[spec] Layering: Improve way of throwing on detach

Detaching an ArrayBuffer which comes from a WebAssembly.Memory
throws an error. Previously, this was simply asserted in a comment;
this patch hooks into a new ECMAScript layering device to make
things more clear.
1 file changed
tree: d46560af95a9c0fc38f358529d008b3bc54f118c
  1. document/
  2. interpreter/
  3. papers/
  4. test/
  5. .gitattributes
  6. .gitignore
  7. .gitmodules
  8. .travis.yml
  9. Contributing.md
  10. deploy_key.enc
  12. README.md

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This repository holds the sources for the WebAssembly draft specification (to seed a future WebAssembly Working Group), a reference implementation, and the official testsuite.

A formatted version of the spec is available here: webassembly.github.io/spec,

Participation is welcome. Discussions about new features, significant semantic changes, or any specification change likely to generate substantial discussion should take place in the WebAssembly design repository first, so that this spec repository can remain focused. And please follow the guidelines for contributing.