blob: ec28fc36cf9a8bfb3646bdeac8bfbde28fe7fb34 [file] [log] [blame]
skip-dirs-use-default: false
check-type-assertions: true
- govet
- asciicheck
- bodyclose
- deadcode
- depguard
- dogsled
- errcheck
- exportloopref
- gochecknoinits
- gofmt
- goheader
- goimports
- gomodguard
- goprintffuncname
- gosimple
- gosec
- govet
- ineffassign
- misspell
- nakedret
- nolintlint
- rowserrcheck
- scopelint
- staticcheck
- structcheck
- stylecheck
- typecheck
- unconvert
- unused
- varcheck
- whitespace
disable-all: true
- linters:
- stylecheck
text: "ST1005:"
- linters:
- errcheck
# headers.go has casts with values from contexts that should fail if there
# is no error, but it would be very unidiomatic to return an error from
# the functions that do these casts, and we completely control the
# context values within this file
path: internal/pkg/rpc/headers.go
- linters:
- gosec
# G101 checks for hardcoded credentials, and the variables named "*Password*
# trip this off.
path: internal/buf/bufcli/bufcli.go
text: "G101:"
- linters:
- gosec
# G204 checks that exec.Command is not called with non-constants.
# We call exec.Command for protoc and plugin proxying, and control the arguments completely.
path: internal/pkg/app/appproto/appprotoexec/binary_handler.go
text: "G204:"
- linters:
- gosec
# G204 checks that exec.Command is not called with non-constants.
# We call exec.Command for protoc and plugin proxying, and control the arguments completely.
path: internal/pkg/app/appproto/appprotoexec/protoc_proxy_handler.go
text: "G204:"
# we actually want to use this init in testing
- linters:
- gochecknoinits
path: internal/buf/bufcore/bufmodule/bufmoduletesting/bufmoduletesting.go