blob: b62c7aefb66e330fc3a8e2564491afeb9bf9ea91 [file] [log] [blame]
function asm(global, env, buffer) {
"use asm";
var t = global.NaN, u = global.Infinity;
var Int = 0;
var Double = 0.0;
var Math_fround = global.Math.fround;
var Math_abs = global.Math.abs;
var Math_ceil = global.Math.ceil;
var Math_max = global.Math.max;
var Math_min = global.Math.min;
var Math_sqrt = global.Math.sqrt;
var tempDoublePtr = env.tempDoublePtr | 0;
var n = | 0;
var STACKTOP = env.STACKTOP | 0;
var setTempRet0=env.setTempRet0;
var abort = env.abort;
var print = env.print;
var h = env.h;
var return_int = env.return_int;
var emscripten_log = env.emscripten_log;
var HEAP8 = new global.Int8Array(buffer);
var HEAP16 = new global.Int16Array(buffer);
var HEAP32 = new global.Int32Array(buffer);
var HEAPU8 = new global.Uint8Array(buffer);
var HEAPU16 = new global.Uint16Array(buffer);
var HEAPU32 = new global.Uint32Array(buffer);
var HEAPF32 = new global.Float32Array(buffer);
var HEAPF64 = new global.Float64Array(buffer);
var nonZero = 1337;
function big_negative() {
var temp = 0.0;
temp = +-2147483648;
temp = -2147483648.0;
temp = -21474836480.0;
temp = 0.039625;
temp = -0.039625;
function importedDoubles() {
var temp = 0.0;
temp = t + u + (-u) + (-t);
if ((Int | 0) > 0) return -3.4;
if (Double > 0.0) return 5.6;
return 1.2;
function doubleCompares(x, y) {
x = +x;
y = +y;
var t = 0.0;
var Int = 0.0, Double = 0; // confusing with globals
if (x > 0.0) return 1.2;
Int = x;
Double = n;
if (Int > 0.0) return -3.4;
if ((Double|0) > 0) return 5.6;
if (x < y) return +x;
return +y;
function intOps(x) {
x = x | 0;
return (!x) | 0;
function hexLiterals() {
var i = 0;
i = 0x0 + 0x12ABCdef + 0xFEDcba90 | 0;
function conversions(i, d, f) {
i = i | 0;
d = +d;
f = Math_fround(f);
i = ~~d;
i = ~~f;
d = +(i | 0);
d = +(i >>> 0);
function seq() {
var J = 0.0;
J = (0.1, 5.1) - (3.2, 4.2);
function switcher(x) {
x = x | 0;
var waka = 0;
switch (x | 0) {
case 1: return 1;
case 2: return 2;
switch (x | 0) {
case 12: return 121;
case 5: return 51;
Lout: switch (x | 0) {
case 12: break;
case 10: break Lout;
case 5: {
while (1) {
case 2: {
while (1) {
break Lout;
L1 : while (1) {
L3 : while (1) switch (x | 0) {
case -1:
break L1;
case 116:
waka = 1;
case 110:
break L3;
break L1;
return 0;
function blocker() {
L: {
break L;
function frem() {
return +(5.5 % 1.2);
function frem_float() {
return Math_fround(Math_fround(5.5) % Math_fround(1.2));
function big_uint_div_u() {
var x = 0;
x = (4294967295 / 2)&-1;
return x | 0;
function trapping_sint_div_s() {
var x = 0;
x = (-2147483648 / -1);
return x | 0;
function fr(x) {
x = Math_fround(x);
var y = Math_fround(0), z = 0.0;
function negZero() {
return +-0;
function abs() {
var x = 0, y = 0.0, z = Math_fround(0);
x = Math_abs(0) | 0;
y = +Math_abs(0.0);
z = Math_fround(Math_abs(Math_fround(0)));
function minmax() {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = Math_fround(0), w = Math_fround(0);
x = +Math_min(+x, +y);
y = +Math_max(+x, +y);
z = Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(z), Math_fround(w)));
w = Math_fround(Math_max(Math_fround(z), Math_fround(w)));
function neg() {
var x = Math_fround(0);
x = Math_fround(-x);
FUNCTION_TABLE_c[1 & 7](x);
function cneg(x) {
x = Math_fround(x);
FUNCTION_TABLE_c[1 & 7](x);
function ___syscall_ret() {
var $0 = 0;
($0>>>0) > 4294963200; // -4096
function smallCompare(i, j) {
i = i | 0;
j = j | 0;
if ((i | 0) < (j | 0)) i = i + 1 | 0;
if ((i >>> 0) < (j >>> 0)) i = i + 1 | 0;
return i | 0;
function cneg_nosemicolon() {
FUNCTION_TABLE_vi[1 & 7](1) // no semicolon
function forLoop() {
var i = 0;
for (i = 1; (i | 0) < 200; i = i + 1 | 0) {
h(i | 0);
function ceiling_32_64(u, B) {
u = Math_fround(u);
B = +B;
var temp = Math_fround(0);
temp = Math_fround(Math_ceil(B));
temp = Math_fround(u * Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(B))));
function aborts() {
function continues() {
while (1) {
do {
if (return_int() | 0) continue;
} while (0);
function bitcasts(i, f) {
i = i | 0;
f = Math_fround(f);
var d = 0.0;
(HEAP32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = i, Math_fround(HEAPF32[tempDoublePtr >> 2])); // i32->f32
(HEAP32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = i, +HEAPF32[tempDoublePtr >> 2]); // i32->f32, no fround
(HEAPF32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = f, HEAP32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] | 0); // f32->i32
(HEAPF32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = d, HEAP32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] | 0); // f64 with implict f32 conversion, ->i32
function recursiveBlockMerging(x) {
x = x | 0;
lb((1, x) + (2, 3) + (((4, 5), 6), 7) + (8, (9, (10, (11, 12)))) | 0) | 0;
x = (lb(1) | 0, x) + (lb(2) | 0, lb(3) | 0) + (((lb(4) | 0, lb(5) | 0), lb(6) | 0), lb(7) | 0) + (lb(8) | 0, (lb(9) | 0, (lb(10) | 0, (lb(11) | 0, lb(12) | 0)))) | 0;
return x | 0;
function lb(a) {
a = a | 0;
HEAP32[a >> 2] = n + 136 + 8;
return 0;
function forgetMe() {
function exportMe() {
function zeroInit(x) {
x = x | 0;
var y = 0; // reusing this with x is dangerous - x has a value, and y needs to start at 0!
if (lb(0) | 0) {
if (lb(1) | 0) y = 3;
} else {
y = 3;
if ((y | 0) == 3) {
lb(2) | 0;
function phi() {
var x = 0;
do {
if (lb(1) | 0) {
x = 0;
x = 1;
} while (0);
return x | 0;
function smallIf() {
do {
if (return_int() | 0) {
lb(3) | 0;
} else {
} while (0);
function dropCall() {
if (return_int() | 0) {
phi() | 0; // drop this
setTempRet0(10); // this too
zeroInit(setTempRet0(10) | 0);
return phi() | 0;
function useSetGlobal() {
var x = 0;
x = (Int = 10);
Int = 20;
return (Int = 30) | 0;
function usesSetGlobal2() {
return (Int = 40, 50) | 0;
function breakThroughMany($s) {
$s = $s|0;
L1: do {
if ($s) {
while(1) {
if (!($s)) {
break L1;
} else {
} while(0);
function ifChainEmpty(label) {
label = label | 0;
if ((label|0) == 4) {
return 0;
else if ((label|0) == 7) {
// unreachable;
return 0;
function heap8NoShift(x) {
x = x | 0;
return HEAP8[x | 0] | 0;
function conditionalTypeFun() {
var x = 0, y = 0.0;
x = return_int() | 0 ? abort(5) | 0 : 2;
y = return_int() | 0 ? +abort(7) : 4.5;
function loadSigned(x) {
x = x | 0;
loadSigned(HEAP8[x >> 0] << 24 >> 24);
loadSigned(HEAPU8[x >> 0] << 24 >> 24);
loadSigned(HEAP16[x >> 1] << 16 >> 16);
loadSigned(HEAPU16[x >> 1] << 16 >> 16);
loadSigned(HEAP8[x >> 0] << 24 >> 16);
loadSigned(HEAPU8[x >> 0] << 16 >> 24);
loadSigned(HEAP16[x >> 1] << 16 >> 24);
loadSigned(HEAPU16[x >> 1] << 24 >> 16);
function z(x) {
x = Math_fround(x);
function w() {
return 0.0;
function globalOpts() {
var x = 0, y = 0.0;
x = Int;
y = Double;
HEAP8[13] = HEAP32[3]; // access memory, should not confuse the global writes
Double = y;
Int = x;
x = Int;
if (return_int() | 0) Int = 20; // but this does interfere
Int = x;
x = Int;
globalOpts(); // this too
Int = x;
function dropCallImport() {
if (return_int() | 0) return_int() | 0;
function loophi(x, y) {
x = x | 0;
y = y | 0;
var temp = 0, inc = 0, loopvar = 0; // this order matters
loopvar = x;
while(1) {
loophi(loopvar | 0, 0);
temp = loopvar;
if (temp) {
if (temp) {
inc = loopvar + 1 | 0;
if ((inc|0) == (y|0)) {
loopvar = inc;
} else {
function loophi2() {
var jnc = 0, i = 0, i$lcssa = 0, temp = 0, j = 0;
i = 0;
L7: while(1) {
j = 0;
while(1) {
temp = j;
if (return_int() | 0) {
if (temp) {
i$lcssa = i;
break L7;
jnc = j + 1 | 0;
if (jnc) {
j = jnc;
} else {
return i$lcssa | 0
function loophi2b() {
var jnc = 0, i = 0, i$lcssa = 0, temp = 0, j = 0;
i = 0;
L7: while(1) {
j = 0;
while(1) {
temp = j;
if (return_int() | 0) {
if (temp) {
i$lcssa = j;
break L7;
jnc = j + 1 | 0;
if (jnc) {
j = jnc;
} else {
return i$lcssa | 0
function relooperJumpThreading(x) {
x = x | 0;
var label = 0;
// from if
if (x) {
label = 1;
if ((label|0) == 1) {
// from loop
while (1) {
x = x + 1 | 0;
if (x) {
label = 2;
if ((label|0) == 2) {
// if-else afterward
if (x) {
if ((x|0) == 3) {
label = 3;
} else {
label = 4;
if ((label|0) == 3) {
} else if ((label|0) == 4) {
// two ifs afterward
if (x) {
if ((x|0) == 5) {
label = 5;
} else {
label = 6;
if ((label|0) == 5) {
if ((x|0) == 6) {
label = 6;
if ((label|0) == 6) {
// labeled if after
if (x) {
label = 7;
L1: do {
if ((label|0) == 7) {
break L1;
} while (0);
// labeled if after normal if
if (x) {
if ((x|0) == 8) {
label = 8;
} else {
label = 9;
if ((label|0) == 8) {
if (x) label = 9;
L1: do {
if ((label|0) == 9) {
break L1;
} while (0);
// labeled if after a first if
// do-enclosed if after (?)
// test multiple labels, some should be ignored initially by JumpUpdater
return x | 0;
function relooperJumpThreading__ZN4game14preloadweaponsEv($12, $14, $or$cond8, $or$cond6, $vararg_ptr5, $11, $exitcond) {
$12 = $12 | 0;
$14 = $14 | 0;
$or$cond8 = $or$cond8 | 0;
$or$cond6 = $or$cond6 | 0;
$vararg_ptr5 = $vararg_ptr5 | 0;
$11 = $11 | 0;
$exitcond = $exitcond | 0;
var label = 0;
while(1) {
if ($14) {
if ($or$cond8) {
label = 7;
} else {
label = 8;
} else {
if ($or$cond6) {
label = 7;
} else {
label = 8;
if ((label|0) == 7) {
label = 0;
else if ((label|0) == 8) {
label = 0;
HEAP32[$vararg_ptr5>>2] = $11;
function relooperJumpThreading_irreducible(x) {
x = x | 0;
var label = 0;
if ((x|0) == 100) {
label = 1;
} else {
label = 10;
if ((label|0) == 1) {
while (1) {
label = 1; // this is ok - the if means the body of the if begins with the block for 1. so a setting inside the body of the if must return to the top of the if
// too many settings, we just look one back, so this one will not be optimized
if ((x|0) == 200) {
label = 2;
} else {
label = 10;
if ((x|0) == 300) {
label = 2;
if ((label|0) == 2) {
if ((label|0) == 10) {
function __Z12multi_varargiz($0, $$06$i4, $exitcond$i6, $2) {
$0 = $0|0;
$$06$i4 = $$06$i4 | 0;
$exitcond$i6 = $exitcond$i6 | 0;
$2 = $2 | 0;
var $12 = 0, $20 = 0;
if ($2) {
while(1) {
$12 = $$06$i4;
if ($exitcond$i6) {
} else {
$$06$i4 = $20;
} else {
lb(1) | 0; // returns a value, and the while is unreachable
function jumpThreadDrop() {
var label = 0, temp = 0;
temp = return_int() | 0;
while (1) {
label = 14;
if ((label | 0) == 10) {
} else if ((label | 0) == 12) {
return_int() | 0; // drop in the middle of an if-else chain for threading
} else if ((label | 0) == 14) {
return temp | 0;
function dropIgnoredImportInIf($0,$1,$2) {
$0 = $0|0;
$1 = $1|0;
$2 = $2|0;
do {
if ($0) {
$0 = 1;
lb($2 | 0) | 0;
} else {
} while(0);
function big_fround() {
return Math_fround(4294967295);
function dropIgnoredImportsInIf($0,$1,$2) {
$0 = $0|0;
$1 = $1|0;
$2 = $2|0;
do {
if ($0) {
lb($1 | 0) | 0;
} else {
lb($2 | 0) | 0;
} while(0);
function f32_ucast(x) {
x = x | 0;
return Math_fround(x>>>0);
function f32_scast(x) {
x = x | 0;
return Math_fround(x|0);
function store_fround(x) {
x = x | 0;
HEAPF64[10] = Math_fround(x|0);
function relocatableAndModules() {
ftCall_v(10); // function table call
mftCall_v(20); // possible inter-module function table call
return ftCall_idi(30, 1.5, 200) | 0; // with args
function exported_f32_user(x, y, z) {
x = x | 0;
y = Math_fround(y);
z = +z;
return Math_fround(y);
function sqrts(x) {
x = +x;
return +(+Math_sqrt(x) + +Math_fround(Math_sqrt(Math_fround(x))));
function f2u(x) {
x = +x;
return (~~x>>>0) | 0;
function f2s(x) {
x = +x;
return (~~x) | 0;
function autoDrop(x) {
x = x | 0;
while (1) {
if ((x | 0) == 17) {
return 5;
autoDrop(1) | 0;
} else {
x = autoDrop(2) | 0;
return x | 0;
function indirectInSequence() {
var i1 = 0;
// this indirect call should have the right type, vi
i1 = (FUNCTION_TABLE_vi[1 & 7](0), 1);
function emterpretify_assertions_safeHeap() {
var i1 = 0;
// assignment into the function table param, optimizer can do things there
FUNCTION_TABLE_vi[(Int = 1) & 7](i1 | 0);
function call_emscripten_log() {
// emscripten_log has no return value, don't let the conditional after the comma confuse you
emscripten_log(), 2 ? abort() | 0 : 3;
function mod_detectSign(d1, d2, d8) {
d1 = +d1;
d2 = +d2;
d8 = +d8;
return ~~(d2 - d8 % d1 / d1 * d2);
function keepAlive() {
sqrts(2.18281); // don't inline it either
autoDrop(52) | 0;
mod_detectSign(1.0, 2.31, 9.78);
nonZero = nonZero + 1 | 0;
function v() {
function vi(x) {
x = x | 0;
function ii(x) {
x = x | 0;
return x | 0;
var FUNCTION_TABLE_a = [ v, big_negative, v, v ];
var FUNCTION_TABLE_b = [ w, w, importedDoubles, w ];
var FUNCTION_TABLE_c = [ z, cneg, z, z, z, z, z, z ];
var FUNCTION_TABLE_vi = [ vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi ];
var FUNCTION_TABLE_ii = [ ii ];
return { big_negative: big_negative, pick: forgetMe, pick: exportMe, doubleCompares: doubleCompares, intOps: intOps, conversions: conversions, switcher: switcher, frem: frem, frem_float: frem_float, big_uint_div_u: big_uint_div_u, trapping_sint_div_s: trapping_sint_div_s, fr: fr, negZero: negZero, neg: neg, smallCompare: smallCompare, cneg_nosemicolon: cneg_nosemicolon, forLoop: forLoop, ceiling_32_64: ceiling_32_64, aborts: aborts, continues: continues, bitcasts: bitcasts, recursiveBlockMerging: recursiveBlockMerging, lb: lb, zeroInit: zeroInit, phi: phi, smallIf: smallIf, dropCall: dropCall, useSetGlobal: useSetGlobal, usesSetGlobal2: usesSetGlobal2, breakThroughMany: breakThroughMany, ifChainEmpty: ifChainEmpty, heap8NoShift: heap8NoShift, conditionalTypeFun: conditionalTypeFun, loadSigned: loadSigned, globalOpts: globalOpts, dropCallImport: dropCallImport, loophi: loophi, loophi2: loophi2, loophi2b: loophi2b, relooperJumpThreading: relooperJumpThreading, relooperJumpThreading__ZN4game14preloadweaponsEv: relooperJumpThreading__ZN4game14preloadweaponsEv, __Z12multi_varargiz: __Z12multi_varargiz, jumpThreadDrop: jumpThreadDrop, dropIgnoredImportInIf: dropIgnoredImportInIf, dropIgnoredImportsInIf: dropIgnoredImportsInIf, relooperJumpThreading_irreducible: relooperJumpThreading_irreducible, store_fround: store_fround, exportedNumber: 42, relocatableAndModules: relocatableAndModules, exported_f32_user: exported_f32_user, keepAlive: keepAlive };