blob: 78aef9c9a6d09a87419f375476a814850d05e401 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "function_list.h"
// float foo(float)
int TestFunc_Float_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// double foo(double)
int TestFunc_Double_Double(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// int foo(float)
int TestFunc_Int_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// int foo(double)
int TestFunc_Int_Double(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// float foo(uint)
int TestFunc_Float_UInt(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// double foo(ulong)
int TestFunc_Double_ULong(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// Returns {0, 1} for scalar and {0, -1} for vector.
// int foo(float)
int TestMacro_Int_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// Returns {0, 1} for scalar and {0, -1} for vector.
// int foo(double)
int TestMacro_Int_Double(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// float foo(float, float)
int TestFunc_Float_Float_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// double foo(double, double)
int TestFunc_Double_Double_Double(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// Special handling for nextafter.
// float foo(float, float)
int TestFunc_Float_Float_Float_nextafter(const Func *f, MTdata,
bool relaxedMode);
// Special handling for nextafter.
// double foo(double, double)
int TestFunc_Double_Double_Double_nextafter(const Func *f, MTdata,
bool relaxedMode);
// float op float
int TestFunc_Float_Float_Float_Operator(const Func *f, MTdata,
bool relaxedMode);
// double op double
int TestFunc_Double_Double_Double_Operator(const Func *f, MTdata,
bool relaxedMode);
// float foo(float, int)
int TestFunc_Float_Float_Int(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// double foo(double, int)
int TestFunc_Double_Double_Int(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// Returns {0, 1} for scalar and {0, -1} for vector.
// int foo(float, float)
int TestMacro_Int_Float_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// Returns {0, 1} for scalar and {0, -1} for vector.
// int foo(double, double)
int TestMacro_Int_Double_Double(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// float foo(float, float, float)
int TestFunc_Float_Float_Float_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// double foo(double, double, double)
int TestFunc_Double_Double_Double_Double(const Func *f, MTdata,
bool relaxedMode);
// float foo(float, float*)
int TestFunc_Float2_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// double foo(double, double*)
int TestFunc_Double2_Double(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// float foo(float, int*)
int TestFunc_FloatI_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// double foo(double, int*)
int TestFunc_DoubleI_Double(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// float foo(float, float, int*)
int TestFunc_FloatI_Float_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// double foo(double, double, int*)
int TestFunc_DoubleI_Double_Double(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// Special handling for mad.
// float mad(float, float, float)
int TestFunc_mad_Float(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);
// Special handling for mad.
// double mad(double, double, double)
int TestFunc_mad_Double(const Func *f, MTdata, bool relaxedMode);