blob: 2f64e7f8cd1dda26bb26181315980c2fe6955ebf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#include "RuntimeLanguagePch.h"
#include "Language/InterpreterStackFrame.h"
#ifdef _M_IX86
extern "C" PVOID __guard_check_icall_fptr;
namespace Js
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::AutoCatchHandlerExists::FetchNonUserCodeStatus(ScriptContext * scriptContext)
bool fFound = false;
// If the outer try catch was already in the user code, no need to go any further.
if (!m_previousCatchHandlerToUserCodeStatus)
Js::JavascriptFunction* caller = nullptr;
if (JavascriptStackWalker::GetCaller(&caller, scriptContext))
Js::FunctionBody *funcBody = NULL;
if (caller != NULL && (funcBody = caller->GetFunctionBody()) != NULL)
m_threadContext->SetIsUserCode(funcBody->IsNonUserCode() == false);
fFound = true;
if (!fFound)
// If not successfully able to find the caller, set this catch handler belongs to the user code.
JavascriptExceptionOperators::AutoCatchHandlerExists::AutoCatchHandlerExists(ScriptContext* scriptContext, bool isPromiseHandled)
m_threadContext = scriptContext->GetThreadContext();
m_previousCatchHandlerExists = m_threadContext->HasCatchHandler();
if (!isPromiseHandled)
// If this is created from a promise-specific code path, and we don't have a rejection
// handler on the promise, then we want SetCatchHandler to be false so we report any
// unhandled exceptions to any detached debuggers.
m_previousCatchHandlerToUserCodeStatus = m_threadContext->IsUserCode();
if (scriptContext->IsScriptContextInDebugMode())
JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(ScriptContext* scriptContext, void *addrOfReturnAddr)
m_threadContext = scriptContext->GetThreadContext();
m_prevTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = m_threadContext->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
JavascriptExceptionOperators::HasBailedOutPtrStack::HasBailedOutPtrStack(ScriptContext* scriptContext, bool *hasBailedOutPtr)
m_threadContext = scriptContext->GetThreadContext();
m_prevHasBailedOutPtr = m_threadContext->GetHasBailedOutBitPtr();
JavascriptExceptionOperators::PendingFinallyExceptionStack::PendingFinallyExceptionStack(ScriptContext* scriptContext, Js::JavascriptExceptionObject *exceptionObj)
m_threadContext = scriptContext->GetThreadContext();
bool JavascriptExceptionOperators::CrawlStackForWER(Js::ScriptContext& scriptContext)
return Js::Configuration::Global.flags.WERExceptionSupport && !scriptContext.GetThreadContext()->HasCatchHandler();
uint64 JavascriptExceptionOperators::StackCrawlLimitOnThrow(Var thrownObject, ScriptContext& scriptContext)
return CrawlStackForWER(scriptContext) ? MaxStackTraceLimit : GetStackTraceLimit(thrownObject, &scriptContext);
#ifdef _M_X64
void *JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_TryCatch(void *tryAddr,
void *catchAddr,
void *frame,
size_t spillSize,
size_t argsSize,
int hasBailedOutOffset,
ScriptContext *scriptContext)
void *continuation = nullptr;
JavascriptExceptionObject *exception = nullptr;
void *tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = nullptr;
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::HasBailedOutPtrStack hasBailedOutPtrStack(scriptContext, (bool*)((char*)frame + hasBailedOutOffset));
PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Constants::MinStackJitEHBailout + spillSize + argsSize);
void * addrOfReturnAddr = (void*)((char*)frame + sizeof(char*));
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(scriptContext, addrOfReturnAddr);
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::AutoCatchHandlerExists autoCatchHandlerExists(scriptContext);
continuation = amd64_CallWithFakeFrame(tryAddr, frame, spillSize, argsSize);
catch (const Js::JavascriptException& err)
exception = err.GetAndClear();
tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
if (exception)
// We need to clear callinfo on inlinee virtual frames on an exception.
// We now allow inlining of functions into callers that have try-catch/try-finally.
// When there is an exception inside the inlinee with caller having a try-catch, clear the inlinee callinfo by walking the stack.
// If not, we might have the try-catch inside a loop, and when we execute the loop next time in the interpreter on BailOnException,
// we will see inlined frames as being present even though they are not, because we depend on FrameInfo's callinfo to tell if an inlinee is on the stack,
// and we haven't cleared those bits due to the exception
// When we start inlining functions with try, we have to track the try addresses of the inlined functions as well.
if (exception->GetExceptionContext() && exception->GetExceptionContext()->ThrowingFunction())
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr /* start stackwalk from the current frame */, tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr);
exception = exception->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext);
bool hasBailedOut = *(bool*)((char*)frame + hasBailedOutOffset); // stack offsets are negative
// If an inlinee bailed out due to some reason, the execution of the current function enclosing the try catch will also continue in the interpreter
// During execution in the interpreter, if we throw outside the region enclosed in try/catch, this catch ends up catching that exception because its present on the call stack
if (hasBailedOut)
// If we have bailed out, this exception is coming from the interpreter. It should not have been caught;
// it so happens that this catch was on the stack and caught the exception.
// Re-throw!
JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(exception, scriptContext);
Var exceptionObject = exception->GetThrownObject(scriptContext);
AssertMsg(exceptionObject, "Caught object is null.");
continuation = amd64_CallWithFakeFrame(catchAddr, frame, spillSize, argsSize, exceptionObject);
return continuation;
void *JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_TryFinally(void *tryAddr,
void *finallyAddr,
void *frame,
size_t spillSize,
size_t argsSize,
int hasBailedOutOffset,
ScriptContext *scriptContext)
void *tryContinuation = nullptr;
JavascriptExceptionObject *exception = nullptr;
void *tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = nullptr;
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::HasBailedOutPtrStack hasBailedOutPtrStack(scriptContext, (bool*)((char*)frame + hasBailedOutOffset));
PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Constants::MinStackJitEHBailout + spillSize + argsSize);
void * addrOfReturnAddr = (void*)((char*)frame + sizeof(char*));
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(scriptContext, addrOfReturnAddr);
tryContinuation = amd64_CallWithFakeFrame(tryAddr, frame, spillSize, argsSize);
catch (const Js::JavascriptException& err)
exception = err.GetAndClear();
tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
if (exception)
// Clone static exception object early in case finally block overwrites it
exception = exception->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext);
if (exception)
if (exception->GetExceptionContext() && exception->GetExceptionContext()->ThrowingFunction())
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr /* start stackwalk from the current frame */, tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr);
bool hasBailedOut = *(bool*)((char*)frame + hasBailedOutOffset); // stack offsets are negative
if (hasBailedOut)
// If we have bailed out, this exception is coming from the interpreter. It should not have been caught;
// it so happens that this catch was on the stack and caught the exception.
// Re-throw!
JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(exception, scriptContext);
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::PendingFinallyExceptionStack pendingFinallyExceptionStack(scriptContext, exception);
void *continuation = amd64_CallWithFakeFrame(finallyAddr, frame, spillSize, argsSize, exception);
return continuation;
return tryContinuation;
void * JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_TryFinallyNoOpt(void * tryAddr, void * finallyAddr, void * frame, size_t spillSize, size_t argsSize, ScriptContext * scriptContext)
void *tryContinuation = nullptr;
void *finallyContinuation = nullptr;
JavascriptExceptionObject *exception = nullptr;
void *tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = nullptr;
PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Constants::MinStackJitEHBailout + spillSize + argsSize);
void * addrOfReturnAddr = (void*)((char*)frame + sizeof(char*));
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(scriptContext, addrOfReturnAddr);
tryContinuation = amd64_CallWithFakeFrame(tryAddr, frame, spillSize, argsSize);
catch (const Js::JavascriptException& err)
exception = err.GetAndClear();
tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
if (exception)
// Clone static exception object early in case finally block overwrites it
exception = exception->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext);
if (exception->GetExceptionContext() && exception->GetExceptionContext()->ThrowingFunction())
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr /* start stackwalk from the current frame */, tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr);
finallyContinuation = amd64_CallWithFakeFrame(finallyAddr, frame, spillSize, argsSize);
if (finallyContinuation)
return finallyContinuation;
if (exception)
if (scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr() != nullptr)
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr, scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr());
JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(exception, scriptContext);
return tryContinuation;
#elif defined(_M_ARM32_OR_ARM64)
void *JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_TryCatch(
void *tryAddr,
void *catchAddr,
void *framePtr,
void *localsPtr,
size_t argsSize,
int hasBailedOutOffset,
ScriptContext *scriptContext)
void *continuation = nullptr;
JavascriptExceptionObject *exception = nullptr;
void * tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = nullptr;
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::HasBailedOutPtrStack hasBailedOutPtrStack(scriptContext, (bool*)((char*)localsPtr + hasBailedOutOffset));
PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Constants::MinStackJitEHBailout + argsSize);
void * addrOfReturnAddr = (void*)((char*)framePtr + sizeof(char*));
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(scriptContext, addrOfReturnAddr);
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::AutoCatchHandlerExists autoCatchHandlerExists(scriptContext);
#if defined(_M_ARM)
continuation = arm_CallEhFrame(tryAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
#elif defined(_M_ARM64)
continuation = arm64_CallEhFrame(tryAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
catch (const Js::JavascriptException& err)
exception = err.GetAndClear();
tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
if (exception)
// We need to clear callinfo on inlinee virtual frames on an exception.
// We now allow inlining of functions into callers that have try-catch/try-finally.
// When there is an exception inside the inlinee with caller having a try-catch, clear the inlinee callinfo by walking the stack.
// If not, we might have the try-catch inside a loop, and when we execute the loop next time in the interpreter on BailOnException,
// we will see inlined frames as being present even though they are not, because we depend on FrameInfo's callinfo to tell if an inlinee is on the stack,
// and we haven't cleared those bits due to the exception
// When we start inlining functions with try, we have to track the try addresses of the inlined functions as well.
if (exception->GetExceptionContext() && exception->GetExceptionContext()->ThrowingFunction())
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr /* start stackwalk from the current frame */, tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr);
exception = exception->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext);
bool hasBailedOut = *(bool*)((char*)localsPtr + hasBailedOutOffset); // stack offsets are sp relative
if (hasBailedOut)
// If we have bailed out, this exception is coming from the interpreter. It should not have been caught;
// it so happens that this catch was on the stack and caught the exception.
// Re-throw!
JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(exception, scriptContext);
Var exceptionObject = exception->GetThrownObject(scriptContext);
AssertMsg(exceptionObject, "Caught object is null.");
#if defined(_M_ARM)
continuation = arm_CallCatch(catchAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize, exceptionObject);
#elif defined(_M_ARM64)
continuation = arm64_CallCatch(catchAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize, exceptionObject);
return continuation;
void *JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_TryFinally(
void *tryAddr,
void *finallyAddr,
void *framePtr,
void *localsPtr,
size_t argsSize,
int hasBailedOutOffset,
ScriptContext *scriptContext)
void *tryContinuation = nullptr;
JavascriptExceptionObject *exception = nullptr;
void *tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = nullptr;
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::HasBailedOutPtrStack hasBailedOutPtrStack(scriptContext, (bool*)((char*)localsPtr + hasBailedOutOffset));
PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Constants::MinStackJitEHBailout + argsSize);
void * addrOfReturnAddr = (void*)((char*)framePtr + sizeof(char*));
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(scriptContext, addrOfReturnAddr);
#if defined(_M_ARM)
tryContinuation = arm_CallEhFrame(tryAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
#elif defined(_M_ARM64)
tryContinuation = arm64_CallEhFrame(tryAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
catch (const Js::JavascriptException& err)
exception = err.GetAndClear();
tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
if (exception)
// Clone static exception object early in case finally block overwrites it
exception = exception->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext);
if (exception->GetExceptionContext() && exception->GetExceptionContext()->ThrowingFunction())
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr /* start stackwalk from the current frame */, tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr);
bool hasBailedOut = *(bool*)((char*)localsPtr + hasBailedOutOffset); // stack offsets are sp relative
if (hasBailedOut)
// If we have bailed out, this exception is coming from the interpreter. It should not have been caught;
// it so happens that this catch was on the stack and caught the exception.
// Re-throw!
JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(exception, scriptContext);
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::PendingFinallyExceptionStack pendingFinallyExceptionStack(scriptContext, exception);
#if defined(_M_ARM)
void * finallyContinuation = arm_CallEhFrame(finallyAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
#elif defined(_M_ARM64)
void * finallyContinuation = arm64_CallEhFrame(finallyAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
return finallyContinuation;
return tryContinuation;
void *JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_TryFinallyNoOpt(
void *tryAddr,
void *finallyAddr,
void *framePtr,
void *localsPtr,
size_t argsSize,
ScriptContext *scriptContext)
void *tryContinuation = nullptr;
void *finallyContinuation = nullptr;
JavascriptExceptionObject *exception = nullptr;
void *tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = nullptr;
PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Constants::MinStackJitEHBailout + argsSize);
void * addrOfReturnAddr = (void*)((char*)framePtr + sizeof(char*));
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(scriptContext, addrOfReturnAddr);
#if defined(_M_ARM)
tryContinuation = arm_CallEhFrame(tryAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
#elif defined(_M_ARM64)
tryContinuation = arm64_CallEhFrame(tryAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
catch (const Js::JavascriptException& err)
exception = err.GetAndClear();
tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
if (exception)
// Clone static exception object early in case finally block overwrites it
exception = exception->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext);
if (exception->GetExceptionContext() && exception->GetExceptionContext()->ThrowingFunction())
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr /* start stackwalk from the current frame */, tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr);
#if defined(_M_ARM)
finallyContinuation = arm_CallEhFrame(finallyAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
#elif defined(_M_ARM64)
finallyContinuation = arm64_CallEhFrame(finallyAddr, framePtr, localsPtr, argsSize);
if (finallyContinuation)
return finallyContinuation;
if (exception)
if (scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr() != nullptr)
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr, scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr());
JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(exception, scriptContext);
return tryContinuation;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4731) // frame pointer register 'ebp' modified by inline assembly code
void* JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_TryCatch(void* tryAddr, void* handlerAddr, void* framePtr, int hasBailedOutOffset, ScriptContext *scriptContext)
void* continuationAddr = NULL;
Js::JavascriptExceptionObject* pExceptionObject = NULL;
void *tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = nullptr;
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::HasBailedOutPtrStack hasBailedOutPtrStack(scriptContext, (bool*)((char*)framePtr + hasBailedOutOffset));
PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Constants::MinStackJitEHBailout);
void * addrOfReturnAddr = (void*)((char*)framePtr + sizeof(char*));
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(scriptContext, addrOfReturnAddr);
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::AutoCatchHandlerExists autoCatchHandlerExists(scriptContext);
// Adjust the frame pointer and call into the try.
// If the try completes without raising an exception, it will pass back the continuation address.
// Bug in compiler optimizer: try-catch can be optimized away if the try block contains __asm calls into function
// that may throw. The current workaround is to add the following dummy throw to prevent this optimization.
if (!tryAddr)
#ifdef _M_IX86
void *savedEsp;
// Save and restore the callee-saved registers around the call.
// TODO: track register kills by region and generate per-region prologs and epilogs
push esi
push edi
push ebx
// 8-byte align frame to improve floating point perf of our JIT'd code.
// Save ESP
mov ecx, esp
mov savedEsp, ecx
and esp, -8
// Set up the call target, save the current frame ptr, and adjust the frame to access
// locals in native code.
mov eax, tryAddr
#if 0 && defined(_CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD)
// verify that the call target is valid
mov ebx, eax; save call target
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ebx; restore call target
push ebp
mov ebp, framePtr
call eax
pop ebp
// The native code gives us the address where execution should continue on exit
// from the region.
mov continuationAddr, eax
// Restore ESP
mov ecx, savedEsp
mov esp, ecx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
AssertMsg(FALSE, "Unsupported native try-catch handler");
catch (const Js::JavascriptException& err)
pExceptionObject = err.GetAndClear();
tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
// Let's run user catch handler code only after the stack has been unwound.
// We need to clear callinfo on inlinee virtual frames on an exception.
// We now allow inlining of functions into callers that have try-catch/try-finally.
// When there is an exception inside the inlinee with caller having a try-catch, clear the inlinee callinfo by walking the stack.
// If not, we might have the try-catch inside a loop, and when we execute the loop next time in the interpreter on BailOnException,
// we will see inlined frames as being present even though they are not, because we depend on FrameInfo's callinfo to tell if an inlinee is on the stack,
// and we haven't cleared those bits due to the exception
// When we start inlining functions with try, we have to track the try addresses of the inlined functions as well.
if (pExceptionObject->GetExceptionContext() && pExceptionObject->GetExceptionContext()->ThrowingFunction())
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr /* start stackwalk from the current frame */, tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr);
pExceptionObject = pExceptionObject->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext);
bool hasBailedOut = *(bool*)((char*)framePtr + hasBailedOutOffset); // stack offsets are negative
if (hasBailedOut)
// If we have bailed out, this exception is coming from the interpreter. It should not have been caught;
// it so happens that this catch was on the stack and caught the exception.
// Re-throw!
JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(pExceptionObject, scriptContext);
Var catchObject = pExceptionObject->GetThrownObject(scriptContext);
AssertMsg(catchObject, "Caught object is NULL");
#ifdef _M_IX86
void *savedEsp;
// Save and restore the callee-saved registers around the call.
// TODO: track register kills by region and generate per-region prologs and epilogs
push esi
push edi
push ebx
// 8-byte align frame to improve floating point perf of our JIT'd code.
// Save ESP
mov ecx, esp
mov savedEsp, ecx
and esp, -8
// Set up the call target
mov ecx, handlerAddr
#if 0 && defined(_CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD)
// verify that the call target is valid
mov ebx, ecx ; save call target
call [__guard_check_icall_fptr]
mov ecx, ebx ; restore call target
// Set up catch object, save the current frame ptr, and adjust the frame to access
// locals in native code.
mov eax, catchObject
push ebp
mov ebp, framePtr
call ecx
pop ebp
// The native code gives us the address where execution should continue on exit
// from the region.
mov continuationAddr, eax
// Restore ESP
mov ecx, savedEsp
mov esp, ecx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
AssertMsg(FALSE, "Unsupported native try-catch handler");
return continuationAddr;
void* JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_TryFinally(void* tryAddr, void* handlerAddr, void* framePtr, int hasBailedOutOffset, ScriptContext *scriptContext)
Js::JavascriptExceptionObject* pExceptionObject = NULL;
void* continuationAddr = NULL;
void* tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = nullptr;
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::HasBailedOutPtrStack hasBailedOutPtrStack(scriptContext, (bool*)((char*)framePtr + hasBailedOutOffset));
PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Constants::MinStackJitEHBailout);
void * addrOfReturnAddr = (void*)((char*)framePtr + sizeof(char*));
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(scriptContext, addrOfReturnAddr);
// Bug in compiler optimizer: try-catch can be optimized away if the try block contains __asm calls into function
// that may throw. The current workaround is to add the following dummy throw to prevent this optimization.
// It seems like compiler got smart and still optimizes if the exception is not JavascriptExceptionObject (see catch handler below).
// In order to circumvent that we are throwing OutOfMemory.
if (!tryAddr)
#ifdef _M_IX86
void *savedEsp;
// Save and restore the callee-saved registers around the call.
// TODO: track register kills by region and generate per-region prologs and epilogs
push esi
push edi
push ebx
// 8-byte align frame to improve floating point perf of our JIT'd code.
// Save ESP
mov ecx, esp
mov savedEsp, ecx
and esp, -8
// Set up the call target, save the current frame ptr, and adjust the frame to access
// locals in native code.
mov eax, tryAddr
#if 0 && defined(_CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD)
// verify that the call target is valid
mov ebx, eax ; save call target
mov ecx, eax
call [__guard_check_icall_fptr]
mov eax, ebx ; restore call target
push ebp
mov ebp, framePtr
call eax
pop ebp
// The native code gives us the address where execution should continue on exit
// from the region.
mov continuationAddr, eax
// Restore ESP
mov ecx, savedEsp
mov esp, ecx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
AssertMsg(FALSE, "Unsupported native try-finally handler");
catch (const Js::JavascriptException& err)
pExceptionObject = err.GetAndClear();
tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
if (pExceptionObject)
if (pExceptionObject->GetExceptionContext() && pExceptionObject->GetExceptionContext()->ThrowingFunction())
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr /* start stackwalk from the current frame */, tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr);
// Clone static exception object early in case finally block overwrites it
pExceptionObject = pExceptionObject->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext);
bool hasBailedOut = *(bool*)((char*)framePtr + hasBailedOutOffset); // stack offsets are negative
if (hasBailedOut)
// If we have bailed out, this exception is coming from the interpreter. It should not have been caught;
// it so happens that this catch was on the stack and caught the exception.
// Re-throw!
JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(pExceptionObject, scriptContext);
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::PendingFinallyExceptionStack pendingFinallyExceptionStack(scriptContext, pExceptionObject);
if (!tryAddr)
// Bug in compiler optimizer: dtor is not called, it is a compiler bug
// The compiler thinks the asm cannot throw, so add an explicit throw to generate dtor calls
void* newContinuationAddr = NULL;
#ifdef _M_IX86
void *savedEsp;
// Save and restore the callee-saved registers around the call.
// TODO: track register kills by region and generate per-region prologs and epilogs
push esi
push edi
push ebx
// 8-byte align frame to improve floating point perf of our JIT'd code.
// Save ESP
mov ecx, esp
mov savedEsp, ecx
and esp, -8
// Set up the call target
mov eax, handlerAddr
#if 0 && defined(_CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD)
// verify that the call target is valid
mov ebx, eax; save call target
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ebx; restore call target
// save the current frame ptr, and adjust the frame to access
// locals in native code.
push ebp
mov ebp, framePtr
call eax
pop ebp
// The native code gives us the address where execution should continue on exit
// from the finally, but only if flow leaves the finally before it completes.
mov newContinuationAddr, eax
// Restore ESP
mov ecx, savedEsp
mov esp, ecx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
AssertMsg(FALSE, "Unsupported native try-finally handler");
return newContinuationAddr;
return continuationAddr;
void* JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_TryFinallyNoOpt(void* tryAddr, void* handlerAddr, void* framePtr, ScriptContext *scriptContext)
Js::JavascriptExceptionObject* pExceptionObject = NULL;
void* continuationAddr = NULL;
void * tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = nullptr;
PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Constants::MinStackJitEHBailout);
void * addrOfReturnAddr = (void*)((char*)framePtr + sizeof(char*));
Js::JavascriptExceptionOperators::TryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddrStack(scriptContext, addrOfReturnAddr);
// Bug in compiler optimizer: try-catch can be optimized away if the try block contains __asm calls into function
// that may throw. The current workaround is to add the following dummy throw to prevent this optimization.
// It seems like compiler got smart and still optimizes if the exception is not JavascriptExceptionObject (see catch handler below).
// In order to circumvent that we are throwing OutOfMemory.
if (!tryAddr)
#ifdef _M_IX86
void *savedEsp;
// Save and restore the callee-saved registers around the call.
// TODO: track register kills by region and generate per-region prologs and epilogs
push esi
push edi
push ebx
// 8-byte align frame to improve floating point perf of our JIT'd code.
// Save ESP
mov ecx, esp
mov savedEsp, ecx
and esp, -8
// Set up the call target, save the current frame ptr, and adjust the frame to access
// locals in native code.
mov eax, tryAddr
#if 0 && defined(_CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD)
// verify that the call target is valid
mov ebx, eax; save call target
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ebx; restore call target
push ebp
mov ebp, framePtr
call eax
pop ebp
// The native code gives us the address where execution should continue on exit
// from the region.
mov continuationAddr, eax
// Restore ESP
mov ecx, savedEsp
mov esp, ecx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
AssertMsg(FALSE, "Unsupported native try-finally handler");
catch (const Js::JavascriptException& err)
pExceptionObject = err.GetAndClear();
tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr();
if (pExceptionObject)
// Clone static exception object early in case finally block overwrites it
pExceptionObject = pExceptionObject->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext);
if (pExceptionObject->GetExceptionContext() && pExceptionObject->GetExceptionContext()->ThrowingFunction())
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr /* start stackwalk from the current frame */, tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr);
void* newContinuationAddr = NULL;
#ifdef _M_IX86
void *savedEsp;
// Save and restore the callee-saved registers around the call.
// TODO: track register kills by region and generate per-region prologs and epilogs
push esi
push edi
push ebx
// 8-byte align frame to improve floating point perf of our JIT'd code.
// Save ESP
mov ecx, esp
mov savedEsp, ecx
and esp, -8
// Set up the call target
mov eax, handlerAddr
#if 0 && defined(_CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD)
// verify that the call target is valid
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ecx; restore call target
// save the current frame ptr, and adjust the frame to access
// locals in native code.
push ebp
mov ebp, framePtr
call eax
pop ebp
// The native code gives us the address where execution should continue on exit
// from the finally, but only if flow leaves the finally before it completes.
mov newContinuationAddr, eax
// Restore ESP
mov ecx, savedEsp
mov esp, ecx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
AssertMsg(FALSE, "Unsupported native try-finally handler");
if (newContinuationAddr != NULL)
// Non-null return value from the finally indicates that the finally seized the flow
// with a jump/return out of the region. Continue at that address instead of handling
// the exception.
return newContinuationAddr;
if (pExceptionObject)
if (scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr() != nullptr)
WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(scriptContext, nullptr, scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetTryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr());
JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(pExceptionObject, scriptContext);
return continuationAddr;
void __declspec(noreturn) JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_Throw(Var object, ScriptContext* scriptContext)
Throw(object, scriptContext);
#if defined(DBG) && defined(_M_IX86)
extern "C" void * _except_handler4;
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::DbgCheckEHChain()
#if 0
// This debug check is disabled until we figure out how to trace a fs:0 chain if we throw from inside
// a finally.
void *currentFS0;
ThreadContext * threadContext = ThreadContext::GetContextForCurrentThread();
if (!threadContext->IsScriptActive())
// Walk the FS:0 chain of exception handlers, until the FS:0 handler in CallRootFunction.
// We should only see SEH frames on the way.
// We do allow C++ EH frames as long as there is no active objects (state = -1).
// That's because we may see frames that have calls to new(). This introduces an EH frame
// to call delete if the constructor throws. Our constructors shouldn't throw, so we should be fine.
currentFS0 = (void*)__readfsdword(0);
while (currentFS0 != threadContext->callRootFS0)
// EH struct:
// void * next;
// void * handler;
// int state;
AssertMsg(*((void**)currentFS0 + 1) == &_except_handler4
|| *((int*)currentFS0 + 2) == -1, "Found a non SEH exception frame on stack");
currentFS0 = *(void**)currentFS0;
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::Throw(Var object, ScriptContext * scriptContext)
#if defined(DBG) && defined(_M_IX86)
Assert(scriptContext != nullptr);
// TODO: FastDOM Trampolines will throw JS Exceptions but are not isScriptActive
//AssertMsg(scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->IsScriptActive() ||
// (JavascriptError::Is(object) && (JavascriptError::FromVar(object))->IsExternalError()),
// "Javascript exception raised when script is not active");
AssertMsg(scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->IsInScript() ||
(JavascriptError::Is(object) && (JavascriptError::FromVar(object))->IsExternalError()),
"Javascript exception raised without being in CallRootFunction");
JavascriptError *javascriptError = nullptr;
if (JavascriptError::Is(object))
// We keep track of the JavascriptExceptionObject that was created when this error
// was first thrown so that we can always get the correct metadata.
javascriptError = JavascriptError::FromVar(object);
JavascriptExceptionObject *exceptionObject = javascriptError->GetJavascriptExceptionObject();
if (exceptionObject)
JavascriptExceptionOperators::ThrowExceptionObject(exceptionObject, scriptContext, true);
JavascriptExceptionObject * exceptionObject =
RecyclerNew(scriptContext->GetRecycler(), JavascriptExceptionObject, object, scriptContext, NULL);
bool resetStack = false;
if (javascriptError)
if (!javascriptError->IsStackPropertyRedefined())
Throwing an error object. Original stack property will be pointing to the stack created at time of Error constructor.
Reset the stack property to match IE11 behavior
resetStack = true;
JavascriptExceptionOperators::ThrowExceptionObject(exceptionObject, scriptContext, /*considerPassingToDebugger=*/ true, /*returnAddress=*/ nullptr, resetStack);
// TODO: Add code address of throwing function on exception context, and use that for returnAddress instead of passing nullptr which starts stackwalk from the top
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::WalkStackForCleaningUpInlineeInfo(ScriptContext *scriptContext, PVOID returnAddress, PVOID tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr)
Assert(tryHandlerAddrOfReturnAddr != nullptr);
JavascriptStackWalker walker(scriptContext, /*useEERContext*/ true, returnAddress);
// We have to walk the inlinee frames and clear callinfo count on them on an exception
// At this point inlinedFrameWalker is closed, so we should build it again by calling InlinedFrameWalker::FromPhysicalFrame
JavascriptExceptionOperators::WalkStackForExceptionContext(ScriptContext& scriptContext, JavascriptExceptionContext& exceptionContext, Var thrownObject, uint64 stackCrawlLimit, PVOID returnAddress, bool isThrownException, bool resetSatck)
uint32 callerBytecodeOffset;
JavascriptFunction * jsFunc = WalkStackForExceptionContextInternal(scriptContext, exceptionContext, thrownObject, callerBytecodeOffset, stackCrawlLimit, returnAddress, isThrownException, resetSatck);
if (jsFunc)
// If found, the caller is a function, and we can retrieve the debugger info from there
// otherwise it's probably just accessing property. While it is still possible to throw
// from that context, we just won't be able to get the line number etc., which make sense.
exceptionContext.SetThrowingFunction(jsFunc, callerBytecodeOffset, returnAddress);
JavascriptFunction *
JavascriptExceptionOperators::WalkStackForExceptionContextInternal(ScriptContext& scriptContext, JavascriptExceptionContext& exceptionContext, Var thrownObject,
uint32& callerByteCodeOffset, uint64 stackCrawlLimit, PVOID returnAddress, bool isThrownException, bool resetStack)
JavascriptStackWalker walker(&scriptContext, true, returnAddress);
JavascriptFunction* jsFunc = nullptr;
if (!GetCaller(walker, jsFunc))
return nullptr;
// Skip to first non-Library code
// Similar behavior to GetCaller returning false
if(jsFunc->IsLibraryCode() && !walker.GetNonLibraryCodeCaller(&jsFunc))
return nullptr;
JavascriptFunction * caller = jsFunc;
callerByteCodeOffset = walker.GetByteCodeOffset();
// NOTE Don't set the throwing exception here, because we might need to box it and will cause a nested stack walker
// instead, return it to be set in WalkStackForExceptionContext
JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace *stackTrace = nullptr;
// If we take an OOM (JavascriptException for OOM if script is active), just bail early and return what we've got
stackTrace = RecyclerNew(scriptContext.GetRecycler(), JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace, scriptContext.GetRecycler());
if (stackCrawlLimit > 0)
const bool crawlStackForWER = CrawlStackForWER(scriptContext);
// In WER scenario, we should combine the original stack with latest throw stack as the final throw might be coming form
// a different stack.
uint64 i = 1;
if (crawlStackForWER && thrownObject && Js::JavascriptError::Is(thrownObject))
Js::JavascriptError* errorObject = Js::JavascriptError::FromVar(thrownObject);
Js::JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace *originalStackTrace = NULL;
const Js::JavascriptExceptionObject* originalExceptionObject = errorObject->GetJavascriptExceptionObject();
if (!resetStack && errorObject->GetInternalProperty(errorObject, InternalPropertyIds::StackTrace, (Js::Var*) &originalStackTrace, NULL, &scriptContext) &&
(originalStackTrace != nullptr))
if (originalExceptionObject != nullptr)
JavascriptExceptionContext::StackFrame stackFrame(jsFunc, walker, crawlStackForWER);
} while (walker.GetDisplayCaller(&jsFunc) && i++ < stackCrawlLimit);
if (stackTrace != nullptr)
DumpStackTrace(exceptionContext, isThrownException);
return caller;
// We might be trying to raise a stack overflow exception from the interpreter before
// we've executed code in the current script stack frame. In that case the current byte
// code offset is 0. In such cases walk to the caller's caller.
BOOL JavascriptExceptionOperators::GetCaller(JavascriptStackWalker& walker, _Out_opt_ JavascriptFunction*& jsFunc)
if (! walker.GetCaller(&jsFunc))
return FALSE;
if (! walker.GetCurrentInterpreterFrame() ||
walker.GetCurrentInterpreterFrame()->GetReader()->GetCurrentOffset() > 0)
return TRUE;
return walker.GetCaller(&jsFunc);
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::DumpStackTrace(JavascriptExceptionContext& exceptionContext, bool isThrownException)
if (! exceptionContext.GetStackTrace()
|| ! Configuration::Global.flags.Dump.IsEnabled(ExceptionStackTracePhase)
|| ! isThrownException)
Output::Print(_u("\nStack trace for thrown exception\n"));
JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace *stackTrace = exceptionContext.GetStackTrace();
for (int i=0; i < stackTrace->Count(); i++)
Js::JavascriptExceptionContext::StackFrame& currFrame = stackTrace->Item(i);
ULONG lineNumber = 0;
LONG characterPosition = 0;
if (currFrame.IsScriptFunction() && !currFrame.GetFunctionBody()->GetUtf8SourceInfo()->GetIsLibraryCode())
currFrame.GetFunctionBody()->GetLineCharOffset(currFrame.GetByteCodeOffset(), &lineNumber, &characterPosition);
Output::Print(_u(" %3d: %s (%d, %d)\n"), i, currFrame.GetFunctionName(), lineNumber, characterPosition);
/// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// When allocators throw out of memory exception - scriptContext is NULL
/// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JavascriptExceptionObject * JavascriptExceptionOperators::GetOutOfMemoryExceptionObject(ScriptContext *scriptContext)
ThreadContext *threadContext = scriptContext ?
scriptContext->GetThreadContext() :
JavascriptExceptionObject *oomExceptionObject = threadContext->GetPendingOOMErrorObject();
return oomExceptionObject;
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::ThrowOutOfMemory(ScriptContext *scriptContext)
ThreadContext *threadContext = scriptContext ?
scriptContext->GetThreadContext() :
if (CONFIG_FLAG(EnableFatalErrorOnOOM) && !threadContext->TestThreadContextFlag(ThreadContextFlagDisableFatalOnOOM))
#if DBG
if (scriptContext)
ScriptContext* ctx = threadContext->GetScriptContextList();
while (ctx)
ctx = ctx->next;
JavascriptExceptionObject *oom = JavascriptExceptionOperators::GetOutOfMemoryExceptionObject(scriptContext);
JavascriptExceptionOperators::ThrowExceptionObject(oom, scriptContext);
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::ThrowStackOverflow(ScriptContext *scriptContext, PVOID returnAddress)
ThreadContext *threadContext = scriptContext->GetThreadContext();
JavascriptExceptionObject *so = threadContext->GetPendingSOErrorObject();
// Disable implicit call before calling into recycler (to prevent QueryContinue/dispose from leave script and stack overflow again)
Var thrownObject = scriptContext->GetLibrary()->CreateStackOverflowError();
// NOTE: Do not ClearDisableImplicitFlags() here. We still need to allocate StackTrace, etc. Keep implicit call disabled till actual
// throw (ThrowExceptionObjectInternal will ClearDisableImplicitFlags before throw). If anything wrong happens in between which throws
// a new exception, the new throw will ClearDisableImplicitFlags.
JavascriptExceptionOperators::ThrowExceptionObject(so, scriptContext, false, returnAddress);
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::ThrowExceptionObjectInternal(Js::JavascriptExceptionObject * exceptionObject, ScriptContext* scriptContext, bool fillExceptionContext, bool considerPassingToDebugger, PVOID returnAddress, bool resetStack)
if (scriptContext)
ThreadContext *threadContext = scriptContext->GetThreadContext();
if (fillExceptionContext)
JavascriptExceptionContext exceptionContext;
Var thrownObject = exceptionObject->GetThrownObject(nullptr);
WalkStackForExceptionContext(*scriptContext, exceptionContext, thrownObject, StackCrawlLimitOnThrow(thrownObject, *scriptContext), returnAddress, /*isThrownException=*/ true, resetStack);
exceptionObject->FillError(exceptionContext, scriptContext);
AddStackTraceToObject(thrownObject, exceptionContext.GetStackTrace(), *scriptContext, /*isThrownException=*/ true, resetStack);
Assert(// If we disabled implicit calls and we did record an implicit call, do not throw.
// Check your helper to see if a call recorded an implicit call that might cause an invalid value
threadContext->IsDisableImplicitCall() &&
threadContext->GetImplicitCallFlags() & (~ImplicitCall_None)
) ||
// Make sure we didn't disable exceptions
if (fillExceptionContext && considerPassingToDebugger)
DispatchExceptionToDebugger(exceptionObject, scriptContext);
if (exceptionObject->IsPendingExceptionObject())
ThreadContext * threadContext = scriptContext? scriptContext->GetThreadContext() : ThreadContext::GetContextForCurrentThread();
DoThrow(exceptionObject, scriptContext);
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrow(JavascriptExceptionObject* exceptionObject, ScriptContext* scriptContext)
ThreadContext* threadContext = scriptContext? scriptContext->GetThreadContext() : ThreadContext::GetContextForCurrentThread();
// Throw a wrapper JavascriptException. catch handler must GetAndClear() the exception object.
throw JavascriptException(threadContext, exceptionObject);
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::DoThrowCheckClone(JavascriptExceptionObject* exceptionObject, ScriptContext* scriptContext)
DoThrow(exceptionObject->CloneIfStaticExceptionObject(scriptContext), scriptContext);
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::DispatchExceptionToDebugger(Js::JavascriptExceptionObject * exceptionObject, ScriptContext* scriptContext)
Assert(exceptionObject != NULL);
Assert(scriptContext != NULL);
if (scriptContext->IsScriptContextInDebugMode()
&& scriptContext->GetDebugContext()->GetProbeContainer()->HasAllowedForException(exceptionObject))
InterpreterHaltState haltState(STOP_EXCEPTIONTHROW, /*executingFunction*/nullptr);
haltState.exceptionObject = exceptionObject;
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::ThrowExceptionObject(Js::JavascriptExceptionObject * exceptionObject, ScriptContext* scriptContext, bool considerPassingToDebugger, PVOID returnAddress, bool resetStack)
ThrowExceptionObjectInternal(exceptionObject, scriptContext, true, considerPassingToDebugger, returnAddress, resetStack);
// The purpose of RethrowExceptionObject is to determine if ThrowExceptionObjectInternal should fill in the exception context.
// We pretty much always want to fill in the exception context when we throw an exception. The only case where we don't want to do it
// is if we are rethrowing and have the JavascriptExceptionObject from the previous throw with its exception context intact. If
// RethrowExceptionObject is passed a JavascriptExceptionObject with the function already there, that implies we have existing
// exception context and shouldn't step on it on the throw.
// RethrowExceptionObject is called only for cross-host calls. When throwing across host calls, we stash our internal JavascriptExceptionObject
// in the TLS. When we are throwing on the same thread (e.g. a throw from one frame to another), we can retrieve that stashed JavascriptExceptionObject
// from the TLS and rethrow it with its exception context intact, so we don't want to step on it. In other cases, e.g. when we throw across threads,
// we cannot retrieve the internal JavascriptExceptionObject from the TLS and have to create a new one. In this case, we need to fill the exception context.
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::RethrowExceptionObject(Js::JavascriptExceptionObject * exceptionObject, ScriptContext* scriptContext, bool considerPassingToDebugger)
ThrowExceptionObjectInternal(exceptionObject, scriptContext, ! exceptionObject->GetFunction(), considerPassingToDebugger, /*returnAddress=*/ nullptr, /*resetStack=*/ false);
// Trim the stack trace down to the amount specified for Error.stackTraceLimit. This happens when we do a full crawl for WER, but we only want to store the specified amount in the error object for consistency.
JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace* JavascriptExceptionOperators::TrimStackTraceForThrownObject(JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace* stackTraceIn, Var thrownObject, ScriptContext& scriptContext)
Assert(CrawlStackForWER(scriptContext)); // Don't trim if crawl for Error.stack
int stackTraceLimit = static_cast<int>(GetStackTraceLimit(thrownObject, &scriptContext));
Assert(stackTraceLimit == 0 || IsErrorInstance(thrownObject));
if (stackTraceIn->Count() <= stackTraceLimit)
return stackTraceIn;
JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace* stackTraceTrimmed = NULL;
if (stackTraceLimit > 0)
stackTraceTrimmed = RecyclerNew(scriptContext.GetRecycler(), JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace, scriptContext.GetRecycler());
for (int i = 0; i < stackTraceLimit; i++)
// ignore OOM and just return what we can get
return stackTraceTrimmed;
// Check if thrownObject is instanceof Error (but not an Error prototype).
bool JavascriptExceptionOperators::IsErrorInstance(Var thrownObject)
if (thrownObject && JavascriptError::Is(thrownObject))
return !JavascriptError::FromVar(thrownObject)->IsPrototype();
if (thrownObject && RecyclableObject::Is(thrownObject))
RecyclableObject* obj = RecyclableObject::FromVar(thrownObject);
while (true)
obj = JavascriptOperators::GetPrototype(obj);
if (JavascriptOperators::GetTypeId(obj) == TypeIds_Null)
if (JavascriptError::Is(obj))
return true;
return false;
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::AddStackTraceToObject(Var targetObject, JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace* stackTrace, ScriptContext& scriptContext, bool isThrownException, bool resetStack)
if (!stackTrace || !scriptContext.GetConfig()->IsErrorStackTraceEnabled())
if (stackTrace->Count() == 0 && !IsErrorInstance(targetObject))
if (isThrownException && CrawlStackForWER(scriptContext)) // Trim stack trace for WER
stackTrace = TrimStackTraceForThrownObject(stackTrace, targetObject, scriptContext);
if (!stackTrace)
// If we still have stack trace to store and obj is a thrown exception object, obj must be an Error instance.
Assert(!isThrownException || IsErrorInstance(targetObject));
RecyclableObject* obj = RecyclableObject::FromVar(targetObject);
if (!resetStack && obj->HasProperty(PropertyIds::stack))
return; // we don't want to overwrite an existing "stack" property
JavascriptFunction* accessor = scriptContext.GetLibrary()->GetStackTraceAccessorFunction();
PropertyDescriptor stackPropertyDescriptor;
if (JavascriptOperators::DefineOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, PropertyIds::stack, stackPropertyDescriptor, false, &scriptContext))
obj->SetInternalProperty(InternalPropertyIds::StackTrace, stackTrace, PropertyOperationFlags::PropertyOperation_None, NULL);
obj->SetInternalProperty(InternalPropertyIds::StackTraceCache, NULL, PropertyOperationFlags::PropertyOperation_None, NULL);
Var JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_RuntimeTypeError(MessageId messageId, ScriptContext *scriptContext)
JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, MAKE_HR(messageId));
Var JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_RuntimeRangeError(MessageId messageId, ScriptContext *scriptContext)
JavascriptError::ThrowRangeError(scriptContext, MAKE_HR(messageId));
Var JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_WebAssemblyRuntimeError(MessageId messageId, ScriptContext *scriptContext)
JavascriptError::ThrowWebAssemblyRuntimeError(scriptContext, MAKE_HR(messageId));
Var JavascriptExceptionOperators::OP_RuntimeReferenceError(MessageId messageId, ScriptContext *scriptContext)
JavascriptError::ThrowReferenceError(scriptContext, MAKE_HR(messageId));
// Throw type error on access 'arguments', 'callee' or 'caller' when in a restricted context
Var JavascriptExceptionOperators::ThrowTypeErrorRestrictedPropertyAccessor(RecyclableObject* function, CallInfo callInfo, ...)
JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(function->GetScriptContext(), JSERR_AccessRestrictedProperty);
Var JavascriptExceptionOperators::StackTraceAccessor(RecyclableObject* function, CallInfo callInfo, ...)
ARGUMENTS(args, callInfo);
AssertMsg(args.Info.Count > 0, "Should always have implicit 'this'");
ScriptContext *scriptContext = function->GetScriptContext();
// If the first argument to the accessor is not a recyclable object, return undefined
// for compat with other browsers
if (!RecyclableObject::Is(args[0]))
return scriptContext->GetLibrary()->GetUndefined();
RecyclableObject *obj = RecyclableObject::FromVar(args[0]);
// If an argument was passed to the accessor, it is being called as a setter.
// Set the internal StackTraceCache property accordingly.
if (args.Info.Count > 1)
obj->SetInternalProperty(InternalPropertyIds::StackTraceCache, args[1], PropertyOperationFlags::PropertyOperation_None, NULL);
if (JavascriptError::Is(obj))
((JavascriptError *)obj)->SetStackPropertyRedefined(true);
return scriptContext->GetLibrary()->GetEmptyString();
// Otherwise, the accessor is being called as a getter.
// Return existing cached value, or obtain the string representation of the StackTrace to return.
Var cache = NULL;
if (obj->GetInternalProperty(obj,InternalPropertyIds::StackTraceCache, (Var*)&cache, NULL, scriptContext) && cache)
return cache;
JavascriptString* stringMessage = scriptContext->GetLibrary()->GetEmptyString();
Js::JavascriptExceptionContext::StackTrace *stackTrace = NULL;
if (!obj->GetInternalProperty(obj,InternalPropertyIds::StackTrace, (Js::Var*) &stackTrace, NULL, scriptContext) ||
stackTrace == nullptr)
obj->SetInternalProperty(InternalPropertyIds::StackTraceCache, stringMessage, PropertyOperationFlags::PropertyOperation_None, NULL);
return stringMessage;
if (IsErrorInstance(obj))
stringMessage = JavascriptConversion::ToString(obj, scriptContext);
CompoundString *const stringBuilder = CompoundString::NewWithCharCapacity(40, scriptContext->GetLibrary());
for (int i = 0; i < stackTrace->Count(); i++)
Js::JavascriptExceptionContext::StackFrame& currentFrame = stackTrace->Item(i);
// Defend in depth. Discard cross domain frames if somehow they creped in.
if (currentFrame.IsScriptFunction())
ScriptContext* funcScriptContext = currentFrame.GetFunctionBody()->GetScriptContext();
if (scriptContext != funcScriptContext && FAILED(scriptContext->GetHostScriptContext()->CheckCrossDomainScriptContext(funcScriptContext)))
continue; // Ignore this frame
FunctionBody* functionBody = currentFrame.GetFunctionBody();
const bool isLibraryCode = !functionBody || functionBody->GetUtf8SourceInfo()->GetIsLibraryCode();
if (isLibraryCode)
AppendLibraryFrameToStackTrace(stringBuilder, currentFrame.GetFunctionName());
ULONG lineNumber = 0;
LONG characterPosition = 0;
functionBody->GetLineCharOffset(currentFrame.GetByteCodeOffset(), &lineNumber, &characterPosition);
pUrl = functionBody->GetSourceName();
LPCWSTR functionName = nullptr;
if (CONFIG_FLAG(ExtendedErrorStackForTestHost))
if (currentFrame.GetFunctionNameWithArguments(&functionName) != S_OK)
functionName = functionBody->GetExternalDisplayName();
functionName = functionBody->GetExternalDisplayName();
AppendExternalFrameToStackTrace(stringBuilder, functionName, pUrl ? pUrl : _u(""), lineNumber + 1, characterPosition + 1);
// Try to create the string object even if we did OOM, but if can't, just return what we've got. We catch and ignore OOM so it doesn't propagate up.
// With all the stack trace functionality, we do best effort to produce the stack trace in the case of OOM, but don't want it to trigger an OOM. Idea is if do take
// an OOM, have some chance of producing a stack trace to see where it happened.
stringMessage = stringBuilder;
obj->SetInternalProperty(InternalPropertyIds::StackTraceCache, stringMessage, PropertyOperationFlags::PropertyOperation_None, NULL);
return stringMessage;
uint64 JavascriptExceptionOperators::GetStackTraceLimit(Var thrownObject, ScriptContext* scriptContext)
uint64 limit = 0;
if (scriptContext->GetConfig()->IsErrorStackTraceEnabled()
&& IsErrorInstance(thrownObject))
HRESULT hr = JavascriptError::GetRuntimeError(RecyclableObject::FromVar(thrownObject), NULL);
JavascriptFunction* error = scriptContext->GetLibrary()->GetErrorConstructor();
// If we are throwing StackOverflow and Error.stackTraceLimit is a custom getter, we can't make the getter
// call as we don't have stack space. Just bail out without stack trace in such case. Only proceed to get
// Error.stackTraceLimit property if we are not throwing StackOverflow, or there is no implicitCall (in getter case).
DisableImplicitFlags disableImplicitFlags = scriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetDisableImplicitFlags();
if (hr == VBSERR_OutOfStack)
Var var = nullptr;
if (JavascriptOperators::GetPropertyNoCache(error, PropertyIds::stackTraceLimit, &var, scriptContext))
// Only accept the value if it is a "Number". Avoid potential valueOf() call.
switch (JavascriptOperators::GetTypeId(var))
case TypeIds_Integer:
case TypeIds_Number:
case TypeIds_Int64Number:
case TypeIds_UInt64Number:
double value = JavascriptConversion::ToNumber(var, scriptContext);
limit = JavascriptNumber::IsNan(value) ? 0 :
(NumberUtilities::IsFinite(value) ? JavascriptConversion::ToUInt32(var, scriptContext) : MaxStackTraceLimit);
if (hr == VBSERR_OutOfStack)
return limit;
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::AppendExternalFrameToStackTrace(CompoundString* bs, LPCWSTR functionName, LPCWSTR fileName, ULONG lineNumber, LONG characterPosition)
// format is equivalent to wprintf("\n at %s (%s:%d:%d)", functionName, filename, lineNumber, characterPosition);
const CharCount maxULongStringLength = 10; // excluding null terminator
const auto ConvertULongToString = [](const ULONG value, char16 *const buffer, const CharCount charCapacity)
const errno_t err = _ultow_s(value, buffer, charCapacity, 10);
Assert(err == 0);
if (CONFIG_FLAG(ExtendedErrorStackForTestHost))
bs->AppendChars(_u("\n\tat "));
bs->AppendChars(_u("\n at "));
bs->AppendChars(_u(" ("));
if (CONFIG_FLAG(ExtendedErrorStackForTestHost) && *fileName != _u('\0'))
char16 shortfilename[_MAX_FNAME];
char16 ext[_MAX_EXT];
errno_t err = _wsplitpath_s(fileName, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, shortfilename, _MAX_FNAME, ext, _MAX_EXT);
if (err != 0)
bs->AppendChars(lineNumber, maxULongStringLength, ConvertULongToString);
bs->AppendChars(characterPosition, maxULongStringLength, ConvertULongToString);
void JavascriptExceptionOperators::AppendLibraryFrameToStackTrace(CompoundString* bs, LPCWSTR functionName)
// format is equivalent to wprintf("\n at %s (native code)", functionName);
bs->AppendChars(_u("\n at "));
bs->AppendChars(_u(" (native code)"));
} // namespace Js