blob: 2a4c407f2010fbc4e3cd5e430307840fd833eb81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#include "Backend.h"
// EmitBufferManager::EmitBufferManager
// Constructor
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, typename SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::EmitBufferManager(ArenaAllocator * allocator, CustomHeap::CodePageAllocators<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc> * codePageAllocators,
Js::ScriptContext * scriptContext, ThreadContextInfo * threadContext, LPCWSTR name, HANDLE processHandle) :
allocationHeap(allocator, codePageAllocators, processHandle),
this->totalBytesCode = 0;
this->totalBytesLoopBody = 0;
this->totalBytesAlignment = 0;
this->totalBytesCommitted = 0;
this->totalBytesReserved = 0;
this->name = name;
// EmitBufferManager::~EmitBufferManager()
// Free up all the VirtualAlloced memory
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::~EmitBufferManager()
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::Decommit()
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::Clear()
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::FreeAllocations(bool release)
#if PDATA_ENABLED && defined(_WIN32)
AutoRealOrFakeCriticalSection<SyncObject> autoCs(&this->criticalSection);
if (!release && PHASE_STATS1(Js::EmitterPhase))
TEmitBufferAllocation * allocation = this->allocations;
while (allocation != nullptr)
if (release)
else if ((scriptContext != nullptr) && allocation->recorded)
// In case of ThunkEmitter the script context would be null and we don't want to track that as code size.
allocation->recorded = false;
allocation = allocation->nextAllocation;
if (release)
this->allocations = nullptr;
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
bool EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::IsInHeap(__in void* address)
AutoRealOrFakeCriticalSection<SyncObject> autocs(&this->criticalSection);
return this->allocationHeap.IsInHeap(address);
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc>
class AutoCustomHeapPointer
AutoCustomHeapPointer(CustomHeap::Heap<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc> * allocationHeap, CustomHeap::Allocation* heapAllocation) :
if (_heapAllocation)
CustomHeap::Allocation* Detach()
CustomHeap::Allocation* allocation = _heapAllocation;
Assert(allocation != nullptr);
_heapAllocation = nullptr;
return allocation;
CustomHeap::Allocation* _heapAllocation;
CustomHeap::Heap<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc>* _allocationHeap;
// EmitBufferManager::NewAllocation
// Create a new allocation
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferAllocation<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc> *
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::NewAllocation(size_t bytes, ushort pdataCount, ushort xdataSize, bool canAllocInPreReservedHeapPageSegment, bool isAnyJittedCode)
bool isAllJITCodeInPreReservedRegion = true;
CustomHeap::Allocation* heapAllocation = this->allocationHeap.Alloc(bytes, pdataCount, xdataSize, canAllocInPreReservedHeapPageSegment, isAnyJittedCode, &isAllJITCodeInPreReservedRegion);
if (heapAllocation == nullptr)
if (!JITManager::GetJITManager()->IsJITServer())
// This is used in interpreter scenario, thus we need to try to recover memory, if possible.
// Can't simply throw as in JIT scenario, for which throw is what we want in order to give more mem to interpreter.
heapAllocation = this->allocationHeap.Alloc(bytes, pdataCount, xdataSize, canAllocInPreReservedHeapPageSegment, isAnyJittedCode, &isAllJITCodeInPreReservedRegion);
if (heapAllocation == nullptr)
#if DBG
heapAllocation->isAllocationUsed = true;
AutoCustomHeapPointer<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc> allocatedMemory(&this->allocationHeap, heapAllocation);
VerboseHeapTrace(_u("New allocation: 0x%p, size: %p\n"), heapAllocation->address, heapAllocation->size);
TEmitBufferAllocation * allocation = AnewStruct(this->allocator, TEmitBufferAllocation);
allocation->bytesCommitted = heapAllocation->size;
allocation->allocation = allocatedMemory.Detach();
allocation->bytesUsed = 0;
allocation->nextAllocation = this->allocations;
allocation->recorded = false;
allocation->inPrereservedRegion = isAllJITCodeInPreReservedRegion;
this->allocations = allocation;
this->totalBytesCommitted += heapAllocation->size;
return allocation;
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::SetValidCallTarget(TEmitBufferAllocation* allocation, void* callTarget, bool isValid)
#if _M_ARM
callTarget = (void*)((uintptr_t)callTarget | 0x1); // add the thumb bit back, so we CFG-unregister the actual call target
if (!JITManager::GetJITManager()->IsJITServer())
this->threadContext->SetValidCallTargetForCFG(callTarget, isValid);
else if (CONFIG_FLAG(OOPCFGRegistration))
void* segment = allocation->allocation->IsLargeAllocation()
? allocation->allocation->largeObjectAllocation.segment
: allocation->allocation->page->segment;
HANDLE fileHandle = nullptr;
PVOID baseAddress = nullptr;
bool found = false;
if (this->allocationHeap.IsPreReservedSegment(segment))
found = ((SegmentBase<TPreReservedAlloc>*)segment)->GetAllocator()->GetVirtualAllocator()->GetFileInfo(callTarget, &fileHandle, &baseAddress);
found = ((SegmentBase<TAlloc>*)segment)->GetAllocator()->GetVirtualAllocator()->GetFileInfo(callTarget, &fileHandle, &baseAddress);
this->threadContext->SetValidCallTargetFile(callTarget, fileHandle, baseAddress, isValid);
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::FreeAllocation(void* address)
#if PDATA_ENABLED && defined(_WIN32)
AutoRealOrFakeCriticalSection<SyncObject> autoCs(&this->criticalSection);
#if _M_ARM
address = (void*)((uintptr_t)address & ~0x1); // clear the thumb bit
TEmitBufferAllocation* previous = nullptr;
TEmitBufferAllocation* allocation = allocations;
while(allocation != nullptr)
if (address == allocation->allocation->address)
if (previous == nullptr)
this->allocations = allocation->nextAllocation;
previous->nextAllocation = allocation->nextAllocation;
if ((scriptContext != nullptr) && allocation->recorded)
#if defined(_CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD) && !defined(_M_ARM)
if (allocation->allocation->thunkAddress)
if (JITManager::GetJITManager()->IsJITServer())
SetValidCallTarget(allocation, address, false);
VerboseHeapTrace(_u("Freeing 0x%p, allocation: 0x%p\n"), address, allocation->allocation->address);
this->allocator->Free(allocation, sizeof(TEmitBufferAllocation));
return true;
previous = allocation;
allocation = allocation->nextAllocation;
return false;
// EmitBufferManager::FinalizeAllocation
// Fill the rest of the buffer (length given by allocation->BytesFree()) with debugger breakpoints.
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
bool EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::FinalizeAllocation(TEmitBufferAllocation *allocation, BYTE * dstBuffer)
DWORD bytes = allocation->BytesFree();
if(bytes > 0)
BYTE* buffer = nullptr;
this->GetBuffer(allocation, bytes, &buffer);
if (!this->CommitBuffer(allocation, allocation->bytesCommitted, dstBuffer, 0, /*sourceBuffer=*/ nullptr, /*alignPad=*/ bytes))
return false;
this->totalBytesCode -= bytes;
return true;
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferAllocation<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc>*
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::GetBuffer(TEmitBufferAllocation *allocation, __in size_t bytes, __deref_bcount(bytes) BYTE** ppBuffer)
Assert(allocation->BytesFree() >= bytes);
// In case of ThunkEmitter the script context would be null and we don't want to track that as code size.
if (scriptContext && !allocation->recorded)
allocation->recorded = true;
// The codegen buffer is beyond the alignment section - hence, we pass this pointer.
*ppBuffer = allocation->GetUnused();
return allocation;
// EmitBufferManager::Allocate
// Allocates an executable buffer with a certain alignment
// NOTE: This buffer is not readable or writable. Use CommitBuffer
// to modify this buffer one page at a time.
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferAllocation<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc>*
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::AllocateBuffer(__in size_t bytes, __deref_bcount(bytes) BYTE** ppBuffer, ushort pdataCount /*=0*/, ushort xdataSize /*=0*/, bool canAllocInPreReservedHeapPageSegment /*=false*/,
bool isAnyJittedCode /* = false*/)
AutoRealOrFakeCriticalSection<SyncObject> autoCs(&this->criticalSection);
Assert(ppBuffer != nullptr);
TEmitBufferAllocation * allocation = this->NewAllocation(bytes, pdataCount, xdataSize, canAllocInPreReservedHeapPageSegment, isAnyJittedCode);
GetBuffer(allocation, bytes, ppBuffer);
#if DBG
size_t resultBytes = VirtualQueryEx(this->processHandle, allocation->allocation->address, &memBasicInfo, sizeof(memBasicInfo));
Assert(resultBytes == 0 || memBasicInfo.Protect == PAGE_EXECUTE_READ);
return allocation;
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
bool EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::CheckCommitFaultInjection()
if (Js::Configuration::Global.flags.ForceOOMOnEBCommit == 0)
return false;
if (Js::Configuration::Global.flags.ForceOOMOnEBCommit == -1)
Output::Print(_u("Commit count: %d\n"), commitCount);
else if (commitCount == Js::Configuration::Global.flags.ForceOOMOnEBCommit)
return true;
return false;
#if DBG
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
bool EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::IsBufferExecuteReadOnly(TEmitBufferAllocation * allocation)
AutoRealOrFakeCriticalSection<SyncObject> autoCs(&this->criticalSection);
size_t resultBytes = VirtualQuery(allocation->allocation->address, &memBasicInfo, sizeof(memBasicInfo));
return resultBytes != 0 && memBasicInfo.Protect == PAGE_EXECUTE_READ;
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
bool EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::ProtectBufferWithExecuteReadWriteForInterpreter(TEmitBufferAllocation* allocation)
Assert(allocation != nullptr);
return (this->allocationHeap.ProtectAllocationWithExecuteReadWrite(allocation->allocation) == TRUE);
// Returns true if we successfully commit the buffer
// Returns false if we OOM
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
bool EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::CommitBufferForInterpreter(TEmitBufferAllocation* allocation, _In_reads_bytes_(bufferSize) BYTE* pBuffer, _In_ size_t bufferSize)
Assert(allocation != nullptr);
allocation->bytesUsed += bufferSize;
#ifdef DEBUG
this->totalBytesCode += bufferSize;
VerboseHeapTrace(_u("Setting execute permissions on 0x%p, allocation: 0x%p\n"), pBuffer, allocation->allocation->address);
if (CheckCommitFaultInjection())
return false;
if (!JITManager::GetJITManager()->IsJITServer() && !this->allocationHeap.ProtectAllocationWithExecuteReadOnly(allocation->allocation))
return false;
if (!FlushInstructionCache(this->processHandle, pBuffer, bufferSize))
return false;
return true;
// EmitBufferManager::CommitBuffer
// Aligns the buffer with DEBUG instructions.
// Copies contents of source buffer to the destination buffer - at max of one page at a time.
// This ensures that only 1 page is writable at any point of time.
// Commit a buffer from the last AllocateBuffer call that is filled.
// Skips over the initial allocation->GetBytesUsed() bytes of destBuffer. Then, fills in `alignPad` bytes with debug breakpoint instructions,
// copies `bytes` bytes from sourceBuffer, and finally fills in the rest of destBuffer with debug breakpoint instructions.
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::CommitBuffer(TEmitBufferAllocation* allocation, __in const size_t destBufferBytes, __out_bcount(destBufferBytes) BYTE* destBuffer, __in size_t bytes, __in_bcount(bytes) const BYTE* sourceBuffer, __in DWORD alignPad)
AutoRealOrFakeCriticalSection<SyncObject> autoCs(&this->criticalSection);
Assert(destBuffer != nullptr);
Assert(allocation != nullptr);
// The size of destBuffer is actually given by allocation->bytesCommitted, but due to a bug in some versions of PREFast, we can't refer to allocation->bytesCommitted in the
// SAL annotation on destBuffer above. We've informed the PREFast maintainers, but we'll have to use destBufferBytes as a workaround until their fix makes it to Jenkins.
Assert(destBufferBytes == allocation->bytesCommitted);
// Must have at least enough room in destBuffer for the initial skipped bytes plus the bytes we're going to write.
AnalysisAssert(allocation->bytesUsed + bytes + alignPad <= destBufferBytes);
BYTE *currentDestBuffer = destBuffer + allocation->GetBytesUsed();
char *bufferToFlush = allocation->allocation->address + allocation->GetBytesUsed();
Assert(allocation->BytesFree() >= bytes + alignPad);
size_t bytesLeft = bytes + alignPad;
size_t sizeToFlush = bytesLeft;
// Copy the contents and set the alignment pad
while(bytesLeft != 0)
// currentDestBuffer must still point to somewhere in the interior of destBuffer.
AnalysisAssert(destBuffer <= currentDestBuffer);
AnalysisAssert(currentDestBuffer < destBuffer + destBufferBytes);
DWORD spaceInCurrentPage = AutoSystemInfo::PageSize - ((size_t)currentDestBuffer & (AutoSystemInfo::PageSize - 1));
size_t bytesToChange = bytesLeft > spaceInCurrentPage ? spaceInCurrentPage : bytesLeft;
// Buffer and the bytes that are marked RWX - these will eventually be marked as 'EXCEUTE' only.
BYTE* readWriteBuffer = currentDestBuffer;
size_t readWriteBytes = bytesToChange;
if (CheckCommitFaultInjection())
return false;
if (!JITManager::GetJITManager()->IsJITServer() && !this->allocationHeap.ProtectAllocationWithExecuteReadWrite(allocation->allocation, (char*)readWriteBuffer))
return false;
// Pad with debug-breakpoint instructions up to alignBytes or the end of the current page, whichever is less.
if (alignPad != 0)
DWORD alignBytes = alignPad < spaceInCurrentPage ? alignPad : spaceInCurrentPage;
CustomHeap::FillDebugBreak(currentDestBuffer, alignBytes);
alignPad -= alignBytes;
currentDestBuffer += alignBytes;
allocation->bytesUsed += alignBytes;
bytesLeft -= alignBytes;
bytesToChange -= alignBytes;
this->totalBytesAlignment += alignBytes;
// If there are bytes still left to be copied then we should do the copy, but only through the end of the current page.
if(bytesToChange > 0)
AssertMsg(alignPad == 0, "If we are copying right now - we should be done with setting alignment.");
const DWORD bufferBytesFree(allocation->BytesFree());
// Use <= here instead of < to allow this memcopy to fill up the rest of destBuffer. If we do, then FinalizeAllocation,
// called below, determines that no additional padding is necessary based on the values in `allocation'.
AnalysisAssert(currentDestBuffer + bufferBytesFree <= destBuffer + destBufferBytes);
memcpy_s(currentDestBuffer, bufferBytesFree, sourceBuffer, bytesToChange);
currentDestBuffer += bytesToChange;
sourceBuffer += bytesToChange;
allocation->bytesUsed += bytesToChange;
bytesLeft -= bytesToChange;
Assert(readWriteBuffer + readWriteBytes == currentDestBuffer);
if (!JITManager::GetJITManager()->IsJITServer() && !this->allocationHeap.ProtectAllocationWithExecuteReadOnly(allocation->allocation, (char*)readWriteBuffer))
return false;
if (!FlushInstructionCache(this->processHandle, bufferToFlush, sizeToFlush))
return false;
this->totalBytesCode += bytes;
//Finish the current EmitBufferAllocation by filling out the rest of destBuffer with debug breakpoint instructions.
return FinalizeAllocation(allocation, destBuffer);
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::CompletePreviousAllocation(TEmitBufferAllocation* allocation)
AutoRealOrFakeCriticalSection<SyncObject> autoCs(&this->criticalSection);
if (allocation != nullptr)
allocation->bytesUsed = allocation->bytesCommitted;
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::CheckBufferPermissions(TEmitBufferAllocation *allocation)
AutoRealOrFakeCriticalSection<SyncObject> autoCs(&this->criticalSection);
if(allocation->bytesCommitted == 0)
BYTE *buffer = (BYTE*) allocation->allocation->address;
SIZE_T size = allocation->bytesCommitted;
SIZE_T result = VirtualQuery(buffer, &memInfo, sizeof(memInfo));
if(result == 0)
// VirtualQuery failed. This is not an expected condition, but it would be benign for the purposes of this check. Seems
// to occur occasionally on process shutdown.
else if(memInfo.Protect == PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
Output::Print(_u("ERROR: Found PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE page!\n"));
#ifdef DEBUG
AssertMsg(FALSE, "Page was marked PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE");
// Figure out if we need to continue the query. The returned size might be larger than the size we requested,
// for instance if more pages were allocated directly afterward, with the same permissions.
if(memInfo.RegionSize >= size)
// recalculate size for next iteration
buffer += memInfo.RegionSize;
size -= memInfo.RegionSize;
if(size <= 0)
AssertMsg(FALSE, "Last VirtualQuery left us with unmatched regions");
template <typename TAlloc, typename TPreReservedAlloc, class SyncObject>
EmitBufferManager<TAlloc, TPreReservedAlloc, SyncObject>::DumpAndResetStats(char16 const * filename)
if (this->totalBytesCommitted != 0)
size_t wasted = this->totalBytesCommitted - this->totalBytesCode - this->totalBytesAlignment;
Output::Print(_u("Stats for %s: %s \n"), name, filename);
Output::Print(_u(" Total code size : %10d (%6.2f%% of committed)\n"), this->totalBytesCode,
(float)this->totalBytesCode * 100 / this->totalBytesCommitted);
Output::Print(_u(" Total LoopBody code : %10d\n"), this->totalBytesLoopBody);
Output::Print(_u(" Total alignment size : %10d (%6.2f%% of committed)\n"), this->totalBytesAlignment,
(float)this->totalBytesAlignment * 100 / this->totalBytesCommitted);
Output::Print(_u(" Total wasted size : %10d (%6.2f%% of committed)\n"), wasted,
(float)wasted * 100 / this->totalBytesCommitted);
Output::Print(_u(" Total committed size : %10d (%6.2f%% of reserved)\n"), this->totalBytesCommitted,
(float)this->totalBytesCommitted * 100 / this->totalBytesReserved);
Output::Print(_u(" Total reserved size : %10d\n"), this->totalBytesReserved);
this->totalBytesCode = 0;
this->totalBytesLoopBody = 0;
this->totalBytesAlignment = 0;
this->totalBytesCommitted = 0;
this->totalBytesReserved = 0;
template class EmitBufferManager<VirtualAllocWrapper, PreReservedVirtualAllocWrapper, FakeCriticalSection>;
template class EmitBufferManager<VirtualAllocWrapper, PreReservedVirtualAllocWrapper, CriticalSection>;
template class EmitBufferManager<SectionAllocWrapper, PreReservedSectionAllocWrapper, FakeCriticalSection>;
template class EmitBufferManager<SectionAllocWrapper, PreReservedSectionAllocWrapper, CriticalSection>;