isinstance(value, EndpointsModel):
return value.ToMessage()
elif hasattr(prop, 'ToValue') and callable(prop.ToValue):
return prop.ToValue(value)
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.JsonProperty):
return json.dumps(value)
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.UserProperty):
return utils.UserMessageFromUser(value)
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.GeoPtProperty):
return utils.GeoPtMessage(, lon=value.lon)
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.KeyProperty):
return value.urlsafe()
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.BlobKeyProperty):
return str(value)
elif isinstance(prop, (ndb.TimeProperty,
return utils.DatetimeValueToString(value)
return value
def FromValue(prop, value):
"""Deserializes a value from a ProtoRPC message type to a property value.
prop: The NDB or alias property to be set.
value: The value to be deserialized.
The deserialized version of the ProtoRPC value to be set on a property.
TypeError: if a StructuredProperty has a model class that is not an
if value is None:
return value
if isinstance(prop, (ndb.StructuredProperty, ndb.LocalStructuredProperty)):
modelclass = prop._modelclass
if not utils.IsSubclass(modelclass, EndpointsModel):
error_msg = ('Structured properties should refer to models which '
'inherit from EndpointsModel. Received an instance '
'of %s.' % (modelclass.__class__.__name__,))
raise TypeError(error_msg)
return modelclass.FromMessage(value)
if hasattr(prop, 'FromValue') and callable(prop.FromValue):
return prop.FromValue(value)
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.JsonProperty):
return json.loads(value)
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.UserProperty):
return utils.UserMessageToUser(value)
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.GeoPtProperty):
return datastore_types.GeoPt(, lon=value.lon)
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.KeyProperty):
return ndb.Key(urlsafe=value)
elif isinstance(prop, ndb.BlobKeyProperty):
return datastore_types.BlobKey(value)
elif isinstance(prop, (ndb.TimeProperty,
return utils.DatetimeValueFromString(value)
return value
class _EndpointsQueryInfo(object):
"""A custom container for query information.
This will be set on an EndpointsModel (or subclass) instance, and can be used
in conjunction with alias properties to store query information, simple
filters, ordering and ancestor.
Uses an entity to construct simple filters, to validate ordering, to validate
ancestor and finally to construct a query from these filters, ordering and/or
_entity: An instance of EndpointsModel or a subclass. The values from this
will be used to create filters for a query.
_filters: A set of simple equality filters (ndb.FilterNode). Utilizes the
fact that FilterNodes are hashable and respect equality.
_ancestor: An ndb Key to be used as an ancestor for a query.
_cursor: A datastore_query.Cursor, to be used for resuming a query.
_limit: A positive integer, to be used in a fetch.
_order: String; comma separated list of property names or property names
preceded by a minus sign. Used to define an order of query results.
_order_attrs: The attributes (or negation of attributes) parsed from
_order. If these can't be parsed from the attributes in _entity, will
throw an exception.
_query_final: A final query created using the orders (_order_attrs), filters
(_filters) and class definition (_entity) in the query info. If this is
not null, setting attributes on the query info object will fail.
def __init__(self, entity):
"""Sets all internal variables to the default values and verifies entity.
entity: An instance of EndpointsModel or a subclass.
TypeError: if entity is not an instance of EndpointsModel or a subclass.
if not isinstance(entity, EndpointsModel):
raise TypeError('Query info can only be used with an instance of an '
'EndpointsModel subclass. Received: instance of %s.' %
self._entity = entity
self._filters = set()
self._ancestor = None
self._cursor = None
self._limit = None
self._order = None
self._order_attrs = ()
self._query_final = None
def _PopulateFilters(self):
"""Populates filters in query info by using values set on the entity."""
entity = self._entity
for prop in entity._properties.itervalues():
current_value = prop._retrieve_value(entity)
if prop._repeated:
if current_value is not None:
raise ValueError('No queries on repeated values are allowed.')
# Only filter for non-null values
if current_value is not None:
self._AddFilter(prop == current_value)
def SetQuery(self):
"""Sets the final query on the query info object.
Uses the filters and orders in the query info to refine the query. If the
final query is already set, does nothing.
if self._query_final is not None:
# _entity.query calls the classmethod for the entity
if self.ancestor is not None:
query = self._entity.query(ancestor=self.ancestor)
query = self._entity.query()
for simple_filter in self._filters:
query = query.filter(simple_filter)
for order_attr in self._order_attrs:
query = query.order(order_attr)
self._query_final = query
def _AddFilter(self, candidate_filter):
"""Checks a filter and sets it in the filter set.
candidate_filter: An NDB filter which may be added to the query info.
AttributeError: if query on the object is already final.
TypeError: if the filter is not a simple filter (FilterNode).
ValueError: if the operator symbol in the filter is not equality.
if self._query_final is not None:
raise AttributeError('Can\'t add more filters. Query info is final.')
if not isinstance(candidate_filter, ndb.FilterNode):
raise TypeError('Only simple filters can be used. Received: %s.' %
opsymbol = candidate_filter._FilterNode__opsymbol
if opsymbol != '=':
raise ValueError('Only equality filters allowed. Received: %s.' %
def query(self):
"""Public getter for the final query on query info."""
return self._query_final
def _GetAncestor(self):
"""Getter to be used for public ancestor property on query info."""
return self._ancestor
def _SetAncestor(self, value):
"""Setter to be used for public ancestor property on query info.
value: A potential value for an ancestor.
AttributeError: if query on the object is already final.
AttributeError: if the ancestor has already been set.
TypeError: if the value to be set is not an instance of ndb.Key.
if self._query_final is not None:
raise AttributeError('Can\'t set ancestor. Query info is final.')
if self._ancestor is not None:
raise AttributeError('Ancestor can\'t be set twice.')
if not isinstance(value, ndb.Key):
raise TypeError('Ancestor must be an instance of ndb.Key.')
self._ancestor = value
ancestor = property(fget=_GetAncestor, fset=_SetAncestor)
def _GetCursor(self):
"""Getter to be used for public cursor property on query info."""
return self._cursor
def _SetCursor(self, value):
"""Setter to be used for public cursor property on query info.
value: A potential value for a cursor.
AttributeError: if query on the object is already final.
AttributeError: if the cursor has already been set.
TypeError: if the value to be set is not an instance of
if self._query_final is not None:
raise AttributeError('Can\'t set cursor. Query info is final.')
if self._cursor is not None:
raise AttributeError('Cursor can\'t be set twice.')
if not isinstance(value, datastore_query.Cursor):
raise TypeError('Cursor must be an instance of datastore_query.Cursor.')
self._cursor = value
cursor = property(fget=_GetCursor, fset=_SetCursor)
def _GetLimit(self):
"""Getter to be used for public limit property on query info."""
return self._limit
def _SetLimit(self, value):
"""Setter to be used for public limit property on query info.
value: A potential value for a limit.
AttributeError: if query on the object is already final.
AttributeError: if the limit has already been set.
TypeError: if the value to be set is not a positive integer.
if self._query_final is not None:
raise AttributeError('Can\'t set limit. Query info is final.')
if self._limit is not None:
raise AttributeError('Limit can\'t be set twice.')
if not isinstance(value, (int, long)) or value < 1:
raise TypeError('Limit must be a positive integer.')
self._limit = value
limit = property(fget=_GetLimit, fset=_SetLimit)
def _GetOrder(self):
"""Getter to be used for public order property on query info."""
return self._order
def _SetOrderAttrs(self):
"""Helper method to set _order_attrs using the value of _order.
If _order is not set, simply returns, else splits _order by commas and then
looks up each value (or its negation) in the _properties of the entity on
the query info object.
We look up directly in _properties rather than using the attribute names
on the object since only NDB property names will be used for field names.
AttributeError: if one of the attributes in the order is not a property
on the entity.
if self._order is None:
unclean_attr_names = self._order.strip().split(',')
result = []
for attr_name in unclean_attr_names:
ascending = True
if attr_name.startswith('-'):
ascending = False
attr_name = attr_name[1:]
attr = self._entity._properties.get(attr_name)
if attr is None:
raise AttributeError('Order attribute %s not defined.' % (attr_name,))
if ascending:
self._order_attrs = tuple(result)
def _SetOrder(self, value):
"""Setter to be used for public order property on query info.
Sets the value of _order and attempts to set _order_attrs as well
by valling _SetOrderAttrs, which uses the value of _order.
If the passed in value is None, but the query is not final and the
order has not already been set, the method will return without any
errors or data changed.
value: A potential value for an order.
AttributeError: if query on the object is already final.
AttributeError: if the order has already been set.
TypeError: if the order to be set is not a string.
if self._query_final is not None:
raise AttributeError('Can\'t set order. Query info is final.')
if self._order is not None:
raise AttributeError('Order can\'t be set twice.')
if value is None:
elif not isinstance(value, basestring):
raise TypeError('Order must be a string.')
self._order = value
order = property(fget=_GetOrder, fset=_SetOrder)
class EndpointsMetaModel(ndb.MetaModel):
"""Metaclass for EndpointsModel.
This exists to create new instances of the mutable class attributes for
subclasses and to verify ProtoRPC specific properties.
def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
"""Verifies additional ProtoRPC properties on an NDB model."""
super(EndpointsMetaModel, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict)
# Reset the `_message_fields_schema` to `None` unless it was explicitly
# mentioned in the class definition. It's possible for this value to be
# set if a superclass had this value set by `_VerifyMessageFieldsSchema`
# then this subclass would keep that value, even if that was not the
# intended behavior.
if '_message_fields_schema' not in classdict:
cls._message_fields_schema = None
cls._alias_properties = {}
cls._proto_models = {}
cls._proto_collections = {}
cls._resource_containers = {}
cls._property_to_proto = ndb_utils.NDB_PROPERTY_TO_PROTO.copy()
def _FixUpAliasProperties(cls):
"""Updates the alias properties map and verifies each alias property.
AttributeError: if an alias property is defined beginning with
an underscore.
AttributeError: if an alias property is defined that conflicts with
an NDB property.
for attr_name in dir(cls):
prop = getattr(cls, attr_name, None)
if isinstance(prop, EndpointsAliasProperty):
if attr_name.startswith('_'):
raise AttributeError('EndpointsAliasProperty %s cannot begin with an '
'underscore character.' % (attr_name,))
if attr_name in cls._properties:
raise AttributeError(PROPERTY_COLLISION_TEMPLATE % (attr_name,))
cls._alias_properties[prop._name] = prop
def _VerifyMessageFieldsSchema(cls):
"""Verifies that the preset message fields correspond to actual properties.
If no message fields schema was set on the class, sets the schema using the
default fields determing by the NDB properties and alias properties defined.
In either case, converts the passed in fields to an instance of
MessageFieldsSchema and sets that as the value of _message_fields_schema
on the class.
TypeError: if a message fields schema was set on the class that is not a
list, tuple, dictionary, or MessageFieldsSchema instance.
message_fields_schema = getattr(cls, '_message_fields_schema', None)
# Also need to check we aren't re-using from EndpointsModel
base_schema = getattr(BASE_MODEL_CLASS, '_message_fields_schema', None)
if message_fields_schema is None or message_fields_schema == base_schema:
message_fields_schema = cls._DefaultFields()
elif not isinstance(message_fields_schema,
(list, tuple, dict, MessageFieldsSchema)):
(cls.__name__, message_fields_schema.__class__.__name__))
for attr in message_fields_schema:
_VerifyProperty(cls, attr)
cls._message_fields_schema = MessageFieldsSchema(message_fields_schema,
def _VerifyProtoMapping(cls):
"""Verifies that each property on the class has an associated proto mapping.
First checks if there is a _custom_property_to_proto dictionary present and
then overrides the class to proto mapping found in _property_to_proto.
Then, for each property (NDB or alias), tries to add a mapping first by
checking for a message field attribute, and then by trying to infer based
on property subclass.
TypeError: if a key from _custom_property_to_proto is not a valid NBD
property. (We don't allow EndpointsAliasProperty here because it
is not meant to be subclassed and defines a message_field).
TypeError: if after checking _custom_property_to_proto, message_field and
inference from a superclass, no appropriate mapping is found in
custom_property_to_proto = getattr(cls, '_custom_property_to_proto', None)
if isinstance(custom_property_to_proto, dict):
for key, value in custom_property_to_proto.iteritems():
if not utils.IsSubclass(key, ndb.Property):
raise TypeError('Invalid property class: %s.' % (key,))
cls._property_to_proto[key] = value
for prop in cls._EndpointsPropertyItervalues():
property_class = prop.__class__
if property_class not in cls._property_to_proto:
raise TypeError('No converter present for property %s' %
# TODO(dhermes): Consider renaming this optional property attr from
# "message_field" to something more generic. It can either be
# a field or it can be a method with the signature
# (property instance, integer index)
def _TryAddMessageField(cls, property_class):
"""Tries to add a proto mapping for a property class using a message field.
If the property class is already in the proto mapping, does nothing.
property_class: The class of a property from a model.
if property_class in cls._property_to_proto:
message_field = getattr(property_class, 'message_field', None)
if message_field is not None:
cls._property_to_proto[property_class] = message_field
def _TryInferSuperclass(cls, property_class):
"""Tries to add a proto mapping for a property class by using a base class.
If the property class is already in the proto mapping, does nothing.
Descends up the class hierarchy until an ancestor class has more than one
base class or until ndb.Property is reached. If any class up the hierarchy
is already in the proto mapping, the method/field for the superclass is also
set for the propert class in question.
property_class: The class of a property from a model.
if (property_class in cls._property_to_proto or
utils.IsSubclass(property_class, EndpointsAliasProperty)):
bases = property_class.__bases__
while len(bases) == 1 and bases[0] != ndb.Property:
base = bases[0]
if base in cls._property_to_proto:
cls._property_to_proto[property_class] = cls._property_to_proto[base]
bases = base.__bases__
class EndpointsModel(ndb.Model):
"""Subclass of NDB model that enables translation to ProtoRPC message classes.
Also uses a subclass of ndb.MetaModel as the metaclass, to allow for custom
behavior (particularly property verification) on class creation. Two types of
properties are allowed, the standard NDB property, which ends up in a
_properties dictionary and {EndpointsAliasProperty}s, which end up in an
_alias_properties dictionary. They can be accessed simultaneously through
As with NDB, you cannot use the same property object to describe multiple
properties -- you must create separate property objects for each property.
In addition to _alias_properties, there are several other class variables that
can be used to augment the default NDB model behavior:
_property_to_proto: This is a mapping from properties to ProtoRPC message
fields or methods which can take a property and an index and convert
them to a message field. It starts out as a copy of the global
NDB_PROPERTY_TO_PROTO from ndb_utils and can be augmented by your
class and/or property definitions
_custom_property_to_proto: if set as a dictionary, allows default mappings
from NDB properties to ProtoRPC fields in _property_to_proto to be
The metaclass ensures each property (alias properties included) can be
converted to a ProtoRPC message field before the class can be created. Due to
this, a ProtoRPC message class can be created using any subset of the model
properties in any order, or a collection containing multiple messages of the
same class. Once created, these ProtoRPC message classes are cached in the
class variables _proto_models and _proto_collections.
Endpoints models also have two class methods which can be used as decorators
for Cloud Endpoints API methods: method and query_method. These methods use
the endpoints.api decorator but tailor the behavior to the specific model
Where a method decorated with the endpoints.api expects a ProtoRPC
message class for the response and request type, a method decorated with the
"method" decorator provided by a model class expects an instance of that class
both as input and output. In order to deserialize the ProtoRPC input to an
entity and serialize the entity returned by the decorated method back to
ProtoRPC, request and response fields can be specified which the Endpoints
model class can use to create (and cache) corresponding ProtoRPC message
Similarly, a method decorated with the query_method decorator expects a query
for the EndpointsModel subclass both as input and output. Instead of
specifying request/response fields for entities, a query and collection fields
list can be used.
When no fields are provided, the default fields from the class are used. This
can be overridden by setting the class variable _message_fields_schema to a
dictionary, list, tuple or MessageFieldsSchema of your choice. If none is
provided, the default will include all NDB properties and all Endpoints Alias
__metaclass__ = EndpointsMetaModel
# Custom properties that can be specified to override this value when
# the class is defined. The value for `custom_property_to_proto`
# will persist through subclasses while that for `_message_fields_schema`
# will only work on the class where it is explicitly mentioned in
# the definition.
_custom_property_to_proto = None
_message_fields_schema = None
# A new instance of each of these will be created by the metaclass
# every time a subclass is declared
_alias_properties = None
_proto_models = None
_proto_collections = None
_resource_containers = None
_property_to_proto = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initializes NDB model and adds a query info object.
_endpoints_query_info: An _EndpointsQueryInfo instance, directly tied to
the current instance that can be used to form queries using properties
provided by the instance and can be augmented by alias properties to
allow custom queries.
super(EndpointsModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._endpoints_query_info = _EndpointsQueryInfo(self)
self._from_datastore = False
def from_datastore(self):
"""Property accessor that represents if the entity is from the datastore."""
return self._from_datastore
def _DefaultFields(cls):
"""The default fields for the class.
Uses all NDB properties and alias properties which are different from the
alias properties defined on the parent class EndpointsModel.
fields = cls._properties.keys()
# Only include Alias properties not defined on the base class
for prop_name, prop in cls._alias_properties.iteritems():
base_alias_props = getattr(BASE_MODEL_CLASS, '_alias_properties', {})
base_prop = base_alias_props.get(prop_name)
if base_prop != prop:
return fields
def _CopyFromEntity(self, entity):
"""Copies properties from another entity to the current one.
Only sets properties on the current entity that are not already set.
entity: A model instance to be copied from.
TypeError: if the entity passed in is not the exact same type as the
current entity.
if entity.__class__ != self.__class__:
raise TypeError('Can only copy from entities of the exact type %s. '
'Received an instance of %s.' %
(self.__class__.__name__, entity.__class__.__name__))
for prop in entity._EndpointsPropertyItervalues():
# The name of the attr on the model/object, may differ
# from the name of the property
attr_name = prop._code_name
value = getattr(entity, attr_name)
if value is not None:
# Only overwrite null values
if isinstance(prop, EndpointsAliasProperty):
value_set = getattr(self, attr_name) is not None
value_set = prop._name in self._values
if not value_set:
setattr(self, attr_name, value)
def UpdateFromKey(self, key):
"""Attempts to get current entity for key and update the unset properties.
Only does anything if there is a corresponding entity in the datastore.
Calls _CopyFromEntity to merge the current entity with the one that was
retrieved. If one was retrieved, sets _from_datastore to True to signal that
an entity was retrieved.
key: An NDB key used to retrieve an entity.
self._key = key
entity = self._key.get()
if entity is not None:
self._from_datastore = True
def IdSet(self, value):
"""Setter to be used for default id EndpointsAliasProperty.
Sets the key on the current entity using the value passed in as the ID.
Using this key, attempts to retrieve the entity from the datastore and
update the unset properties of the current entity with those from the
retrieved entity.
value: An integer ID value for a simple key.
TypeError: if the value to be set is not an integer. (Though if outside of
a given range, the get call will also throw an exception.)
if not isinstance(value, (int, long)):
raise TypeError('ID must be an integer.')
self.UpdateFromKey(ndb.Key(self.__class__, value))
@EndpointsAliasProperty(setter=IdSet, property_type=messages.IntegerField)
def id(self):
"""Getter to be used for default id EndpointsAliasProperty.
Specifies that the ProtoRPC property_type is IntegerField, though simple
string IDs or more complex IDs that use ancestors could also be used.
The integer ID of the entity key, if the key is not null and the integer
ID is not null, else returns None.
if self._key is not None:
return self._key.integer_id()
def EntityKeySet(self, value):
"""Setter to be used for default entityKey EndpointsAliasProperty.
Sets the key on the current entity using the urlsafe entity key string.
Using the key set on the entity, attempts to retrieve the entity from the
datastore and update the unset properties of the current entity with those
from the retrieved entity.
value: String; A urlsafe entity key for an object.
TypeError: if the value to be set is not a string. (Though if the string
is not valid base64 or not properly encoded, the key creation will
also throw an exception.)
if not isinstance(value, basestring):
raise TypeError('entityKey must be a string.')
def entityKey(self):
"""Getter to be used for default entityKey EndpointsAliasProperty.
Uses the default ProtoRPC property_type StringField.
The urlsafe string produced by the entity key, if the key is not null,
else returns None.
if self._key is not None:
return self._key.urlsafe()
def LimitSet(self, value):
"""Setter to be used for default limit EndpointsAliasProperty.
Simply sets the limit on the entity's query info object, and the query
info object handles validation.
value: The limit value to be set.
self._endpoints_query_info.limit = value
@EndpointsAliasProperty(setter=LimitSet, property_type=messages.IntegerField)
def limit(self):
"""Getter to be used for default limit EndpointsAliasProperty.
Uses the ProtoRPC property_type IntegerField since a limit.
The integer (or null) limit from the query info on the entity.
return self._endpoints_query_info.limit
def OrderSet(self, value):
"""Setter to be used for default order EndpointsAliasProperty.
Simply sets the order on the entity's query info object, and the query
info object handles validation.
value: The order value to be set.
self._endpoints_query_info.order = value
def order(self):
"""Getter to be used for default order EndpointsAliasProperty.
Uses the default ProtoRPC property_type StringField.
The string (or null) order from the query info on the entity.
return self._endpoints_query_info.order
def PageTokenSet(self, value):
"""Setter to be used for default pageToken EndpointsAliasProperty.
Tries to use Cursor.from_websafe_string to convert the value to a cursor
and then sets the cursor on the entity's query info object, and the query
info object handles validation.
value: The websafe string version of a cursor.
cursor = datastore_query.Cursor.from_websafe_string(value)
self._endpoints_query_info.cursor = cursor
def pageToken(self):
"""Getter to be used for default pageToken EndpointsAliasProperty.
Uses the default ProtoRPC property_type StringField.
The websafe string from the cursor on the entity's query info object, or
None if the cursor is null.
cursor = self._endpoints_query_info.cursor
if cursor is not None:
return cursor.to_websafe_string()
def _GetEndpointsProperty(cls, attr_name):
"""Return a property if set on a model class.
Attempts to retrieve both the NDB and alias version of the property, makes
sure at most one is not null and then returns that one.
attr_name: String; the name of the property.
The property set at the attribute name.
AttributeError: if the property is both an NDB and alias property.
property_value = cls._properties.get(attr_name)
alias_value = cls._alias_properties.get(attr_name)
if property_value is not None and alias_value is not None:
raise AttributeError(PROPERTY_COLLISION_TEMPLATE % (attr_name,))
return property_value or alias_value
def _EndpointsPropertyItervalues(cls):
"""Iterator containing both NDB and alias property instances for class."""
property_values = cls._properties.itervalues()
alias_values = cls._alias_properties.itervalues()
return itertools.chain(property_values, alias_values)
def _MessageFields(cls, message_fields_schema, allow_message_fields=True):
"""Creates ProtoRPC fields from a MessageFieldsSchema.
Verifies that each property is valid (may cause exception) and then uses the
proto mapping to create the corresponding ProtoRPC field.
message_fields_schema: MessageFieldsSchema object to create fields from.
allow_message_fields: An optional boolean; defaults to True. If True, does
nothing. If False, stops ProtoRPC message classes that have one or
more ProtoRPC {MessageField}s from being created.
Dictionary of ProtoRPC fields.
AttributeError: if a verified property has no proto mapping registered.
This is a serious error and should not occur due to what happens in
the metaclass.
TypeError: if a value from the proto mapping is not a ProtoRPC field or a
callable method (which takes a property and an index).
TypeError: if a proto mapping results in a ProtoRPC MessageField while
message fields are explicitly disallowed by having
allow_message_fields set to False.
message_fields = {}
for index, name in enumerate(message_fields_schema):
field_index = index + 1
prop = _VerifyProperty(cls, name)
to_proto = cls._property_to_proto.get(prop.__class__)
if to_proto is None:
raise AttributeError('%s does not have a proto mapping for %s.' %
(cls.__name__, prop.__class__.__name__))
if utils.IsSimpleField(to_proto):
proto_attr = ndb_utils.MessageFromSimpleField(to_proto, prop,
elif callable(to_proto):
proto_attr = to_proto(prop, field_index)
raise TypeError('Proto mapping for %s was invalid. Received %s, which '
'was neither a ProtoRPC field, nor a callable object.' %
(name, to_proto))
if not allow_message_fields:
if isinstance(proto_attr, messages.MessageField):
error_msg = NO_MSG_FIELD_TEMPLATE % (proto_attr.__class__.__name__,)
raise TypeError(error_msg)
message_fields[name] = proto_attr
return message_fields
def ProtoModel(cls, fields=None, allow_message_fields=True):
"""Creates a ProtoRPC message class using a subset of the class properties.
Creates a MessageFieldsSchema from the passed in fields (may cause exception
if not valid). If this MessageFieldsSchema is already in the cache of
models, returns the cached value.
If not creates ProtoRPC fields from the MessageFieldsSchema (may cause
exception). Using the created fields and the name from the MessageFieldsSchema,
creates a new ProtoRPC message class by calling the type() constructor.
Before returning it, it caches the newly created ProtoRPC message class.
fields: Optional fields, defaults to None. If None, the default from
the class is used. If specified, will be converted to a
MessageFieldsSchema object (and verified as such).
allow_message_fields: An optional boolean; defaults to True. If True, does
nothing. If False, stops ProtoRPC message classes that have one or
more ProtoRPC {MessageField}s from being created.
The cached or created ProtoRPC message class specified by the fields.
TypeError: if a proto mapping results in a ProtoRPC MessageField while
message fields are explicitly disallowed by having
allow_message_fields set to False.
if fields is None:
fields = cls._message_fields_schema
# If fields is None, either the module user manaully removed the default
# value or some bug has occurred in the library
message_fields_schema = MessageFieldsSchema(fields,
basename=cls.__name__ + 'Proto')
if message_fields_schema in cls._proto_models:
cached_model = cls._proto_models[message_fields_schema]
if not allow_message_fields:
for field in cached_model.all_fields():
if isinstance(field, messages.MessageField):
error_msg = NO_MSG_FIELD_TEMPLATE % (field.__class__.__name__,)
raise TypeError(error_msg)
return cached_model
message_fields = cls._MessageFields(message_fields_schema,
# TODO(dhermes): This behavior should be regulated more directly.
# This is to make sure the schema name in the discovery
# document is rather than
# EndpointsProtoDatastoreNdbModel{}
message_fields['__module__'] = ''
message_class = type(,
cls._proto_models[message_fields_schema] = message_class
return message_class
def ResourceContainer(cls, message=message_types.VoidMessage, fields=None):
"""Creates a ResourceContainer using a subset of the class properties.
Creates a MessageFieldsSchema from the passed in fields (may cause exception
if not valid). If this MessageFieldsSchema in combination with the message
is already in the cache, returns the cached value.
If not creates ProtoRPC fields from the MessageFieldsSchema (may cause
exception) and creates a endpoints.ResourceContainer using the created
ProtoRPC fields and the provided reques body message.
Before returning it, it caches the newly created ResourceContainer.
message: ProtoRPC message class to be used as request body.
fields: Optional fields, defaults to None. If None, the default from
the class is used. If specified, will be converted to a
MessageFieldsSchema object (and verified as such).
The cached or created ResourceContainer specified by the fields and message.
if fields is None:
fields = cls._message_fields_schema
message_fields_schema = MessageFieldsSchema(fields,
basename=cls.__name__ + 'Proto')
container_key = (message.__name__, message_fields_schema)
if container_key in cls._resource_containers:
return cls._resource_containers[container_key]
message_fields = cls._MessageFields(message_fields_schema,
resource_container = endpoints.ResourceContainer(message, **message_fields)
cls._resource_containers[container_key] = resource_container
return resource_container
def ProtoCollection(cls, collection_fields=None):
"""Creates a ProtoRPC message class using a subset of the class properties.
In contrast to ProtoModel, this creates a collection with only two fields:
items and nextPageToken. The field nextPageToken is used for paging through
result sets, while the field items is a repeated ProtoRPC MessageField used
to hold the query results. The fields passed in are used to specify the
ProtoRPC message class set on the MessageField.
As with ProtoModel, creates a MessageFieldsSchema from the passed in fields,
checks if this MessageFieldsSchema is already in the cache of collections,
and returns the cached value if it exists.
If not, will call ProtoModel with the collection_fields passed in to set
the ProtoRPC message class on the items MessageField.
Before returning it, it caches the newly created ProtoRPC message class in a
cache of collections.
collection_fields: Optional fields, defaults to None. If None, the
default from the class is used. If specified, will be converted to a
MessageFieldsSchema object (and verified as such).
The cached or created ProtoRPC (collection) message class specified by
the fields.
if collection_fields is None:
collection_fields = cls._message_fields_schema
message_fields_schema = MessageFieldsSchema(collection_fields,
basename=cls.__name__ + 'Proto')
if message_fields_schema in cls._proto_collections:
return cls._proto_collections[message_fields_schema]
proto_model = cls.ProtoModel(fields=message_fields_schema)
message_fields = {
'items': messages.MessageField(proto_model, 1, repeated=True),
'nextPageToken': messages.StringField(2),
# TODO(dhermes): This behavior should be regulated more directly.
# This is to make sure the schema name in the discovery
# document is message_fields_schema.collection_name
'__module__': '',
collection_class = type(message_fields_schema.collection_name,
cls._proto_collections[message_fields_schema] = collection_class
return collection_class
def ToMessage(self, fields=None):
"""Converts an entity to an ProtoRPC message.
Uses the fields list passed in to create a ProtoRPC message class and then
converts the relevant fields from the entity using ToValue.
fields: Optional fields, defaults to None. Passed to ProtoModel to
create a ProtoRPC message class for the message.
The ProtoRPC message created using the values from the entity and the
fields provided for the message class.
TypeError: if a repeated field has a value which is not a tuple or list.
proto_model = self.ProtoModel(fields=fields)
proto_args = {}
for field in proto_model.all_fields():
name =
value_property = _VerifyProperty(self.__class__, name)
# Since we are using getattr rather than checking self._values, this will
# also work for properties which have a default set
value = getattr(self, value_property._code_name)
if value is None:
if field.repeated:
if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
error_msg = ('Property %s is a repeated field and its value should '
'be a list or tuple. Received: %s' % (name, value))
raise TypeError(error_msg)
to_add = [ToValue(value_property, element) for element in value]
to_add = ToValue(value_property, value)
proto_args[name] = to_add
return proto_model(**proto_args)
def FromMessage(cls, message):
"""Converts a ProtoRPC message to an entity of the model class.
Makes sure the message being converted is an instance of a ProtoRPC message
class we have already encountered and then converts the relevant field
values to the entity values using FromValue.
When collecting the values from the message for conversion to an entity, NDB
and alias properties are treated differently. The NDB properties can just be
passed in to the class constructor as kwargs, but the alias properties must
be set after the fact, and may even throw exceptions if the message has
fields corresponding to alias properties which don't define a setter.
message: A ProtoRPC message.
The entity of the current class that was created using the
message field values.
TypeError: if a message class is encountered that has not been stored in
the _proto_models cache on the class. This is a precaution against
unkown ProtoRPC message classes.
TypeError: if a repeated field has a value which is not a tuple or list.
message_class = message.__class__
# The CombinedContainer is a result of ResourceContainers.
# Might need some better handling...
if (message_class not in cls._proto_models.values() and
message_class.__name__ != "CombinedContainer"):
error_msg = ('The message is an instance of %s, which is a class this '
'EndpointsModel does not know how to process.' %
raise TypeError(error_msg)
entity_kwargs = {}
alias_args = []
for field in sorted(message_class.all_fields(),
key=lambda field: field.number):
name =
value = getattr(message, name, None)
if value is None:
value_property = _VerifyProperty(cls, name)
if field.repeated:
if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
error_msg = ('Repeated attribute should be a list or tuple. '
'Received a %s.' % (value.__class__.__name__,))
raise TypeError(error_msg)
to_add = [FromValue(value_property, element) for element in value]
to_add = FromValue(value_property, value)
local_name = value_property._code_name
if isinstance(value_property, EndpointsAliasProperty):
alias_args.append((local_name, to_add))
entity_kwargs[local_name] = to_add
# Will not throw exception if a required property is not included. This
# sort of exception is only thrown when attempting to put the entity.
entity = cls(**entity_kwargs)
# Set alias properties, will fail on an alias property if that
# property was not defined with a setter
for name, value in alias_args:
setattr(entity, name, value)
return entity
def ToMessageCollection(cls, items, collection_fields=None,
"""Converts a list of entities and cursor to ProtoRPC (collection) message.
Uses the fields list to create a ProtoRPC (collection) message class and
then converts each item into a ProtoRPC message to be set as a list of
If the cursor is not null, we convert it to a websafe string and set the
nextPageToken field on the result message.
items: A list of entities of this model.
collection_fields: Optional fields, defaults to None. Passed to
ProtoCollection to create a ProtoRPC message class for for the
collection of messages.
next_cursor: An optional query cursor, defaults to None.
The ProtoRPC message created using the entities and cursor provided,
making sure that the entity message class matches collection_fields.
proto_model = cls.ProtoCollection(collection_fields=collection_fields)
items_as_message = [item.ToMessage(fields=collection_fields)
for item in items]
result = proto_model(items=items_as_message)
if next_cursor is not None:
result.nextPageToken = next_cursor.to_websafe_string()
return result
def method(cls,
"""Creates an API method decorator using provided metadata.
Augments the endpoints.method decorator-producing function by allowing
API methods to receive and return a class instance rather than having to
worry with ProtoRPC messages (and message class definition). By specifying
a list of ProtoRPC fields rather than defining the class, response and
request classes can be defined on the fly.
If there is any collision between request/response field lists and potential
custom request/response message definitions that can be passed to the
endpoints.method decorator, this call will fail.
All other arguments will be passed directly to the endpoints.method
decorator-producing function. If request/response field lists are used to
define custom classes, the newly defined classes will also be passed to
endpoints.method as the keyword arguments request_message/response_message.
If a custom request message class is passed in, the resulting decorator will
not attempt to convert the ProtoRPC message it receives into an
EndpointsModel entity before passing it to the decorated method. Similarly,
if a custom response message class is passed in, no attempt will be made to
convert the object (returned by the decorated method) in the opposite
NOTE: Using utils.positional(1), we ensure the class instance will be the
only positional argument hence won't have leaking/collision between the
endpoints.method decorator function that we mean to pass metadata to.
request_fields: An (optional) list, tuple, dictionary or
MessageFieldsSchema that defines a field ordering in a ProtoRPC
message class. Defaults to None.
response_fields: An (optional) list, tuple, dictionary or
MessageFieldsSchema that defines a field ordering in a ProtoRPC
message class. Defaults to None.
user_required: Boolean; indicates whether or not a user is required on any
incoming request.
A decorator that takes the metadata passed in and augments an API method.
TypeError: if there is a collision (either request or response) of
field list and custom message definition.
request_message = kwargs.get(REQUEST_MESSAGE)
if request_fields is not None and request_message is not None:
raise TypeError('Received both a request message class and a field list '
'for creating a request message class.')
proto_message = request_message
if proto_message is None:
proto_message = cls.ProtoModel(fields=request_fields)
path = kwargs.get(PATH)
query_fields = []
if path is not None:
query_fields = re.findall("{(.*?)}", path)
if len(query_fields) > 0:
kwargs[REQUEST_MESSAGE] = cls.ResourceContainer(
message=proto_message, fields=query_fields)
kwargs[REQUEST_MESSAGE] = proto_message
response_message = kwargs.get(RESPONSE_MESSAGE)
if response_fields is not None and response_message is not None:
raise TypeError('Received both a response message class and a field list '
'for creating a response message class.')
if response_message is None:
kwargs[RESPONSE_MESSAGE] = cls.ProtoModel(fields=response_fields)
apiserving_method_decorator = endpoints.method(**kwargs)
def RequestToEntityDecorator(api_method):
"""A decorator that uses the metadata passed to the enclosing method.
api_method: A method to be decorated. Expected signature is two
positional arguments, an instance object of an API service and a
variable containing a deserialized API request object, most likely
as a ProtoRPC message or as an instance of the current
EndpointsModel class.
A decorated method that uses the metadata of the enclosing method to
verify the service instance, convert the arguments to ones that can
be consumed by the decorated method and serialize the method output
back to a ProtoRPC message.
def EntityToRequestMethod(service_instance, request):
"""Stub method to be decorated.
After creation, will be passed to the standard endpoints.method
decorator to preserve the necessary method attributes needed for
endpoints API methods.
service_instance: A ProtoRPC remove service instance.
request: A ProtoRPC message.
A ProtoRPC message, potentially serialized after being returned from a
method which returns a class instance.
endpoints.UnauthorizedException: if the user required boolean from
the metadata is True and if there is no current endpoints user.
if user_required and endpoints.get_current_user() is None:
raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Invalid token.')
if request_message is None:
# If we are using a fields list, we can convert the message to an
# instance of the current class
request = cls.FromMessage(request)
# If developers are using request_fields to create a request message
# class for them, their method should expect to receive an instance of
# the current EndpointsModel class, and if it fails for some reason
# their API users will receive a 503 from an uncaught exception.
response = api_method(service_instance, request)
if response_message is None:
# If developers using a custom request message class with
# response_fields to create a response message class for them, it is
# up to them to return an instance of the current EndpointsModel
# class. If not, their API users will receive a 503 from an uncaught
# exception.
response = response.ToMessage(fields=response_fields)
return response
return apiserving_method_decorator(EntityToRequestMethod)
return RequestToEntityDecorator
def query_method(cls,
"""Creates an API query method decorator using provided metadata.
This will produce a decorator which is solely intended to decorate functions
which receive queries and expect them to be decorated. Augments the
endpoints.method decorator-producing function by allowing API methods to
receive and return a query object.
Query data will be stored in an entity using the same (de)serialization
methods used by the classmethod "method". Once there, the query info
object on the entity will allow conversion into a query and the decorator
will execute this query.
Rather than request/response fields (as in "method"), we require that
callers specify query fields -- which will produce the entity before it
is converted to a query -- and collection fields -- which will be passed
to ProtoCollection to create a container class for items returned by the
In contrast to "method", no custom request/response message classes can be
passed in, the queries and collection responses can only be specified by the
query/collection fields. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
All other arguments will be passed directly to the endpoints.method
decorator-producing function. The custom classes defined by the
query/collection fields will also be passed to endpoints.method as the
keyword arguments request_message/response_message.
Custom {EndpointsAliasProperty}s have been defined that allow for
customizing queries:
limit: allows a limit to be passed in and augment the query info on the
deserialized entity.
order: allows an order to be passed in and augment the query info on the
deserialized entity.
pageToken: allows a websafe string value to be converted to a cursor and
set on the query info of the deserialized entity.
NOTE: Using utils.positional(1), we ensure the class instance will be the
only positional argument hence won't have leaking/collision between the
endpoints.method decorator function that we mean to pass metadata to.
query_fields: An (optional) list, tuple, dictionary or MessageFieldsSchema
that define a field ordering in a ProtoRPC message class. Defaults to
an empty tuple, which results in a simple datastore query of the kind.
collection_fields: An (optional) list, tuple, dictionary or
MessageFieldsSchema that define a field ordering in a ProtoRPC
message class. Defaults to None.
limit_default: An (optional) default value for the amount of items to
fetch in a query. Defaults to the global QUERY_LIMIT_DEFAULT.
limit_max: An (optional) max value for the amount of items to
fetch in a query. Defaults to the global QUERY_LIMIT_MAX.
user_required: Boolean; indicates whether or not a user is required on any
incoming request. Defaults to False.
use_projection: Boolean; indicates whether or the query should retrieve
entire entities or just a projection using the collection fields.
Defaults to False. If used, all properties in a projection must be
indexed, so this should be used with care. However, when used
correctly, this will speed up queries, reduce payload size and even
reduce cost at times.
A decorator that takes the metadata passed in and augments an API query
method. The decorator will perform the fetching, the decorated method
simply need return the augmented query object.
TypeError: if there is a custom request or response message class was
passed in.
TypeError: if a http_method other than 'GET' is passed in.
if REQUEST_MESSAGE in kwargs:
raise TypeError('Received a request message class on a method intended '
'for queries. This is explicitly not allowed. Only '
'query_fields can be specified.')
kwargs[REQUEST_MESSAGE] = cls.ResourceContainer(fields=query_fields)
if RESPONSE_MESSAGE in kwargs:
raise TypeError('Received a response message class on a method intended '
'for queries. This is explicitly not allowed. Only '
'collection_fields can be specified.')
kwargs[RESPONSE_MESSAGE] = cls.ProtoCollection(
# Only allow GET for queries
if HTTP_METHOD in kwargs:
raise TypeError('Query requests must use the HTTP GET methods. '
'Received %s.' % (kwargs[HTTP_METHOD],))
apiserving_method_decorator = endpoints.method(**kwargs)
def RequestToQueryDecorator(api_method):
"""A decorator that uses the metadata passed to the enclosing method.
api_method: A method to be decorated. Expected signature is two
positional arguments, an instance object of an API service and a
variable containing a deserialized API request object, required here
to be an NDB query object with kind set to the current
EndpointsModel class.
A decorated method that uses the metadata of the enclosing method to
verify the service instance, convert the arguments to ones that can
be consumed by the decorated method and serialize the method output
back to a ProtoRPC (collection) message.
def QueryFromRequestMethod(service_instance, request):
"""Stub method to be decorated.
After creation, will be passed to the standard endpoints.method
decorator to preserve the necessary method attributes needed for
endpoints API methods.
service_instance: A ProtoRPC remove service instance.
request: A ProtoRPC message.
A ProtoRPC (collection) message, serialized after being returned from
an NDB query and containing the cursor if there are more results
and a cursor was returned.
endpoints.UnauthorizedException: if the user required boolean from
the metadata is True and if there is no current endpoints user.
endpoints.ForbiddenException: if the limit passed in through the
request exceeds the maximum allowed.
if user_required and endpoints.get_current_user() is None:
raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Invalid token.')
request_entity = cls.FromMessage(request)
query_info = request_entity._endpoints_query_info
# Allow the caller to update the query
query = api_method(service_instance, query_info.query)
# Use limit on query info or default if none was set
request_limit = query_info.limit or limit_default
if request_limit > limit_max:
raise endpoints.ForbiddenException(
QUERY_MAX_EXCEEDED_TEMPLATE % (request_limit, limit_max))
query_options = {'start_cursor': query_info.cursor}
if use_projection:
projection = [value for value in collection_fields
if value in cls._properties]
query_options['projection'] = projection
items, next_cursor, more_results = query.fetch_page(
request_limit, **query_options)
# Don't pass a cursor if there are no more results
if not more_results:
next_cursor = None
return cls.ToMessageCollection(items,
return apiserving_method_decorator(QueryFromRequestMethod)
return RequestToQueryDecorator
# Update base class global so EndpointsMetaModel can check subclasses against it
BASE_MODEL_CLASS = EndpointsModel