blob: 558b1266932fb6c0b4aec62304e6647a1342571f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "test_common.h"
#include <float.h>
extern cl_mem_flags gMemFlagsToUse;
extern int gtestTypesToRun;
// Utility function to clamp down image sizes for certain tests to avoid
// using too much memory.
static size_t reduceImageSizeRange(size_t maxDimSize) {
size_t DimSize = maxDimSize/128;
if (DimSize < (size_t) 16)
return 16;
else if (DimSize > (size_t) 64)
return 64;
return DimSize;
static size_t reduceImageDepth(size_t maxDepth) {
size_t Depth = maxDepth/32;
if (Depth < (size_t) 8)
return 8;
else if (Depth > (size_t) 32)
return 32;
return Depth;
const char *read2DArrayKernelSourcePattern =
"__kernel void sample_kernel( read_only %s input,%s __global float *xOffsets, __global float *yOffsets, __global float *zOffsets, __global %s%s *results %s )\n"
" int tidX = get_global_id(0), tidY = get_global_id(1), tidZ = get_global_id(2);\n"
" results[offset] = read_image%s( input, imageSampler, coords %s);\n"
const char *read_write2DArrayKernelSourcePattern =
"__kernel void sample_kernel( read_write %s input,%s __global float *xOffsets, __global float *yOffsets, __global float *zOffsets, __global %s%s *results %s)\n"
" int tidX = get_global_id(0), tidY = get_global_id(1), tidZ = get_global_id(2);\n"
" results[offset] = read_image%s( input, coords %s);\n"
const char* offset2DarraySource =" int offset = tidZ*get_image_width(input)*get_image_height(input) + tidY*get_image_width(input) + tidX;\n";
const char* offset2DarraySourceLod =
" int lod_int = (int)lod;\n"
" int width_lod, height_lod;\n"
" width_lod = (get_image_width(input) >> lod_int ) ? (get_image_width(input) >> lod_int ) : 1;\n"
" height_lod = (get_image_height(input) >> lod_int ) ? (get_image_height(input) >> lod_int ) : 1;\n"
" int offset = tidZ*width_lod*height_lod + tidY*width_lod + tidX;\n";
const char *int2DArrayCoordKernelSource =
" int4 coords = (int4)( (int) xOffsets[offset], (int) yOffsets[offset], (int) zOffsets[offset], 0 );\n";
const char *float2DArrayUnnormalizedCoordKernelSource =
" float4 coords = (float4)( xOffsets[offset], yOffsets[offset], zOffsets[offset], 0.0f );\n";
static const char *samplerKernelArg = " sampler_t imageSampler,";
extern void read_image_pixel_float( void *imageData, image_descriptor *imageInfo, int x, int y, int z, float *outData );
template <class T> int determine_validation_error_offset_2D_array( void *imagePtr, image_descriptor *imageInfo, image_sampler_data *imageSampler,
T *resultPtr, T * expected, float error,
float x, float y, float z, float xAddressOffset, float yAddressOffset, float zAddressOffset, size_t j, int &numTries, int &numClamped, bool printAsFloat, int lod )
int actualX, actualY, actualZ;
int found = debug_find_pixel_in_image( imagePtr, imageInfo, resultPtr, &actualX, &actualY, &actualZ, lod );
bool clampingErr = false, clamped = false, otherClampingBug = false;
int clampedX, clampedY, clampedZ;
size_t imageWidth = imageInfo->width, imageHeight = imageInfo->height, imageDepth = imageInfo->arraySize;
clamped = get_integer_coords_offset( x, y, z, xAddressOffset, yAddressOffset, zAddressOffset, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageDepth, imageSampler, imageInfo, clampedX, clampedY, clampedZ );
if( found )
// Is it a clamping bug?
if( clamped && clampedX == actualX && clampedY == actualY && clampedZ == actualZ )
if( (--numClamped) == 0 )
log_error( "\nERROR: TEST FAILED! Read is erroneously clamping coordinates!\n" );
if( printAsFloat )
log_error( "Sample %ld: coord {%f(%a),%f(%a),%f(%a)} did not validate!\n"
" Expected (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n"
" Observed (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n"
" error of %g\n",
j, x, x, y, y, z, z, (float)expected[ 0 ], (float)expected[ 1 ], (float)expected[ 2 ], (float)expected[ 3 ],
(float)resultPtr[ 0 ], (float)resultPtr[ 1 ], (float)resultPtr[ 2 ], (float)resultPtr[ 3 ], error );
log_error( "Sample %ld: coord {%f(%a),%f(%a),%f(%a)} did not validate!\n"
" Expected (%x,%x,%x,%x)\n"
" Observed (%x,%x,%x,%x)\n",
j, x, x, y, y, z, z, (int)expected[ 0 ], (int)expected[ 1 ], (int)expected[ 2 ], (int)expected[ 3 ],
(int)resultPtr[ 0 ], (int)resultPtr[ 1 ], (int)resultPtr[ 2 ], (int)resultPtr[ 3 ] );
if( imageSampler->filter_mode != CL_FILTER_LINEAR )
if( found )
log_error( "\tValue really found in image at %d,%d,%d (%s)\n", actualX, actualY, actualZ, ( found > 1 ) ? "NOT unique!!" : "unique" );
log_error( "\tValue not actually found in image\n" );
log_error( "\n" );
return -1;
clampingErr = true;
otherClampingBug = true;
if( clamped && !otherClampingBug )
// If we are in clamp-to-edge mode and we're getting zeroes, it's possible we're getting border erroneously
if( resultPtr[ 0 ] == 0 && resultPtr[ 1 ] == 0 && resultPtr[ 2 ] == 0 && resultPtr[ 3 ] == 0 )
if( (--numClamped) == 0 )
log_error( "\nERROR: TEST FAILED: Clamping is erroneously returning border color!\n" );
if( printAsFloat )
log_error( "Sample %ld: coord {%f(%a),%f(%a),%f(%a)} did not validate!\n"
" Expected (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n"
" Observed (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n"
" error of %g\n",
j, x, x, y, y, z, z, (float)expected[ 0 ], (float)expected[ 1 ], (float)expected[ 2 ], (float)expected[ 3 ],
(float)resultPtr[ 0 ], (float)resultPtr[ 1 ], (float)resultPtr[ 2 ], (float)resultPtr[ 3 ], error );
log_error( "Sample %ld: coord {%f(%a),%f(%a),%f(%a)} did not validate!\n"
" Expected (%x,%x,%x,%x)\n"
" Observed (%x,%x,%x,%x)\n",
j, x, x, y, y, z, z, (int)expected[ 0 ], (int)expected[ 1 ], (int)expected[ 2 ], (int)expected[ 3 ],
(int)resultPtr[ 0 ], (int)resultPtr[ 1 ], (int)resultPtr[ 2 ], (int)resultPtr[ 3 ] );
return -1;
clampingErr = true;
if( !clampingErr )
if( true ) // gExtraValidateInfo )
if( printAsFloat )
log_error( "Sample %ld: coord {%f(%a),%f(%a),%f(%a)} did not validate!\n"
" Expected (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n"
" Observed (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n"
" error of %g\n",
j, x, x, y, y, z, z, (float)expected[ 0 ], (float)expected[ 1 ], (float)expected[ 2 ], (float)expected[ 3 ],
(float)resultPtr[ 0 ], (float)resultPtr[ 1 ], (float)resultPtr[ 2 ], (float)resultPtr[ 3 ], error );
log_error( "Sample %ld: coord {%f(%a),%f(%a),%f(%a)} did not validate!\n"
" Expected (%x,%x,%x,%x)\n"
" Observed (%x,%x,%x,%x)\n",
j, x, x, y, y, z, z, (int)expected[ 0 ], (int)expected[ 1 ], (int)expected[ 2 ], (int)expected[ 3 ],
(int)resultPtr[ 0 ], (int)resultPtr[ 1 ], (int)resultPtr[ 2 ], (int)resultPtr[ 3 ] );
log_error( "Integer coords resolve to %d,%d,%d, image size = %d,%d,%d\n", clampedX, clampedY, clampedZ, (int)imageWidth, (int)imageHeight, (int)imageDepth );
if( printAsFloat && gExtraValidateInfo )
log_error( "\nNearby values:\n" );
for( int zOff = -1; zOff <= 1; zOff++ )
for( int yOff = -1; yOff <= 1; yOff++ )
float top[ 4 ], real[ 4 ], bot[ 4 ];
read_image_pixel_float( imagePtr, imageInfo, clampedX - 1 , clampedY + yOff, clampedZ + zOff, top );
read_image_pixel_float( imagePtr, imageInfo, clampedX ,clampedY + yOff, clampedZ + zOff, real );
read_image_pixel_float( imagePtr, imageInfo, clampedX + 1, clampedY + yOff, clampedZ + zOff, bot );
log_error( "\t(%g,%g,%g,%g)",top[0], top[1], top[2], top[3] );
log_error( " (%g,%g,%g,%g)", real[0], real[1], real[2], real[3] );
log_error( " (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n",bot[0], bot[1], bot[2], bot[3] );
if( imageSampler->filter_mode != CL_FILTER_LINEAR )
if( found )
log_error( "Value really found in image at %d,%d,%d (%s)\n", actualX, actualY, actualZ, ( found > 1 ) ? "NOT unique!!" : "unique" );
log_error( "Value not actually found in image\n" );
log_error( "\n" );
numClamped = -1; // We force the clamped counter to never work
if( ( --numTries ) == 0 )
return -1;
return 0;
static void InitFloatCoords( image_descriptor *imageInfo, image_sampler_data *imageSampler, float *xOffsets, float *yOffsets, float *zOffsets, float xfract, float yfract, float zfract, int normalized_coords, MTdata d , int lod)
size_t i = 0;
size_t width_lod = imageInfo->width;
size_t height_lod = imageInfo->height;
width_lod = ( imageInfo->width >> lod) ?( imageInfo->width >> lod) : 1;
height_lod = ( imageInfo->height >> lod) ?( imageInfo->height >> lod) : 1;
if( gDisableOffsets )
for( size_t z = 0; z < imageInfo->arraySize; z++ )
for( size_t y = 0; y < height_lod; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < width_lod; x++, i++ )
xOffsets[ i ] = (float) (xfract + (double) x);
yOffsets[ i ] = (float) (yfract + (double) y);
zOffsets[ i ] = (float) (zfract + (double) z);
for( size_t z = 0; z < imageInfo->arraySize; z++ )
for( size_t y = 0; y < height_lod; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < width_lod; x++, i++ )
xOffsets[ i ] = (float) (xfract + (double) ((int) x + random_in_range( -10, 10, d )));
yOffsets[ i ] = (float) (yfract + (double) ((int) y + random_in_range( -10, 10, d )));
zOffsets[ i ] = (float) (zfract + (double) ((int) z + random_in_range( -10, 10, d )));
if( imageSampler->addressing_mode == CL_ADDRESS_NONE )
i = 0;
for( size_t z = 0; z < imageInfo->arraySize; z++ )
for( size_t y = 0; y < height_lod; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < width_lod; x++, i++ )
xOffsets[ i ] = (float) CLAMP( (double) xOffsets[ i ], 0.0, (double) width_lod - 1.0);
yOffsets[ i ] = (float) CLAMP( (double) yOffsets[ i ], 0.0, (double) height_lod - 1.0);
zOffsets[ i ] = (float) CLAMP( (double) zOffsets[ i ], 0.0, (double) imageInfo->arraySize - 1.0);
if( normalized_coords )
i = 0;
for( size_t z = 0; z < imageInfo->arraySize; z++ )
for( size_t y = 0; y < height_lod; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < width_lod; x++, i++ )
xOffsets[ i ] = (float) ((double) xOffsets[ i ] / (double) width_lod);
yOffsets[ i ] = (float) ((double) yOffsets[ i ] / (double) height_lod);
int test_read_image_2D_array( cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, cl_kernel kernel,
image_descriptor *imageInfo, image_sampler_data *imageSampler,
bool useFloatCoords, ExplicitType outputType, MTdata d )
int error;
size_t threads[3];
static int initHalf = 0;
cl_mem_flags image_read_write_flags = CL_MEM_READ_ONLY;
clMemWrapper xOffsets, yOffsets, zOffsets, results;
clSamplerWrapper actualSampler;
BufferOwningPtr<char> maxImageUseHostPtrBackingStore;
// Create offset data
BufferOwningPtr<cl_float> xOffsetValues(malloc(sizeof(cl_float) *imageInfo->width * imageInfo->height * imageInfo->arraySize));
BufferOwningPtr<cl_float> yOffsetValues(malloc(sizeof(cl_float) *imageInfo->width * imageInfo->height * imageInfo->arraySize));
BufferOwningPtr<cl_float> zOffsetValues(malloc(sizeof(cl_float) *imageInfo->width * imageInfo->height * imageInfo->arraySize));
BufferOwningPtr<char> imageValues;
generate_random_image_data( imageInfo, imageValues, d );
// Construct testing sources
clProtectedImage protImage;
clMemWrapper unprotImage;
cl_mem image;
if(gtestTypesToRun & kReadTests)
image_read_write_flags = CL_MEM_READ_ONLY;
image_read_write_flags = CL_MEM_READ_WRITE;
if( gMemFlagsToUse == CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR )
// clProtectedImage uses USE_HOST_PTR, so just rely on that for the testing (via Ian)
// Do not use protected images for max image size test since it rounds the row size to a page size
if (gTestMaxImages) {
generate_random_image_data( imageInfo, maxImageUseHostPtrBackingStore, d );
unprotImage = create_image_2d_array( context,
image_read_write_flags | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR,
imageInfo->width, imageInfo->height,
( gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->rowPitch : 0 ),
( gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->slicePitch : 0 ),
maxImageUseHostPtrBackingStore, &error );
} else {
error = protImage.Create( context, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D_ARRAY,
imageInfo->format, imageInfo->width, imageInfo->height, 1, imageInfo->arraySize );
if( error != CL_SUCCESS )
log_error( "ERROR: Unable to create 2D image array of size %d x %d x %d (pitch %d, %d ) (%s)", (int)imageInfo->width, (int)imageInfo->height, (int)imageInfo->arraySize, (int)imageInfo->rowPitch, (int)imageInfo->slicePitch, IGetErrorString( error ) );
return error;
if (gTestMaxImages)
image = (cl_mem)unprotImage;
image = (cl_mem)protImage;
else if( gMemFlagsToUse == CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR )
// Don't use clEnqueueWriteImage; just use copy host ptr to get the data in
unprotImage = create_image_2d_array( context,
image_read_write_flags | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
( gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->rowPitch : 0 ),
( gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->slicePitch : 0 ),
imageValues, &error );
if( error != CL_SUCCESS )
log_error( "ERROR: Unable to create 2D image array of size %d x %d x %d (pitch %d, %d ) (%s)", (int)imageInfo->width, (int)imageInfo->height, (int)imageInfo->arraySize, (int)imageInfo->rowPitch, (int)imageInfo->slicePitch, IGetErrorString( error ) );
return error;
image = unprotImage;
else // Either CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR or none
if ( gTestMipmaps )
cl_image_desc image_desc = {0};
image_desc.image_type = CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D_ARRAY;
image_desc.image_width = imageInfo->width;
image_desc.image_height = imageInfo->height;
image_desc.image_array_size = imageInfo->arraySize;
//image_desc.image_rowPitch = imageInfo->rowPitch;
//image_desc.image_slicePitch = imageInfo->slicePitch;
image_desc.num_mip_levels = imageInfo->num_mip_levels;
unprotImage = clCreateImage( context,
imageInfo->format, &image_desc, NULL, &error);
if( error != CL_SUCCESS )
log_error( "ERROR: Unable to create %d level mipmapped 2D image array of size %d x %d x %d (pitch %d, %d ) (%s)", (int)imageInfo->num_mip_levels, (int)imageInfo->width, (int)imageInfo->height, (int)imageInfo->arraySize, (int)imageInfo->rowPitch, (int)imageInfo->slicePitch, IGetErrorString( error ) );
return error;
// Note: if ALLOC_HOST_PTR is used, the driver allocates memory that can be accessed by the host, but otherwise
// it works just as if no flag is specified, so we just do the same thing either way
unprotImage = create_image_2d_array( context,
image_read_write_flags | gMemFlagsToUse,
imageInfo->width, imageInfo->height, imageInfo->arraySize,
( gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->rowPitch : 0 ),
( gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->slicePitch : 0 ),
imageValues, &error );
if( error != CL_SUCCESS )
log_error( "ERROR: Unable to create 2D image array of size %d x %d x %d (pitch %d, %d ) (%s)", (int)imageInfo->width, (int)imageInfo->height, (int)imageInfo->arraySize, (int)imageInfo->rowPitch, (int)imageInfo->slicePitch, IGetErrorString( error ) );
return error;
image = unprotImage;
if( gMemFlagsToUse != CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR )
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " - Writing image...\n" );
size_t origin[ 4 ] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
size_t region[ 3 ] = { imageInfo->width, imageInfo->height, imageInfo->arraySize };
size_t tmpNextLevelOffset = 0;
if( gTestMipmaps )
for(int level = 0; level < imageInfo->num_mip_levels; level++)
origin[3] = level;
error = clEnqueueWriteImage(queue, image, CL_TRUE,
origin, region, /*gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->rowPitch :*/ 0, /*gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->slicePitch :*/ 0,
imageValues + tmpNextLevelOffset, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
log_error( "ERROR: Unable to write to level %d of 2D image array of size %d x %d x %d\n", (int)imageInfo->num_mip_levels, (int)imageInfo->width, (int)imageInfo->height, (int)imageInfo->arraySize );
return error;
tmpNextLevelOffset += region[0]*region[1]*region[2]*get_pixel_size(imageInfo->format);
region[0] = ( region[0] >> 1 ) ? ( region[0] >> 1 ) : 1;
region[1] = ( region[1] >> 1 ) ? ( region[1] >> 1 ) : 1;
error = clEnqueueWriteImage(queue, image, CL_TRUE,
origin, region, gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->rowPitch : 0, gEnablePitch ? imageInfo->slicePitch : 0,
imageValues, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
log_error( "ERROR: Unable to write to 2D image array of size %d x %d x %d\n", (int)imageInfo->width, (int)imageInfo->height, (int)imageInfo->arraySize );
return error;
xOffsets = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
sizeof(cl_float) * imageInfo->width
* imageInfo->height * imageInfo->arraySize,
xOffsetValues, &error);
test_error( error, "Unable to create x offset buffer" );
yOffsets = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
sizeof(cl_float) * imageInfo->width
* imageInfo->height * imageInfo->arraySize,
yOffsetValues, &error);
test_error( error, "Unable to create y offset buffer" );
zOffsets = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
sizeof(cl_float) * imageInfo->width
* imageInfo->height * imageInfo->arraySize,
zOffsetValues, &error);
test_error( error, "Unable to create y offset buffer" );
results =
clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
get_explicit_type_size(outputType) * 4 * imageInfo->width
* imageInfo->height * imageInfo->arraySize,
NULL, &error);
test_error( error, "Unable to create result buffer" );
// Create sampler to use
actualSampler = create_sampler(context, imageSampler, gTestMipmaps, &error);
test_error(error, "Unable to create image sampler");
// Set arguments
int idx = 0;
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, idx++, sizeof( cl_mem ), &image );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
if( !gUseKernelSamplers )
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, idx++, sizeof( cl_sampler ), &actualSampler );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, idx++, sizeof( cl_mem ), &xOffsets );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, idx++, sizeof( cl_mem ), &yOffsets );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, idx++, sizeof( cl_mem ), &zOffsets );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, idx++, sizeof( cl_mem ), &results );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
const float float_offsets[] = { 0.0f, MAKE_HEX_FLOAT(0x1.0p-30f, 0x1L, -30), 0.25f, 0.3f, 0.5f - FLT_EPSILON/4.0f, 0.5f, 0.9f, 1.0f - FLT_EPSILON/2 };
int float_offset_count = sizeof( float_offsets) / sizeof( float_offsets[0] );
int numTries = MAX_TRIES, numClamped = MAX_CLAMPED;
int loopCount = 2 * float_offset_count;
if( ! useFloatCoords )
loopCount = 1;
if (gTestMaxImages) {
loopCount = 1;
log_info("Testing each size only once with pixel offsets of %g for max sized images.\n", float_offsets[0]);
// Get the maximum absolute error for this format
double formatAbsoluteError = get_max_absolute_error(imageInfo->format, imageSampler);
if (gDebugTrace) log_info("\tformatAbsoluteError is %e\n", formatAbsoluteError);
if (0 == initHalf && imageInfo->format->image_channel_data_type == CL_HALF_FLOAT ) {
initHalf = CL_SUCCESS == DetectFloatToHalfRoundingMode( queue );
if (initHalf) {
log_info("Half rounding mode successfully detected.\n");
size_t nextLevelOffset = 0;
size_t width_lod = imageInfo->width, height_lod = imageInfo->height;
for( size_t lod = 0; (gTestMipmaps && (lod < imageInfo->num_mip_levels))|| (!gTestMipmaps && lod < 1); lod ++)
size_t resultValuesSize = width_lod * height_lod * imageInfo->arraySize * get_explicit_type_size( outputType ) * 4;
BufferOwningPtr<char> resultValues(malloc( resultValuesSize ));
float lod_float = (float)lod;
if( gTestMipmaps )
log_info(" - Working at mip level %d\n", lod);
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, idx, sizeof(float), &lod_float);
for( int q = 0; q < loopCount; q++ )
float offset = float_offsets[ q % float_offset_count ];
// Init the coordinates
InitFloatCoords( imageInfo, imageSampler, xOffsetValues, yOffsetValues, zOffsetValues,
q>=float_offset_count ? -offset: offset,
q>=float_offset_count ? offset: -offset,
q>=float_offset_count ? -offset: offset,
imageSampler->normalized_coords, d, lod );
error = clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, xOffsets, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_float) * imageInfo->height * imageInfo->width * imageInfo->arraySize, xOffsetValues, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to write x offsets" );
error = clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, yOffsets, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_float) * imageInfo->height * imageInfo->width * imageInfo->arraySize, yOffsetValues, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to write y offsets" );
error = clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, zOffsets, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_float) * imageInfo->height * imageInfo->width * imageInfo->arraySize, zOffsetValues, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to write z offsets" );
memset( resultValues, 0xff, resultValuesSize );
clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, results, CL_TRUE, 0, resultValuesSize, resultValues, 0, NULL, NULL );
// Figure out thread dimensions
threads[0] = (size_t)width_lod;
threads[1] = (size_t)height_lod;
threads[2] = (size_t)imageInfo->arraySize;
// Run the kernel
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queue, kernel, 3, NULL, threads, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to run kernel" );
// Get results
error = clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, results, CL_TRUE, 0, width_lod * height_lod * imageInfo->arraySize * get_explicit_type_size( outputType ) * 4, resultValues, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to read results from kernel" );
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " results read\n" );
// Validate results element by element
char *imagePtr = (char *)imageValues + nextLevelOffset;
if((imageInfo->format->image_channel_order == CL_DEPTH) && (outputType == kFloat) )
// Validate float results
float *resultPtr = (float *)(char *)resultValues;
float expected[4], error=0.0f;
float maxErr = get_max_relative_error( imageInfo->format, imageSampler, 1 /*3D*/, CL_FILTER_LINEAR == imageSampler->filter_mode );
for( size_t z = 0, j = 0; z < imageInfo->arraySize; z++ )
for( size_t y = 0; y < height_lod; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < width_lod; x++, j++ )
// Step 1: go through and see if the results verify for the pixel
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X, Y and Z to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
int checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int found_pixel = 0;
float offset = NORM_OFFSET;
if (!imageSampler->normalized_coords || imageSampler->filter_mode != CL_FILTER_NEAREST || NORM_OFFSET == 0
#if defined( __APPLE__ )
// Apple requires its CPU implementation to do correctly rounded address arithmetic in all modes
|| gDeviceType != CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
offset = 0.0f; // Loop only once
for (float norm_offset_x = -offset; norm_offset_x <= offset && !found_pixel ; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -offset; norm_offset_y <= offset && !found_pixel ; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -offset; norm_offset_z <= NORM_OFFSET && !found_pixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
int hasDenormals = 0;
FloatPixel maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0, &hasDenormals, lod );
float err1 =
ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[0], expected[0]);
// Clamp to the minimum absolute error for the format
if (err1 > 0 && err1 < formatAbsoluteError) { err1 = 0.0f; }
float maxErr1 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[0], FLT_MIN );
if( ! (err1 <= maxErr1) )
// Try flushing the denormals
if( hasDenormals )
// If implementation decide to flush subnormals to zero,
// max error needs to be adjusted
maxErr1 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0, NULL, lod );
err1 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[0],
found_pixel = (err1 <= maxErr1);
// Step 2: If we did not find a match, then print out debugging info.
if (!found_pixel) {
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X and Y to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int shouldReturn = 0;
for (float norm_offset_x = -offset; norm_offset_x <= offset && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -offset; norm_offset_y <= offset && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -offset; norm_offset_z <= offset && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
int hasDenormals = 0;
FloatPixel maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0, &hasDenormals, lod );
float err1 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[0],
float maxErr1 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[0], FLT_MIN );
if( ! (err1 <= maxErr1) )
// Try flushing the denormals
if( hasDenormals )
maxErr1 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
imageSampler, expected, 0, NULL, lod );
err1 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[0],
if( ! (err1 <= maxErr1) )
log_error("FAILED norm_offsets: %g , %g , %g:\n", norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z);
float tempOut[4];
shouldReturn |= determine_validation_error_offset_2D_array<float>( imagePtr, imageInfo, imageSampler, resultPtr,
expected, error, xOffsetValues[j], yOffsetValues[j], zOffsetValues[j],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z, j,
numTries, numClamped, true, lod );
log_error( "Step by step:\n" );
FloatPixel temp = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, tempOut, 1 /*verbose*/, &hasDenormals, lod);
log_error( "\tulps: %2.2f (max allowed: %2.2f)\n\n",
Ulp_Error( resultPtr[0], expected[0] ),
Ulp_Error( MAKE_HEX_FLOAT(0x1.000002p0f, 0x1000002L, -24) + maxErr, MAKE_HEX_FLOAT(0x1.000002p0f, 0x1000002L, -24) ) );
} else {
log_error("Test error: we should have detected this passing above.\n");
if( shouldReturn )
return 1;
} // if (!found_pixel)
resultPtr += 1;
* FLOAT output type, order=CL_sRGBA, CL_sRGB, CL_sRGBx, CL_BGRA
else if(is_sRGBA_order(imageInfo->format->image_channel_order) && (outputType == kFloat) )
// Validate float results
float *resultPtr = (float *)(char *)resultValues;
float expected[4], error=0.0f;
float maxErr = get_max_relative_error( imageInfo->format, imageSampler, 1 /*3D*/, CL_FILTER_LINEAR == imageSampler->filter_mode );
for( size_t z = 0, j = 0; z < imageInfo->arraySize; z++ )
for( size_t y = 0; y < height_lod; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < width_lod; x++, j++ )
// Step 1: go through and see if the results verify for the pixel
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X, Y and Z to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
int checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int found_pixel = 0;
float offset = NORM_OFFSET;
if (!imageSampler->normalized_coords || imageSampler->filter_mode != CL_FILTER_NEAREST || NORM_OFFSET == 0
#if defined( __APPLE__ )
// Apple requires its CPU implementation to do correctly rounded address arithmetic in all modes
|| gDeviceType != CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
offset = 0.0f; // Loop only once
for (float norm_offset_x = -offset; norm_offset_x <= offset && !found_pixel ; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -offset; norm_offset_y <= offset && !found_pixel ; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -offset; norm_offset_z <= NORM_OFFSET && !found_pixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
int hasDenormals = 0;
FloatPixel maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0, &hasDenormals, lod );
float err1 =
float err2 =
float err3 =
float err4 =
ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[3], expected[3]);
float maxErr = 0.5;
if( ! (err1 <= maxErr) || ! (err2 <= maxErr) || ! (err3 <= maxErr) || ! (err4 <= maxErr) )
// Try flushing the denormals
if( hasDenormals )
// If implementation decide to flush subnormals to zero,
// max error needs to be adjusted
maxErr += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0, NULL, lod );
err1 =
err2 =
err3 =
err4 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[3],
found_pixel = (err1 <= maxErr) && (err2 <= maxErr) && (err3 <= maxErr) && (err4 <= maxErr);
// Step 2: If we did not find a match, then print out debugging info.
if (!found_pixel) {
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X and Y to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int shouldReturn = 0;
for (float norm_offset_x = -offset; norm_offset_x <= offset && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -offset; norm_offset_y <= offset && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -offset; norm_offset_z <= offset && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
int hasDenormals = 0;
FloatPixel maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0, &hasDenormals, lod );
float err1 =
float err2 =
float err3 =
float err4 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[3],
float maxErr = 0.6;
if( ! (err1 <= maxErr) || ! (err2 <= maxErr) || ! (err3 <= maxErr) || ! (err4 <= maxErr) )
// Try flushing the denormals
if( hasDenormals )
// If implementation decide to flush subnormals to zero,
// max error needs to be adjusted
maxErr += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
imageSampler, expected, 0, NULL, lod );
err1 = ABS_ERROR(
err2 = ABS_ERROR(
err3 = ABS_ERROR(
err4 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[3],
if( ! (err1 <= maxErr) || ! (err2 <= maxErr) || ! (err3 <= maxErr) || ! (err4 <= maxErr) )
log_error("FAILED norm_offsets: %g , %g , %g:\n", norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z);
float tempOut[4];
shouldReturn |= determine_validation_error_offset_2D_array<float>( imagePtr, imageInfo, imageSampler, resultPtr,
expected, error, xOffsetValues[j], yOffsetValues[j], zOffsetValues[j],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z, j,
numTries, numClamped, true, lod );
log_error( "Step by step:\n" );
FloatPixel temp = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, tempOut, 1 /*verbose*/, &hasDenormals, lod);
log_error( "\tulps: %2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f (max allowed: %2.2f)\n\n",
Ulp_Error( resultPtr[0], expected[0] ),
Ulp_Error( resultPtr[1], expected[1] ),
Ulp_Error( resultPtr[2], expected[2] ),
Ulp_Error( resultPtr[3], expected[3] ),
Ulp_Error( MAKE_HEX_FLOAT(0x1.000002p0f, 0x1000002L, -24) + maxErr, MAKE_HEX_FLOAT(0x1.000002p0f, 0x1000002L, -24) ) );
} else {
log_error("Test error: we should have detected this passing above.\n");
if( shouldReturn )
return 1;
} // if (!found_pixel)
resultPtr += 4;
* FLOAT output type
else if( outputType == kFloat )
// Validate float results
float *resultPtr = (float *)(char *)resultValues;
float expected[4], error=0.0f;
float maxErr = get_max_relative_error( imageInfo->format, imageSampler, 1 /*3D*/, CL_FILTER_LINEAR == imageSampler->filter_mode );
for( size_t z = 0, j = 0; z < imageInfo->arraySize; z++ )
for( size_t y = 0; y < height_lod; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < width_lod; x++, j++ )
// Step 1: go through and see if the results verify for the pixel
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X, Y and Z to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
int checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int found_pixel = 0;
float offset = NORM_OFFSET;
if (!imageSampler->normalized_coords || imageSampler->filter_mode != CL_FILTER_NEAREST || NORM_OFFSET == 0
#if defined( __APPLE__ )
// Apple requires its CPU implementation to do correctly rounded address arithmetic in all modes
|| gDeviceType != CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU
offset = 0.0f; // Loop only once
for (float norm_offset_x = -offset; norm_offset_x <= offset && !found_pixel ; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -offset; norm_offset_y <= offset && !found_pixel ; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -offset; norm_offset_z <= NORM_OFFSET && !found_pixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
int hasDenormals = 0;
FloatPixel maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0, &hasDenormals, lod );
float err1 =
ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[0], expected[0]);
float err2 =
ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[1], expected[1]);
float err3 =
ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[2], expected[2]);
float err4 =
ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[3], expected[3]);
// Clamp to the minimum absolute error for the format
if (err1 > 0 && err1 < formatAbsoluteError) { err1 = 0.0f; }
if (err2 > 0 && err2 < formatAbsoluteError) { err2 = 0.0f; }
if (err3 > 0 && err3 < formatAbsoluteError) { err3 = 0.0f; }
if (err4 > 0 && err4 < formatAbsoluteError) { err4 = 0.0f; }
float maxErr1 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[0], FLT_MIN );
float maxErr2 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[1], FLT_MIN );
float maxErr3 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[2], FLT_MIN );
float maxErr4 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[3], FLT_MIN );
if( ! (err1 <= maxErr1) || ! (err2 <= maxErr2) || ! (err3 <= maxErr3) || ! (err4 <= maxErr4) )
// Try flushing the denormals
if( hasDenormals )
// If implementation decide to flush subnormals to zero,
// max error needs to be adjusted
maxErr1 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxErr2 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxErr3 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxErr4 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0, NULL, lod );
err1 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[0],
err2 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[1],
err3 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[2],
err4 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[3],
found_pixel = (err1 <= maxErr1) && (err2 <= maxErr2) && (err3 <= maxErr3) && (err4 <= maxErr4);
// Step 2: If we did not find a match, then print out debugging info.
if (!found_pixel) {
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X and Y to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int shouldReturn = 0;
for (float norm_offset_x = -offset; norm_offset_x <= offset && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -offset; norm_offset_y <= offset && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -offset; norm_offset_z <= offset && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
int hasDenormals = 0;
FloatPixel maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0, &hasDenormals, lod );
float err1 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[0],
float err2 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[1],
float err3 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[2],
float err4 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[3],
float maxErr1 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[0], FLT_MIN );
float maxErr2 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[1], FLT_MIN );
float maxErr3 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[2], FLT_MIN );
float maxErr4 = MAX( maxErr * maxPixel.p[3], FLT_MIN );
if( ! (err1 <= maxErr1) || ! (err2 <= maxErr2) || ! (err3 <= maxErr3) || ! (err4 <= maxErr4) )
// Try flushing the denormals
if( hasDenormals )
maxErr1 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxErr2 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxErr3 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxErr4 += 4 * FLT_MIN;
maxPixel = sample_image_pixel_float( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
imageSampler, expected, 0, NULL, lod );
err1 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[0],
err2 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[1],
err3 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[2],
err4 = ABS_ERROR(resultPtr[3],
if( ! (err1 <= maxErr1) || ! (err2 <= maxErr2) || ! (err3 <= maxErr3) || ! (err4 <= maxErr4) )
log_error("FAILED norm_offsets: %g , %g , %g:\n", norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z);
float tempOut[4];
shouldReturn |= determine_validation_error_offset_2D_array<float>( imagePtr, imageInfo, imageSampler, resultPtr,
expected, error, xOffsetValues[j], yOffsetValues[j], zOffsetValues[j],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z, j,
numTries, numClamped, true, lod );
log_error( "Step by step:\n" );
FloatPixel temp = sample_image_pixel_float_offset( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, tempOut, 1 /*verbose*/, &hasDenormals, lod);
log_error( "\tulps: %2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f (max allowed: %2.2f)\n\n",
Ulp_Error( resultPtr[0], expected[0] ),
Ulp_Error( resultPtr[1], expected[1] ),
Ulp_Error( resultPtr[2], expected[2] ),
Ulp_Error( resultPtr[3], expected[3] ),
Ulp_Error( MAKE_HEX_FLOAT(0x1.000002p0f, 0x1000002L, -24) + maxErr, MAKE_HEX_FLOAT(0x1.000002p0f, 0x1000002L, -24) ) );
} else {
log_error("Test error: we should have detected this passing above.\n");
if( shouldReturn )
return 1;
} // if (!found_pixel)
resultPtr += 4;
* UINT output type
else if( outputType == kUInt )
// Validate unsigned integer results
unsigned int *resultPtr = (unsigned int *)(char *)resultValues;
unsigned int expected[4];
float error;
for( size_t z = 0, j = 0; z < imageInfo->arraySize; z++ )
for( size_t y = 0; y < height_lod; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < width_lod; x++, j++ )
// Step 1: go through and see if the results verify for the pixel
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X, Y and Z to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
int checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int found_pixel = 0;
for (float norm_offset_x = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_x <= NORM_OFFSET && !found_pixel && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_y <= NORM_OFFSET && !found_pixel && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_z <= NORM_OFFSET && !found_pixel && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
// If we are not on a GPU, or we are not normalized, then only test with offsets (0.0, 0.0)
// E.g., test one pixel.
if (!imageSampler->normalized_coords || gDeviceType != CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU || NORM_OFFSET == 0) {
norm_offset_x = 0.0f;
norm_offset_y = 0.0f;
norm_offset_z = 0.0f;
checkOnlyOnePixel = 1;
sample_image_pixel_offset<unsigned int>( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, lod );
sample_image_pixel_offset<unsigned int>( imageValues, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected );
error = errMax( errMax( abs_diff_uint(expected[ 0 ], resultPtr[ 0 ]), abs_diff_uint(expected[ 1 ], resultPtr[ 1 ]) ),
errMax( abs_diff_uint(expected[ 2 ], resultPtr[ 2 ]), abs_diff_uint(expected[ 3 ], resultPtr[ 3 ]) ) );
if (error < MAX_ERR)
found_pixel = 1;
// Step 2: If we did not find a match, then print out debugging info.
if (!found_pixel) {
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X and Y to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int shouldReturn = 0;
for (float norm_offset_x = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_x <= NORM_OFFSET && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_y <= NORM_OFFSET && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_z <= NORM_OFFSET && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
// If we are not on a GPU, or we are not normalized, then only test with offsets (0.0, 0.0)
// E.g., test one pixel.
if (!imageSampler->normalized_coords || gDeviceType != CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU || NORM_OFFSET == 0) {
norm_offset_x = 0.0f;
norm_offset_y = 0.0f;
norm_offset_z = 0.0f;
checkOnlyOnePixel = 1;
sample_image_pixel_offset<unsigned int>( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, lod );
sample_image_pixel_offset<unsigned int>( imageValues, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected );
error = errMax( errMax( abs_diff_uint(expected[ 0 ], resultPtr[ 0 ]), abs_diff_uint(expected[ 1 ], resultPtr[ 1 ]) ),
errMax( abs_diff_uint(expected[ 2 ], resultPtr[ 2 ]), abs_diff_uint(expected[ 3 ], resultPtr[ 3 ]) ) );
if( error > MAX_ERR )
log_error("FAILED norm_offsets: %g , %g , %g:\n", norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z);
shouldReturn |= determine_validation_error_offset_2D_array<unsigned int>( imagePtr, imageInfo, imageSampler, resultPtr,
expected, error, xOffsetValues[j], yOffsetValues[j], zOffsetValues[j],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
j, numTries, numClamped, false, lod );
} else {
log_error("Test error: we should have detected this passing above.\n");
if( shouldReturn )
return 1;
} // if (!found_pixel)
resultPtr += 4;
* INT output type
// Validate integer results
int *resultPtr = (int *)(char *)resultValues;
int expected[4];
float error;
for( size_t z = 0, j = 0; z < imageInfo->arraySize; z++ )
for( size_t y = 0; y < height_lod; y++ )
for( size_t x = 0; x < width_lod; x++, j++ )
// Step 1: go through and see if the results verify for the pixel
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X, Y and Z to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
int checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int found_pixel = 0;
for (float norm_offset_x = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_x <= NORM_OFFSET && !found_pixel && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_y <= NORM_OFFSET && !found_pixel && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_z <= NORM_OFFSET && !found_pixel && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
// If we are not on a GPU, or we are not normalized, then only test with offsets (0.0, 0.0)
// E.g., test one pixel.
if (!imageSampler->normalized_coords || gDeviceType != CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU || NORM_OFFSET == 0) {
norm_offset_x = 0.0f;
norm_offset_y = 0.0f;
norm_offset_z = 0.0f;
checkOnlyOnePixel = 1;
sample_image_pixel_offset<int>( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, lod );
sample_image_pixel_offset<int>( imageValues, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected );
error = errMax( errMax( abs_diff_int(expected[ 0 ], resultPtr[ 0 ]), abs_diff_int(expected[ 1 ], resultPtr[ 1 ]) ),
errMax( abs_diff_int(expected[ 2 ], resultPtr[ 2 ]), abs_diff_int(expected[ 3 ], resultPtr[ 3 ]) ) );
if (error < MAX_ERR)
found_pixel = 1;
// Step 2: If we did not find a match, then print out debugging info.
if (!found_pixel) {
// For the normalized case on a GPU we put in offsets to the X and Y to see if we land on the
// right pixel. This addresses the significant inaccuracy in GPU normalization in OpenCL 1.0.
checkOnlyOnePixel = 0;
int shouldReturn = 0;
for (float norm_offset_x = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_x <= NORM_OFFSET && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_x += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_y = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_y <= NORM_OFFSET && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_y += NORM_OFFSET) {
for (float norm_offset_z = -NORM_OFFSET; norm_offset_z <= NORM_OFFSET && !checkOnlyOnePixel; norm_offset_z += NORM_OFFSET) {
// If we are not on a GPU, or we are not normalized, then only test with offsets (0.0, 0.0)
// E.g., test one pixel.
if (!imageSampler->normalized_coords || gDeviceType != CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU || NORM_OFFSET == 0 || NORM_OFFSET == 0 || NORM_OFFSET == 0) {
norm_offset_x = 0.0f;
norm_offset_y = 0.0f;
norm_offset_z = 0.0f;
checkOnlyOnePixel = 1;
sample_image_pixel_offset<int>( imagePtr, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, lod );
sample_image_pixel_offset<int>( imageValues, imageInfo,
xOffsetValues[ j ], yOffsetValues[ j ], zOffsetValues[ j ],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
imageSampler, expected, 0 );
error = errMax( errMax( abs_diff_int(expected[ 0 ], resultPtr[ 0 ]), abs_diff_int(expected[ 1 ], resultPtr[ 1 ]) ),
errMax( abs_diff_int(expected[ 2 ], resultPtr[ 2 ]), abs_diff_int(expected[ 3 ], resultPtr[ 3 ]) ) );
if( error > MAX_ERR )
log_error("FAILED norm_offsets: %g , %g , %g:\n", norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z);
shouldReturn |= determine_validation_error_offset_2D_array<int>( imagePtr, imageInfo, imageSampler, resultPtr,
expected, error, xOffsetValues[j], yOffsetValues[j], zOffsetValues[j],
norm_offset_x, norm_offset_y, norm_offset_z,
j, numTries, numClamped, false, lod );
} else {
log_error("Test error: we should have detected this passing above.\n");
if( shouldReturn )
return 1;
} // if (!found_pixel)
resultPtr += 4;
nextLevelOffset += width_lod * height_lod * imageInfo->arraySize * get_pixel_size(imageInfo->format);
width_lod = ( width_lod >> 1 ) ? ( width_lod >> 1 ) : 1;
height_lod = ( height_lod >> 1 ) ? ( height_lod >> 1 ) : 1;
return numTries != MAX_TRIES || numClamped != MAX_CLAMPED;
int test_read_image_set_2D_array( cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, cl_image_format *format, image_sampler_data *imageSampler,
bool floatCoords, ExplicitType outputType )
char programSrc[10240];
const char *ptr;
const char *readFormat;
RandomSeed seed( gRandomSeed );
const char *KernelSourcePattern = NULL;
int error;
clProgramWrapper program;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
// Get operating parameters
size_t maxWidth, maxHeight, maxArraySize;
cl_ulong maxAllocSize, memSize;
image_descriptor imageInfo = { 0x0 };
size_t pixelSize;
imageInfo.format = format;
pixelSize = get_pixel_size( imageInfo.format );
error = clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_WIDTH, sizeof( maxWidth ), &maxWidth, NULL );
error |= clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_HEIGHT, sizeof( maxHeight ), &maxHeight, NULL );
error |= clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof( maxArraySize ), &maxArraySize, NULL );
error |= clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
error |= clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof( memSize ), &memSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max image 3D size from device" );
if (memSize > (cl_ulong)SIZE_MAX) {
memSize = (cl_ulong)SIZE_MAX;
// Determine types
if( outputType == kInt )
readFormat = "i";
else if( outputType == kUInt )
readFormat = "ui";
else // kFloat
readFormat = "f";
// Construct the source
const char *samplerArg = samplerKernelArg;
char samplerVar[ 1024 ] = "";
if( gUseKernelSamplers )
get_sampler_kernel_code( imageSampler, samplerVar );
samplerArg = "";
const char *imageType;
const char *imageElement;
if (format->image_channel_order == CL_DEPTH)
imageType = "image2d_array_depth_t";
imageElement = "";
imageType = "image2d_array_t";
imageElement = "4";
// Construct the source
if(gtestTypesToRun & kReadTests)
KernelSourcePattern = read2DArrayKernelSourcePattern;
KernelSourcePattern = read_write2DArrayKernelSourcePattern;
// Construct the source
sprintf( programSrc,
samplerArg, get_explicit_type_name( outputType ),
gTestMipmaps ? ", float lod" : " ",
gTestMipmaps ? offset2DarraySourceLod : offset2DarraySource,
floatCoords ? float2DArrayUnnormalizedCoordKernelSource : int2DArrayCoordKernelSource,
gTestMipmaps ? ", lod" : " " );
ptr = programSrc;
error = create_single_kernel_helper(context, &program, &kernel, 1, &ptr,
test_error( error, "Unable to create testing kernel" );
// Run tests
if( gTestSmallImages )
for( imageInfo.width = 1; imageInfo.width < 13; imageInfo.width++ )
imageInfo.rowPitch = imageInfo.width * pixelSize;
for( imageInfo.height = 1; imageInfo.height < 9; imageInfo.height++ )
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.rowPitch * imageInfo.height;
for( imageInfo.arraySize = 2; imageInfo.arraySize < 9; imageInfo.arraySize++ )
if( gTestMipmaps )
imageInfo.num_mip_levels = (size_t) random_in_range(2, compute_max_mip_levels(imageInfo.width, imageInfo.height, 0)-1, seed);
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " at size %d,%d,%d\n", (int)imageInfo.width, (int)imageInfo.height, (int)imageInfo.arraySize );
int retCode = test_read_image_2D_array( context, queue, kernel, &imageInfo, imageSampler, floatCoords, outputType, seed );
if( retCode )
return retCode;
else if( gTestMaxImages )
// Try a specific set of maximum sizes
size_t numbeOfSizes;
size_t sizes[100][3];
get_max_sizes(&numbeOfSizes, 100, sizes, maxWidth, maxHeight, 1, maxArraySize, maxAllocSize, memSize, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D_ARRAY, imageInfo.format, CL_TRUE);
for( size_t idx = 0; idx < numbeOfSizes; idx++ )
imageInfo.width = sizes[ idx ][ 0 ];
imageInfo.height = sizes[ idx ][ 1 ];
imageInfo.arraySize = sizes[ idx ][ 2 ];
imageInfo.rowPitch = imageInfo.width * pixelSize;
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.height * imageInfo.rowPitch;
if( gTestMipmaps )
imageInfo.num_mip_levels = (size_t) random_in_range(2, compute_max_mip_levels(imageInfo.width, imageInfo.height, 0)-1, seed);
cl_ulong size = (cl_ulong)imageInfo.slicePitch * (cl_ulong)imageInfo.arraySize * 4 * 4;
// Loop until we get a size that a) will fit in the max alloc size and b) that an allocation of that
// image, the result array, plus offset arrays, will fit in the global ram space
while( size > maxAllocSize || ( size * 3 ) > memSize )
if(imageInfo.arraySize == 1)
// ArraySize cannot be 0.
size = (cl_ulong)imageInfo.slicePitch * (cl_ulong)imageInfo.arraySize * 4 * 4;
while( size > maxAllocSize || ( size * 3 ) > memSize )
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.height * imageInfo.rowPitch;
size = (cl_ulong)imageInfo.slicePitch * (cl_ulong)imageInfo.arraySize * 4 * 4;
log_info("Testing %d x %d x %d\n", (int)sizes[ idx ][ 0 ], (int)sizes[ idx ][ 1 ], (int)sizes[ idx ][ 2 ]);
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " at max size %d,%d,%d\n", (int)sizes[ idx ][ 0 ], (int)sizes[ idx ][ 1 ], (int)sizes[ idx ][ 2 ] );
int retCode = test_read_image_2D_array( context, queue, kernel, &imageInfo, imageSampler, floatCoords, outputType, seed );
if( retCode )
return retCode;
else if( gTestRounding )
size_t typeRange = 1 << ( get_format_type_size( imageInfo.format ) * 8 );
imageInfo.height = typeRange / 256;
imageInfo.width = (size_t)( typeRange / (cl_ulong)imageInfo.height );
imageInfo.arraySize = 2;
imageInfo.rowPitch = imageInfo.width * pixelSize;
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.height * imageInfo.rowPitch;
int retCode = test_read_image_2D_array( context, queue, kernel, &imageInfo, imageSampler, floatCoords, outputType, seed );
if( retCode )
return retCode;
int maxWidthRange = (int) reduceImageSizeRange(maxWidth);
int maxHeighthRange = (int) reduceImageSizeRange(maxHeight);
int maxArraySizeRange = (int) reduceImageDepth(maxArraySize);
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGE_ITERATIONS; i++ )
cl_ulong size;
// Loop until we get a size that a) will fit in the max alloc size and b) that an allocation of that
// image, the result array, plus offset arrays, will fit in the global ram space
imageInfo.width = (size_t)random_log_in_range( 16, maxWidthRange, seed );
imageInfo.height = (size_t)random_log_in_range( 16, maxHeighthRange, seed );
imageInfo.arraySize = (size_t)random_log_in_range( 8, maxArraySizeRange, seed );
imageInfo.rowPitch = imageInfo.width * pixelSize;
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.rowPitch * imageInfo.height;
if( gTestMipmaps )
imageInfo.num_mip_levels = random_in_range(2,compute_max_mip_levels(imageInfo.width, imageInfo.height, 0) - 1, seed);
//Need to take into account the output buffer size, otherwise we will end up with input buffer that is exceeding MaxAlloc
size = (cl_ulong) 4*compute_mipmapped_image_size( imageInfo ) * get_explicit_type_size( outputType );
if( gEnablePitch )
size_t extraWidth = (int)random_log_in_range( 0, 64, seed );
imageInfo.rowPitch += extraWidth * pixelSize;
size_t extraHeight = (int)random_log_in_range( 0, 64, seed );
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.rowPitch * (imageInfo.height + extraHeight);
size = (cl_ulong)imageInfo.slicePitch * (cl_ulong)imageInfo.arraySize * 4 * 4;
} while( size > maxAllocSize || ( size * 3 ) > memSize );
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " at size %d,%d,%d (pitch %d,%d) out of %d,%d,%d\n", (int)imageInfo.width, (int)imageInfo.height, (int)imageInfo.arraySize, (int)imageInfo.rowPitch, (int)imageInfo.slicePitch, (int)maxWidth, (int)maxHeight, (int)maxArraySize );
if ( gTestMipmaps )
log_info(" and %d mip levels\n", (int) imageInfo.num_mip_levels);
int retCode = test_read_image_2D_array( context, queue, kernel, &imageInfo, imageSampler, floatCoords, outputType, seed );
if( retCode )
return retCode;
return 0;