blob: 35a19b90bb54d95a093bc9bd7e6a6c6fff60b007 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
if (this.WScript && this.WScript.LoadScriptFile) { // Check for running in ch
var tests = [
name: "Assign BigInt literal",
body: function () {
var x = 123n;
var y = x;
assert.isTrue(x == 123n);
assert.isTrue(y == 123n);
assert.isTrue(x == 124n);
assert.isTrue(y == 123n);
y = x;
assert.isTrue(x == 125n);
assert.isTrue(y == 124n);
name: "Assign BigInt object",
body: function () {
var x = BigInt(123n);
var y = x;
assert.isTrue(x == 123n);
assert.isTrue(y == 123n);
assert.isTrue(x == 124n);
assert.isTrue(y == 123n);
y = x;
assert.isTrue(x == 125n);
assert.isTrue(y == 124n);
name: "Value change with add and sub",
body: function () {
var x = BigInt(123n);
var y = x;
assert.isTrue(x == 123n);
assert.isTrue(y == 123n);
x = x + 2n;
assert.isTrue(x == 125n);
assert.isTrue(y == 123n);
y = x;
x = x - 2n;
assert.isTrue(x == 123n);
assert.isTrue(y == 125n);
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });