blob: 0234abdc1926a66a17e77cc29309970e3e371b1d [file] [log] [blame]
# If you have not yet seen the source in basic_with_auth/ and
# paging/, please take a look.
# In this sample we use a custom Enum for the "order" property in queries
# to strictly control the indexes used and make sure we have corresponding
# indexes created in index.yaml.
import endpoints
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
# This import allows us to define our own Enum using the ProtoRPC messages
# library. This is not usually needed, since EndpointsModel handles message
# definition, but in this case it is.
from protorpc import messages
from protorpc import remote
# We import EndpointsAliasProperty so that we can define our own helper property
# similar to the properties "id", "entityKey", "limit", "order" and "pageToken"
# provided by EndpointsModel.
from endpoints_proto_datastore.ndb import EndpointsAliasProperty
from endpoints_proto_datastore.ndb import EndpointsModel
# This is an Enum used to strictly define which order values are allowed.
# In this case, we are only allowing two query orders and have an enum value
# corresponding to each.
class Order(messages.Enum):
class MyModel(EndpointsModel):
# As in simple_get/, by setting _message_fields_schema, we can set a
# custom ProtoRPC message schema. We set the schema to the four properties
# corresponding to the NDB properties and exclude the fifth property, which is
# the alias property "order". Though the helper property "order" from
# EndpointsModel is not included in the message schema, since we define our
# own "order", this would be included if we did not define our own schema.
_message_fields_schema = ('attr1', 'attr2', 'owner', 'created')
# The properties attr1 and attr2 are required here so that all entities will
# have values for performing queries.
attr1 = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
attr2 = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
# As in basic_with_auth/, an owner property is used and each entity
# created will have the current user saved as the owner. As with attr1 and
# attr2 above, we are also requiring the owner field so we can use it for
# queries too.
owner = ndb.UserProperty(required=True)
# This is a setter which will be used by the helper property "order", which we
# are overriding here. The setter used for that helper property is also named
# OrderSet. This method will be called when order is set from a ProtoRPC
# query request.
def OrderSet(self, value):
# Since we wish to control which queries are made, we only accept values
# from our custom Enum type Order.
if not isinstance(value, Order):
raise TypeError('Expected an enum, received: %s.' % (value,))
# For MYFIRST, we order by attr1.
if value == Order.MYFIRST:
# Use the method OrderSet from the parent class to set the string value
# based on the enum.
super(MyModel, self).OrderSet('attr1')
# For MYSECOND, we order by attr2, but in descending order.
elif value == Order.MYSECOND:
# Use the method OrderSet from the parent class to set the string value
# based on the enum.
super(MyModel, self).OrderSet('-attr2')
# For either case, the order used here will be combined with an equality
# filter based on the current user, and we have the corresponding indexes
# specified in index.yaml so no index errors are experienced by our users.
# If the value is not a valid Enum value, raise a TypeError. This should
# never occur since value is known to be an instance of Order.
raise TypeError('Unexpected value of Order: %s.' % (value,))
# This EndpointsAliasProperty is our own helper property and overrides the
# original "order". We specify the setter as the function OrderSet which we
# just defined. The property_type is the class Order and the default value of
# the alias property is MYFIRST.
# Endpoints alias properties must have a corresponding property type, which
# can be either a ProtoRPC field or a ProtoRPC message class or enum class.
# Here, by providing a property type of Order, we aid in the creation of a
# field corresponding to this property in a ProtoRPC message schema.
# The EndpointsAliasProperty can be used as a decorator as is done here, or
# can be used in the same way NDB properties are, e.g.
# attr1 = ndb.StringProperty()
# and the similar
# order = EndpointsAliasProperty(OrderGet, setter=OrderSet, ...)
# where OrderGet would be the function defined here.
@EndpointsAliasProperty(setter=OrderSet, property_type=Order,
def order(self):
# We only need to limit the values to Order enums, so we can use the getter
# from the helper property with no changes.
return super(MyModel, self).order
# Since we are using auth, we want to test with the Google APIs Explorer:
# By default, if allowed_client_ids is not specified, this is enabled by
# default. If you specify allowed_client_ids, you'll need to include
# endpoints.API_EXPLORER_CLIENT_ID in this list. This is necessary for auth
# tokens obtained by the API Explorer (on behalf of users) to be considered
# valid by our API.
@endpoints.api(name='myapi', version='v1', description='My Little API')
class MyApi(remote.Service):
# We use specify that request_fields is ('attr1', 'attr2') because the
# created value is set when the entity is put to the datastore and the owner
# is set from the current user. As in basic_with_auth, since user_required is
# set to True, the current user will always be valid.
# Since no response_fields are set, the four fields from
# _message_fields_schema will be sent in the response.
@MyModel.method(request_fields=('attr1', 'attr2'),
path='mymodel', http_method='POST', name='mymodel.insert')
def MyModelInsert(self, my_model):
my_model.owner = endpoints.get_current_user()
return my_model
# As in paging/, we use the fields limit, order and pageToken for
# paging, but here "order" is the Enum-based property we defined above. As
# mentioned in the definition of OrderSet, these order values are coupled with
# the filter for current user.
# Since no collection_fields are set, each value in "items" in the response
# will use the four fields from _message_fields_schema.
@MyModel.query_method(query_fields=('limit', 'order', 'pageToken'),
path='mymodels', name='mymodel.list')
def MyModelList(self, query):
# Current user is valid since user_required is set to True.
return query.filter(MyModel.owner == endpoints.get_current_user())
application = endpoints.api_server([MyApi], restricted=False)