blob: 77fd48ccd7502d87125fed95cd6ede1b5b968392 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package endpoints
import (
var (
// Precompute the reflect type for error.
typeOfOsError = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
// Same as above, this time for http.Request.
typeOfRequest = reflect.TypeOf((*http.Request)(nil)).Elem()
// Precompute the reflect type for context.Context.
typeOfContext = reflect.TypeOf((*context.Context)(nil)).Elem()
// Precompute the reflect type for *VoidMessage.
typeOfVoidMessage = reflect.TypeOf(new(VoidMessage))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// service
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RPCService represents a service registered with a specific Server.
type RPCService struct {
name string // name of service
rcvr reflect.Value // receiver of methods for the service
rcvrType reflect.Type // type of the receiver
methods map[string]*ServiceMethod // registered methods
internal bool
info *ServiceInfo
// Name returns service method name
// TODO: remove or use info.Name here?
func (s *RPCService) Name() string {
// Info returns a ServiceInfo which is used to construct Endpoints API config
func (s *RPCService) Info() *ServiceInfo {
// Methods returns a slice of all service's registered methods
func (s *RPCService) Methods() []*ServiceMethod {
items := make([]*ServiceMethod, 0, len(s.methods))
for _, m := range s.methods {
items = append(items, m)
return items
// MethodByName returns a ServiceMethod of a registered service's method or nil.
func (s *RPCService) MethodByName(name string) *ServiceMethod {
return s.methods[name]
// ServiceInfo is used to construct Endpoints API config
type ServiceInfo struct {
Name string
Version string
Default bool
Description string
// ServiceMethod is what represents a method of a registered service
type ServiceMethod struct {
// Type of the request data structure
ReqType reflect.Type
// Type of the response data structure
RespType reflect.Type
// method's receiver
method *reflect.Method
// first argument of the method is Context
wantsContext bool
// info used to construct Endpoints API config
info *MethodInfo
// Info returns a MethodInfo struct of a registered service's method
func (m *ServiceMethod) Info() *MethodInfo {
// MethodInfo is what's used to construct Endpoints API config
type MethodInfo struct {
// name can also contain resource, e.g. "greets.list"
Name string
Path string
HTTPMethod string
Scopes []string
Audiences []string
ClientIds []string
Desc string
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// serviceMap
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// serviceMap is a registry for services.
type serviceMap struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
services map[string]*RPCService
// register adds a new service using reflection to extract its methods.
// internal == true indicase that this is an internal service,
// e.g. BackendService
func (m *serviceMap) register(srv interface{}, name, ver, desc string, isDefault, internal bool) (
*RPCService, error) {
// Setup service.
s := &RPCService{
rcvr: reflect.ValueOf(srv),
rcvrType: reflect.TypeOf(srv),
methods: make(map[string]*ServiceMethod),
internal: internal,
} = reflect.Indirect(s.rcvr).Type().Name()
if !isExported( {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("endpoints: no service name for type %q",
if !internal { = &ServiceInfo{
Name: name,
Version: ver,
Default: isDefault,
Description: desc,
if == "" { =
} = strings.ToLower(
if == "" { = "v1"
// Setup methods.
for i := 0; i < s.rcvrType.NumMethod(); i++ {
method := s.rcvrType.Method(i)
srvMethod := newServiceMethod(&method, internal)
if srvMethod != nil {
s.methods[method.Name] = srvMethod
if len(s.methods) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"endpoints: %q has no exported methods of suitable type",
// Add to the map.
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
if == nil { = make(map[string]*RPCService)
} else if _, ok :=[]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("endpoints: service already defined: %q",
}[] = s
return s, nil
// newServiceMethod creates a new ServiceMethod from provided Go's Method.
// It doesn't create if internal == true
func newServiceMethod(m *reflect.Method, internal bool) *ServiceMethod {
// Method must be exported.
if m.PkgPath != "" {
log.Printf("method %#v is not exported", m)
return nil
mtype := m.Type
numIn, numOut := mtype.NumIn(), mtype.NumOut()
// Endpoint methods have at least a receiver plus one to three arguments and
// return either one or two values.
if !(2 <= numIn && numIn <= 4 && 1 <= numOut && numOut <= 2) {
return nil
// The response message is either an input or and output, not both.
if numIn == 4 && numOut == 2 {
return nil
// Endpoint methods have an http request or context as first argument.
httpReqType := mtype.In(1)
// If there's a request type it's the second argument.
reqType := typeOfVoidMessage
if numIn > 2 {
reqType = mtype.In(2)
// The response type can be either as the third argument or the first
// returned value followed by an error.
respType := typeOfVoidMessage
if numIn > 3 {
respType = mtype.In(3)
} else if numOut == 2 {
respType = mtype.Out(0)
// The last returned value is an error.
errType := mtype.Out(mtype.NumOut() - 1)
// First argument must be a pointer and must be http.Request or Context.
if !isRequestOrContext(httpReqType) {
return nil
// Second argument must be a pointer and must be exported.
if reqType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !isExportedOrBuiltin(reqType) {
return nil
// Return value must be a pointer and must be exported.
if respType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !isExportedOrBuiltin(respType) {
return nil
// Last return value must be of error type
if errType != typeOfOsError {
return nil
method := &ServiceMethod{
ReqType: reqType.Elem(),
RespType: respType.Elem(),
method: m,
wantsContext: httpReqType.Implements(typeOfContext),
if !internal {
mname := strings.ToLower(m.Name) = &MethodInfo{Name: mname}
params := requiredParamNames(method.ReqType)
numParam := len(params)
if method.ReqType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
switch {
default: = "POST"
case numParam == method.ReqType.NumField(): = "GET"
if numParam == 0 { = mname
} else { = mname + "/{" + strings.Join(params, "}/{") + "}"
return method
// Used to infer method's info.Path.
// TODO: refactor this and move to apiconfig.go?
func requiredParamNames(t reflect.Type) []string {
if t.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
params := make([]string, 0, t.NumField())
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
field := t.Field(i)
// consider only exported fields
if field.PkgPath == "" {
parts := strings.Split(field.Tag.Get("endpoints"), ",")
for _, p := range parts {
if p == "required" {
params = append(params, field.Name)
return params
return []string{}
// get returns a registered service given a method name.
// The method name uses a dotted notation as in "Service.Method".
func (m *serviceMap) get(method string) (*RPCService, *ServiceMethod, error) {
parts := strings.Split(method, ".")
if len(parts) != 2 {
err := fmt.Errorf("endpoints: service/method request ill-formed: %q", method)
return nil, nil, err
parts[1] = strings.Title(parts[1])
service :=[parts[0]]
if service == nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("endpoints: can't find service %q", parts[0])
return nil, nil, err
ServiceMethod := service.methods[parts[1]]
if ServiceMethod == nil {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"endpoints: can't find method %q of service %q", parts[1], parts[0])
return nil, nil, err
return service, ServiceMethod, nil
// serviceByName returns a registered service or nil if there's no service
// registered by that name.
func (m *serviceMap) serviceByName(serviceName string) *RPCService {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
// isExported returns true of a string is an exported (upper case) name.
func isExported(name string) bool {
rune, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
return unicode.IsUpper(rune)
// isExportedOrBuiltin returns true if a type is exported or a builtin.
func isExportedOrBuiltin(t reflect.Type) bool {
for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
// PkgPath will be non-empty even for an exported type,
// so we need to check the type name as well.
return isExported(t.Name()) || t.PkgPath() == ""
// isRequestOrContext returns true if type t is either *http.Request or Context
func isRequestOrContext(t reflect.Type) bool {
if t.Implements(typeOfContext) {
return true
return t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem() == typeOfRequest