blob: 982c04c68d2b1e9185fa9e2189fcf875058e516e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/python3 -i
# Copyright (c) 2013-2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import copy
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from generator import OutputGenerator, write
# matchAPIProfile - returns whether an API and profile
# being generated matches an element's profile
# api - string naming the API to match
# profile - string naming the profile to match
# elem - Element which (may) have 'api' and 'profile'
# attributes to match to.
# If a tag is not present in the Element, the corresponding API
# or profile always matches.
# Otherwise, the tag must exactly match the API or profile.
# Thus, if 'profile' = core:
# <remove> with no attribute will match
# <remove profile='core'> will match
# <remove profile='compatibility'> will not match
# Possible match conditions:
# Requested Element
# Profile Profile
# --------- --------
# None None Always matches
# 'string' None Always matches
# None 'string' Does not match. Can't generate multiple APIs
# or profiles, so if an API/profile constraint
# is present, it must be asked for explicitly.
# 'string' 'string' Strings must match
# ** In the future, we will allow regexes for the attributes,
# not just strings, so that api="^(gl|gles2)" will match. Even
# this isn't really quite enough, we might prefer something
# like "gl(core)|gles1(common-lite)".
def matchAPIProfile(api, profile, elem):
"""Match a requested API & profile name to a api & profile attributes of an Element"""
# Match 'api', if present
elem_api = elem.get('api')
if elem_api:
if api is None:
raise UserWarning("No API requested, but 'api' attribute is present with value '" +
elem_api + "'")
elif api != elem_api:
# Requested API doesn't match attribute
return False
elem_profile = elem.get('profile')
if elem_profile:
if profile is None:
raise UserWarning("No profile requested, but 'profile' attribute is present with value '" +
elem_profile + "'")
elif profile != elem_profile:
# Requested profile doesn't match attribute
return False
return True
# BaseInfo - base class for information about a registry feature
# (type/group/enum/command/API/extension).
# required - should this feature be defined during header generation
# (has it been removed by a profile or version)?
# declared - has this feature been defined already?
# elem - etree Element for this feature
# resetState() - reset required/declared to initial values. Used
# prior to generating a new API interface.
# compareElem(info) - return True if self.elem and info.elem have the
# same definition.
class BaseInfo:
"""Represents the state of a registry feature, used during API generation"""
def __init__(self, elem):
self.required = False
self.declared = False
self.elem = elem
def resetState(self):
self.required = False
self.declared = False
def compareElem(self, info):
# Just compares the tag and attributes.
# @@ This should be virtualized. In particular, comparing <enum>
# tags requires special-casing on the attributes, as 'extnumber' is
# only relevant when 'offset' is present.
selfKeys = sorted(self.elem.keys())
infoKeys = sorted(info.elem.keys())
if selfKeys != infoKeys:
return False
# Ignore value of 'extname' and 'extnumber', as these will inherently
# be different when redefining the same interface in different feature
# and/or extension blocks.
for key in selfKeys:
if (key != 'extname' and key != 'extnumber' and
(self.elem.get(key) != info.elem.get(key))):
return False
return True
# TypeInfo - registry information about a type. No additional state
# beyond BaseInfo is required.
class TypeInfo(BaseInfo):
"""Represents the state of a registry type"""
def __init__(self, elem):
BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem)
self.additionalValidity = []
self.removedValidity = []
def resetState(self):
self.additionalValidity = []
self.removedValidity = []
# GroupInfo - registry information about a group of related enums
# in an <enums> block, generally corresponding to a C "enum" type.
class GroupInfo(BaseInfo):
"""Represents the state of a registry <enums> group"""
def __init__(self, elem):
BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem)
# EnumInfo - registry information about an enum
# type - numeric type of the value of the <enum> tag
# ( '' for GLint, 'u' for GLuint, 'ull' for GLuint64 )
class EnumInfo(BaseInfo):
"""Represents the state of a registry enum"""
def __init__(self, elem):
BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem)
self.type = elem.get('type')
if self.type is None:
self.type = ''
# CmdInfo - registry information about a command
class CmdInfo(BaseInfo):
"""Represents the state of a registry command"""
def __init__(self, elem):
BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem)
self.additionalValidity = []
self.removedValidity = []
def resetState(self):
self.additionalValidity = []
self.removedValidity = []
# FeatureInfo - registry information about an API <feature>
# or <extension>
# name - feature name string (e.g. 'VK_KHR_surface')
# version - feature version number (e.g. 1.2). <extension>
# features are unversioned and assigned version number 0.
# ** This is confusingly taken from the 'number' attribute of <feature>.
# Needs fixing.
# number - extension number, used for ordering and for
# assigning enumerant offsets. <feature> features do
# not have extension numbers and are assigned number 0.
# category - category, e.g. VERSION or khr/vendor tag
# emit - has this feature been defined already?
class FeatureInfo(BaseInfo):
"""Represents the state of an API feature (version/extension)"""
def __init__(self, elem):
BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) = elem.get('name')
# Determine element category (vendor). Only works
# for <extension> elements.
if elem.tag == 'feature':
self.category = 'VERSION'
self.version = elem.get('name')
self.versionNumber = elem.get('number')
self.number = "0"
self.supported = None
self.category ='_', 2)[1]
self.version = "0"
self.versionNumber = "0"
self.number = elem.get('number')
# If there's no 'number' attribute, use 0, so sorting works
if self.number is None:
self.number = 0
self.supported = elem.get('supported')
self.emit = False
# Registry - object representing an API registry, loaded from an XML file
# Members
# tree - ElementTree containing the root <registry>
# typedict - dictionary of TypeInfo objects keyed by type name
# groupdict - dictionary of GroupInfo objects keyed by group name
# enumdict - dictionary of EnumInfo objects keyed by enum name
# cmddict - dictionary of CmdInfo objects keyed by command name
# apidict - dictionary of <api> Elements keyed by API name
# extensions - list of <extension> Elements
# extdict - dictionary of <extension> Elements keyed by extension name
# gen - OutputGenerator object used to write headers / messages
# genOpts - GeneratorOptions object used to control which
# fetures to write and how to format them
# emitFeatures - True to actually emit features for a version / extension,
# or False to just treat them as emitted
# breakPat - regexp pattern to break on when generatng names
# Public methods
# loadElementTree(etree) - load registry from specified ElementTree
# loadFile(filename) - load registry from XML file
# setGenerator(gen) - OutputGenerator to use
# breakOnName() - specify a feature name regexp to break on when
# generating features.
# parseTree() - parse the registry once loaded & create dictionaries
# dumpReg(maxlen, filehandle) - diagnostic to dump the dictionaries
# to specified file handle (default stdout). Truncates type /
# enum / command elements to maxlen characters (default 80)
# generator(g) - specify the output generator object
# apiGen(apiname, genOpts) - generate API headers for the API type
# and profile specified in genOpts, but only for the versions and
# extensions specified there.
# apiReset() - call between calls to apiGen() to reset internal state
# Private methods
# addElementInfo(elem,info,infoName,dictionary) - add feature info to dict
# lookupElementInfo(fname,dictionary) - lookup feature info in dict
class Registry:
"""Represents an API registry loaded from XML"""
def __init__(self):
self.tree = None
self.typedict = {}
self.groupdict = {}
self.enumdict = {}
self.cmddict = {}
self.apidict = {}
self.extensions = []
self.requiredextensions = [] # Hack - can remove it after validity generator goes away
# ** Global types for automatic source generation **
# Length Member data
self.commandextensiontuple = namedtuple('commandextensiontuple',
['command', # The name of the command being modified
'value', # The value to append to the command
'extension']) # The name of the extension that added it
self.validextensionstructs = defaultdict(list)
self.commandextensionsuccesses = []
self.commandextensionerrors = []
self.extdict = {}
# A default output generator, so commands prior to apiGen can report
# errors via the generator object.
self.gen = OutputGenerator()
self.genOpts = None
self.emitFeatures = False
self.breakPat = None
# self.breakPat = re.compile('VkFenceImportFlagBits.*')
def loadElementTree(self, tree):
"""Load ElementTree into a Registry object and parse it"""
self.tree = tree
def loadFile(self, file):
"""Load an API registry XML file into a Registry object and parse it"""
self.tree = etree.parse(file)
def setGenerator(self, gen):
"""Specify output generator object. None restores the default generator"""
self.gen = gen
# addElementInfo - add information about an element to the
# corresponding dictionary
# elem - <type>/<enums>/<enum>/<command>/<feature>/<extension> Element
# info - corresponding {Type|Group|Enum|Cmd|Feature}Info object
# infoName - 'type' / 'group' / 'enum' / 'command' / 'feature' / 'extension'
# dictionary - self.{type|group|enum|cmd|api|ext}dict
# If the Element has an 'api' attribute, the dictionary key is the
# tuple (name,api). If not, the key is the name. 'name' is an
# attribute of the Element
def addElementInfo(self, elem, info, infoName, dictionary):
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Adding ElementInfo.required =',
# info.required, 'name =', elem.get('name'))
api = elem.get('api')
if api:
key = (elem.get('name'), api)
key = elem.get('name')
if key in dictionary:
if not dictionary[key].compareElem(info):
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'Attempt to redefine', key,
'with different value (this may be benign)')
# self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'Benign redefinition of', key,
# 'with identical value')
dictionary[key] = info
# lookupElementInfo - find a {Type|Enum|Cmd}Info object by name.
# If an object qualified by API name exists, use that.
# fname - name of type / enum / command
# dictionary - self.{type|enum|cmd}dict
def lookupElementInfo(self, fname, dictionary):
key = (fname, self.genOpts.apiname)
if key in dictionary:
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found API-specific element for feature', fname)
return dictionary[key]
if fname in dictionary:
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found generic element for feature', fname)
return dictionary[fname]
return None
def breakOnName(self, regexp):
self.breakPat = re.compile(regexp)
def parseTree(self):
"""Parse the registry Element, once created"""
# This must be the Element for the root <registry>
self.reg = self.tree.getroot()
# Create dictionary of registry types from toplevel <types> tags
# and add 'name' attribute to each <type> tag (where missing)
# based on its <name> element.
# There's usually one <types> block; more are OK
# Required <type> attributes: 'name' or nested <name> tag contents
self.typedict = {}
for type_elem in self.reg.findall('types/type'):
# If the <type> doesn't already have a 'name' attribute, set
# it from contents of its <name> tag.
if type_elem.get('name') is None:
type_elem.set('name', type_elem.find('name').text)
self.addElementInfo(type_elem, TypeInfo(type_elem), 'type', self.typedict)
# Create dictionary of registry enum groups from <enums> tags.
# Required <enums> attributes: 'name'. If no name is given, one is
# generated, but that group can't be identified and turned into an
# enum type definition - it's just a container for <enum> tags.
self.groupdict = {}
for group in self.reg.findall('enums'):
self.addElementInfo(group, GroupInfo(group), 'group', self.groupdict)
# Create dictionary of registry enums from <enum> tags
# <enums> tags usually define different namespaces for the values
# defined in those tags, but the actual names all share the
# same dictionary.
# Required <enum> attributes: 'name', 'value'
# For containing <enums> which have type="enum" or type="bitmask",
# tag all contained <enum>s are required. This is a stopgap until
# a better scheme for tagging core and extension enums is created.
self.enumdict = {}
for enums in self.reg.findall('enums'):
required = (enums.get('type') is not None)
for enum in enums.findall('enum'):
enumInfo = EnumInfo(enum)
enumInfo.required = required
self.addElementInfo(enum, enumInfo, 'enum', self.enumdict)
# Create dictionary of registry commands from <command> tags
# and add 'name' attribute to each <command> tag (where missing)
# based on its <proto><name> element.
# There's usually only one <commands> block; more are OK.
# Required <command> attributes: 'name' or <proto><name> tag contents
self.cmddict = {}
# List of commands which alias others. Contains
# [ aliasName, element ]
# for each alias
cmdAlias = []
for cmd in self.reg.findall('commands/command'):
# If the <command> doesn't already have a 'name' attribute, set
# it from contents of its <proto><name> tag.
name = cmd.get('name')
if name is None:
name = cmd.set('name', cmd.find('proto/name').text)
ci = CmdInfo(cmd)
self.addElementInfo(cmd, ci, 'command', self.cmddict)
alias = cmd.get('alias')
if alias:
cmdAlias.append([name, alias, cmd])
# Now loop over aliases, injecting a copy of the aliased command's
# Element with the aliased prototype name replaced with the command
# name - if it exists.
for (name, alias, cmd) in cmdAlias:
if alias in self.cmddict:
#@ pdb.set_trace()
aliasInfo = self.cmddict[alias]
cmdElem = copy.deepcopy(aliasInfo.elem)
cmdElem.find('proto/name').text = name
cmdElem.set('name', name)
cmdElem.set('alias', alias)
ci = CmdInfo(cmdElem)
# Replace the dictionary entry for the CmdInfo element
self.cmddict[name] = ci
#@ newString = etree.tostring(base, encoding="unicode").replace(aliasValue, aliasName)
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'No matching <command> found for command',
cmd.get('name'), 'alias', alias)
# Create dictionaries of API and extension interfaces
# from toplevel <api> and <extension> tags.
self.apidict = {}
for feature in self.reg.findall('feature'):
featureInfo = FeatureInfo(feature)
self.addElementInfo(feature, featureInfo, 'feature', self.apidict)
# Add additional enums defined only in <feature> tags
# to the corresponding core type.
# When seen here, the <enum> element, processed to contain the
# numeric enum value, is added to the corresponding <enums>
# element, as well as adding to the enum dictionary. It is
# *removed* from the <require> element it is introduced in.
# Not doing this will cause spurious genEnum()
# calls to be made in output generation, and it's easier
# to handle here than in genEnum().
# In lxml.etree, an Element can have only one parent, so the
# append() operation also removes the element. But in Python's
# ElementTree package, an Element can have multiple parents. So
# it must be explicitly removed from the <require> tag, leading
# to the nested loop traversal of <require>/<enum> elements
# below.
# This code also adds a 'version' attribute containing the
# api version.
# For <enum> tags which are actually just constants, if there's
# no 'extends' tag but there is a 'value' or 'bitpos' tag, just
# add an EnumInfo record to the dictionary. That works because
# output generation of constants is purely dependency-based, and
# doesn't need to iterate through the XML tags.
for elem in feature.findall('require'):
for enum in elem.findall('enum'):
addEnumInfo = False
groupName = enum.get('extends')
if groupName is not None:
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found extension enum',
# enum.get('name'))
# Add version number attribute to the <enum> element
enum.set('version', featureInfo.version)
# Look up the GroupInfo with matching groupName
if groupName in self.groupdict:
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Matching group',
# groupName, 'found, adding element...')
gi = self.groupdict[groupName]
# Remove element from parent <require> tag
# This should be a no-op in lxml.etree
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'NO matching group',
groupName, 'for enum', enum.get('name'), 'found.')
addEnumInfo = True
elif enum.get('value') or enum.get('bitpos') or enum.get('alias'):
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Adding extension constant "enum"',
# enum.get('name'))
addEnumInfo = True
if addEnumInfo:
enumInfo = EnumInfo(enum)
self.addElementInfo(enum, enumInfo, 'enum', self.enumdict)
self.extensions = self.reg.findall('extensions/extension')
self.extdict = {}
for feature in self.extensions:
featureInfo = FeatureInfo(feature)
self.addElementInfo(feature, featureInfo, 'extension', self.extdict)
# Add additional enums defined only in <extension> tags
# to the corresponding core type.
# Algorithm matches that of enums in a "feature" tag as above.
# This code also adds a 'extnumber' attribute containing the
# extension number, used for enumerant value calculation.
for elem in feature.findall('require'):
for enum in elem.findall('enum'):
addEnumInfo = False
groupName = enum.get('extends')
if groupName is not None:
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found extension enum',
# enum.get('name'))
# Add <extension> block's extension number attribute to
# the <enum> element unless specified explicitly, such
# as when redefining an enum in another extension.
extnumber = enum.get('extnumber')
if not extnumber:
enum.set('extnumber', featureInfo.number)
enum.set('supported', featureInfo.supported)
# Look up the GroupInfo with matching groupName
if groupName in self.groupdict:
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Matching group',
# groupName, 'found, adding element...')
gi = self.groupdict[groupName]
# Remove element from parent <require> tag
# This should be a no-op in lxml.etree
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'NO matching group',
groupName, 'for enum', enum.get('name'), 'found.')
addEnumInfo = True
elif enum.get('value') or enum.get('bitpos') or enum.get('alias'):
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Adding extension constant "enum"',
# enum.get('name'))
addEnumInfo = True
if addEnumInfo:
enumInfo = EnumInfo(enum)
self.addElementInfo(enum, enumInfo, 'enum', self.enumdict)
# Construct a "validextensionstructs" list for parent structures
# based on "structextends" tags in child structures
disabled_types = []
for disabled_ext in self.reg.findall('extensions/extension[@supported="disabled"]'):
for type_elem in disabled_ext.findall("*/type"):
for type_elem in self.reg.findall('types/type'):
if type_elem.get('name') not in disabled_types:
parentStructs = type_elem.get('structextends')
if parentStructs is not None:
for parent in parentStructs.split(','):
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', type.get('name'), 'extends', parent)
# Sort the lists so they don't depend on the XML order
for parent in self.validextensionstructs:
def dumpReg(self, maxlen = 120, filehandle = sys.stdout):
"""Dump all the dictionaries constructed from the Registry object"""
write('***************************************', file=filehandle)
write(' ** Dumping Registry contents **', file=filehandle)
write('***************************************', file=filehandle)
write('// Types', file=filehandle)
for name in self.typedict:
tobj = self.typedict[name]
write(' Type', name, '->', etree.tostring(tobj.elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle)
write('// Groups', file=filehandle)
for name in self.groupdict:
gobj = self.groupdict[name]
write(' Group', name, '->', etree.tostring(gobj.elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle)
write('// Enums', file=filehandle)
for name in self.enumdict:
eobj = self.enumdict[name]
write(' Enum', name, '->', etree.tostring(eobj.elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle)
write('// Commands', file=filehandle)
for name in self.cmddict:
cobj = self.cmddict[name]
write(' Command', name, '->', etree.tostring(cobj.elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle)
write('// APIs', file=filehandle)
for key in self.apidict:
write(' API Version ', key, '->',
etree.tostring(self.apidict[key].elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle)
write('// Extensions', file=filehandle)
for key in self.extdict:
write(' Extension', key, '->',
etree.tostring(self.extdict[key].elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle)
# write('***************************************', file=filehandle)
# write(' ** Dumping XML ElementTree **', file=filehandle)
# write('***************************************', file=filehandle)
# write(etree.tostring(self.tree.getroot(),pretty_print=True), file=filehandle)
# typename - name of type
# required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)
def markTypeRequired(self, typename, required):
"""Require (along with its dependencies) or remove (but not its dependencies) a type"""
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'tagging type:', typename, '-> required =', required)
# Get TypeInfo object for <type> tag corresponding to typename
typeinfo = self.lookupElementInfo(typename, self.typedict)
if typeinfo is not None:
if required:
# Tag type dependencies in 'alias' and 'required' attributes as
# required. This DOES NOT un-tag dependencies in a <remove>
# tag. See comments in markRequired() below for the reason.
for attrib_name in [ 'requires', 'alias' ]:
depname = typeinfo.elem.get(attrib_name)
if depname:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating dependent type',
depname, 'for', attrib_name, 'type', typename)
# Don't recurse on self-referential structures.
if typename != depname:
self.markTypeRequired(depname, required)
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'type', typename, 'is self-referential')
# Tag types used in defining this type (e.g. in nested
# <type> tags)
# Look for <type> in entire <command> tree,
# not just immediate children
for subtype in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//type'):
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markRequired: type requires dependent <type>', subtype.text)
if typename != subtype.text:
self.markTypeRequired(subtype.text, required)
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'type', typename, 'is self-referential')
# Tag enums used in defining this type, for example in
# <member><name>member</name>[<enum>MEMBER_SIZE</enum>]</member>
for subenum in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//enum'):
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markRequired: type requires dependent <enum>', subenum.text)
self.markEnumRequired(subenum.text, required)
# Tag type dependency in 'bitvalues' attributes as
# required. This ensures that the bit values for a flag
# are emitted
depType = typeinfo.elem.get('bitvalues')
if depType:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating bitflag type',
depType, 'for type', typename)
self.markTypeRequired(depType, required)
group = self.lookupElementInfo(depType, self.groupdict)
if group is not None:
group.flagType = typeinfo
typeinfo.required = required
elif '.h' not in typename:
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'type:', typename , 'IS NOT DEFINED')
# enumname - name of enum
# required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)
def markEnumRequired(self, enumname, required):
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'tagging enum:', enumname, '-> required =', required)
enum = self.lookupElementInfo(enumname, self.enumdict)
if enum is not None:
enum.required = required
# Tag enum dependencies in 'alias' attribute as required
depname = enum.elem.get('alias')
if depname:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating dependent enum',
depname, 'for alias', enumname, 'required =', enum.required)
self.markEnumRequired(depname, required)
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'enum:', enumname , 'IS NOT DEFINED')
# cmdname - name of command
# required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)
def markCmdRequired(self, cmdname, required):
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'tagging command:', cmdname, '-> required =', required)
cmd = self.lookupElementInfo(cmdname, self.cmddict)
if cmd is not None:
cmd.required = required
# Tag command dependencies in 'alias' attribute as required
depname = cmd.elem.get('alias')
if depname:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating dependent command',
depname, 'for alias', cmdname)
self.markCmdRequired(depname, required)
# Tag all parameter types of this command as required.
# This DOES NOT remove types of commands in a <remove>
# tag, because many other commands may use the same type.
# We could be more clever and reference count types,
# instead of using a boolean.
if required:
# Look for <type> in entire <command> tree,
# not just immediate children
for type_elem in cmd.elem.findall('.//type'):
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markRequired: command implicitly requires dependent type', type_elem.text)
self.markTypeRequired(type_elem.text, required)
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'command:', cmdname, 'IS NOT DEFINED')
# featurename - name of the feature
# feature - Element for <require> or <remove> tag
# required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)
def markRequired(self, featurename, feature, required):
"""Require or remove features specified in the Element"""
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markRequired (feature = <too long to print>, required =', required, ')')
# Loop over types, enums, and commands in the tag
# @@ It would be possible to respect 'api' and 'profile' attributes
# in individual features, but that's not done yet.
for typeElem in feature.findall('type'):
self.markTypeRequired(typeElem.get('name'), required)
for enumElem in feature.findall('enum'):
self.markEnumRequired(enumElem.get('name'), required)
for cmdElem in feature.findall('command'):
self.markCmdRequired(cmdElem.get('name'), required)
# Extensions may need to extend existing commands or other items in the future.
# So, look for extend tags.
for extendElem in feature.findall('extend'):
extendType = extendElem.get('type')
if extendType == 'command':
commandName = extendElem.get('name')
successExtends = extendElem.get('successcodes')
if successExtends is not None:
for success in successExtends.split(','):
errorExtends = extendElem.get('errorcodes')
if errorExtends is not None:
for error in errorExtends.split(','):
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'extend type:', extendType, 'IS NOT SUPPORTED')
# interface - Element for <version> or <extension>, containing
# <require> and <remove> tags
# featurename - name of the feature
# api - string specifying API name being generated
# profile - string specifying API profile being generated
def requireAndRemoveFeatures(self, interface, featurename, api, profile):
"""Process <require> and <remove> tags for a <version> or <extension>"""
# <require> marks things that are required by this version/profile
for feature in interface.findall('require'):
if matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature):
self.markRequired(featurename, feature, True)
# <remove> marks things that are removed by this version/profile
for feature in interface.findall('remove'):
if matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature):
self.markRequired(featurename, feature, False)
def assignAdditionalValidity(self, interface, api, profile):
# Loop over all usage inside all <require> tags.
for feature in interface.findall('require'):
if matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature):
for v in feature.findall('usage'):
if v.get('command'):
if v.get('struct'):
# Loop over all usage inside all <remove> tags.
for feature in interface.findall('remove'):
if matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature):
for v in feature.findall('usage'):
if v.get('command'):
if v.get('struct'):
# generateFeature - generate a single type / enum group / enum / command,
# and all its dependencies as needed.
# fname - name of feature (<type>/<enum>/<command>)
# ftype - type of feature, 'type' | 'enum' | 'command'
# dictionary - of *Info objects - self.{type|enum|cmd}dict
def generateFeature(self, fname, ftype, dictionary):
#@ # Break to debugger on matching name pattern
#@ if self.breakPat and re.match(self.breakPat, fname):
#@ pdb.set_trace()
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'generateFeature: generating', ftype, fname)
f = self.lookupElementInfo(fname, dictionary)
if f is None:
# No such feature. This is an error, but reported earlier
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'No entry found for feature', fname,
# If feature isn't required, or has already been declared, return
if not f.required:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Skipping', ftype, fname, '(not required)')
if f.declared:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Skipping', ftype, fname, '(already declared)')
# Always mark feature declared, as though actually emitted
f.declared = True
# Determine if this is an alias, and of what, if so
alias = f.elem.get('alias')
if alias:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', fname, 'is an alias of', alias)
# Pull in dependent declaration(s) of the feature.
# For types, there may be one type in the 'requires' attribute of
# the element, one in the 'alias' attribute, and many in
# embedded <type> and <enum> tags within the element.
# For commands, there may be many in <type> tags within the element.
# For enums, no dependencies are allowed (though perhaps if you
# have a uint64 enum, it should require that type).
genProc = None
followupFeature = None
if ftype == 'type':
genProc = self.gen.genType
# Generate type dependencies in 'alias' and 'requires' attributes
if alias:
self.generateFeature(alias, 'type', self.typedict)
requires = f.elem.get('requires')
if requires:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required dependent type',
self.generateFeature(requires, 'type', self.typedict)
# Generate types used in defining this type (e.g. in nested
# <type> tags)
# Look for <type> in entire <command> tree,
# not just immediate children
for subtype in f.elem.findall('.//type'):
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required dependent <type>',
self.generateFeature(subtype.text, 'type', self.typedict)
# Generate enums used in defining this type, for example in
# <member><name>member</name>[<enum>MEMBER_SIZE</enum>]</member>
for subtype in f.elem.findall('.//enum'):
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required dependent <enum>',
self.generateFeature(subtype.text, 'enum', self.enumdict)
# If the type is an enum group, look up the corresponding
# group in the group dictionary and generate that instead.
if f.elem.get('category') == 'enum':
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Type', fname, 'is an enum group, so generate that instead')
group = self.lookupElementInfo(fname, self.groupdict)
if alias is not None:
# An alias of another group name.
# Pass to genGroup with 'alias' parameter = aliased name
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating alias', fname,
'for enumerated type', alias)
# Now, pass the *aliased* GroupInfo to the genGroup, but
# with an additional parameter which is the alias name.
genProc = self.gen.genGroup
f = self.lookupElementInfo(alias, self.groupdict)
elif group is None:
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'Skipping enum type', fname,
': No matching enumerant group')
genProc = self.gen.genGroup
f = group
#@ The enum group is not ready for generation. At this
#@ point, it contains all <enum> tags injected by
#@ <extension> tags without any verification of whether
#@ they're required or not. It may also contain
#@ duplicates injected by multiple consistent
#@ definitions of an <enum>.
#@ Pass over each enum, marking its enumdict[] entry as
#@ required or not. Mark aliases of enums as required,
#@ too.
enums = group.elem.findall('enum')
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'generateFeature: checking enums for group', fname)
# Check for required enums, including aliases
# LATER - Check for, report, and remove duplicates?
enumAliases = []
for elem in enums:
name = elem.get('name')
required = False
extname = elem.get('extname')
version = elem.get('version')
if extname is not None:
# 'supported' attribute was injected when the <enum> element was
# moved into the <enums> group in Registry.parseTree()
if self.genOpts.defaultExtensions == elem.get('supported'):
required = True
elif re.match(self.genOpts.addExtensions, extname) is not None:
required = True
elif version is not None:
required = re.match(self.genOpts.emitversions, version) is not None
required = True
self.gen.logMsg('diag', '* required =', required, 'for', name)
if required:
# Mark this element as required (in the element, not the EnumInfo)
elem.set('required', 'true')
# If it's an alias, track that for later use
enumAlias = elem.get('alias')
if enumAlias:
for elem in enums:
name = elem.get('name')
if name in enumAliases:
elem.set('required', 'true')
self.gen.logMsg('diag', '* also need to require alias', name)
if f.elem.get('category') == 'bitmask':
followupFeature = f.elem.get( 'bitvalues' )
elif ftype == 'command':
# Generate command dependencies in 'alias' attribute
if alias:
self.generateFeature(alias, 'command', self.cmddict)
genProc = self.gen.genCmd
for type_elem in f.elem.findall('.//type'):
depname = type_elem.text
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required parameter type',
self.generateFeature(depname, 'type', self.typedict)
elif ftype == 'enum':
# Generate enum dependencies in 'alias' attribute
if alias:
self.generateFeature(alias, 'enum', self.enumdict)
genProc = self.gen.genEnum
# Actually generate the type only if emitting declarations
if self.emitFeatures:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Emitting', ftype, 'decl for', fname)
genProc(f, fname, alias)
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Skipping', ftype, fname,
'(should not be emitted)')
if followupFeature :
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required bitvalues <enum>',
self.generateFeature(followupFeature, "type", self.typedict)
# generateRequiredInterface - generate all interfaces required
# by an API version or extension
# interface - Element for <version> or <extension>
def generateRequiredInterface(self, interface):
"""Generate required C interface for specified API version/extension"""
# Loop over all features inside all <require> tags.
for features in interface.findall('require'):
for t in features.findall('type'):
self.generateFeature(t.get('name'), 'type', self.typedict)
for e in features.findall('enum'):
self.generateFeature(e.get('name'), 'enum', self.enumdict)
for c in features.findall('command'):
self.generateFeature(c.get('name'), 'command', self.cmddict)
# apiGen(genOpts) - generate interface for specified versions
# genOpts - GeneratorOptions object with parameters used
# by the Generator object.
def apiGen(self, genOpts):
"""Generate interfaces for the specified API type and range of versions"""
self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*******************************************')
self.gen.logMsg('diag', ' Registry.apiGen file:', genOpts.filename,
'api:', genOpts.apiname,
'profile:', genOpts.profile)
self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*******************************************')
self.genOpts = genOpts
# Reset required/declared flags for all features
# Compile regexps used to select versions & extensions
regVersions = re.compile(self.genOpts.versions)
regEmitVersions = re.compile(self.genOpts.emitversions)
regAddExtensions = re.compile(self.genOpts.addExtensions)
regRemoveExtensions = re.compile(self.genOpts.removeExtensions)
regEmitExtensions = re.compile(self.genOpts.emitExtensions)
# Get all matching API feature names & add to list of FeatureInfo
# Note we used to select on feature version attributes, not names.
features = []
apiMatch = False
for key in self.apidict:
fi = self.apidict[key]
api = fi.elem.get('api')
if api == self.genOpts.apiname:
apiMatch = True
if regVersions.match(
# Matches API & version #s being generated. Mark for
# emission and add to the features[] list .
# @@ Could use 'declared' instead of 'emit'?
fi.emit = (regEmitVersions.match( is not None)
if not fi.emit:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT tagging feature api =', api,
'name =',, 'version =', fi.version,
'for emission (does not match emitversions pattern)')
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Including feature api =', api,
'name =',, 'version =', fi.version,
'for emission (matches emitversions pattern)')
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT including feature api =', api,
'name =',, 'version =', fi.version,
'(does not match requested versions)')
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT including feature api =', api,
'name =',,
'(does not match requested API)')
if not apiMatch:
self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'No matching API versions found!')
# Get all matching extensions, in order by their extension number,
# and add to the list of features.
# Start with extensions tagged with 'api' pattern matching the API
# being generated. Add extensions matching the pattern specified in
# regExtensions, then remove extensions matching the pattern
# specified in regRemoveExtensions
for (extName,ei) in sorted(self.extdict.items(),key = lambda x : x[1].number if x[1].number is not None else '0'):
extName =
include = False
# Include extension if defaultExtensions is not None and if the
# 'supported' attribute matches defaultExtensions. The regexp in
# 'supported' must exactly match defaultExtensions, so bracket
# it with ^(pat)$.
pat = '^(' + ei.elem.get('supported') + ')$'
if (self.genOpts.defaultExtensions and
re.match(pat, self.genOpts.defaultExtensions)):
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Including extension',
extName, "(defaultExtensions matches the 'supported' attribute)")
include = True
# Include additional extensions if the extension name matches
# the regexp specified in the generator options. This allows
# forcing extensions into an interface even if they're not
# tagged appropriately in the registry.
if regAddExtensions.match(extName) is not None:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Including extension',
extName, '(matches explicitly requested extensions to add)')
include = True
# Remove extensions if the name matches the regexp specified
# in generator options. This allows forcing removal of
# extensions from an interface even if they're tagged that
# way in the registry.
if regRemoveExtensions.match(extName) is not None:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Removing extension',
extName, '(matches explicitly requested extensions to remove)')
include = False
# If the extension is to be included, add it to the
# extension features list.
if include:
ei.emit = (regEmitExtensions.match(extName) is not None)
if not ei.emit:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT tagging extension',
'for emission (does not match emitextensions pattern)')
# Hack - can be removed when validity generator goes away
# (Jon) I'm not sure what this does, or if it should respect
# the ei.emit flag above.
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT including extension',
extName, '(does not match api attribute or explicitly requested extensions)')
# Sort the extension features list, if a sort procedure is defined
if self.genOpts.sortProcedure:
# Pass 1: loop over requested API versions and extensions tagging
# types/commands/features as required (in an <require> block) or no
# longer required (in an <remove> block). It is possible to remove
# a feature in one version and restore it later by requiring it in
# a later version.
# If a profile other than 'None' is being generated, it must
# match the profile attribute (if any) of the <require> and
# <remove> tags.
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 1: TAG FEATURES')
for f in features:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 1: Tagging required and removed features for',
self.requireAndRemoveFeatures(f.elem,, self.genOpts.apiname, self.genOpts.profile)
self.assignAdditionalValidity(f.elem, self.genOpts.apiname, self.genOpts.profile)
# Pass 2: loop over specified API versions and extensions printing
# declarations for required things which haven't already been
# generated.
for f in features:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 2: Generating interface for',
emit = self.emitFeatures = f.emit
if not emit:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 2: NOT declaring feature',
f.elem.get('name'), 'because it is not tagged for emission')
# Generate the interface (or just tag its elements as having been
# emitted, if they haven't been).
self.gen.beginFeature(f.elem, emit)
# apiReset - use between apiGen() calls to reset internal state
def apiReset(self):
"""Reset type/enum/command dictionaries before generating another API"""
for datatype in self.typedict:
for enum in self.enumdict:
for cmd in self.cmddict:
for cmd in self.apidict:
# validateGroups - check that group= attributes match actual groups
def validateGroups(self):
"""Validate group= attributes on <param> and <proto> tags"""
# Keep track of group names not in <group> tags
badGroup = {}
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'VALIDATING GROUP ATTRIBUTES')
for cmd in self.reg.findall('commands/command'):
proto = cmd.find('proto')
# funcname = cmd.find('proto/name').text
group = proto.get('group')
if group is not None and group not in self.groupdict:
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Command ', funcname, ' has UNKNOWN return group ', group)
if group not in badGroup:
badGroup[group] = 1
badGroup[group] = badGroup[group] + 1
for param in cmd.findall('param'):
pname = param.find('name')
if pname is not None:
pname = pname.text
pname = param.get('name')
group = param.get('group')
if group is not None and group not in self.groupdict:
# self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*** Command ', funcname, ' param ', pname, ' has UNKNOWN group ', group)
if group not in badGroup:
badGroup[group] = 1
badGroup[group] = badGroup[group] + 1
if badGroup:
self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'SUMMARY OF UNRECOGNIZED GROUPS')
for key in sorted(badGroup.keys()):
self.gen.logMsg('diag', ' ', key, ' occurred ', badGroup[key], ' times')