blob: f78e904a548a3416bae3412abc8c191d13277a59 [file] [log] [blame]
# If you have not yet seen the source in paging/, please take a look.
# In this sample we modify the query parameters in the MyModelList method to
# allow querying with simple equality filters.
import endpoints
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from protorpc import remote
from endpoints_proto_datastore.ndb import EndpointsModel
class MyModel(EndpointsModel):
attr1 = ndb.StringProperty()
attr2 = ndb.StringProperty()
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
@endpoints.api(name='myapi', version='v1', description='My Little API')
class MyApi(remote.Service):
@MyModel.method(path='mymodel', http_method='POST', name='mymodel.insert')
def MyModelInsert(self, my_model):
return my_model
# To add simple filters, we set the keyword argument query_fields in the
# MyModel.query_method decorator. By specifying the fields "attr1" and "attr2"
# as the query fields, we can filter for entities based on the values of the
# NDB properties attr1 and/or attr2.
# For example, a request /mymodels?attr1=cheese will return all entities with
# attr1 equal to "cheese". The query parameters attr1 and attr2 can be used
# individually, at the same time, or not at all.
# An NDB property can only be used in query_fields to construct an equality
# filter. For NDB properties which correspond to ProtoRPC message fields, such
# as UserProperty or GeoPtProperty (see basic_with_auth/, the values
# of the property cannot be represented simply via /path?key=value. As a
# result, such NDB properties are explicitly not allowed in query_fields and
# if this is attempted a TypeError will be raised.
@MyModel.query_method(query_fields=('attr1', 'attr2'),
path='mymodels', name='mymodel.list')
def MyModelList(self, query):
return query
application = endpoints.api_server([MyApi], restricted=False)