blob: 150672d2ac73c64d2587ca0d68e419a54769c1c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
#ifdef _MSC_VER
extern "C" PVOID _ReturnAddress(VOID);
#pragma intrinsic(_ReturnAddress)
#define _ReturnAddress() __builtin_return_address(0)
class BailOutRecord;
extern "C" void __cdecl _alloca_probe_16();
namespace Js
class EHBailoutData;
enum InterpreterStackFrameFlags : UINT16
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_None = 0,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_WithinTryBlock = 1,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_WithinCatchBlock = 2,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_WithinFinallyBlock = 4,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_FromBailOut = 8,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_ProcessingBailOutOnArrayAccessHelperCall = 0x10,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_ProcessingBailOutFromEHCode = 0x20,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_FromBailOutInInlinee = 0x40,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_ProcessingBailOutOnArraySpecialization = 0x80,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_WithinTryFinallyBlock = 0x100,
InterpreterStackFrameFlags_All = 0xFFFF,
// TODO: (leish)(swb) this is not always stack allocated now
// with ES6 Generator, this can be allocated with recycler
// need to find a good way to set write barrier, or big refactor.
struct InterpreterStackFrame /* Stack allocated, no virtuals */
friend class ::BailOutRecord;
friend class JavascriptGeneratorFunction;
friend class JavascriptGenerator;
class Setup
Setup(ScriptFunction * function, Arguments& args, bool bailout = false, bool inlinee = false);
Setup(ScriptFunction * function, Var * inParams, int inSlotsCount);
size_t GetAllocationVarCount() const { return varAllocCount; }
InterpreterStackFrame * AllocateAndInitialize(bool doProfile, bool * releaseAlloc);
#if DBG
InterpreterStackFrame * InitializeAllocation(__in_ecount(varAllocCount) Var * allocation, bool initParams, bool profileParams, LoopHeader* loopHeaderArray, DWORD_PTR stackAddr, Var invalidStackVar);
InterpreterStackFrame * InitializeAllocation(__in_ecount(varAllocCount) Var * allocation, bool initParams, bool profileParams, LoopHeader* loopHeaderArray, DWORD_PTR stackAddr);
uint GetLocalCount() const { return localCount; }
template <class Fn>
void InitializeParams(InterpreterStackFrame * newInstance, Fn callback, Var **pprestDest);
template <class Fn>
void InitializeParamsAndUndef(InterpreterStackFrame * newInstance, Fn callback, Var **pprestDest);
void InitializeRestParam(InterpreterStackFrame * newInstance, Var *dest);
void SetupInternal();
Var * inParams;
ScriptFunction * const function;
FunctionBody * const executeFunction;
void** inlineCaches;
int inSlotsCount;
uint localCount;
uint varAllocCount;
uint inlineCacheCount;
Js::CallFlags callFlags;
bool bailedOut;
bool bailedOutOfInlinee;
struct AsmJsReturnStruct
int32 i;
int64 l;
float f;
double d;
AsmJsSIMDValue simd;
template<typename T> T GetRetVal();
template<> int32 GetRetVal<int32>() { return i; }
template<> int64 GetRetVal<int64>() { return l; }
template<> float GetRetVal<float>() { return f; }
template<> double GetRetVal<double>() { return d; }
template<> X86SIMDValue GetRetVal<X86SIMDValue>() { return X86SIMDValue::ToX86SIMDValue(simd); }
ByteCodeReader m_reader; // Reader for current function
int m_inSlotsCount; // Count of actual incoming parameters to this function
Js::CallFlags m_callFlags; // CallFlags passed to the current function
Var* m_inParams; // Range of 'in' parameters
Var* m_outParams; // Range of 'out' parameters (offset in m_localSlots)
Var* m_outSp; // Stack pointer for next outparam
Var* m_outSpCached; // Stack pointer for caching previos SP (in order to assist in try..finally)
Var m_arguments; // Dedicated location for this frame's arguments object
StackScriptFunction * stackNestedFunctions;
FrameDisplay * localFrameDisplay;
Var localClosure;
Var paramClosure;
Var *innerScopeArray;
ForInObjectEnumerator * forInObjectEnumerators;
ScriptContext* scriptContext;
ScriptFunction * function;
FunctionBody * m_functionBody;
void** inlineCaches;
void * returnAddress;
void * addressOfReturnAddress; // Tag this frame with stack position, used by (remote) stack walker to test partially initialized interpreter stack frame.
InterpreterStackFrame *previousInterpreterFrame;
LoopHeader* loopHeaderArray; // Keeps alive any JITted loop bodies while the function is being interpreted
// 'stack address' of the frame, used for recursion detection during stepping.
// For frames created via interpreter path, we use 'this', for frames created by bailout we use stack addr of actual jitted frame
// the interpreter frame is created for.
DWORD_PTR m_stackAddress;
ImplicitCallFlags * savedLoopImplicitCallFlags;
uint inlineCacheCount;
uint currentLoopNum;
uint currentLoopCounter; // This keeps tracks of how many times the current loop is executed. It's hit only in cases where jitloopbodies are not hit
// such as loops inside try\catch.
UINT16 m_flags; // based on InterpreterStackFrameFlags
bool closureInitDone : 1;
bool isParamScopeDone : 1;
bool shouldCacheSP : 1; // Helps in determining if we need to cache the sp in ProcessTryFinally
bool switchProfileMode : 1;
bool isAutoProfiling : 1;
uint32 switchProfileModeOnLoopEndNumber;
int16 nestedTryDepth;
int16 nestedCatchDepth;
uint retOffset;
int16 nestedFinallyDepth;
void (InterpreterStackFrame::*opLoopBodyStart)(uint32 loopNumber, LayoutSize layoutSize, bool isFirstIteration);
void (InterpreterStackFrame::*opProfiledLoopBodyStart)(uint32 loopNumber, LayoutSize layoutSize, bool isFirstIteration);
void * DEBUG_currentByteOffset;
#if DBG
Var* m_outParamsEnd;
// Asm.js stack pointer
int* m_localIntSlots;
int64* m_localInt64Slots;
double* m_localDoubleSlots;
float* m_localFloatSlots;
JavascriptArrayBuffer* m_asmJsBuffer;
WebAssemblyMemory * m_wasmMemory;
Wasm::WasmSignature* m_signatures;
_SIMDValue* m_localSimdSlots;
EHBailoutData * ehBailoutData;
// 16-byte aligned
__declspec(align(16)) Var m_localSlots[0]; // Range of locals and temporaries
static const int LocalsThreshold = 32 * 1024; // Number of locals vars we'll allocate on the frame.
// If there are more, we'll use an arena.
//This class must have an empty ctor (otherwise it will break the code in InterpreterStackFrame::InterpreterThunk
inline InterpreterStackFrame() { }
JavascriptArrayBuffer* GetAsmJsBuffer() const;
WebAssemblyMemory* GetWebAssemblyMemory() const;
void ProcessTryFinally(const byte* ip, Js::JumpOffset jumpOffset, Js::RegSlot regException = Js::Constants::NoRegister, Js::RegSlot regOffset = Js::Constants::NoRegister, bool hasYield = false);
void OP_SetOutAsmInt(RegSlot outRegisterID, int val);
void OP_SetOutAsmFlt(RegSlot outRegisterID, float val);
void OP_SetOutAsmDb(RegSlot outRegisterID, double val);
void OP_I_SetOutAsmInt(RegSlot outRegisterID, int val);
void OP_I_SetOutAsmDb(RegSlot outRegisterID, double val);
void OP_I_SetOutAsmFlt(RegSlot outRegisterID, float val);
void OP_I_SetOutAsmLong(RegSlot outRegisterID, int64 val);
void OP_I_SetOutAsmSimd(RegSlot outRegisterID, AsmJsSIMDValue val);
template<int type, bool toJs> //type is int to avoid including Wasm headers
void OP_InvalidWasmTypeConversion(...);
void OP_WasmPrintFunc(int index);
template <class T> void OP_WasmPrintFunc(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_WasmPrintFunc((int)playout->I1); }
void SetOut(ArgSlot outRegisterID, Var bValue);
void SetOut(ArgSlot_OneByte outRegisterID, Var bValue);
void PushOut(Var aValue);
void PopOut(ArgSlot argCount);
void CacheSp();
void RestoreSp();
FrameDisplay * GetLocalFrameDisplay() const;
FrameDisplay * GetFrameDisplayForNestedFunc() const;
Var InnerScopeFromRegSlot(RegSlot reg) const;
void SetClosureInitDone(bool done) { closureInitDone = done; }
bool IsClosureInitDone() const { return closureInitDone; }
void ValidateRegValue(Var value, bool allowStackVar = false, bool allowStackVarOnDisabledStackNestedFunc = true) const;
int OP_GetMemorySize();
int32 OP_GrowMemory(int32 delta);
void OP_Unreachable();
template <typename T> using AsmJsMathPtr = T(*)(T a, T b);
template <typename T, AsmJsMathPtr<T> func> static T OP_DivOverflow(T a, T b, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
template <typename T, AsmJsMathPtr<T> func> static T OP_RemOverflow(T a, T b, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
template <typename T, AsmJsMathPtr<T> func> static T OP_UnsignedDivRemCheck(T a, T b, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
void ValidateSetRegValue(Var value, bool allowStackVar = false, bool allowStackVarOnDisabledStackNestedFunc = true) const;
template <typename RegSlotType> Var GetReg(RegSlotType localRegisterID) const;
template <typename RegSlotType> void SetReg(RegSlotType localRegisterID, Var bValue);
template <typename RegSlotType> Var GetRegAllowStackVar(RegSlotType localRegisterID) const;
template <typename RegSlotType> void SetRegAllowStackVar(RegSlotType localRegisterID, Var bValue);
template <typename RegSlotType> int GetRegRawInt( RegSlotType localRegisterID ) const;
template <typename RegSlotType> void SetRegRawInt( RegSlotType localRegisterID, int bValue );
template <typename RegSlotType> int64 GetRegRawInt64( RegSlotType localRegisterID ) const;
template <typename RegSlotType> void SetRegRawInt64( RegSlotType localRegisterID, int64 bValue );
template <typename RegSlotType> void* GetRegRawPtr(RegSlotType localRegisterID) const;
template <typename RegSlotType> void SetRegRawPtr(RegSlotType localRegisterID, void* val);
template <typename RegSlotType> double VECTORCALL GetRegRawDouble(RegSlotType localRegisterID) const;
template <typename RegSlotType> float VECTORCALL GetRegRawFloat(RegSlotType localRegisterID) const;
template <typename RegSlotType> void SetRegRawDouble(RegSlotType localRegisterID, double bValue);
template <typename RegSlotType> void SetRegRawFloat(RegSlotType localRegisterID, float bValue);
template <typename T> T VECTORCALL GetRegRaw( RegSlot localRegisterID ) const;
template <typename T> void SetRegRaw( RegSlot localRegisterID, T bValue );
template <typename RegSlotType> AsmJsSIMDValue GetRegRawSimd(RegSlotType localRegisterID) const;
template <typename RegSlotType> void SetRegRawSimd(RegSlotType localRegisterID, AsmJsSIMDValue bValue);
template <class T> void OP_SimdLdArrGeneric(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdLdArrConstIndex(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdStArrGeneric(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdStArrConstIndex(const unaligned T* playout);
bool SIMDAnyNaN(AsmJsSIMDValue& input);
template <class T> void OP_SimdInt32x4FromFloat32x4(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdUint32x4FromFloat32x4(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_WasmSimdConst(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdShuffleV8X16(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdInt16x8(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdInt8x16(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdUint32x4(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdUint16x8(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdUint8x16(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdBool32x4(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdBool16x8(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SimdBool8x16(const unaligned T* playout);
template <typename RegSlotType>
Var GetRegAllowStackVarEnableOnly(RegSlotType localRegisterID) const;
template <typename RegSlotType>
void SetRegAllowStackVarEnableOnly(RegSlotType localRegisterID, Var bValue);
Var GetNonVarReg(RegSlot localRegisterID) const;
void SetNonVarReg(RegSlot localRegisterID, void * bValue);
ScriptContext* GetScriptContext() const { return scriptContext; }
Var GetRootObject() const;
ScriptFunction* GetJavascriptFunction() const { return function; }
FunctionBody * GetFunctionBody() const { return m_functionBody; }
ByteCodeReader* GetReader() { return &m_reader;}
uint GetCurrentLoopNum() const { return currentLoopNum; }
InterpreterStackFrame* GetPreviousFrame() const {return previousInterpreterFrame;}
void SetPreviousFrame(InterpreterStackFrame *interpreterFrame) {previousInterpreterFrame = interpreterFrame;}
Var GetArgumentsObject() const { return m_arguments; }
void SetArgumentsObject(Var args) { m_arguments = args; }
UINT16 GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
void OrFlags(UINT16 addTo) { m_flags |= addTo; }
void ClearFlags(UINT16 flags) { m_flags &= ~flags; }
bool TestFlags(UINT16 flags) { return (m_flags & flags) != 0; }
bool IsInCatchOrFinallyBlock();
static bool IsDelayDynamicInterpreterThunk(JavascriptMethod entryPoint);
Var LdEnv() const;
void SetEnv(FrameDisplay *frameDisplay);
Field(Var)* NewScopeSlots(unsigned int size, ScriptContext *scriptContext, Var scope);
Field(Var)* NewScopeSlots();
Var NewScopeObject();
FrameDisplay * NewFrameDisplay(void *argHead, void *argEnv);
Var CreateHeapArguments(ScriptContext* scriptContext);
bool IsCurrentLoopNativeAddr(void * codeAddr) const;
void * GetReturnAddress() { return returnAddress; }
static uint32 GetOffsetOfLocals() { return offsetof(InterpreterStackFrame, m_localSlots); }
static uint32 GetOffsetOfArguments() { return offsetof(InterpreterStackFrame, m_arguments); }
static uint32 GetOffsetOfInParams() { return offsetof(InterpreterStackFrame, m_inParams); }
static uint32 GetOffsetOfInSlotsCount() { return offsetof(InterpreterStackFrame, m_inSlotsCount); }
static uint32 GetOffsetOfStackNestedFunctions() { return offsetof(InterpreterStackFrame, stackNestedFunctions); }
static uint32 GetOffsetOfForInEnumerators() { return offsetof(InterpreterStackFrame, forInObjectEnumerators); }
static uint32 GetStartLocationOffset() { return offsetof(InterpreterStackFrame, m_reader) + ByteCodeReader::GetStartLocationOffset(); }
static uint32 GetCurrentLocationOffset() { return offsetof(InterpreterStackFrame, m_reader) + ByteCodeReader::GetCurrentLocationOffset(); }
bool IsParamScopeDone() const { return isParamScopeDone; }
void SetIsParamScopeDone(bool value) { isParamScopeDone = value; }
static bool IsBrLong(OpCode op, const byte * ip)
return (op == OpCode::ExtendedOpcodePrefix) && ((OpCode)(ByteCodeReader::PeekExtOp(ip)) == OpCode::BrLong);
return false;
DWORD_PTR GetStackAddress() const;
void* GetAddressOfReturnAddress() const;
#if _M_IX86
static int GetRetType(JavascriptFunction* func);
static int GetAsmJsArgSize(AsmJsCallStackLayout * stack);
static int GetDynamicRetType(AsmJsCallStackLayout * stack);
_NOINLINE static void AsmJsInterpreter(AsmJsCallStackLayout * stack, byte* retDst);
#elif _M_X64
template <typename T>
static T AsmJsInterpreter(AsmJsCallStackLayout* layout);
static void * GetAsmJsInterpreterEntryPoint(AsmJsCallStackLayout* stack);
static __m128 AsmJsInterpreterSimdJs(AsmJsCallStackLayout* func);
static void StaticInterpreterAsmThunk(RecyclableObject* function, ...);
static void InterpreterAsmThunk(AsmJsCallStackLayout* layout);
static Var AsmJsDelayDynamicInterpreterThunk(RecyclableObject* function, CallInfo callInfo, ...);
static Var DelayDynamicInterpreterThunk(RecyclableObject* function, CallInfo callInfo, ...);
_NOINLINE static Var InterpreterThunk(JavascriptCallStackLayout* layout);
_NOINLINE static Var StaticInterpreterThunk(RecyclableObject* function, CallInfo callInfo, ...);
_NOINLINE static Var InterpreterThunk(RecyclableObject* function, CallInfo callInfo, ...);
static Var InterpreterHelper(ScriptFunction* function, ArgumentReader args, void* returnAddress, void* addressOfReturnAddress, AsmJsReturnStruct* asmReturn = nullptr);
static const bool ShouldDoProfile(FunctionBody* executeFunction);
static InterpreterStackFrame* CreateInterpreterStackFrameForGenerator(ScriptFunction* function, FunctionBody* executeFunction, JavascriptGenerator* generator, bool doProfile);
void InitializeClosures();
static JavascriptMethod EnsureDynamicInterpreterThunk(Js::ScriptFunction * function);
template<typename OpCodeType, Js::OpCode (ReadOpFunc)(const byte*&), void (TracingFunc)(InterpreterStackFrame*, OpCodeType)>
OpCodeType ReadOp(const byte *& ip);
static void TraceOpCode(InterpreterStackFrame* that, Js::OpCode op);
static void TraceAsmJsOpCode(InterpreterStackFrame* that, Js::OpCodeAsmJs op);
template<typename OpCodeType, Js::OpCode(ReadOpFunc)(const byte*&), void (TracingFunc)(InterpreterStackFrame*, OpCodeType)>
OpCodeType ReadOp_WPreviousStmtTracking(const byte *& ip);
void* __cdecl operator new(size_t byteSize, void* previousAllocation) throw();
void __cdecl operator delete(void* allocationToFree, void* previousAllocation) throw();
_NOINLINE Var ProcessThunk(void* returnAddress, void* addressOfReturnAddress);
_NOINLINE Var DebugProcessThunk(void* returnAddress, void* addressOfReturnAddress);
void AlignMemoryForAsmJs();
Var Process();
Var ProcessAsmJsModule();
Var ProcessLinkFailedAsmJsModule();
Var ProcessAsmJs();
Var ProcessProfiled();
Var ProcessUnprofiled();
const byte* ProcessProfiledExtendedOpcodePrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessUnprofiledExtendedOpcodePrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessWithDebuggingExtendedOpcodePrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessAsmJsExtendedOpcodePrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessProfiledMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessUnprofiledMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessWithDebuggingMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessAsmJsMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessProfiledExtendedMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessUnprofiledExtendedMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessWithDebuggingExtendedMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessAsmJsExtendedMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessProfiledLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessUnprofiledLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessWithDebuggingLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessAsmJsLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessProfiledExtendedLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessUnprofiledExtendedLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessWithDebuggingExtendedLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessAsmJsExtendedLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
Var ProcessWithDebugging();
Var DebugProcess();
bool IsInDebugMode() const { return this->GetFunctionBody()->IsInDebugMode(); }
Var ProcessWithDebugging_PreviousStmtTracking();
const byte* ProcessWithDebugging_PreviousStmtTrackingExtendedOpcodePrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessWithDebugging_PreviousStmtTrackingMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessWithDebugging_PreviousStmtTrackingExtendedMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessWithDebugging_PreviousStmtTrackingLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessWithDebugging_PreviousStmtTrackingExtendedLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
Var ProcessUnprofiled_PreviousStmtTracking();
const byte* ProcessUnprofiled_PreviousStmtTrackingExtendedOpcodePrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessUnprofiled_PreviousStmtTrackingMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessUnprofiled_PreviousStmtTrackingExtendedMediumLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
const byte* ProcessUnprofiled_PreviousStmtTrackingLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip, Var&);
const byte* ProcessUnprofiled_PreviousStmtTrackingExtendedLargeLayoutPrefix(const byte* ip);
// This will be called for reseting outs when resume from break on error happened
void ResetOut();
Var OP_ArgIn0();
template <class T> void OP_ArgOut_Env(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ArgOut_A(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledArgOut_A(const unaligned T * playout);
#if DBG
template <class T> void OP_ArgOut_ANonVar(const unaligned T* playout);
FrameDisplay * GetEnvForEvalCode();
BOOL OP_BrFalse_A(Var aValue, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
BOOL OP_BrTrue_A(Var aValue, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
BOOL OP_BrNotNull_A(Var aValue);
BOOL OP_BrUndecl_A(Var aValue);
BOOL OP_BrNotUndecl_A(Var aValue);
BOOL OP_BrOnHasProperty(Var argInstance, uint propertyIdIndex, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
BOOL OP_BrOnNoProperty(Var argInstance, uint propertyIdIndex, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
BOOL OP_BrOnNoEnvProperty(Var envInstance, int32 slotIndex, uint propertyIdIndex, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
BOOL OP_BrOnClassConstructor(Var aValue);
BOOL OP_BrOnBaseConstructorKind(Var aValue);
RecyclableObject * OP_CallGetFunc(Var target);
template <class T> const byte * OP_Br(const unaligned T * playout);
void OP_AsmStartCall(const unaligned OpLayoutStartCall * playout);
void OP_StartCall( const unaligned OpLayoutStartCall * playout );
void OP_StartCall(uint outParamCount);
template <class T> void OP_CallCommon(const unaligned T *playout, RecyclableObject * aFunc, unsigned flags, const Js::AuxArray<uint32> *spreadIndices = nullptr);
void OP_CallAsmInternalCommon(ScriptFunction* function, RegSlot returnReg);
void OP_CallAsmInternal(RegSlot funcReg, RegSlot returnReg);
template <class T> void OP_I_AsmCall(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_CallAsmInternal(playout->Function, playout->Return); }
void OP_ProfiledCallAsmInternal(RegSlot funcReg, RegSlot returnReg, ProfileId profileId);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledI_AsmCall(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_ProfiledCallAsmInternal(playout->Function, playout->Return, playout->profileId); }
template <class T> void OP_CallCommonI(const unaligned T *playout, RecyclableObject * aFunc, unsigned flags);
template <class T> void OP_ProfileCallCommon(const unaligned T *playout, RecyclableObject * aFunc, unsigned flags, ProfileId profileId, InlineCacheIndex inlineCacheIndex = Js::Constants::NoInlineCacheIndex, const Js::AuxArray<uint32> *spreadIndices = nullptr);
template <class T> void OP_ProfileReturnTypeCallCommon(const unaligned T *playout, RecyclableObject * aFunc, unsigned flags, ProfileId profileId, const Js::AuxArray<uint32> *spreadIndices = nullptr);
template <class T> void OP_AsmCall(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_EnsureHeapAttached(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_CallI(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_CallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), Js::CallFlags_None); }
template <class T> void OP_CallIFlags(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_CallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), playout->callFlags); }
template <class T> void OP_CallIExtended(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_CallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), Js::CallFlags_None, (playout->Options & CallIExtended_SpreadArgs) ? m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody()) : nullptr); }
template <class T> void OP_CallIExtendedFlags(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_CallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), playout->callFlags, (playout->Options & CallIExtended_SpreadArgs) ? m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody()) : nullptr); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledCallI(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), Js::CallFlags_None, playout->profileId); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledCallIFlags(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_ProfileCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), playout->callFlags, playout->profileId); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledCallIExtended(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), Js::CallFlags_None, playout->profileId, Js::Constants::NoInlineCacheIndex, (playout->Options & CallIExtended_SpreadArgs) ? m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody()) : nullptr); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledCallIExtendedFlags(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), playout->callFlags, playout->profileId, Js::Constants::NoInlineCacheIndex, (playout->Options & CallIExtended_SpreadArgs) ? m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody()) : nullptr); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledCallIWithICIndex(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), Js::CallFlags_None, playout->profileId, playout->inlineCacheIndex); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledCallIFlagsWithICIndex(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), playout->callFlags, playout->profileId, playout->inlineCacheIndex); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledCallIExtendedWithICIndex(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), Js::CallFlags_None, playout->profileId, playout->inlineCacheIndex, (playout->Options & CallIExtended_SpreadArgs) ? m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody()) : nullptr); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledCallIExtendedFlagsWithICIndex(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), playout->callFlags, playout->profileId, playout->inlineCacheIndex, (playout->Options & CallIExtended_SpreadArgs) ? m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody()) : nullptr); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledReturnTypeCallI(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileReturnTypeCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), Js::CallFlags_None, playout->profileId); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledReturnTypeCallIFlags(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_ProfileReturnTypeCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), playout->callFlags, playout->profileId); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledReturnTypeCallIExtended(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileReturnTypeCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), Js::CallFlags_None, playout->profileId, (playout->Options & CallIExtended_SpreadArgs) ? m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody()) : nullptr); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledReturnTypeCallIExtendedFlags(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfileReturnTypeCallCommon(playout, OP_CallGetFunc(GetRegAllowStackVar(playout->Function)), playout->callFlags, playout->profileId, (playout->Options & CallIExtended_SpreadArgs) ? m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody()) : nullptr); }
// Patching Fastpath Operations
template <class T> void OP_GetRootProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetRootPropertyForTypeOf(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetRootProperty_NoFastPath(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T, bool Root, bool Method, bool CallApplyTarget> void ProfiledGetProperty(unaligned T* playout, const Var instance);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetRootProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetRootPropertyForTypeOf(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetProperty(Var instance, unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetLocalProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetSuperProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetPropertyForTypeOf(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetProperty_NoFastPath(Var instance, unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetLocalProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetSuperProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetPropertyForTypeOf(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetPropertyCallApplyTarget(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetRootMethodProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetRootMethodProperty_NoFastPath(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetRootMethodProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetMethodProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetLocalMethodProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetMethodProperty(Var varInstance, unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetMethodProperty_NoFastPath(Var varInstance, unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetMethodProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledGetLocalMethodProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <typename T> void OP_GetPropertyScoped(const unaligned OpLayoutT_ElementP<T>* playout);
template <typename T> void OP_GetPropertyForTypeOfScoped(const unaligned OpLayoutT_ElementP<T>* playout);
template <typename T> void OP_GetPropertyScoped_NoFastPath(const unaligned OpLayoutT_ElementP<T>* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetMethodPropertyScoped(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_GetMethodPropertyScoped_NoFastPath(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void UpdateFldInfoFlagsForGetSetInlineCandidate(unaligned T* playout, FldInfoFlags& fldInfoFlags, CacheType cacheType,
DynamicProfileInfo * dynamicProfileInfo, uint inlineCacheIndex, RecyclableObject * obj);
template <class T> void UpdateFldInfoFlagsForCallApplyInlineCandidate(unaligned T* playout, FldInfoFlags& fldInfoFlags, CacheType cacheType,
DynamicProfileInfo * dynamicProfileInfo, uint inlineCacheIndex, RecyclableObject * obj);
template <class T> void OP_SetProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SetLocalProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SetSuperProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledSetProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledSetLocalProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledSetSuperProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SetRootProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledSetRootProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SetPropertyStrict(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledSetPropertyStrict(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SetRootPropertyStrict(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledSetRootPropertyStrict(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SetPropertyScoped(unaligned T* playout, PropertyOperationFlags flags = PropertyOperation_None);
template <class T> void OP_SetPropertyScoped_NoFastPath(unaligned T* playout, PropertyOperationFlags flags);
template <class T> void OP_SetPropertyScopedStrict(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ConsoleSetPropertyScoped(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ConsoleSetPropertyScopedStrict(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void DoSetProperty(unaligned T* playout, Var instance, PropertyOperationFlags flags);
template <class T> void DoSetSuperProperty(unaligned T* playout, Var instance, PropertyOperationFlags flags);
template <class T> void DoSetProperty_NoFastPath(unaligned T* playout, Var instance, PropertyOperationFlags flags);
template <class T> void DoSetSuperProperty_NoFastPath(unaligned T* playout, Var instance, PropertyOperationFlags flags);
template <class T, bool Root> void ProfiledSetProperty(unaligned T* playout, Var instance, PropertyOperationFlags flags);
template <class T, bool Root> void ProfiledSetSuperProperty(unaligned T* playout, Var instance, Var thisInstance, PropertyOperationFlags flags);
template <class T> void OP_InitProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitLocalProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitRootProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitUndeclLetProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitUndeclLocalLetProperty(unaligned T* playout);
void OP_InitUndeclRootLetProperty(uint propertyIdIndex);
template <class T> void OP_InitUndeclConstProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitUndeclLocalConstProperty(unaligned T* playout);
void OP_InitUndeclRootConstProperty(uint propertyIdIndex);
template <class T> void OP_InitUndeclConsoleLetProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitUndeclConsoleConstProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledInitProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledInitLocalProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledInitRootProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledInitUndeclProperty(unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void DoInitProperty(unaligned T* playout, Var instance);
template <class T> void DoInitProperty_NoFastPath(unaligned T* playout, Var instance);
template <class T> void ProfiledInitProperty(unaligned T* playout, Var instance);
template <class T> bool TrySetPropertyLocalFastPath(unaligned T* playout, PropertyId pid, RecyclableObject* instance, InlineCache*& inlineCache, PropertyOperationFlags flags = PropertyOperation_None);
template <bool doProfile> Var ProfiledDivide(Var aLeft, Var aRight, ScriptContext* scriptContext, ProfileId profileId);
template <bool doProfile> Var ProfileModulus(Var aLeft, Var aRight, ScriptContext* scriptContext, ProfileId profileId);
template <bool doProfile> Var ProfiledSwitch(Var exp, ProfileId profileId);
// Non-patching Fastpath operations
template <typename T> void OP_GetElementI(const unaligned T* playout);
template <typename T> void OP_ProfiledGetElementI(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout);
template <typename T> void OP_SetElementI(const unaligned T* playout, PropertyOperationFlags flags = PropertyOperation_None);
template <typename T> void OP_ProfiledSetElementI(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout, PropertyOperationFlags flags = PropertyOperation_None);
template <typename T> void OP_SetElementIStrict(const unaligned T* playout);
template <typename T> void OP_ProfiledSetElementIStrict(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout);
template<class T> void OP_LdLen(const unaligned T *const playout);
template<class T> void OP_ProfiledLdLen(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T> *const playout);
template <bool doProfile> Var ProfiledIsIn(Var argProperty, Var instance, ScriptContext* scriptContext, ProfileId profileId);
Var OP_ProfiledLdThis(Var thisVar, int moduleID, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
Var OP_ProfiledStrictLdThis(Var thisVar, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
template <class T> void OP_SetArrayItemI_CI4(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SetArrayItemC_CI4(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_SetArraySegmentItem_CI4(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void SetArrayLiteralItem(JavascriptArray *arr, uint32 index, T value);
void OP_SetArraySegmentVars(const unaligned OpLayoutAuxiliary * playout);
template <class T> void OP_NewScArray(const unaligned T * playout);
template <bool Profiled, class T> void ProfiledNewScArray(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T> * playout);
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledNewScArray(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T> * playout) { ProfiledNewScArray<true, T>(playout); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledNewScArray_NoProfile(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T> * playout) { ProfiledNewScArray<false, T>(playout); }
void OP_NewScIntArray(const unaligned OpLayoutAuxiliary * playout);
void OP_NewScFltArray(const unaligned OpLayoutAuxiliary * playout);
template <bool Profiled> void ProfiledNewScIntArray(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<OpLayoutAuxiliary> * playout);
template <bool Profiled> void ProfiledNewScFltArray(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<OpLayoutAuxiliary> * playout);
void OP_ProfiledNewScIntArray(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<OpLayoutAuxiliary> * playout) { ProfiledNewScIntArray<true>(playout); }
void OP_ProfiledNewScFltArray(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<OpLayoutAuxiliary> * playout) { ProfiledNewScFltArray<true>(playout); }
template <class T> void OP_LdArrayHeadSegment(const unaligned T* playout);
inline JavascriptFunction* GetFunctionExpression();
template <class T> inline void OP_LdFunctionExpression(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_StFunctionExpression(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_StLocalFunctionExpression(const unaligned T* playout);
void OP_StFunctionExpression(Var instance, Var value, PropertyIdIndexType index);
template <class T> inline void OP_LdNewTarget(const unaligned T* playout);
inline Var OP_Ld_A(Var aValue);
inline Var OP_LdLocalObj();
inline Var OP_LdParamObj();
void OP_ChkUndecl(Var aValue);
void OP_ChkNewCallFlag();
void OP_EnsureNoRootProperty(uint propertyIdIndex);
void OP_EnsureNoRootRedeclProperty(uint propertyIdIndex);
void OP_ScopedEnsureNoRedeclProperty(Var aValue, uint propertyIdIndex, Var aValue2);
Var OP_InitUndecl();
void OP_InitUndeclSlot(Var aValue, int32 slot);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitInnerFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitLetFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitLocalLetFld(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitInnerLetFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitRootLetFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitConstFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitRootConstFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void DoInitLetFld(const unaligned T * playout, Var instance, PropertyOperationFlags flags = PropertyOperation_None);
template <class T> inline void DoInitConstFld(const unaligned T * playout, Var instance, PropertyOperationFlags flags = PropertyOperation_None);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitClassMember(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitClassMemberComputedName(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitClassMemberGet(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitClassMemberSet(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitClassMemberGetComputedName(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_InitClassMemberSetComputedName(const unaligned T * playout);
template <typename ArrayType, typename RegType = ArrayType> inline void OP_LdArr( uint32 index, RegSlot value );
template <class T> inline void OP_LdArrFunc(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_LdArrWasmFunc(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline void OP_CheckSignature(const unaligned T* playout);
template<typename T> T GetArrayViewOverflowVal();
template <typename ArrayType, typename RegType = ArrayType> inline void OP_StArr( uint32 index, RegSlot value );
template <class T> inline void OP_LdAsmJsSlot(const unaligned T* playout );
template <class T, typename T2> inline void OP_StSlotPrimitive(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T, typename T2> inline void OP_LdSlotPrimitive( const unaligned T* playout );
template <class T> inline void OP_LdArrGeneric ( const unaligned T* playout );
template <class T> inline void OP_LdArrWasm ( const unaligned T* playout );
template <class T> inline void OP_LdArrConstIndex( const unaligned T* playout );
template <class T> inline void OP_StArrGeneric ( const unaligned T* playout );
template <class T> inline void OP_StArrWasm ( const unaligned T* playout );
template <class T> inline void OP_StArrConstIndex( const unaligned T* playout );
template <class T> inline void OP_LdArrAtomic ( const unaligned T* playout );
template <class T> inline void OP_StArrAtomic ( const unaligned T* playout );
template<typename MemType> void WasmArrayBoundsCheck(uint64 index, uint32 byteLength);
template<typename MemType> MemType* WasmAtomicsArrayBoundsCheck(byte* buffer, uint64 index, uint32 byteLength);
inline Var OP_LdSlot(Var instance, int32 slotIndex);
inline Var OP_LdObjSlot(Var instance, int32 slotIndex);
inline Var OP_LdFrameDisplaySlot(Var instance, int32 slotIndex);
template <class T> inline Var OP_LdSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_ProfiledLdSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_LdInnerSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_ProfiledLdInnerSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_LdInnerObjSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_ProfiledLdInnerObjSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_LdEnvSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_ProfiledLdEnvSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_LdEnvObj(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_LdObjSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_ProfiledLdObjSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_LdEnvObjSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_ProfiledLdEnvObjSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> inline Var OP_LdModuleSlot(Var instance, const unaligned T* playout);
inline void OP_StModuleSlot(Var instance, uint32 slotIndex1, uint32 slotIndex2, Var value);
inline void OP_StSlot(Var instance, int32 slotIndex, Var value);
inline void OP_StSlotChkUndecl(Var instance, int32 slotIndex, Var value);
inline void OP_StEnvSlot(Var instance, int32 slotIndex1, int32 slotIndex2, Var value);
inline void OP_StEnvSlotChkUndecl(Var instance, int32 slotIndex1, int32 slotIndex2, Var value);
inline void OP_StObjSlot(Var instance, int32 slotIndex, Var value);
inline void OP_StObjSlotChkUndecl(Var instance, int32 slotIndex, Var value);
inline void OP_StEnvObjSlot(Var instance, int32 slotIndex1, int32 slotIndex2, Var value);
inline void OP_StEnvObjSlotChkUndecl(Var instance, int32 slotIndex1, int32 slotIndex2, Var value);
inline void* OP_LdArgCnt();
template <bool letArgs> Var LdHeapArgumentsImpl(Var argsArray, ScriptContext* scriptContext);
Var OP_LdHeapArguments(ScriptContext* scriptContext);
inline Var OP_LdLetHeapArguments(ScriptContext* scriptContext);
inline Var OP_LdHeapArgsCached(ScriptContext* scriptContext);
inline Var OP_LdLetHeapArgsCached(ScriptContext* scriptContext);
inline Var OP_LdStackArgPtr();
inline Var OP_LdArgumentsFromFrame();
Var OP_NewScObjectSimple();
void OP_NewScObjectLiteral(const unaligned OpLayoutAuxiliary * playout);
void OP_NewScObjectLiteral_LS(const unaligned OpLayoutAuxiliary * playout, RegSlot& target);
void OP_LdPropIds(const unaligned OpLayoutAuxiliary * playout);
template <bool Profile, bool JITLoopBody> void LoopBodyStart(uint32 loopNumber, LayoutSize layoutSize, bool isFirstIteration);
LoopHeader const * DoLoopBodyStart(uint32 loopNumber, LayoutSize layoutSize, const bool doProfileLoopCheck, bool isFirstIteration);
template <bool Profile, bool JITLoopBody> void ProfiledLoopBodyStart(uint32 loopNumber, LayoutSize layoutSize, bool isFirstIteration);
void OP_RecordImplicitCall(uint loopNumber);
template <class T, bool Profiled, bool ICIndex> void OP_NewScObject_Impl(const unaligned T* playout, InlineCacheIndex inlineCacheIndex = Js::Constants::NoInlineCacheIndex, const Js::AuxArray<uint32> *spreadIndices = nullptr);
template <class T, bool Profiled, bool ICIndex> void OP_ProfiledNewScObject_Impl(const unaligned T* playout, InlineCacheIndex inlineCacheIndex = Js::Constants::NoInlineCacheIndex, const Js::AuxArray<uint32> *spreadIndices = nullptr) { OP_NewScObject_Impl<T, Profiled, ICIndex>(playout, inlineCacheIndex, spreadIndices); }
template <class T, bool Profiled> void OP_NewScObjArray_Impl(const unaligned T* playout, const Js::AuxArray<uint32> *spreadIndices = nullptr) { OP_NewScObject_Impl<T, Profiled, false>(playout, Js::Constants::NoInlineCacheIndex, spreadIndices); }
template <class T, bool Profiled> void OP_ProfiledNewScObjArray_Impl(const unaligned T* playout, const Js::AuxArray<uint32> *spreadIndices = nullptr);
template <class T> void OP_NewScObject(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_NewScObject_Impl<T, false, false>(playout); }
template <class T> void OP_NewScObjectNoCtorFull(const unaligned T* playout);
template <class T> void OP_NewScObjectSpread(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_NewScObject_Impl<T, false, false>(playout, Js::Constants::NoInlineCacheIndex, m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody())); }
template <class T> void OP_NewScObjArray(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_NewScObjArray_Impl<T, false>(playout); }
template <class T> void OP_NewScObjArraySpread(const unaligned T* playout) { OP_NewScObjArray_Impl<T, false>(playout, m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody())); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledNewScObject(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfiledNewScObject_Impl<T, true, false>(playout); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledNewScObjectSpread(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfiledNewScObject_Impl<T, true, false>(playout, Js::Constants::NoInlineCacheIndex, m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody())); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledNewScObjectWithICIndex(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile<T>* playout) { OP_ProfiledNewScObject_Impl<T, true, true>(playout, playout->inlineCacheIndex); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledNewScObjArray(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile2<T>* playout) { OP_ProfiledNewScObjArray_Impl<T, true>(playout); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledNewScObjArray_NoProfile(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile2<T>* playout) { OP_ProfiledNewScObjArray_Impl<T, false>(playout); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledNewScObjArraySpread(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile2<T>* playout) { OP_ProfiledNewScObjArray_Impl<T, true>(playout, m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody())); }
template <class T> void OP_ProfiledNewScObjArraySpread_NoProfile(const unaligned OpLayoutDynamicProfile2<T>* playout) { OP_ProfiledNewScObjArray_Impl<T, false>(playout, m_reader.ReadAuxArray<uint32>(playout->SpreadAuxOffset, this->GetFunctionBody())); }
Var NewScObject_Helper(Var target, ArgSlot ArgCount, const Js::AuxArray<uint32> *spreadIndices = nullptr);
Var ProfiledNewScObject_Helper(Var target, ArgSlot ArgCount, ProfileId profileId, InlineCacheIndex inlineCacheIndex, const Js::AuxArray<uint32> *spreadIndices = nullptr);
template <class T, bool Profiled, bool ICIndex> Var OP_NewScObjectNoArg_Impl(const unaligned T *playout, InlineCacheIndex inlineCacheIndex = Js::Constants::NoInlineCacheIndex);
void OP_NewScObject_A_Impl(const unaligned OpLayoutAuxiliary * playout, RegSlot *target = nullptr);
void OP_NewScObject_A(const unaligned OpLayoutAuxiliary * playout) { return OP_NewScObject_A_Impl(playout); }
void OP_InitCachedFuncs(const unaligned OpLayoutAuxNoReg * playout);
Var OP_GetCachedFunc(Var instance, int32 index);
void OP_CommitScope();
void OP_CommitScopeHelper(const PropertyIdArray *propIds);
void OP_TryCatch(const unaligned OpLayoutBr* playout);
void ProcessCatch();
int ProcessFinally();
void ProcessTryHandlerBailout(EHBailoutData * innermostEHBailoutData, uint32 tryNestingDepth);
void OP_TryFinally(const unaligned OpLayoutBr* playout);
void OP_TryFinallyWithYield(const byte* ip, Js::JumpOffset jumpOffset, Js::RegSlot regException, Js::RegSlot regOffset);
void OP_ResumeCatch();
void OP_ResumeFinally(const byte* ip, Js::JumpOffset jumpOffset, RegSlot exceptionRegSlot, RegSlot offsetRegSlot);
inline Var OP_ResumeYield(Var yieldDataVar, RegSlot yieldStarIterator = Js::Constants::NoRegister);
template <typename T> void OP_IsInst(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitClass(const unaligned OpLayoutT_Class<T> * playout);
inline Var OP_LdHomeObj(ScriptContext * scriptContext);
inline Var OP_LdFuncObj(ScriptContext * scriptContext);
template <typename T> void OP_LdElementUndefined(const unaligned OpLayoutT_ElementU<T>* playout);
template <typename T> void OP_LdLocalElementUndefined(const unaligned OpLayoutT_ElementRootU<T>* playout);
template <typename T> void OP_LdElementUndefinedScoped(const unaligned OpLayoutT_ElementScopedU<T>* playout);
void OP_SpreadArrayLiteral(const unaligned OpLayoutReg2Aux * playout);
template <LayoutSize layoutSize,bool profiled> const byte * OP_ProfiledLoopStart(const byte *ip);
template <LayoutSize layoutSize,bool profiled> const byte * OP_ProfiledLoopEnd(const byte *ip);
template <LayoutSize layoutSize, bool profiled> const byte * OP_ProfiledLoopBodyStart(const byte *ip);
template <LayoutSize layoutSize, bool profiled> const byte * OP_ProfiledWasmLoopBodyStart(const byte *ip);
template <LayoutSize layoutSize, bool profiled> const byte * OP_ProfiledLoopBodyStart(uint loopId);
template <typename T> void OP_ApplyArgs(const unaligned OpLayoutT_Reg5<T> * playout);
template <class T> void OP_EmitTmpRegCount(const unaligned OpLayoutT_Unsigned1<T> * ip);
Var OP_ImportCall(Var specifier, ScriptContext *scriptContext);
HeapArgumentsObject * CreateEmptyHeapArgumentsObject(ScriptContext* scriptContext);
void TrySetFrameObjectInHeapArgObj(ScriptContext * scriptContext, bool hasNonSimpleParam, bool isScopeObjRestored);
Var InnerScopeFromIndex(uint32 index) const;
void SetInnerScopeFromIndex(uint32 index, Var scope);
void OP_NewInnerScopeSlots(uint index, uint count, int scopeIndex, ScriptContext *scriptContext, FunctionBody *functionBody);
template <typename T> void OP_CloneInnerScopeSlots(const unaligned OpLayoutT_Unsigned1<T> *playout);
template <typename T> void OP_CloneBlockScope(const unaligned OpLayoutT_Unsigned1<T> *playout);
FrameDisplay * OP_LdFrameDisplay(void *argHead, void *argEnv, ScriptContext *scriptContext);
FrameDisplay * OP_LdFrameDisplaySetLocal(void *argHead, void *argEnv, ScriptContext *scriptContext);
template <bool innerFD> FrameDisplay * OP_LdFrameDisplayNoParent(void *argHead, ScriptContext *scriptContext);
FrameDisplay * OP_LdFuncExprFrameDisplaySetLocal(void *argHead1, void *argHead2, ScriptContext *scriptContext);
FrameDisplay * OP_LdInnerFrameDisplay(void *argHead, void *argEnv, ScriptContext *scriptContext);
FrameDisplay * OP_LdInnerFrameDisplayNoParent(void *argHead, ScriptContext *scriptContext);
template <class T> void OP_NewStackScFunc(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_NewInnerStackScFunc(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_DeleteFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_DeleteLocalFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_DeleteRootFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_DeleteFldStrict(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_DeleteRootFldStrict(const unaligned T * playout);
template <typename T> void OP_ScopedDeleteFld(const unaligned OpLayoutT_ElementScopedC<T> * playout);
template <typename T> void OP_ScopedDeleteFldStrict(const unaligned OpLayoutT_ElementScopedC<T> * playout);
template <class T> void OP_ScopedLdInst(const unaligned T * playout);
template <typename T> void OP_ScopedInitFunc(const unaligned OpLayoutT_ElementScopedC<T> * playout);
template <class T> void OP_ClearAttributes(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitGetFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitSetFld(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitSetElemI(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitGetElemI(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitComputedProperty(const unaligned T * playout);
template <class T> void OP_InitProto(const unaligned T * playout);
void OP_BeginBodyScope();
void OP_InitForInEnumerator(Var object, uint forInLoopLevel);
void OP_InitForInEnumeratorWithCache(Var object, uint forInLoopLevel, ProfileId profileId);
ForInObjectEnumerator * GetForInEnumerator(uint forInLoopLevel);
uint CallLoopBody(JavascriptMethod address);
uint CallAsmJsLoopBody(JavascriptMethod address);
void DoInterruptProbe();
void CheckIfLoopIsHot(uint profiledLoopCounter);
bool CheckAndResetImplicitCall(DisableImplicitFlags prevDisableImplicitFlags,ImplicitCallFlags savedImplicitCallFlags);
class PushPopFrameHelper
PushPopFrameHelper(InterpreterStackFrame *interpreterFrame, void *returnAddress, void *addressOfReturnAddress)
: m_threadContext(interpreterFrame->GetScriptContext()->GetThreadContext()), m_interpreterFrame(interpreterFrame), m_isHiddenFrame(false)
interpreterFrame->returnAddress = returnAddress; // Ensure these are set before pushing to interpreter frame list
interpreterFrame->addressOfReturnAddress = addressOfReturnAddress;
if (interpreterFrame->GetFunctionBody()->GetIsAsmjsMode())
m_isHiddenFrame = true;
~ PushPopFrameHelper()
if (!m_isHiddenFrame)
Js::InterpreterStackFrame *interpreterFrame = m_threadContext->PopInterpreterFrame();
AssertMsg(interpreterFrame == m_interpreterFrame,
"Interpreter frame chain corrupted?");
ThreadContext *m_threadContext;
InterpreterStackFrame *m_interpreterFrame;
bool m_isHiddenFrame;
inline InlineCache* GetInlineCache(uint cacheIndex)
Assert(this->inlineCaches != nullptr);
Assert(cacheIndex < this->inlineCacheCount);
return reinterpret_cast<InlineCache *>(this->inlineCaches[cacheIndex]);
inline IsInstInlineCache* GetIsInstInlineCache(uint cacheIndex)
return m_functionBody->GetIsInstInlineCache(cacheIndex);
inline PropertyId GetPropertyIdFromCacheId(uint cacheIndex)
return m_functionBody->GetPropertyIdFromCacheId(cacheIndex);
void InitializeStackFunctions(StackScriptFunction * scriptFunctions);
StackScriptFunction * GetStackNestedFunction(uint index);
void SetExecutingStackFunction(ScriptFunction * scriptFunction);
friend class StackScriptFunction;
void SetLocalFrameDisplay(FrameDisplay *frameDisplay);
Var GetLocalClosure() const;
void SetLocalClosure(Var closure);
Var GetParamClosure() const;
void SetParamClosure(Var closure);
void TrySetRetOffset();
// Used to track how many interpreter stack frames we have on stack.
class InterpreterThunkStackCountTracker
InterpreterThunkStackCountTracker() { ++s_count; }
~InterpreterThunkStackCountTracker() { --s_count; }
static int GetCount() { return s_count; }
THREAD_LOCAL static int s_count;
} // namespace Js