blob: 9ac4aae3349896cb9f28a72a256b47c94d1cfaa4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "testBase.h"
#include "harness/typeWrappers.h"
#include "harness/testHarness.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
const char *sample_single_param_kernel[] = {
"__kernel void sample_test(__global int *src)\n"
" int tid = get_global_id(0);\n"
"}\n" };
const char *sample_single_param_write_kernel[] = {
"__kernel void sample_test(__global int *src)\n"
" int tid = get_global_id(0);\n"
" src[tid] = tid;\n"
"}\n" };
const char *sample_read_image_kernel_pattern[] = {
"__kernel void sample_test( __global float *result, ", " )\n"
" int tid = get_global_id(0);\n"
" result[0] = 0.0f;\n",
"}\n" };
const char *sample_write_image_kernel_pattern[] = {
"__kernel void sample_test( ", " )\n"
" int tid = get_global_id(0);\n",
"}\n" };
const char *sample_large_parmam_kernel_pattern[] = {
"__kernel void sample_test(%s, __global long *result)\n"
"result[0] = 0;\n"
"}\n" };
const char *sample_large_int_parmam_kernel_pattern[] = {
"__kernel void sample_test(%s, __global int *result)\n"
"result[0] = 0;\n"
"}\n" };
const char *sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[] = {
"__kernel void sample_test( read_only image2d_t src, __global int4 *dst", ", sampler_t sampler%d", ")\n"
" int tid = get_global_id(0);\n",
" dst[ 0 ] = read_imagei( src, sampler%d, (int2)( 0, 0 ) );\n",
"}\n" };
const char *sample_const_arg_kernel[] = {
"__kernel void sample_test(__constant int *src1, __global int *dst)\n"
" int tid = get_global_id(0);\n"
" dst[tid] = src1[tid];\n"
"}\n" };
const char *sample_local_arg_kernel[] = {
"__kernel void sample_test(__local int *src1, __global int *global_src, __global int *dst)\n"
" int tid = get_global_id(0);\n"
" src1[tid] = global_src[tid];\n"
" barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"
" dst[tid] = src1[tid];\n"
"}\n" };
const char *sample_const_max_arg_kernel_pattern =
"__kernel void sample_test(__constant int *src1 %s, __global int *dst)\n"
" int tid = get_global_id(0);\n"
" dst[tid] = src1[tid];\n"
int test_min_max_thread_dimensions(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error, retVal;
unsigned int maxThreadDim, threadDim, i;
clProgramWrapper program;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
clMemWrapper streams[1];
size_t *threads, *localThreads;
cl_event event;
cl_int event_status;
/* Get the max thread dimensions */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS, sizeof( maxThreadDim ), &maxThreadDim, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max work item dimensions from device" );
if( maxThreadDim < 3 )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max work item dimensions is less than required! (%d)\n", maxThreadDim );
return -1;
log_info("Reported max thread dimensions of %d.\n", maxThreadDim);
/* Create a kernel to test with */
if( create_single_kernel_helper( context, &program, &kernel, 1, sample_single_param_kernel, "sample_test" ) != 0 )
return -1;
/* Create some I/O streams */
streams[0] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
sizeof(cl_int) * 100, NULL, &error);
if( streams[0] == NULL )
log_error("ERROR: Creating test array failed!\n");
return -1;
/* Set the arguments */
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 0, sizeof( streams[0] ), &streams[0] );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
retVal = 0;
/* Now try running the kernel with up to that many threads */
for (threadDim=1; threadDim <= maxThreadDim; threadDim++)
threads = (size_t *)malloc( sizeof( size_t ) * maxThreadDim );
localThreads = (size_t *)malloc( sizeof( size_t ) * maxThreadDim );
for( i = 0; i < maxThreadDim; i++ )
threads[ i ] = 1;
localThreads[i] = 1;
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queue, kernel, maxThreadDim, NULL, threads, localThreads, 0, NULL, &event );
test_error( error, "Failed clEnqueueNDRangeKernel");
// Verify that the event does not return an error from the execution
error = clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
test_error( error, "clWaitForEvent failed");
error = clGetEventInfo(event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof(event_status), &event_status, NULL);
test_error( error, "clGetEventInfo for CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS failed");
if (event_status < 0)
test_error(error, "Kernel execution event returned error");
/* All done */
free( threads );
free( localThreads );
return retVal;
int test_min_max_work_items_sizes(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
size_t *deviceMaxWorkItemSize;
unsigned int maxWorkItemDim;
/* Get the max work item dimensions */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS, sizeof( maxWorkItemDim ), &maxWorkItemDim, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max work item dimensions from device" );
log_info("CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS returned %d\n", maxWorkItemDim);
deviceMaxWorkItemSize = (size_t*)malloc(sizeof(size_t)*maxWorkItemDim);
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES, sizeof(size_t)*maxWorkItemDim, deviceMaxWorkItemSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "clDeviceInfo for CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES failed" );
unsigned int i;
int errors = 0;
for(i=0; i<maxWorkItemDim; i++) {
if (deviceMaxWorkItemSize[i]<1) {
log_error("MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZE in dimension %d is invalid: %lu\n", i, deviceMaxWorkItemSize[i]);
} else {
log_info("Dimension %d has max work item size %lu\n", i, deviceMaxWorkItemSize[i]);
if (errors)
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_work_group_size(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
size_t deviceMaxThreadSize;
/* Get the max thread dimensions */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof( deviceMaxThreadSize ), &deviceMaxThreadSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max work group size from device" );
log_info("Reported %ld max device work group size.\n", deviceMaxThreadSize);
if( deviceMaxThreadSize == 0 )
log_error( "ERROR: Max work group size is reported as zero!\n" );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_read_image_args(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
unsigned int maxReadImages, i;
unsigned int deviceAddressSize;
clProgramWrapper program;
char readArgLine[128], *programSrc;
const char *readArgPattern = ", read_only image2d_t srcimg%d";
clKernelWrapper kernel;
clMemWrapper *streams, result;
size_t threads[2];
cl_image_format image_format_desc;
size_t maxParameterSize;
cl_event event;
cl_int event_status;
cl_float image_data[4*4];
float image_result = 0.0f;
float actual_image_result;
cl_uint minRequiredReadImages = gIsEmbedded ? 8 : 128;
cl_device_type deviceType;
image_format_desc.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA;
image_format_desc.image_channel_data_type = CL_FLOAT;
/* Get the max read image arg count */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_READ_IMAGE_ARGS, sizeof( maxReadImages ), &maxReadImages, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max read image arg count from device" );
if( maxReadImages < minRequiredReadImages )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max read image arg count is less than required! (%d)\n", maxReadImages );
return -1;
log_info("Reported %d max read image args.\n", maxReadImages);
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS, sizeof( deviceAddressSize ), &deviceAddressSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to query CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS for device" );
deviceAddressSize /= 8; // convert from bits to bytes
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_PARAMETER_SIZE, sizeof( maxParameterSize ), &maxParameterSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max parameter size from device" );
if (!gIsEmbedded && maxReadImages >= 128 && maxParameterSize == 1024)
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof( deviceType ), &deviceType, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get device type from device" );
if(deviceType != CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CUSTOM)
maxReadImages = 127;
// Subtract the size of the result
maxParameterSize -= deviceAddressSize;
// Calculate the number we can use
if (maxParameterSize/deviceAddressSize < maxReadImages) {
log_info("WARNING: Max parameter size of %d bytes limits test to %d max image arguments.\n", (int)maxParameterSize, (int)(maxParameterSize/deviceAddressSize));
maxReadImages = (unsigned int)(maxParameterSize/deviceAddressSize);
/* Create a program with that many read args */
programSrc = (char *)malloc( strlen( sample_read_image_kernel_pattern[ 0 ] ) + ( strlen( readArgPattern ) + 6 ) * ( maxReadImages ) +
strlen( sample_read_image_kernel_pattern[ 1 ] ) + 1 + 40240);
strcpy( programSrc, sample_read_image_kernel_pattern[ 0 ] );
strcat( programSrc, "read_only image2d_t srcimg0" );
for( i = 0; i < maxReadImages-1; i++ )
sprintf( readArgLine, readArgPattern, i+1 );
strcat( programSrc, readArgLine );
strcat( programSrc, sample_read_image_kernel_pattern[ 1 ] );
for ( i = 0; i < maxReadImages; i++) {
sprintf( readArgLine, "\tresult[0] += read_imagef( srcimg%d, sampler, (int2)(0,0)).x;\n", i);
strcat( programSrc, readArgLine );
strcat( programSrc, sample_read_image_kernel_pattern[ 2 ] );
error = create_single_kernel_helper(context, &program, &kernel, 1, (const char **)&programSrc, "sample_test");
test_error( error, "Failed to create the program and kernel.");
free( programSrc );
result = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_float), NULL,
test_error( error, "clCreateBufer failed");
/* Create some I/O streams */
streams = new clMemWrapper[maxReadImages + 1];
for( i = 0; i < maxReadImages; i++ )
image_result+= image_data[0];
streams[i] = create_image_2d( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, &image_format_desc, 4, 4, 0, image_data, &error );
test_error( error, "Unable to allocate test image" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 0, sizeof( result ), &result );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
/* Set the arguments */
for( i = 1; i < maxReadImages+1; i++ )
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, i, sizeof( streams[i-1] ), &streams[i-1] );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
/* Now try running the kernel */
threads[0] = threads[1] = 1;
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queue, kernel, 2, NULL, threads, NULL, 0, NULL, &event );
test_error( error, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed");
// Verify that the event does not return an error from the execution
error = clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
test_error( error, "clWaitForEvent failed");
error = clGetEventInfo(event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof(event_status), &event_status, NULL);
test_error( error, "clGetEventInfo for CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS failed");
if (event_status < 0)
test_error(error, "Kernel execution event returned error");
error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, result, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_float), &actual_image_result, 0, NULL, NULL);
test_error(error, "clEnqueueReadBuffer failed");
delete[] streams;
if (actual_image_result != image_result) {
log_error("Result failed to verify. Got %g, expected %g.\n", actual_image_result, image_result);
return 1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_write_image_args(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
unsigned int maxWriteImages, i;
clProgramWrapper program;
char writeArgLine[128], *programSrc;
const char *writeArgPattern = ", write_only image2d_t dstimg%d";
clKernelWrapper kernel;
clMemWrapper *streams;
size_t threads[2];
cl_image_format image_format_desc;
size_t maxParameterSize;
cl_event event;
cl_int event_status;
cl_uint minRequiredWriteImages = gIsEmbedded ? 1 : 8;
image_format_desc.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA;
image_format_desc.image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT8;
/* Get the max read image arg count */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WRITE_IMAGE_ARGS, sizeof( maxWriteImages ), &maxWriteImages, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max write image arg count from device" );
if( maxWriteImages == 0 )
log_info( "WARNING: Device reports 0 for a max write image arg count (write image arguments unsupported). Skipping test (implicitly passes). This is only valid if the number of image formats is also 0.\n" );
return 0;
if( maxWriteImages < minRequiredWriteImages )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max write image arg count is less than required! (%d)\n", maxWriteImages );
return -1;
log_info("Reported %d max write image args.\n", maxWriteImages);
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_PARAMETER_SIZE, sizeof( maxParameterSize ), &maxParameterSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max parameter size from device" );
// Calculate the number we can use
if (maxParameterSize/sizeof(cl_mem) < maxWriteImages) {
log_info("WARNING: Max parameter size of %d bytes limits test to %d max image arguments.\n", (int)maxParameterSize, (int)(maxParameterSize/sizeof(cl_mem)));
maxWriteImages = (unsigned int)(maxParameterSize/sizeof(cl_mem));
/* Create a program with that many write args + 1 */
programSrc = (char *)malloc( strlen( sample_write_image_kernel_pattern[ 0 ] ) + ( strlen( writeArgPattern ) + 6 ) * ( maxWriteImages + 1 ) +
strlen( sample_write_image_kernel_pattern[ 1 ] ) + 1 + 40240 );
strcpy( programSrc, sample_write_image_kernel_pattern[ 0 ] );
strcat( programSrc, "write_only image2d_t dstimg0" );
for( i = 1; i < maxWriteImages; i++ )
sprintf( writeArgLine, writeArgPattern, i );
strcat( programSrc, writeArgLine );
strcat( programSrc, sample_write_image_kernel_pattern[ 1 ] );
for ( i = 0; i < maxWriteImages; i++) {
sprintf( writeArgLine, "\twrite_imagef( dstimg%d, (int2)(0,0), (float4)(0,0,0,0));\n", i);
strcat( programSrc, writeArgLine );
strcat( programSrc, sample_write_image_kernel_pattern[ 2 ] );
error = create_single_kernel_helper(context, &program, &kernel, 1, (const char **)&programSrc, "sample_test");
test_error( error, "Failed to create the program and kernel.");
free( programSrc );
/* Create some I/O streams */
streams = new clMemWrapper[maxWriteImages + 1];
for( i = 0; i < maxWriteImages; i++ )
streams[i] = create_image_2d( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, &image_format_desc, 16, 16, 0, NULL, &error );
test_error( error, "Unable to allocate test image" );
/* Set the arguments */
for( i = 0; i < maxWriteImages; i++ )
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, i, sizeof( streams[i] ), &streams[i] );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
/* Now try running the kernel */
threads[0] = threads[1] = 16;
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queue, kernel, 2, NULL, threads, NULL, 0, NULL, &event );
test_error( error, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed.");
// Verify that the event does not return an error from the execution
error = clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
test_error( error, "clWaitForEvent failed");
error = clGetEventInfo(event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof(event_status), &event_status, NULL);
test_error( error, "clGetEventInfo for CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS failed");
if (event_status < 0)
test_error(error, "Kernel execution event returned error");
/* All done */
delete[] streams;
return 0;
int test_min_max_mem_alloc_size(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
cl_ulong maxAllocSize, memSize, minSizeToTry;
clMemWrapper memHdl;
cl_ulong requiredAllocSize;
if (gIsEmbedded)
requiredAllocSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
requiredAllocSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
/* Get the max mem alloc size */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max mem alloc size from device" );
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof( memSize ), &memSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get global memory size from device" );
if (memSize > (cl_ulong)SIZE_MAX) {
memSize = (cl_ulong)SIZE_MAX;
if( maxAllocSize < requiredAllocSize)
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max allocation size is less than required %lldMB! (%llu or %lluMB, from a total mem size of %lldMB)\n", (requiredAllocSize / 1024) / 1024, maxAllocSize, (maxAllocSize / 1024)/1024, (memSize / 1024)/1024 );
return -1;
requiredAllocSize = ((memSize / 4) > (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) ? 1024 * 1024 * 1024 : memSize / 4;
if (gIsEmbedded)
requiredAllocSize = (requiredAllocSize < 1 * 1024 * 1024) ? 1 * 1024 * 1024 : requiredAllocSize;
requiredAllocSize = (requiredAllocSize < 128 * 1024 * 1024) ? 128 * 1024 * 1024 : requiredAllocSize;
if( maxAllocSize < requiredAllocSize )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max allocation size is less than required of total memory! (%llu or %lluMB, from a total mem size of %lluMB)\n", maxAllocSize, (maxAllocSize / 1024)/1024, (requiredAllocSize / 1024)/1024 );
return -1;
log_info("Reported max allocation size of %lld bytes (%gMB) and global mem size of %lld bytes (%gMB).\n",
maxAllocSize, maxAllocSize/(1024.0*1024.0), requiredAllocSize, requiredAllocSize/(1024.0*1024.0));
if ( memSize < maxAllocSize ) {
log_info("Global memory size is less than max allocation size, using that.\n");
maxAllocSize = memSize;
minSizeToTry = maxAllocSize/16;
while (maxAllocSize > (maxAllocSize/4)) {
log_info("Trying to create a buffer of size of %lld bytes (%gMB).\n", maxAllocSize, (double)maxAllocSize/(1024.0*1024.0));
memHdl = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, (size_t)maxAllocSize, NULL, &error );
log_info("\tAllocation failed at size of %lld bytes (%gMB).\n", maxAllocSize, (double)maxAllocSize/(1024.0*1024.0));
maxAllocSize -= minSizeToTry;
test_error( error, "clCreateBuffer failed for maximum sized buffer.");
return 0;
log_error("Failed to allocate even %lld bytes (%gMB).\n", maxAllocSize, (double)maxAllocSize/(1024.0*1024.0));
return -1;
int test_min_max_image_2d_width(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
size_t maxDimension;
clMemWrapper streams[1];
cl_image_format image_format_desc;
cl_ulong maxAllocSize;
cl_uint minRequiredDimension;
size_t length;
auto version = get_device_cl_version(deviceID);
if (version == Version(1, 0))
minRequiredDimension = gIsEmbedded ? 2048 : 4096;
minRequiredDimension = gIsEmbedded ? 2048 : 8192;
/* Just get any ol format to test with */
error = get_8_bit_image_format( context, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0, &image_format_desc );
test_error( error, "Unable to obtain suitable image format to test with!" );
/* Get the max 2d image width */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_WIDTH, sizeof( maxDimension ), &maxDimension, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max image 2d width from device" );
if( maxDimension < minRequiredDimension )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max image 2d width is less than required! (%d)\n", (int)maxDimension );
return -1;
log_info("Max reported width is %ld.\n", maxDimension);
/* Verify we can use the format */
image_format_desc.image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT8;
image_format_desc.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA;
if (!is_image_format_supported( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, &image_format_desc)) {
log_error("CL_UNORM_INT8 CL_RGBA not supported. Can not test.");
return -1;
/* Verify that we can actually allocate an image that large */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof ( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE." );
if ( (cl_ulong)maxDimension*1*4 > maxAllocSize ) {
log_error("Can not allocate a large enough image (min size: %lld bytes, max allowed: %lld bytes) to test.\n",
(cl_ulong)maxDimension*1*4, maxAllocSize);
return -1;
log_info("Attempting to create an image of size %d x 1 = %gMB.\n", (int)maxDimension, ((float)maxDimension*4/1024.0/1024.0));
/* Try to allocate a very big image */
streams[0] = create_image_2d( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, &image_format_desc, maxDimension, 1, 0, NULL, &error );
if( ( streams[0] == NULL ) || ( error != CL_SUCCESS ))
print_error( error, "Image 2D creation failed for maximum width" );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_image_2d_height(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
size_t maxDimension;
clMemWrapper streams[1];
cl_image_format image_format_desc;
cl_ulong maxAllocSize;
cl_uint minRequiredDimension;
size_t length;
auto version = get_device_cl_version(deviceID);
if (version == Version(1, 0))
minRequiredDimension = gIsEmbedded ? 2048 : 4096;
minRequiredDimension = gIsEmbedded ? 2048 : 8192;
/* Just get any ol format to test with */
error = get_8_bit_image_format( context, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0, &image_format_desc );
test_error( error, "Unable to obtain suitable image format to test with!" );
/* Get the max 2d image width */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_HEIGHT, sizeof( maxDimension ), &maxDimension, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max image 2d height from device" );
if( maxDimension < minRequiredDimension )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max image 2d height is less than required! (%d)\n", (int)maxDimension );
return -1;
log_info("Max reported height is %ld.\n", maxDimension);
/* Verify we can use the format */
image_format_desc.image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT8;
image_format_desc.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA;
if (!is_image_format_supported( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, &image_format_desc)) {
log_error("CL_UNORM_INT8 CL_RGBA not supported. Can not test.");
return -1;
/* Verify that we can actually allocate an image that large */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof ( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE." );
if ( (cl_ulong)maxDimension*1*4 > maxAllocSize ) {
log_error("Can not allocate a large enough image (min size: %lld bytes, max allowed: %lld bytes) to test.\n",
(cl_ulong)maxDimension*1*4, maxAllocSize);
return -1;
log_info("Attempting to create an image of size 1 x %d = %gMB.\n", (int)maxDimension, ((float)maxDimension*4/1024.0/1024.0));
/* Try to allocate a very big image */
streams[0] = create_image_2d( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, &image_format_desc, 1, maxDimension, 0, NULL, &error );
if( ( streams[0] == NULL ) || ( error != CL_SUCCESS ))
print_error( error, "Image 2D creation failed for maximum height" );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_image_3d_width(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
size_t maxDimension;
clMemWrapper streams[1];
cl_image_format image_format_desc;
cl_ulong maxAllocSize;
/* Just get any ol format to test with */
error = get_8_bit_image_format(context, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D,
CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 0, &image_format_desc);
test_error( error, "Unable to obtain suitable image format to test with!" );
/* Get the max 2d image width */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_WIDTH, sizeof( maxDimension ), &maxDimension, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max image 3d width from device" );
if( maxDimension < 2048 )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max image 3d width is less than required! (%d)\n", (int)maxDimension );
return -1;
log_info("Max reported width is %ld.\n", maxDimension);
/* Verify we can use the format */
image_format_desc.image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT8;
image_format_desc.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA;
if (!is_image_format_supported( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D, &image_format_desc)) {
log_error("CL_UNORM_INT8 CL_RGBA not supported. Can not test.");
return -1;
/* Verify that we can actually allocate an image that large */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof ( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE." );
if ( (cl_ulong)maxDimension*2*4 > maxAllocSize ) {
log_error("Can not allocate a large enough image (min size: %lld bytes, max allowed: %lld bytes) to test.\n",
(cl_ulong)maxDimension*2*4, maxAllocSize);
return -1;
log_info("Attempting to create an image of size %d x 1 x 2 = %gMB.\n", (int)maxDimension, (2*(float)maxDimension*4/1024.0/1024.0));
/* Try to allocate a very big image */
streams[0] = create_image_3d( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, &image_format_desc, maxDimension, 1, 2, 0, 0, NULL, &error );
if( ( streams[0] == NULL ) || ( error != CL_SUCCESS ))
print_error( error, "Image 3D creation failed for maximum width" );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_image_3d_height(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
size_t maxDimension;
clMemWrapper streams[1];
cl_image_format image_format_desc;
cl_ulong maxAllocSize;
/* Just get any ol format to test with */
error = get_8_bit_image_format(context, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D,
CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 0, &image_format_desc);
test_error( error, "Unable to obtain suitable image format to test with!" );
/* Get the max 2d image width */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_HEIGHT, sizeof( maxDimension ), &maxDimension, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max image 3d height from device" );
if( maxDimension < 2048 )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max image 3d height is less than required! (%d)\n", (int)maxDimension );
return -1;
log_info("Max reported height is %ld.\n", maxDimension);
/* Verify we can use the format */
image_format_desc.image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT8;
image_format_desc.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA;
if (!is_image_format_supported( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D, &image_format_desc)) {
log_error("CL_UNORM_INT8 CL_RGBA not supported. Can not test.");
return -1;
/* Verify that we can actually allocate an image that large */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof ( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE." );
if ( (cl_ulong)maxDimension*2*4 > maxAllocSize ) {
log_error("Can not allocate a large enough image (min size: %lld bytes, max allowed: %lld bytes) to test.\n",
(cl_ulong)maxDimension*2*4, maxAllocSize);
return -1;
log_info("Attempting to create an image of size 1 x %d x 2 = %gMB.\n", (int)maxDimension, (2*(float)maxDimension*4/1024.0/1024.0));
/* Try to allocate a very big image */
streams[0] = create_image_3d( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, &image_format_desc, 1, maxDimension, 2, 0, 0, NULL, &error );
if( ( streams[0] == NULL ) || ( error != CL_SUCCESS ))
print_error( error, "Image 3D creation failed for maximum height" );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_image_3d_depth(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
size_t maxDimension;
clMemWrapper streams[1];
cl_image_format image_format_desc;
cl_ulong maxAllocSize;
/* Just get any ol format to test with */
error = get_8_bit_image_format(context, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D,
CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 0, &image_format_desc);
test_error( error, "Unable to obtain suitable image format to test with!" );
/* Get the max 2d image width */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_DEPTH, sizeof( maxDimension ), &maxDimension, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max image 3d depth from device" );
if( maxDimension < 2048 )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max image 3d depth is less than required! (%d)\n", (int)maxDimension );
return -1;
log_info("Max reported depth is %ld.\n", maxDimension);
/* Verify we can use the format */
image_format_desc.image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT8;
image_format_desc.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA;
if (!is_image_format_supported( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D, &image_format_desc)) {
log_error("CL_UNORM_INT8 CL_RGBA not supported. Can not test.");
return -1;
/* Verify that we can actually allocate an image that large */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof ( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE." );
if ( (cl_ulong)maxDimension*1*4 > maxAllocSize ) {
log_error("Can not allocate a large enough image (min size: %lld bytes, max allowed: %lld bytes) to test.\n",
(cl_ulong)maxDimension*1*4, maxAllocSize);
return -1;
log_info("Attempting to create an image of size 1 x 1 x %d = %gMB.\n", (int)maxDimension, ((float)maxDimension*4/1024.0/1024.0));
/* Try to allocate a very big image */
streams[0] = create_image_3d( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, &image_format_desc, 1, 1, maxDimension, 0, 0, NULL, &error );
if( ( streams[0] == NULL ) || ( error != CL_SUCCESS ))
print_error( error, "Image 3D creation failed for maximum depth" );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_image_array_size(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
size_t maxDimension;
clMemWrapper streams[1];
cl_image_format image_format_desc;
cl_ulong maxAllocSize;
size_t minRequiredDimension = gIsEmbedded ? 256 : 2048;
/* Just get any ol format to test with */
error = get_8_bit_image_format( context, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D_ARRAY, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0, &image_format_desc );
test_error( error, "Unable to obtain suitable image format to test with!" );
/* Get the max image array width */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof( maxDimension ), &maxDimension, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max image array size from device" );
if( maxDimension < minRequiredDimension )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max image array size is less than required! (%d)\n", (int)maxDimension );
return -1;
log_info("Max reported image array size is %ld.\n", maxDimension);
/* Verify we can use the format */
image_format_desc.image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT8;
image_format_desc.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA;
if (!is_image_format_supported( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D_ARRAY, &image_format_desc)) {
log_error("CL_UNORM_INT8 CL_RGBA not supported. Can not test.");
return -1;
/* Verify that we can actually allocate an image that large */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof ( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE." );
if ( (cl_ulong)maxDimension*1*4 > maxAllocSize ) {
log_error("Can not allocate a large enough image (min size: %lld bytes, max allowed: %lld bytes) to test.\n",
(cl_ulong)maxDimension*1*4, maxAllocSize);
return -1;
log_info("Attempting to create an image of size 1 x 1 x %d = %gMB.\n", (int)maxDimension, ((float)maxDimension*4/1024.0/1024.0));
/* Try to allocate a very big image */
streams[0] = create_image_2d_array( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, &image_format_desc, 1, 1, maxDimension, 0, 0, NULL, &error );
if( ( streams[0] == NULL ) || ( error != CL_SUCCESS ))
print_error( error, "2D Image Array creation failed for maximum array size" );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_image_buffer_size(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
size_t maxDimensionPixels;
clMemWrapper streams[2];
cl_image_format image_format_desc = {0};
cl_ulong maxAllocSize;
size_t minRequiredDimension = gIsEmbedded ? 2048 : 65536;
unsigned int i = 0;
size_t pixelBytes = 0;
/* Get the max memory allocation size */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof ( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE." );
/* Get the max image array width */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof( maxDimensionPixels ), &maxDimensionPixels, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max image buffer size from device" );
if( maxDimensionPixels < minRequiredDimension )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max image buffer size is less than required! (%d)\n", (int)maxDimensionPixels );
return -1;
log_info("Max reported image buffer size is %ld pixels.\n", maxDimensionPixels);
pixelBytes = maxAllocSize / maxDimensionPixels;
if ( pixelBytes == 0 )
log_error( "Value of CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE is greater than CL_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE so there is no way to allocate image of maximum size!\n" );
return -1;
error = -1;
for ( i = pixelBytes; i > 0; --i )
error = get_8_bit_image_format( context, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, i, &image_format_desc );
if ( error == CL_SUCCESS )
pixelBytes = i;
test_error( error, "Device does not support format to be used to allocate image of CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE\n" );
log_info("Attempting to create an 1D image with channel order %s from buffer of size %d = %gMB.\n",
GetChannelOrderName( image_format_desc.image_channel_order ), (int)maxDimensionPixels, ((float)maxDimensionPixels*pixelBytes/1024.0/1024.0));
/* Try to allocate a buffer */
streams[0] = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, maxDimensionPixels*pixelBytes, NULL, &error );
if( ( streams[0] == NULL ) || ( error != CL_SUCCESS ))
print_error( error, "Buffer creation failed for maximum image buffer size" );
return -1;
/* Try to allocate a 1D image array from buffer */
streams[1] = create_image_1d( context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, &image_format_desc, maxDimensionPixels, 0, NULL, streams[0], &error );
if( ( streams[0] == NULL ) || ( error != CL_SUCCESS ))
print_error( error, "1D Image from buffer creation failed for maximum image buffer size" );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_parameter_size(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error, retVal, i;
size_t maxSize;
char *programSrc;
char *ptr;
size_t numberExpected;
long numberOfIntParametersToTry;
char *argumentLine, *codeLines;
void *data;
cl_long long_result, expectedResult;
cl_int int_result;
size_t decrement;
cl_event event;
cl_int event_status;
bool embeddedNoLong = gIsEmbedded && !gHasLong;
/* Get the max param size */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_PARAMETER_SIZE, sizeof( maxSize ), &maxSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max parameter size from device" );
if( ((!gIsEmbedded) && (maxSize < 1024)) || ((gIsEmbedded) && (maxSize < 256)) )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max parameter size is less than required! (%d)\n", (int)maxSize );
return -1;
/* The embedded profile without cles_khr_int64 extension does not require
* longs, so use ints */
if (embeddedNoLong)
numberOfIntParametersToTry = numberExpected = (maxSize-sizeof(cl_mem))/sizeof(cl_int);
numberOfIntParametersToTry = numberExpected = (maxSize-sizeof(cl_mem))/sizeof(cl_long);
decrement = (size_t)(numberOfIntParametersToTry/8);
if (decrement < 1)
decrement = 1;
log_info("Reported max parameter size of %d bytes.\n", (int)maxSize);
while (numberOfIntParametersToTry > 0) {
// These need to be inside to be deallocated automatically on each loop iteration.
clProgramWrapper program;
clMemWrapper mem;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
if (embeddedNoLong)
log_info("Trying a kernel with %ld int arguments (%ld bytes) and one cl_mem (%ld bytes) for %ld bytes total.\n",
numberOfIntParametersToTry, sizeof(cl_int)*numberOfIntParametersToTry, sizeof(cl_mem),
log_info("Trying a kernel with %ld long arguments (%ld bytes) and one cl_mem (%ld bytes) for %ld bytes total.\n",
numberOfIntParametersToTry, sizeof(cl_long)*numberOfIntParametersToTry, sizeof(cl_mem),
// Allocate memory for the program storage
data = malloc(sizeof(cl_long)*numberOfIntParametersToTry);
argumentLine = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*numberOfIntParametersToTry*32);
codeLines = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*numberOfIntParametersToTry*32);
programSrc = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(numberOfIntParametersToTry*64+1024));
argumentLine[0] = '\0';
codeLines[0] = '\0';
programSrc[0] = '\0';
// Generate our results
expectedResult = 0;
for (i=0; i<(int)numberOfIntParametersToTry; i++)
if( gHasLong )
((cl_long *)data)[i] = i;
expectedResult += i;
((cl_int *)data)[i] = i;
expectedResult += i;
// Build the program
if( gHasLong)
sprintf(argumentLine, "%s", "long arg0");
sprintf(argumentLine, "%s", "int arg0");
sprintf(codeLines, "%s", "result[0] += arg0;");
for (i=1; i<(int)numberOfIntParametersToTry; i++)
if( gHasLong)
sprintf(argumentLine + strlen( argumentLine), ", long arg%d", i);
sprintf(argumentLine + strlen( argumentLine), ", int arg%d", i);
sprintf(codeLines + strlen( codeLines), "\nresult[0] += arg%d;", i);
/* Create a kernel to test with */
sprintf( programSrc, gHasLong ? sample_large_parmam_kernel_pattern[0]:
sample_large_int_parmam_kernel_pattern[0], argumentLine, codeLines);
ptr = programSrc;
if( create_single_kernel_helper( context, &program, &kernel, 1, (const char **)&ptr, "sample_test" ) != 0 )
log_info("Create program failed, decrementing number of parameters to try.\n");
numberOfIntParametersToTry -= decrement;
/* Try to set a large argument to the kernel */
retVal = 0;
mem = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_long), NULL,
test_error(error, "clCreateBuffer failed");
for (i=0; i<(int)numberOfIntParametersToTry; i++) {
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, i, sizeof(cl_long), &(((cl_long*)data)[i]));
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, i, sizeof(cl_int), &(((cl_int*)data)[i]));
if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
log_info( "clSetKernelArg failed (%s), decrementing number of parameters to try.\n", IGetErrorString(error));
numberOfIntParametersToTry -= decrement;
if (error != CL_SUCCESS)
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, i, sizeof(cl_mem), &mem);
if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
log_info( "clSetKernelArg failed (%s), decrementing number of parameters to try.\n", IGetErrorString(error));
numberOfIntParametersToTry -= decrement;
size_t globalDim[3]={1,1,1}, localDim[3]={1,1,1};
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, NULL, globalDim, localDim, 0, NULL, &event);
if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
log_info( "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed (%s), decrementing number of parameters to try.\n", IGetErrorString(error));
numberOfIntParametersToTry -= decrement;
// Verify that the event does not return an error from the execution
error = clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
test_error( error, "clWaitForEvent failed");
error = clGetEventInfo(event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof(event_status), &event_status, NULL);
test_error( error, "clGetEventInfo for CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS failed");
if (event_status < 0)
test_error(error, "Kernel execution event returned error");
error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, mem, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_long), &long_result, 0, NULL, NULL);
error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, mem, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_int), &int_result, 0, NULL, NULL);
test_error(error, "clEnqueueReadBuffer failed")
if (long_result != expectedResult) {
log_error("Expected result (%lld) does not equal actual result (%lld).\n", expectedResult, long_result);
numberOfIntParametersToTry -= decrement;
} else {
log_info("Results verified at %ld bytes of arguments.\n", sizeof(cl_mem)+numberOfIntParametersToTry*sizeof(cl_long));
if (int_result != expectedResult) {
log_error("Expected result (%lld) does not equal actual result (%d).\n", expectedResult, int_result);
numberOfIntParametersToTry -= decrement;
} else {
log_info("Results verified at %ld bytes of arguments.\n", sizeof(cl_mem)+numberOfIntParametersToTry*sizeof(cl_int));
if (numberOfIntParametersToTry == (long)numberExpected)
return 0;
return -1;
int test_min_max_samplers(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
cl_uint maxSamplers, i;
clProgramWrapper program;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
char *programSrc, samplerLine[1024];
size_t maxParameterSize;
cl_event event;
cl_int event_status;
cl_uint minRequiredSamplers = gIsEmbedded ? 8 : 16;
/* Get the max value */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_SAMPLERS, sizeof( maxSamplers ), &maxSamplers, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max sampler count from device" );
if( maxSamplers < minRequiredSamplers )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max sampler count is less than required! (%d)\n", (int)maxSamplers );
return -1;
log_info("Reported max %d samplers.\n", maxSamplers);
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_PARAMETER_SIZE, sizeof( maxParameterSize ), &maxParameterSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max parameter size from device" );
// Subtract the size of the result
maxParameterSize -= 2*sizeof(cl_mem);
// Calculate the number we can use
if (maxParameterSize/sizeof(cl_sampler) < maxSamplers) {
log_info("WARNING: Max parameter size of %d bytes limits test to %d max sampler arguments.\n", (int)maxParameterSize, (int)(maxParameterSize/sizeof(cl_sampler)));
maxSamplers = (unsigned int)(maxParameterSize/sizeof(cl_sampler));
/* Create a kernel to test with */
programSrc = (char *)malloc( ( strlen( sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 1 ] ) + 8 ) * ( maxSamplers ) +
strlen( sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 0 ] ) + strlen( sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 2 ] ) +
( strlen( sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 3 ] ) + 8 ) * maxSamplers +
strlen( sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 4 ] ) );
strcpy( programSrc, sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 0 ] );
for( i = 0; i < maxSamplers; i++ )
sprintf( samplerLine, sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 1 ], i );
strcat( programSrc, samplerLine );
strcat( programSrc, sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 2 ] );
for( i = 0; i < maxSamplers; i++ )
sprintf( samplerLine, sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 3 ], i );
strcat( programSrc, samplerLine );
strcat( programSrc, sample_sampler_kernel_pattern[ 4 ] );
error = create_single_kernel_helper(context, &program, &kernel, 1, (const char **)&programSrc, "sample_test");
test_error( error, "Failed to create the program and kernel.");
// We have to set up some fake parameters so it'll work
clSamplerWrapper *samplers = new clSamplerWrapper[maxSamplers];
cl_image_format format = { CL_RGBA, CL_SIGNED_INT8 };
clMemWrapper image = create_image_2d( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, &format, 16, 16, 0, NULL, &error );
test_error( error, "Unable to create a test image" );
clMemWrapper stream =
clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 16, NULL, &error);
test_error( error, "Unable to create test buffer" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 0, sizeof( cl_mem ), &image );
error |= clSetKernelArg( kernel, 1, sizeof( cl_mem ), &stream );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
for( i = 0; i < maxSamplers; i++ )
samplers[ i ] = clCreateSampler( context, CL_FALSE, CL_ADDRESS_NONE, CL_FILTER_NEAREST, &error );
test_error( error, "Unable to create sampler" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, 2 + i, sizeof( cl_sampler ), &samplers[ i ] );
test_error( error, "Unable to set sampler argument" );
size_t globalDim[3]={1,1,1}, localDim[3]={1,1,1};
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, NULL, globalDim, localDim, 0, NULL, &event);
test_error(error, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed with maximum number of samplers.");
// Verify that the event does not return an error from the execution
error = clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
test_error( error, "clWaitForEvent failed");
error = clGetEventInfo(event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof(event_status), &event_status, NULL);
test_error( error, "clGetEventInfo for CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS failed");
if (event_status < 0)
test_error(error, "Kernel execution event returned error");
free( programSrc );
delete[] samplers;
return 0;
int test_min_max_constant_buffer_size(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
clProgramWrapper program;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
size_t threads[1], localThreads[1];
cl_int *constantData, *resultData;
cl_ulong maxSize, stepSize, currentSize, maxGlobalSize, maxAllocSize;
int i;
cl_event event;
cl_int event_status;
MTdata d;
/* Verify our test buffer won't be bigger than allowed */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof( maxSize ), &maxSize, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max constant buffer size" );
if( ( 0 == gIsEmbedded && maxSize < 64L * 1024L ) || maxSize < 1L * 1024L )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max constant buffer size less than required by OpenCL 1.0 (reported %d KB)\n", (int)( maxSize / 1024L ) );
return -1;
log_info("Reported max constant buffer size of %lld bytes.\n", maxSize);
// Limit test buffer size to 1/8 of CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE
error = clGetDeviceInfo(deviceID, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof(maxGlobalSize), &maxGlobalSize, 0);
test_error(error, "Unable to get CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE");
if (maxSize > maxGlobalSize / 8)
maxSize = maxGlobalSize / 8;
error = clGetDeviceInfo(deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE , sizeof(maxAllocSize), &maxAllocSize, 0);
test_error(error, "Unable to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE ");
if (maxSize > maxAllocSize)
maxSize = maxAllocSize;
/* Create a kernel to test with */
if( create_single_kernel_helper( context, &program, &kernel, 1, sample_const_arg_kernel, "sample_test" ) != 0 )
return -1;
/* Try the returned max size and decrease it until we get one that works. */
stepSize = maxSize/16;
currentSize = maxSize;
int allocPassed = 0;
d = init_genrand( gRandomSeed );
while (!allocPassed && currentSize >= maxSize/PASSING_FRACTION) {
log_info("Attempting to allocate constant buffer of size %lld bytes\n", maxSize);
/* Create some I/O streams */
size_t sizeToAllocate = ((size_t)currentSize/sizeof( cl_int ))*sizeof(cl_int);
size_t numberOfInts = sizeToAllocate/sizeof(cl_int);
constantData = (cl_int *)malloc( sizeToAllocate);
if (constantData == NULL)
log_error("Failed to allocate memory for constantData!\n");
for(i=0; i<(int)(numberOfInts); i++)
constantData[i] = (int)genrand_int32(d);
clMemWrapper streams[3];
streams[0] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
sizeToAllocate, constantData, &error);
test_error( error, "Creating test array failed" );
streams[1] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeToAllocate,
NULL, &error);
test_error( error, "Creating test array failed" );
/* Set the arguments */
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof( streams[0] ), &streams[0]);
test_error( error, "Unable to set indexed kernel arguments" );
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof( streams[1] ), &streams[1]);
test_error( error, "Unable to set indexed kernel arguments" );
/* Test running the kernel and verifying it */
threads[0] = numberOfInts;
localThreads[0] = 1;
log_info("Filling constant buffer with %d cl_ints (%d bytes).\n", (int)threads[0], (int)(threads[0]*sizeof(cl_int)));
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queue, kernel, 1, NULL, threads, localThreads, 0, NULL, &event );
/* If we failed due to a resource issue, reduce the size and try again. */
log_info("Kernel enqueue failed at size %lld, trying at a reduced size.\n", currentSize);
currentSize -= stepSize;
test_error( error, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel with maximum constant buffer size failed.");
// Verify that the event does not return an error from the execution
error = clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
test_error( error, "clWaitForEvent failed");
error = clGetEventInfo(event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof(event_status), &event_status, NULL);
test_error( error, "clGetEventInfo for CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS failed");
if (event_status < 0) {
if ((event_status == CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES) || (event_status == CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE) || (event_status == CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY)) {
log_info("Kernel event indicates failure at size %lld, trying at a reduced size.\n", currentSize);
currentSize -= stepSize;
} else {
test_error(error, "Kernel execution event returned error");
/* Otherwise we did not fail due to resource issues. */
allocPassed = 1;
resultData = (cl_int *)malloc(sizeToAllocate);
if (resultData == NULL)
log_error("Failed to allocate memory for resultData!\n");
error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, streams[1], CL_TRUE, 0, sizeToAllocate, resultData, 0, NULL, NULL);
test_error( error, "clEnqueueReadBuffer failed");
for(i=0; i<(int)(numberOfInts); i++)
if (constantData[i] != resultData[i]) {
log_error("Data failed to verify: constantData[%d]=%d != resultData[%d]=%d\n",
i, constantData[i], i, resultData[i]);
free( constantData );
free_mtdata(d); d = NULL;
return -1;
free( constantData );
free_mtdata(d); d = NULL;
if (allocPassed) {
if (currentSize < maxSize/PASSING_FRACTION) {
log_error("Failed to allocate at least 1/8 of the reported constant size.\n");
return -1;
} else if (currentSize != maxSize) {
log_info("Passed at reduced size. (%lld of %lld bytes)\n", currentSize, maxSize);
return 0;
return 0;
return -1;
int test_min_max_constant_args(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
clProgramWrapper program;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
clMemWrapper *streams;
size_t threads[1], localThreads[1];
cl_uint i, maxArgs;
cl_ulong maxSize;
cl_ulong maxParameterSize;
size_t individualBufferSize;
char *programSrc, *constArgs, *str2;
char str[512];
const char *ptr;
cl_event event;
cl_int event_status;
/* Verify our test buffer won't be bigger than allowed */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_ARGS, sizeof( maxArgs ), &maxArgs, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max constant arg count" );
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_PARAMETER_SIZE, sizeof( maxParameterSize ), &maxParameterSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max parameter size from device" );
// Subtract the size of the result
maxParameterSize -= sizeof(cl_mem);
// Calculate the number we can use
if (maxParameterSize/sizeof(cl_mem) < maxArgs) {
log_info("WARNING: Max parameter size of %d bytes limits test to %d max image arguments.\n", (int)maxParameterSize, (int)(maxParameterSize/sizeof(cl_mem)));
maxArgs = (unsigned int)(maxParameterSize/sizeof(cl_mem));
if( maxArgs < (gIsEmbedded ? 4 : 8) )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported max constant arg count less than required by OpenCL 1.0 (reported %d)\n", (int)maxArgs );
return -1;
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof( maxSize ), &maxSize, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max constant buffer size" );
individualBufferSize = ((int)maxSize/2)/maxArgs;
log_info("Reported max constant arg count of %d and max constant buffer size of %d. Test will attempt to allocate half of that, or %d buffers of size %d.\n",
(int)maxArgs, (int)maxSize, (int)maxArgs, (int)individualBufferSize);
str2 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*32*(maxArgs+2));
constArgs = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*32*(maxArgs+2));
programSrc = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*32*2*(maxArgs+2)+1024);
/* Create a test program */
constArgs[0] = 0;
str2[0] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < maxArgs-1; i++ )
sprintf( str, ", __constant int *src%d", (int)( i + 2 ) );
strcat( constArgs, str );
sprintf( str2 + strlen( str2), "\tdst[tid] += src%d[tid];\n", (int)(i+2));
if (strlen(str2) > (sizeof(char)*32*(maxArgs+2)-32) || strlen(constArgs) > (sizeof(char)*32*(maxArgs+2)-32)) {
log_info("Limiting number of arguments tested to %d due to test program allocation size.\n", i);
sprintf( programSrc, sample_const_max_arg_kernel_pattern, constArgs, str2 );
/* Create a kernel to test with */
ptr = programSrc;
if( create_single_kernel_helper( context, &program, &kernel, 1, &ptr, "sample_test" ) != 0 )
return -1;
/* Create some I/O streams */
streams = new clMemWrapper[ maxArgs + 1 ];
for( i = 0; i < maxArgs + 1; i++ )
streams[i] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
individualBufferSize, NULL, &error);
test_error( error, "Creating test array failed" );
/* Set the arguments */
for( i = 0; i < maxArgs + 1; i++ )
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, i, sizeof( streams[i] ), &streams[i]);
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel argument" );
/* Test running the kernel and verifying it */
threads[0] = (size_t)10;
while (threads[0]*sizeof(cl_int) > individualBufferSize)
error = get_max_common_work_group_size( context, kernel, threads[0], &localThreads[0] );
test_error( error, "Unable to get work group size to use" );
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queue, kernel, 1, NULL, threads, localThreads, 0, NULL, &event );
test_error( error, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed");
// Verify that the event does not return an error from the execution
error = clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
test_error( error, "clWaitForEvent failed");
error = clGetEventInfo(event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof(event_status), &event_status, NULL);
test_error( error, "clGetEventInfo for CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS failed");
if (event_status < 0)
test_error(error, "Kernel execution event returned error");
error = clFinish(queue);
test_error( error, "clFinish failed.");
delete [] streams;
return 0;
int test_min_max_compute_units(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
cl_uint value;
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, sizeof( value ), &value, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get compute unit count" );
if( value < 1 )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported compute unit count less than required by OpenCL 1.0 (reported %d)\n", (int)value );
return -1;
log_info("Reported %d max compute units.\n", value);
return 0;
int test_min_max_address_bits(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
cl_uint value;
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS, sizeof( value ), &value, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get address bit count" );
if( value != 32 && value != 64 )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported address bit count not valid by OpenCL 1.0 (reported %d)\n", (int)value );
return -1;
log_info("Reported %d device address bits.\n", value);
return 0;
int test_min_max_single_fp_config(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
cl_device_fp_config value;
char profile[128] = "";
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_SINGLE_FP_CONFIG, sizeof( value ), &value, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get device single fp config" );
//Check to see if we are an embedded profile device
if((error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_PROFILE, sizeof(profile), profile, NULL )))
log_error( "FAILURE: Unable to get CL_DEVICE_PROFILE: error %d\n", error );
return error;
if( 0 == strcmp( profile, "EMBEDDED_PROFILE" ))
{ // embedded device
if( 0 == (value & (CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST | CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO)))
log_error( "FAILURE: embedded device supports neither CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST or CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO\n" );
return -1;
{ // Full profile
log_error( "ERROR: Reported single fp config doesn't meet minimum set by OpenCL 1.0 (reported 0x%08x)\n", (int)value );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_double_fp_config(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
cl_device_fp_config value;
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_DOUBLE_FP_CONFIG, sizeof( value ), &value, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get device double fp config" );
if (value == 0)
return 0;
log_error( "ERROR: Reported double fp config doesn't meet minimum set by OpenCL 1.0 (reported 0x%08x)\n", (int)value );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_local_mem_size(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
clProgramWrapper program;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
clMemWrapper streams[3];
size_t threads[1], localThreads[1];
cl_int *localData, *resultData;
cl_ulong maxSize, kernelLocalUsage, min_max_local_mem_size;
cl_char buffer[ 4098 ];
size_t length;
int i;
int err = 0;
MTdata d;
/* Verify our test buffer won't be bigger than allowed */
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof( maxSize ), &maxSize, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max local buffer size" );
// Device version should fit the regex "OpenCL [0-9]+\.[0-9]+ *.*"
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_VERSION, sizeof( buffer ), buffer, &length );
test_error( error, "Unable to get device version string" );
if (!gIsEmbedded)
if( memcmp( buffer, "OpenCL 2.0", strlen( "OpenCL 2.0" ) ) == 0 )
min_max_local_mem_size = 16L * 1024L;
else if( memcmp( buffer, "OpenCL 2.1", strlen( "OpenCL 2.1" ) ) != 0 )
min_max_local_mem_size = 16L * 1024L;
else if( memcmp( buffer, "OpenCL 1.2", strlen( "OpenCL 1.2" ) ) != 0 )
min_max_local_mem_size = 16L * 1024L;
else if( memcmp( buffer, "OpenCL 1.1", strlen( "OpenCL 1.1" ) ) != 0 )
min_max_local_mem_size = 16L * 1024L;
else if ( memcmp( buffer, "OpenCL 1.0", strlen( "OpenCL 1.0" ) ) != 0 )
min_max_local_mem_size = 32L * 1024L;
log_error( "ERROR: device version string does not match required format! (returned: %s)\n", (char *)buffer );
return -1;
if( maxSize < (gIsEmbedded ? 1L * 1024L : min_max_local_mem_size) )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported local mem size less than required by OpenCL 1.1 (reported %dKb)\n", (int)( maxSize / 1024L ) );
return -1;
log_info("Reported max local buffer size for device: %lld bytes.\n", maxSize);
/* Create a kernel to test with */
if( create_single_kernel_helper( context, &program, &kernel, 1, sample_local_arg_kernel, "sample_test" ) != 0 )
return -1;
error = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, deviceID, CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof(kernelLocalUsage), &kernelLocalUsage, NULL);
test_error(error, "clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo for CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE failed");
log_info("Reported local buffer usage for kernel (CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE): %lld bytes.\n", kernelLocalUsage);
/* Create some I/O streams */
size_t sizeToAllocate = ((size_t)(maxSize-kernelLocalUsage)/sizeof( cl_int ))*sizeof(cl_int);
size_t numberOfInts = sizeToAllocate/sizeof(cl_int);
log_info("Attempting to use %lld bytes of local memory.\n", (cl_ulong)sizeToAllocate);
localData = (cl_int *)malloc( sizeToAllocate );
d = init_genrand( gRandomSeed );
for(i=0; i<(int)(numberOfInts); i++)
localData[i] = (int)genrand_int32(d);
free_mtdata(d); d = NULL;
streams[0] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, sizeToAllocate,
localData, &error);
test_error( error, "Creating test array failed" );
streams[1] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeToAllocate,
NULL, &error);
test_error( error, "Creating test array failed" );
/* Set the arguments */
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeToAllocate, NULL);
test_error( error, "Unable to set indexed kernel arguments" );
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof( streams[0] ), &streams[0]);
test_error( error, "Unable to set indexed kernel arguments" );
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof( streams[1] ), &streams[1]);
test_error( error, "Unable to set indexed kernel arguments" );
/* Test running the kernel and verifying it */
threads[0] = numberOfInts;
localThreads[0] = 1;
log_info("Creating local buffer with %d cl_ints (%d bytes).\n", (int)numberOfInts, (int)sizeToAllocate);
cl_event evt;
cl_int evt_err;
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queue, kernel, 1, NULL, threads, localThreads, 0, NULL, &evt );
test_error(error, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed");
error = clFinish(queue);
test_error( error, "clFinish failed");
error = clGetEventInfo(evt, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof evt_err, &evt_err, NULL);
test_error( error, "clGetEventInfo with maximum local buffer size failed.");
if (evt_err != CL_COMPLETE) {
print_error(evt_err, "Kernel event returned error");
return -1;
resultData = (cl_int *)malloc(sizeToAllocate);
error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, streams[1], CL_TRUE, 0, sizeToAllocate, resultData, 0, NULL, NULL);
test_error( error, "clEnqueueReadBuffer failed");
for(i=0; i<(int)(numberOfInts); i++)
if (localData[i] != resultData[i]) {
free( localData );
log_error("Results failed to verify.\n");
return -1;
free( localData );
return err;
int test_min_max_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int err;
clProgramWrapper program;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
size_t max_local_workgroup_size[3];
size_t max_workgroup_size = 0, preferred_workgroup_size = 0;
err = create_single_kernel_helper(context, &program, &kernel, 1, sample_local_arg_kernel, "sample_test" );
test_error(err, "Failed to build kernel/program.");
err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, deviceID, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE,
sizeof(max_workgroup_size), &max_workgroup_size, NULL);
test_error(err, "clGetKernelWorkgroupInfo failed.");
err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, deviceID, CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE,
sizeof(preferred_workgroup_size), &preferred_workgroup_size, NULL);
test_error(err, "clGetKernelWorkgroupInfo failed.");
err = clGetDeviceInfo(deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES, sizeof(max_local_workgroup_size), max_local_workgroup_size, NULL);
test_error(err, "clGetDeviceInfo failed for CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES");
// Since the preferred size is only a performance hint, we can only really check that we get a sane value
// back
log_info( "size: %ld preferred: %ld max: %ld\n", max_workgroup_size, preferred_workgroup_size, max_local_workgroup_size[0] );
if( preferred_workgroup_size > max_workgroup_size )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported preferred workgroup multiple larger than max workgroup size (preferred %ld, max %ld)\n", preferred_workgroup_size, max_workgroup_size );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_execution_capabilities(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
cl_device_exec_capabilities value;
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_EXECUTION_CAPABILITIES, sizeof( value ), &value, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get execution capabilities" );
if( ( value & CL_EXEC_KERNEL ) != CL_EXEC_KERNEL )
log_error( "ERROR: Reported execution capabilities less than required by OpenCL 1.0 (reported 0x%08x)\n", (int)value );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_queue_properties(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
int error;
cl_command_queue_properties value;
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_ON_HOST_PROPERTIES, sizeof( value ), &value, 0 );
test_error( error, "Unable to get queue properties" );
log_error( "ERROR: Reported queue properties less than required by OpenCL 1.0 (reported 0x%08x)\n", (int)value );
return -1;
return 0;
int test_min_max_device_version(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
// Query for the device version.
Version device_cl_version = get_device_cl_version(deviceID);
log_info("Returned version %s.\n", device_cl_version.to_string().c_str());
// Make sure 2.x devices support required extensions for 2.x
// note: these extensions are **not** required for devices
// supporting OpenCL-3.0
const char *requiredExtensions2x[] = {
// Make sure 1.1 devices support required extensions for 1.1
const char *requiredExtensions11[] = {
if (device_cl_version >= Version(1, 1))
log_info("Checking for required extensions for OpenCL 1.1 and later "
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(requiredExtensions11); i++)
if (!is_extension_available(deviceID, requiredExtensions11[i]))
log_error("ERROR: Required extension for 1.1 and greater "
"devices is not in extension string: %s\n",
return -1;
log_info("\t%s\n", requiredExtensions11[i]);
if (device_cl_version >= Version(1, 2))
log_info("Checking for required extensions for OpenCL 1.2 and "
"later devices...\n");
// The only required extension for an OpenCL-1.2 device is
// cl_khr_fp64 and it is only required if double precision is
// supported.
cl_device_fp_config doubles_supported;
cl_int error = clGetDeviceInfo(deviceID, CL_DEVICE_DOUBLE_FP_CONFIG,
&doubles_supported, 0);
test_error(error, "Unable to get device double fp config");
if (doubles_supported)
if (!is_extension_available(deviceID, "cl_khr_fp64"))
"ERROR: Required extension for 1.2 and greater devices "
"is not in extension string: cl_khr_fp64\n");
log_info("\t%s\n", "cl_khr_fp64");
if (device_cl_version >= Version(2, 0)
&& device_cl_version < Version(3, 0))
log_info("Checking for required extensions for OpenCL 2.0, 2.1 and "
"2.2 devices...\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(requiredExtensions2x); i++)
if (!is_extension_available(deviceID, requiredExtensions2x[i]))
log_error("ERROR: Required extension for 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 "
"devices is not in extension string: %s\n",
return -1;
log_info("\t%s\n", requiredExtensions2x[i]);
log_info("WARNING: skipping required extension test -- OpenCL 1.0 "
return 0;
int test_min_max_language_version(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
cl_int error;
cl_char buffer[ 4098 ];
size_t length;
// Device version should fit the regex "OpenCL [0-9]+\.[0-9]+ *.*"
error = clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION, sizeof( buffer ), buffer, &length );
test_error( error, "Unable to get device opencl c version string" );
if( memcmp( buffer, "OpenCL C ", strlen( "OpenCL C " ) ) != 0 )
log_error( "ERROR: Initial part of device language version string does not match required format! (returned: \"%s\")\n", (char *)buffer );
return -1;
log_info("Returned version \"%s\".\n", buffer);
char *p1 = (char *)buffer + strlen( "OpenCL C " );
while( *p1 == ' ' )
char *p2 = p1;
if( ! isdigit(*p2) )
log_error( "ERROR: Major revision number must follow space behind OpenCL C! (returned %s)\n", (char*) buffer );
return -1;
while( isdigit( *p2 ) )
if( *p2 != '.' )
log_error( "ERROR: Version number must contain a decimal point! (returned: %s)\n", (char *)buffer );
return -1;
char *p3 = p2 + 1;
if( ! isdigit(*p3) )
log_error( "ERROR: Minor revision number is missing or does not abut the decimal point! (returned %s)\n", (char*) buffer );
return -1;
while( isdigit( *p3 ) )
if( *p3 != ' ' )
log_error( "ERROR: A space must appear after the minor version! (returned: %s)\n", (char *)buffer );
return -1;
*p2 = ' '; // Put in a space for atoi below.
int major = atoi( p1 );
int minor = atoi( p2 );
int minor_revision = 2;
if( major * 10 + minor < 10 + minor_revision )
// If the language version did not match, check to see if OPENCL_1_0_DEVICE is set.
if( getenv("OPENCL_1_0_DEVICE"))
log_info( "WARNING: This test was run with OPENCL_1_0_DEVICE defined! This is not a OpenCL 1.1 or OpenCL 1.2 compatible device!!!\n" );
else if( getenv("OPENCL_1_1_DEVICE"))
log_info( "WARNING: This test was run with OPENCL_1_1_DEVICE defined! This is not a OpenCL 1.2 compatible device!!!\n" );
log_error( "ERROR: OpenCL device language version returned is less than 1.%d! (Returned: %s)\n", minor_revision, (char *)buffer );
return -1;
// Sanity checks on the returned values
if( length != (strlen( (char *)buffer ) + 1 ))
log_error( "ERROR: Returned length of version string does not match actual length (actual: %d, returned: %d)\n", (int)strlen( (char *)buffer ), (int)length );
return -1;
return 0;