blob: 94c20cab1c2d65b644944f350f15a29a5b0855ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// This file contains stubs needed to make FunctionExecutionTest successfully compile and link as well
// as a means to emulate behavior of objects that interact with FunctionExecutionStateMachine
#include "..\..\lib\Common\Warnings.h"
#include "..\..\lib\Common\Core\CommonMinMax.h"
#define ENUM_CLASS_HELPERS(x, y)
#include "..\..\lib\Runtime\Language\ExecutionMode.h"
#define FieldWithBarrier(type) type
#define CONFIG_FLAG(flag) 10
#define PHASE_OFF(foo, bar) FunctionExecutionTest::PhaseOff(foo, bar)
#define PHASE_FORCE(foo, bar) false
#define NewSimpleJit 1
#define FullJitPhase 2
#undef DEFAULT_CONFIG_MinSimpleJitIterations
#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_MinSimpleJitIterations 0
namespace FunctionExecutionTest
static bool FullJitPhaseOffFlag = false;
bool PhaseOff(int phase, void*)
if (phase == FullJitPhase)
return FullJitPhaseOffFlag;
Assert(!"Unknown Phase");
return false;
namespace Js
class ConfigFlagsTable
uint16 AutoProfilingInterpreter0Limit;
uint16 AutoProfilingInterpreter1Limit;
uint16 ProfilingInterpreter0Limit;
uint16 ProfilingInterpreter1Limit;
uint16 SimpleJitLimit;
bool EnforceExecutionModeLimits;
void SetDefaults()
AutoProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 0xc;
ProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 0x4;
AutoProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 0x44;
ProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 0;
SimpleJitLimit = 0x15;
EnforceExecutionModeLimits = false;
void SetInterpretedValues()
AutoProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 0;
AutoProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 0;
ProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 1;
ProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 0;
SimpleJitLimit = 1;
EnforceExecutionModeLimits = true;
void SetDynaPogoValues()
AutoProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 0;
AutoProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 0;
ProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 0;
ProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 0;
SimpleJitLimit = 0;
EnforceExecutionModeLimits = true;
enum Phase
class Configuration
Configuration() {}
ConfigFlagsTable flags;
static Configuration Global;
Configuration Configuration::Global;
class FunctionEntryPointInfo
FunctionEntryPointInfo() : callsCount(0) {}
int callsCount;
class Output
static size_t Print(const char16 *form, ...) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(form); return 0; }
enum DebuggerMode : unsigned int
class FunctionBody
bool DoInterpreterProfile() const { return doInterpreterProfile; }
bool DoInterpreterAutoProfile() const { return doInterpreterAutoProfile; }
bool DoSimpleJit() const { return doSimpleJit; }
uint GetByteCodeCount() const { return 0; }
uint GetByteCodeInLoopCount() const { return 0; }
uint GetByteCodeWithoutLDACount() const { return 0; }
Js::DebuggerMode GetDebuggerMode() { return (Js::DebuggerMode)0; }
FunctionEntryPointInfo* GetDefaultFunctionEntryPointInfo() { return &defaultInfo; }
FunctionEntryPointInfo *GetSimpleJitEntryPointInfo() { return &simpleInfo; }
void TraceExecutionMode(const char *const eventDescription = nullptr) const { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(eventDescription); }
FunctionBody(bool interpreterProfile, bool interpreterAutoProfile, bool simpleJit):
bool doInterpreterProfile;
bool doInterpreterAutoProfile;
bool doSimpleJit;
FunctionEntryPointInfo defaultInfo;
FunctionEntryPointInfo simpleInfo;
#include "..\..\lib\Runtime\Base\FunctionExecutionStateMachine.h"
#include "..\..\lib\Runtime\Base\FunctionExecutionStateMachine.cpp"