blob: b9594fe3a823c24ebfcad6abef340abe45554e1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// Import the utility functionality.
import jobs.generation.Utilities
// Grab the github project name passed in
def project = GithubProject
def branch = GithubBranchName
def msbuildTypeMap = [
// convert `machine` parameter to OS component of PR task name
def machineTypeToOSTagMap = [
'Windows 7': 'Windows 7', // 'latest-or-auto' -> Windows Server 2008 R2 ~= Windows 7
'Windows_NT': 'Windows 8.1', // 'latest-or-auto' -> Windows Server 2012 R2 ~= Windows 8.1 aka Blue
'': 'Windows 10', // = Windows 10 RS4 with Dev 15.7
'Ubuntu16.04': 'Ubuntu',
'OSX.1011.Amd64.Chakra.Open': 'OSX'
def defaultMachineTag = 'latest-or-auto'
def legacyWindows7Machine = 'Windows 7'
def legacyWindows7MachineTag = defaultMachineTag
def legacyWindows8Machine = 'Windows_NT'
def legacyWindows8MachineTag = defaultMachineTag
def latestWindowsMachine = '' // Windows 10 RS4 with Dev 15.7
def latestWindowsMachineTag = null // all information is included in the machine name above
def dailyRegex = 'dailies'
// ---------------
// ---------------
def CreateBuildTask = { isPR, buildArch, buildType, machine, machineTag, configTag, buildExtra, testExtra, runCodeAnalysis, excludeConfigIf, nonDefaultTaskSetup ->
if (excludeConfigIf && excludeConfigIf(isPR, buildArch, buildType)) {
return // early exit: we don't want to create a job for this configuration
def config = "${buildArch}_${buildType}"
config = (configTag == null) ? config : "${configTag}_${config}"
// params: Project, BaseTaskName, IsPullRequest (appends '_prtest')
def jobName = Utilities.getFullJobName(project, config, isPR)
def testableConfig = buildType in ['debug', 'test'] && buildArch != 'arm'
def analysisConfig = buildType in ['release'] && runCodeAnalysis
def buildScript = "call .\\jenkins\\buildone.cmd ${buildArch} ${buildType} "
buildScript += buildExtra ?: ''
buildScript += analysisConfig ? ' "/p:runcodeanalysis=true"' : ''
def testScript = "call .\\jenkins\\testone.cmd ${buildArch} ${buildType} "
testScript += testExtra ?: ''
def analysisScript = '.\\Build\\scripts\\check_prefast_error.ps1 . CodeAnalysis.err'
def newJob = job(jobName) {
// This opens the set of build steps that will be run.
// This looks strange, but it is actually a method call, with a
// closure as a param, since Groovy allows method calls without parens.
// (Compare with '.each' method used above.)
steps {
batchFile(buildScript) // run the parameter as if it were a batch file
if (testableConfig) {
if (analysisConfig) {
def msbuildType = msbuildTypeMap.get(buildType)
def msbuildFlavor = "build_${buildArch}${msbuildType}"
def archivalString = "test/${msbuildFlavor}.*,test/logs/**"
archivalString += analysisConfig ? ',CodeAnalysis.err' : ''
Utilities.addArchival(newJob, archivalString,
'', // no exclusions from archival
false, // doNotFailIfNothingArchived=false ~= failIfNothingArchived
false) // archiveOnlyIfSuccessful=false ~= archiveAlways
if (machineTag == null) {
// note: this is a different overload and not equivalent to calling setMachineAffinity(_,_,null)
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, machine)
} else {
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, machine, machineTag)
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
if (nonDefaultTaskSetup == null) {
if (isPR) {
def osTag = machineTypeToOSTagMap.get(machine)
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, "${osTag} ${config}")
} else {
} else {
// nonDefaultTaskSetup is e.g. DailyBuildTaskSetup (which sets up daily builds)
// These jobs will only be configured for the branch specified below,
// which is the name of the branch netci.groovy was processed for.
// See list of such branches at:
nonDefaultTaskSetup(newJob, isPR, config)
def CreateBuildTasks = { machine, machineTag, configTag, buildExtra, testExtra, runCodeAnalysis, excludeConfigIf, nonDefaultTaskSetup ->
[true, false].each { isPR ->
['x86', 'x64', 'arm'].each { buildArch ->
['debug', 'test', 'release'].each { buildType ->
CreateBuildTask(isPR, buildArch, buildType, machine, machineTag, configTag, buildExtra, testExtra, runCodeAnalysis, excludeConfigIf, nonDefaultTaskSetup)
def CreateXPlatBuildTask = { isPR, buildType, staticBuild, machine, platform, configTag,
xplatBranch, nonDefaultTaskSetup, customOption, testVariant, extraBuildParams ->
def config = (platform == "osx" ? "osx_${buildType}" : "linux_${buildType}")
def numConcurrentCommand = (platform == "osx" ? "sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu" : "nproc")
config = (configTag == null) ? config : "${configTag}_${config}"
config = staticBuild ? "static_${config}" : "shared_${config}"
config = customOption ? customOption.replaceAll(/[-]+/, "_") + "_" + config : config
// params: Project, BaseTaskName, IsPullRequest (appends '_prtest')
def jobName = Utilities.getFullJobName(project, config, isPR)
def infoScript = "bash jenkins/ --${platform}"
def buildFlag = buildType == "release" ? "" : (buildType == "debug" ? "--debug" : "--test-build")
def staticFlag = staticBuild ? "--static" : ""
def swbCheckFlag = (platform == "linux" && buildType == "debug" && !staticBuild) ? "--wb-check" : "";
def icuFlag = (platform == "osx" ? "--icu=/Users/DDITLABS/homebrew/opt/icu4c/include" : "")
def compilerPaths = (platform == "osx") ? "" : "--cxx=/usr/bin/clang++-3.9 --cc=/usr/bin/clang-3.9"
def buildScript = "bash ./ ${staticFlag} -j=`${numConcurrentCommand}` ${buildFlag} " +
"${swbCheckFlag} ${compilerPaths} ${icuFlag} ${customOption} ${extraBuildParams}"
def icuLibFlag = (platform == "osx" ? "--iculib=/Users/DDITLABS/homebrew/opt/icu4c" : "")
def testScript = "bash test/ ${icuLibFlag} \"${testVariant}\""
def newJob = job(jobName) {
steps {
def archivalString = "out/build.log"
Utilities.addArchival(newJob, archivalString,
'', // no exclusions from archival
true, // doNotFailIfNothingArchived=false ~= failIfNothingArchived (true ~= doNotFail)
false) // archiveOnlyIfSuccessful=false ~= archiveAlways
if (platform == "osx") {
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, machine) // OSX machine string contains all info already
} else {
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, machine, defaultMachineTag)
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
if (nonDefaultTaskSetup == null) {
if (isPR) {
def osTag = machineTypeToOSTagMap.get(machine)
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, xplatBranch, "${osTag} ${config}")
} else {
} else {
// nonDefaultTaskSetup is e.g. DailyBuildTaskSetup (which sets up daily builds)
// These jobs will only be configured for the branch specified below,
// which is the name of the branch netci.groovy was processed for.
// See list of such branches at:
nonDefaultTaskSetup(newJob, isPR, config)
// Generic task to trigger clang-based cross-plat build tasks
def CreateXPlatBuildTasks = { machine, platform, configTag, xplatBranch, nonDefaultTaskSetup, extraBuildParams ->
[true, false].each { isPR ->
CreateXPlatBuildTask(isPR, "test", "", machine, platform,
configTag, xplatBranch, nonDefaultTaskSetup, "--no-jit", "--variants disable_jit", extraBuildParams)
['debug', 'test', 'release'].each { buildType ->
def staticBuildConfigs = [true, false]
if (platform == "osx") {
staticBuildConfigs = [true]
staticBuildConfigs.each { staticBuild ->
CreateXPlatBuildTask(isPR, buildType, staticBuild, machine, platform,
configTag, xplatBranch, nonDefaultTaskSetup, "", "", extraBuildParams)
def DailyBuildTaskSetup = { newJob, isPR, triggerName, groupRegex ->
// The addition of triggers makes the job non-default in GitHub.
if (isPR) {
def triggerRegex = "(${dailyRegex}|${groupRegex}|${triggerName})"
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch,
triggerName, // GitHub task name
} else {
Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(newJob, '@daily')
def CreateStyleCheckTasks = { taskString, taskName, checkName ->
[true, false].each { isPR ->
def jobName = Utilities.getFullJobName(project, taskName, isPR)
def newJob = job(jobName) {
steps {
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
if (isPR) {
// Set PR trigger.
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, checkName)
} else {
// Set a push trigger
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, 'Ubuntu16.04', defaultMachineTag)
// ----------------
// ----------------
// The latest machine seems to have a configuration problem preventing us from building ARM.
// For now, build ARM on the LKG config, Legacy Windows 8.1 (Blue) config.
// TODO When the Windows 10 configuration is updated to fix ARM builds, unify this config split.
CreateBuildTasks(latestWindowsMachine, latestWindowsMachineTag, null, null, "-win10", true,
/* excludeConfigIf */ { isPR, buildArch, buildType -> (buildArch == 'arm') }, null) // configures everything except ARM
CreateBuildTasks(legacyWindows8Machine, legacyWindows8MachineTag, null, null, "-winBlue", true,
/* excludeConfigIf */ { isPR, buildArch, buildType -> (buildArch != 'arm') }, null) // configures ARM
// Add some additional daily configs to trigger per-PR as a quality gate:
// x64_debug Slow Tests
CreateBuildTask(true, 'x64', 'debug',
latestWindowsMachine, latestWindowsMachineTag, 'ci_slow', null, '-win10 -includeSlow', false, null, null)
// x64_debug DisableJIT
CreateBuildTask(true, 'x64', 'debug',
latestWindowsMachine, latestWindowsMachineTag, 'ci_disablejit', '"/p:BuildJIT=false"', '-win10 -disablejit', false, null, null)
// x64_debug Lite
CreateBuildTask(true, 'x64', 'debug',
latestWindowsMachine, latestWindowsMachineTag, 'ci_lite', '"/p:BuildLite=true"', '-win10 -lite', false, null, null)
// x64_debug Legacy (Windows 7)
CreateBuildTask(true, 'x64', 'debug',
legacyWindows7Machine, legacyWindows7MachineTag, 'ci_legacy7', 'msbuild14', '-win7 -includeSlow', false, null, null)
// x64_debug Legacy (Windows 8.1 (Blue))
CreateBuildTask(true, 'x64', 'debug',
legacyWindows8Machine, legacyWindows8MachineTag, 'ci_legacy8', 'msbuild14', '-winBlue -includeSlow', false, null, null)
// -----------------
// -----------------
if (!branch.endsWith('-ci')) {
// build and test on the legacy configuration (Windows 7 + VS 2015 (Dev14))
CreateBuildTasks(legacyWindows7Machine, legacyWindows7MachineTag, 'daily_legacy7', 'msbuild14', '-win7 -includeSlow', false,
/* excludeConfigIf */ { isPR, buildArch, buildType -> (buildArch == 'arm') }, // excludes ARM
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"Windows 7 ${config}",
// build and test on the legacy configuration (Windows 8.1 (Blue) + VS 2015 (Dev14))
CreateBuildTasks(legacyWindows8Machine, legacyWindows8MachineTag, 'daily_legacy8', 'msbuild14', '-winBlue -includeSlow', false,
/* excludeConfigIf */ null, // ARM builds previously worked on this configuration, so don't exclude them unless we explicitly drop support
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"Windows 8 ${config}",
// build and test on the latest configuration (RS4 + VS 2017 Dev 15.7) with -includeSlow
// TODO When the Windows 10 configuration is updated to fix ARM builds, unify this config split.
CreateBuildTasks(latestWindowsMachine, latestWindowsMachineTag, 'daily_slow', null, '-win10 -includeSlow', false,
/* excludeConfigIf */ { isPR, buildArch, buildType -> (buildArch == 'arm') }, // configures everything except ARM
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"Windows ${config}",
CreateBuildTasks(legacyWindows8Machine, legacyWindows8MachineTag, 'daily_slow', null, '-winBlue -includeSlow', false,
/* excludeConfigIf */ { isPR, buildArch, buildType -> (buildArch != 'arm') }, // configures ARM
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"Windows ${config}",
// build and test on the latest configuration (RS4 + VS 2017 Dev 15.7) with JIT disabled
// TODO When the Windows 10 configuration is updated to fix ARM builds, unify this config split.
CreateBuildTasks(latestWindowsMachine, latestWindowsMachineTag, 'daily_disablejit', '"/p:BuildJIT=false"', '-win10 -disablejit', true,
/* excludeConfigIf */ { isPR, buildArch, buildType -> (buildArch == 'arm') }, // configures everything except ARM
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"Windows ${config}",
CreateBuildTasks(legacyWindows8Machine, legacyWindows8MachineTag, 'daily_disablejit', '"/p:BuildJIT=false"', '-winBlue -disablejit', true,
/* excludeConfigIf */ { isPR, buildArch, buildType -> (buildArch != 'arm') }, // configures ARM
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"Windows ${config}",
// build and test on the latest configuration (RS4 + VS 2017 Dev 15.7) with Lite build
// TODO When the Windows 10 configuration is updated to fix ARM builds, unify this config split.
CreateBuildTasks(latestWindowsMachine, latestWindowsMachineTag, 'daily_lite', '"/p:BuildLite=true"', '-win10 -lite', true,
/* excludeConfigIf */ { isPR, buildArch, buildType -> (buildArch == 'arm') }, // configures everything except ARM
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"Windows ${config}",
CreateBuildTasks(legacyWindows8Machine, legacyWindows8MachineTag, 'daily_lite', '"/p:BuildLite=true"', '-winBlue -lite', true,
/* excludeConfigIf */ { isPR, buildArch, buildType -> (buildArch != 'arm') }, // configures ARM
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"Windows ${config}",
// ----------------
// ----------------
CreateStyleCheckTasks('./jenkins/', 'ubuntu_check_copyright', 'Copyright Check')
CreateStyleCheckTasks('./jenkins/', 'ubuntu_check_eol', 'EOL Check')
CreateStyleCheckTasks('./jenkins/', 'ubuntu_check_tabs', 'Tab Check')
CreateStyleCheckTasks('./jenkins/', 'ubuntu_check_ascii', 'ASCII Check')
// --------------
// --------------
// Explicitly enumerate xplat-incompatible branches, because we don't anticipate any future incompatible branches
def isXPlatCompatibleBranch = !(branch in ['release/1.1', 'release/1.1-ci', 'release/1.2', 'release/1.2-ci'])
// Include these explicitly-named branches
def isXPlatDailyBranch = branch in ['master', 'linux', 'xplat']
// Include some release/* branches (ignore branches ending in '-ci')
if (branch.startsWith('release') && !branch.endsWith('-ci')) {
// Allows all current and future release/* branches on which we should run daily builds of XPlat configs.
// RegEx matches branch names we should ignore (e.g. release/1.1, release/1.2, release/1.2-pre)
includeReleaseBranch = !(branch =~ /^release\/(1\.[12](\D.*)?)$/)
isXPlatDailyBranch |= includeReleaseBranch
// -----------------
// -----------------
if (isXPlatCompatibleBranch) {
def osString = 'Ubuntu16.04'
// PR and CI checks
CreateXPlatBuildTasks(osString, "linux", "ubuntu", branch, null, "")
// Create a PR/continuous task to check ubuntu/static/debug/no-icu
[true, false].each { isPR ->
CreateXPlatBuildTask(isPR, "debug", true, osString, "linux",
"ubuntu", branch, null, "--no-icu", "--not-tag exclude_noicu", "")
// daily builds
if (isXPlatDailyBranch) {
CreateXPlatBuildTasks(osString, "linux", "daily_ubuntu", branch,
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"Ubuntu ${config}",
/* extraBuildParams */ "--extra-defines=PERFMAP_TRACE_ENABLED=1")
// ---------------
// ---------------
if (isXPlatCompatibleBranch) {
def osString = 'OSX.1011.Amd64.Chakra.Open'
// PR and CI checks
CreateXPlatBuildTasks(osString, "osx", "osx", branch, null, "")
// daily builds
if (isXPlatDailyBranch) {
CreateXPlatBuildTasks(osString, "osx", "daily_osx", branch,
/* nonDefaultTaskSetup */ { newJob, isPR, config ->
DailyBuildTaskSetup(newJob, isPR,
"OSX ${config}",
/* extraBuildParams */ "")
// ------------
// ------------
Utilities.createHelperJob(this, project, branch,
"Welcome to the ${project} Repository", // This is prepended to the help message
"For additional documentation on ChakraCore CI checks, please see:\n" +
"\n" +
"*\n" +
"*\n" +
"*\n" +
"\n" +
"Have a nice day!") // This is appended to the help message. You might put known issues here.