blob: 1bc653a8e9e70f1b3545b2086d08c99ef180275a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Serde Developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
#![cfg(not(feature = "preserve_order"))]
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
use serde_json::{Deserializer, Value};
// Rustfmt issue
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
macro_rules! test_stream {
($data:expr, $ty:ty, |$stream:ident| $test:block) => {
let de = Deserializer::from_str($data);
let mut $stream = de.into_iter::<$ty>();
assert_eq!($stream.byte_offset(), 0);
let de = Deserializer::from_slice($data.as_bytes());
let mut $stream = de.into_iter::<$ty>();
assert_eq!($stream.byte_offset(), 0);
let mut bytes = $data.as_bytes();
let de = Deserializer::from_reader(&mut bytes);
let mut $stream = de.into_iter::<$ty>();
assert_eq!($stream.byte_offset(), 0);
fn test_json_stream_newlines() {
let data = "{\"x\":39} {\"x\":40}{\"x\":41}\n{\"x\":42}";
test_stream!(data, Value, |stream| {
assert_eq!(["x"], 39);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 8);
assert_eq!(["x"], 40);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 17);
assert_eq!(["x"], 41);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 25);
assert_eq!(["x"], 42);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 34);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 34);
fn test_json_stream_trailing_whitespaces() {
let data = "{\"x\":42} \t\n";
test_stream!(data, Value, |stream| {
assert_eq!(["x"], 42);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 8);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 11);
fn test_json_stream_truncated() {
let data = "{\"x\":40}\n{\"x\":";
test_stream!(data, Value, |stream| {
assert_eq!(["x"], 40);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 8);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 9);
fn test_json_stream_empty() {
let data = "";
test_stream!(data, Value, |stream| {
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 0);
fn test_json_stream_primitive() {
let data = "{} true{}1[]\nfalse\"hey\"2 ";
test_stream!(data, Value, |stream| {
assert_eq!(, json!({}));
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 2);
assert_eq!(, true);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 7);
assert_eq!(, json!({}));
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 9);
assert_eq!(, 1);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 10);
assert_eq!(, json!([]));
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 12);
assert_eq!(, false);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 18);
assert_eq!(, "hey");
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 23);
assert_eq!(, 2);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 24);
assert_eq!(stream.byte_offset(), 25);
fn test_json_stream_invalid_literal() {
let data = "truefalse";
test_stream!(data, Value, |stream| {
let second =;
assert_eq!(second.to_string(), "trailing characters at line 1 column 5");
fn test_json_stream_invalid_number() {
let data = "1true";
test_stream!(data, Value, |stream| {
let second =;
assert_eq!(second.to_string(), "trailing characters at line 1 column 2");