blob: 1818b602c3572628f913e81081de0c72d457b3dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
Below test cases verifies the combination of sticky+multiline flag when used.
var testCount = 0;
function test(re, str, lastIndex, loopCount)
var formattedStr = str.replace('\n', '\\n');
WScript.Echo('********** Test #' + ++testCount + " **********");
re.lastIndex = lastIndex;
for(var i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
WScript.Echo(' *** Iteration#' + (i+1))
WScript.Echo(' var re=' + re);
WScript.Echo(' var str=\'' + formattedStr + '\'');
WScript.Echo(' re.lastIndex = '+re.lastIndex);
WScript.Echo(' Result = ' + re.exec(str));
WScript.Echo(' re.lastIndex = ' + re.lastIndex);
// no-^, /y
test(/b12/y, "b12asd\nb12", 1, 4);
test(/b12/y, "ab12asd\nb12", 1, 4);
test(/b/y, "ab", 1, 4);
test(/abc/y, "abcabcababc", 3, 4);
// no-^, /my
test(/b12/my, "ab12asd\nb12", 0, 4);
test(/b12/my, "ab12asd\nb12", 1, 4);
test(/b12/my, "b12asd\nb12", 1, 4);
// ^, /y
test(/^b12/y, "b12asd\nb12", 1, 4);
test(/^b12/y, "ab12asd\nb12", 0, 4);
test(/^b12/y, "ab12asd\nb12", 1, 4);
test(/^b12/y, "b12b12", 3, 4);
test(/a|^b/gy, "baba", 0, 4);
// ^, /my
test(/^b12/my, "b12asd\nb12", 0, 4);
test(/^b12/my, "b12asd\nb12", 1, 4);
test(/^b12/my, "b12asd\nb12", 7, 4);
test(/^b12/my, "asdsa123asd\nb12", 1, 4);
test(/^b12/my, "ab12asd\nb12", 1, 4);
test(/^b12/my, "ab12asd\nb12", 0, 4);
test(/^b/my, "a\nb", 2, 4);
// BOILiteral2
test(/^ba/my, "ba\nba", 0, 4);
test(/^ba/my, "ba\nba", 1, 4);
// BoundedWordTag
test(/\b\w+\b/y, "( ab )", 0, 4);
test(/\b\w+\b/y, "( ab )", 2, 4);
// SingleCharTag
test(/b/my, "ba\nb", 0, 4);
test(/b/my, "ba\nb", 1, 4);
test(/b/y, "ba\nb", 0, 4);
test(/b/y, "ba\nb", 1, 4);
test(/b/y, "a\nb", 0, 4);
test(/b/my, "a\nb", 0, 4);
//LeadingTrailingSpacesTag (already taken care because of trailing ^)
var re = /^\s*|\s*$/;
test(/^\s*|\s*$/y, " ab", 1, 1);