blob: 07f5b65e83048e17b7bde805a3b257e17c843a0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "common.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct image_kernel_data
cl_int width;
cl_int height;
cl_int depth;
cl_int arraySize;
cl_int widthDim;
cl_int heightDim;
cl_int channelType;
cl_int channelOrder;
cl_int expectedChannelType;
cl_int expectedChannelOrder;
cl_int numSamples;
static const char *methodTestKernelPattern =
"typedef struct {\n"
" int width;\n"
" int height;\n"
" int depth;\n"
" int arraySize;\n"
" int widthDim;\n"
" int heightDim;\n"
" int channelType;\n"
" int channelOrder;\n"
" int expectedChannelType;\n"
" int expectedChannelOrder;\n"
" int numSamples;\n"
" } image_kernel_data;\n"
"__kernel void sample_kernel( read_only %s input, __global image_kernel_data *outData )\n"
static const char *arraySizeKernelLine =
" outData->arraySize = get_image_array_size( input );\n";
static const char *imageWidthKernelLine =
" outData->width = get_image_width( input );\n";
static const char *imageHeightKernelLine =
" outData->height = get_image_height( input );\n";
static const char *imageDimKernelLine =
" int2 dim = get_image_dim( input );\n";
static const char *imageWidthDimKernelLine =
" outData->widthDim = dim.x;\n";
static const char *imageHeightDimKernelLine =
" outData->heightDim = dim.y;\n";
static const char *channelTypeKernelLine =
" outData->channelType = get_image_channel_data_type( input );\n";
static const char *channelTypeConstLine =
" outData->expectedChannelType = CLK_%s;\n";
static const char *channelOrderKernelLine =
" outData->channelOrder = get_image_channel_order( input );\n";
static const char *channelOrderConstLine =
" outData->expectedChannelOrder = CLK_%s;\n";
static const char *numSamplesKernelLine =
" outData->numSamples = get_image_num_samples( input );\n";
static const char *enableMSAAKernelLine =
"#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing : enable\n";
static int verify(cl_int input, cl_int kernelOutput, const char * description)
if( kernelOutput != input )
log_error( "ERROR: %s did not validate (expected %d, got %d)\n", description, input, kernelOutput);
return -1;
return 0;
extern int supportsMsaa(cl_context context, bool* supports_msaa);
extern int supportsDepth(cl_context context, bool* supports_depth);
int test_image_format_methods( cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
size_t width, size_t height, size_t arraySize, size_t samples,
GLenum target, format format, MTdata d )
int error, result=0;
clProgramWrapper program;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
clMemWrapper image, outDataBuffer;
char programSrc[ 10240 ];
image_kernel_data outKernelData;
#ifdef GL_VERSION_3_2
if (get_base_gl_target(target) == GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE ||
get_base_gl_target(target) == GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY)
bool supports_msaa;
error = supportsMsaa(context, &supports_msaa);
if( error != 0 ) return error;
if (!supports_msaa) return 0;
if (format.formattype == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT ||
format.formattype == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL)
bool supports_depth;
error = supportsDepth(context, &supports_depth);
if( error != 0 ) return error;
if (!supports_depth) return 0;
glTextureWrapper glTexture;
switch (get_base_gl_target(target)) {
CreateGLTexture2D( width, height, target,
format.formattype, format.internal, format.datatype,
format.type, &glTexture, &error, false, d );
CreateGLTexture2DArray( width, height, arraySize, target,
format.formattype, format.internal, format.datatype,
format.type, &glTexture, &error, false, d );
CreateGLTexture2DMultisample( width, height, samples, target,
format.formattype, format.internal, format.datatype,
format.type, &glTexture, &error, false, d, false);
CreateGLTexture2DArrayMultisample( width, height, arraySize, samples, target,
format.formattype, format.internal, format.datatype,
format.type, &glTexture, &error, false, d, false);
log_error("Unsupported GL tex target (%s) passed to write test: "
"%s (%s):%d", GetGLTargetName(target), __FUNCTION__,
__FILE__, __LINE__);
// Check to see if the texture could not be created for some other reason like
return 0;
// Construct testing source
log_info( " - Creating image %d by %d...\n", width, height );
// Create a CL image from the supplied GL texture
image = (*clCreateFromGLTexture_ptr)( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY,
target, 0, glTexture, &error );
if ( error != CL_SUCCESS ) {
print_error( error, "Unable to create CL image from GL texture" );
GLint fmt;
glGetTexLevelParameteriv( target, 0, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, &fmt );
log_error( " Supplied GL texture was base format %s and internal "
"format %s\n", GetGLBaseFormatName( fmt ), GetGLFormatName( fmt ) );
return error;
cl_image_format imageFormat;
error = clGetImageInfo (image, CL_IMAGE_FORMAT,
sizeof(imageFormat), &imageFormat, NULL);
test_error(error, "Failed to get image format");
const char * imageType = 0;
bool doArraySize = false;
bool doImageWidth = false;
bool doImageHeight = false;
bool doImageChannelDataType = false;
bool doImageChannelOrder = false;
bool doImageDim = false;
bool doNumSamples = false;
bool doMSAA = false;
switch(target) {
imageType = "image2d_depth_t";
doImageWidth = true;
doImageHeight = true;
doImageChannelDataType = true;
doImageChannelOrder = true;
doImageDim = true;
imageType = "image2d_array_depth_t";
doImageWidth = true;
doImageHeight = true;
doArraySize = true;
doImageChannelDataType = true;
doImageChannelOrder = true;
doImageDim = true;
doArraySize = true;
doNumSamples = true;
doMSAA = true;
if(format.formattype == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT) {
doImageWidth = true;
imageType = "image2d_msaa_depth_t";
} else {
imageType = "image2d_msaa_t";
doMSAA = true;
if(format.formattype == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT) {
doImageWidth = true;
imageType = "image2d_msaa_array_depth_t";
} else {
imageType = "image2d_array_msaa_t";
char channelTypeConstKernelLine[512] = {0};
char channelOrderConstKernelLine[512] = {0};
const char* channelTypeName=0;
const char* channelOrderName=0;
if(doImageChannelDataType) {
channelTypeName = GetChannelTypeName( imageFormat.image_channel_data_type );
if(channelTypeName && strlen(channelTypeName)) {
// replace CL_* with CLK_*
sprintf(channelTypeConstKernelLine, channelTypeConstLine, &channelTypeName[3]);
if(doImageChannelOrder) {
channelOrderName = GetChannelOrderName( imageFormat.image_channel_order );
if(channelOrderName && strlen(channelOrderName)) {
// replace CL_* with CLK_*
sprintf(channelOrderConstKernelLine, channelOrderConstLine, &channelOrderName[3]);
// Create a program to run against
( doMSAA ) ? enableMSAAKernelLine : "",
( doArraySize ) ? arraySizeKernelLine : "",
( doImageWidth ) ? imageWidthKernelLine : "",
( doImageHeight ) ? imageHeightKernelLine : "",
( doImageChannelDataType ) ? channelTypeKernelLine : "",
( doImageChannelDataType ) ? channelTypeConstKernelLine : "",
( doImageChannelOrder ) ? channelOrderKernelLine : "",
( doImageChannelOrder ) ? channelOrderConstKernelLine : "",
( doImageDim ) ? imageDimKernelLine : "",
( doImageDim && doImageWidth ) ? imageWidthDimKernelLine : "",
( doImageDim && doImageHeight ) ? imageHeightDimKernelLine : "",
( doNumSamples ) ? numSamplesKernelLine : "");
//log_info("-----------------------------------\n%s\n", programSrc);
error = clFinish(queue);
if (error)
print_error(error, "clFinish failed.\n");
const char *ptr = programSrc;
error = create_single_kernel_helper( context, &program, &kernel, 1, &ptr, "sample_kernel" );
test_error( error, "Unable to create kernel to test against" );
// Create an output buffer
outDataBuffer = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
sizeof(outKernelData), NULL, &error);
test_error( error, "Unable to create output buffer" );
// Set up arguments and run
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 0, sizeof( image ), &image );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel argument" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 1, sizeof( outDataBuffer ), &outDataBuffer );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel argument" );
// Finish and Acquire.
error = (*clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects_ptr)(queue, 1, &image, 0, NULL, NULL);
test_error(error, "Unable to acquire GL obejcts");
size_t threads[1] = { 1 }, localThreads[1] = { 1 };
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queue, kernel, 1, NULL, threads, localThreads, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to run kernel" );
error = clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, outDataBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof( outKernelData ), &outKernelData, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to read data buffer" );
// Verify the results now
if( doImageWidth )
result |= verify(width, outKernelData.width, "width");
if( doImageHeight)
result |= verify(height, outKernelData.height, "height");
if( doImageDim && doImageWidth )
result |= verify(width, outKernelData.widthDim, "width from get_image_dim");
if( doImageDim && doImageHeight )
result |= verify(height, outKernelData.heightDim, "height from get_image_dim");
if( doImageChannelDataType )
result |= verify(outKernelData.channelType, outKernelData.expectedChannelType, channelTypeName);
if( doImageChannelOrder )
result |= verify(outKernelData.channelOrder, outKernelData.expectedChannelOrder, channelOrderName);
if( doArraySize )
result |= verify(arraySize, outKernelData.arraySize, "array size");
if( doNumSamples )
result |= verify(samples, outKernelData.numSamples, "samples");
if(result) {
log_error("Test image methods failed");
clEventWrapper event;
error = (*clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects_ptr)( queue, 1, &image, 0, NULL, &event );
test_error(error, "clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects failed");
error = clWaitForEvents( 1, &event );
test_error(error, "clWaitForEvents failed");
return result;
int test_image_methods_depth( cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int numElements ){
if (!is_extension_available(device, "cl_khr_gl_depth_images")) {
log_info("Test not run because 'cl_khr_gl_depth_images' extension is not supported by the tested device\n");
return 0;
size_t pixelSize;
int result = 0;
GLenum depth_targets[] = {GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY};
size_t ntargets = sizeof(depth_targets) / sizeof(depth_targets[0]);
size_t nformats = sizeof(depth_formats) / sizeof(depth_formats[0]);
const size_t nsizes = 5;
sizevec_t sizes[nsizes];
// Need to limit texture size according to GL device properties
GLint maxTextureSize = 4096, maxTextureRectangleSize = 4096, maxTextureLayers = 16, size;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTextureSize);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT, &maxTextureRectangleSize);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS, &maxTextureLayers);
size = min(maxTextureSize, maxTextureRectangleSize);
RandomSeed seed( gRandomSeed );
// Generate some random sizes (within reasonable ranges)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nsizes; i++) {
sizes[i].width = random_in_range( 2, min(size, 1<<(i+4)), seed );
sizes[i].height = random_in_range( 2, min(size, 1<<(i+4)), seed );
sizes[i].depth = random_in_range( 2, min(maxTextureLayers, 1<<(i+4)), seed );
for (size_t i = 0; i < nsizes; i++) {
for(size_t itarget = 0; itarget < ntargets; ++itarget) {
for(size_t iformat = 0; iformat < nformats; ++iformat)
result |= test_image_format_methods(device, context, queue, sizes[i].width, sizes[i].height, (depth_targets[itarget] == GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY) ? sizes[i].depth: 1, 0,
depth_targets[itarget], depth_formats[iformat], seed );
return result;
int test_image_methods_multisample( cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int numElements ){
if (!is_extension_available(device, "cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing")) {
log_info("Test not run because 'cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing' extension is not supported by the tested device\n");
return 0;
size_t pixelSize;
int result = 0;
size_t ntargets = sizeof(targets) / sizeof(targets[0]);
size_t nformats = sizeof(common_formats) / sizeof(common_formats[0]);
const size_t nsizes = 5;
sizevec_t sizes[nsizes];
GLint maxTextureLayers = 16, maxTextureSize = 4096;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS, &maxTextureLayers);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTextureSize);
RandomSeed seed( gRandomSeed );
// Generate some random sizes (within reasonable ranges)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nsizes; i++) {
sizes[i].width = random_in_range( 2, min(maxTextureSize, 1<<(i+4)), seed );
sizes[i].height = random_in_range( 2, min(maxTextureSize, 1<<(i+4)), seed );
sizes[i].depth = random_in_range( 2, min(maxTextureLayers, 1<<(i+4)), seed );
for (size_t i = 0; i < nsizes; i++) {
for(size_t itarget = 0; itarget < ntargets; ++itarget) {
for(size_t iformat = 0; iformat < nformats; ++iformat) {
GLint samples = get_gl_max_samples(targets[itarget], common_formats[iformat].internal);
result |= test_image_format_methods(device, context, queue, sizes[i].width, sizes[i].height, (targets[ntargets] == GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY) ? sizes[i].depth: 1,
samples, targets[itarget], common_formats[iformat], seed );
return result;