blob: d31af0e9325e016c6d859b85c2ac97251f7cd136 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// Attempt to pun int/float without address-taking.
// This helps compilers.
#if defined(_AMD64_) || _M_IX86_FP >= 2 || defined(__AVX__)
#include <Intrin.h>
#if !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) && !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) // WINDOWS
#define __BIG_ENDIAN__
#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
#else // NOT WINDOWS
#ifdef __BYTE_ORDER
#elif defined(BYTE_ORDER)
#else // BYTE_ORDER not defined
#error "Endianness of this platform is undefined"
#endif // __BYTE_ORDER
#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
#define __BIG_ENDIAN__
#endif // defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif // !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) && !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
namespace Js
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE uint32 &NumberUtilities::LuHiDbl(double &dbl)
#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
return ((uint32 *)&dbl)[0];
#else //!BIG_ENDIAN
return ((uint32 *)&dbl)[1];
#endif //!BIG_ENDIAN
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE uint32 &NumberUtilities::LuLoDbl(double &dbl)
#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
return ((uint32 *)&dbl)[1];
#else //!BIG_ENDIAN
return ((uint32 *)&dbl)[0];
#endif //!BIG_ENDIAN
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE INT64 NumberUtilities::TryToInt64(double T1)
// _mm_cvttsd_si64x will result in 0x8000000000000000 if the value is NaN Inf or Zero, or overflows int64
__m128d a;
a = _mm_load_sd(&T1);
return _mm_cvttsd_si64x(a);
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE INT64 NumberUtilities::TryToInt64(double T1)
INT64 T4_64;
#if defined(_M_IX86)
// If SSE3 is available use FISTPP. VC (dev10) generates a FISTP, but needs to
// first change the FPU rounding, which is very slow...
if (AutoSystemInfo::Data.SSE3Available())
// FISTTP will result in 0x8000000000000000 in T4_64 if the value is NaN Inf or Zero, or overflows int64
_asm {
#if defined(_M_ARM32_OR_ARM64)
// Win8 286065: ARM: casts to int64 from double for NaNs, infinity, overflow:
// - non-infinity NaNs -> 0
// - infinity NaNs: -1.#INF -> 0x8000000000000000, 1.#INF -> 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
// - overflow: negative -> 0x8000000000000000, positive-> 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
// We have to take care of non-infinite NaNs to make sure the result is not a valid int64 rather than 0.
if (IsNan(T1))
return Pos_InvalidInt64;
else if (T1 < -9223372036854775808.0) // -9223372036854775808 is double value corresponding to Neg_InvalidInt64.
// TODO: Remove this temp workaround.
// This is to walk around CRT issue (Win8 404170): there is a band of values near/less than negative overflow
// for which cast to int64 results in positive number (bug), then going further down in negative direction it turns
// back to negative overflow value (as it should).
return Pos_InvalidInt64;
// The cast will result in 0x8000000000000000 in T4_64 if the value is NaN Inf or Zero, or overflows int64
T4_64 = static_cast<INT64>(T1);
#if defined(_M_ARM32_OR_ARM64)
if (T4_64 == Neg_InvalidInt64)
// Win8 391983: what happens in 64bit overflow is not spec'd. On ARM T4_64 would be 0x7F..FF but if we extend
// ToInt32 to 64bit, because of ES5_9.5.5 the result would be 0x80..00. On Intel all overflows result in 0x80..00.
// So, be consistent with Intel.
return Pos_InvalidInt64;
return T4_64;
// Returns true <=> TryToInt64() call resulted in a valid value.
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE bool NumberUtilities::IsValidTryToInt64(__int64 value)
#if defined(_M_ARM32_OR_ARM64)
return value != Pos_InvalidInt64 && value != Neg_InvalidInt64;
return value != Pos_InvalidInt64;
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE bool NumberUtilities::IsNan(double value)
const uint64 nCompare = ToSpecial(value);
#if defined(TARGET_64)
// NaN is a range of values; all bits on the exponent are 1's
// and some nonzero significant. No distinction on signed NaN's.
const bool isNan = (0 == (~nCompare & 0x7FF0000000000000ull) &&
0 != (nCompare & 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFull));
return isNan;
const uint32 hi = (uint32)(nCompare >> 32);
const uint32 lo = (uint32)nCompare;
return 0 == (~hi & 0x7FF00000) &&
(0 != lo || 0 != (hi & 0x000FFFFF));
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE bool NumberUtilities::IsNegative(double value)
uint64 nCompare = ToSpecial(value);
return nCompare & 0x8000000000000000ull;
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE bool NumberUtilities::IsSpecial(double value, uint64 nSpecial)
// Perform a bitwise comparison using uint64 instead of a double comparison, since that
// would trigger FPU exceptions, etc.
uint64 nCompare = ToSpecial(value);
return nCompare == nSpecial;
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE uint64 NumberUtilities::ToSpecial(double value)
#if defined(_AMD64_)
return _mm_cvtsi128_si64(_mm_castpd_si128(_mm_set_sd(value)));
#elif defined(_M_ARM32_OR_ARM64)
return _CopyInt64FromDouble(value);
return *(reinterpret_cast<uint64 *>(&value));
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE uint32 NumberUtilities::ToSpecial(float value)
#if defined(_AMD64_) || _M_IX86_FP >= 2 || defined(__AVX__)
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_castps_si128(_mm_set_ss(value)));
#elif defined(_M_ARM32_OR_ARM64)
return _CopyInt32FromFloat(value);
return *(reinterpret_cast<uint32 *>(&value));
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE float NumberUtilities::ReinterpretBits(int value)
#if defined(_AMD64_) || _M_IX86_FP >= 2 || defined(__AVX__)
return _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(value)));
#elif defined(_M_ARM32_OR_ARM64)
return _CopyFloatFromInt32(value);
return *(reinterpret_cast<float *>(&value));
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE double NumberUtilities::ReinterpretBits(int64 value)
#if defined(_AMD64_)
return _mm_cvtsd_f64(_mm_castsi128_pd(_mm_cvtsi64_si128(value)));
#elif defined(_M_ARM32_OR_ARM64)
return _CopyDoubleFromInt64(value);
return *(reinterpret_cast<double *>(&value));
NUMBER_UTIL_INLINE bool NumberUtilities::IsFloat32NegZero(float value)
uint32 nCompare = ToSpecial(value);
return nCompare == NumberConstants::k_Float32NegZero;