Deploying to

Code is not automatically deployed to once committed to the repository. Rather, a release needs to be prepared and deployed manually by an admin of the netlog-viewer appengine project:

  1. Check out a clean copy of catapult/netlog_viewer (master branch).

  2. Run the automated tests, netlog_viewer/bin/run_dev_server_tests, and confirm that (a) tests ran (b) were successful. (See caveat on CONTRIBUTING - headless tests may fail, in which case need to run them in non-headless mode.)

  3. Authenticate with the gcloud command line tool. (Only needs to be done once.)

gcloud auth login
  1. Build the vulcanized version that will be served by appengine.
  1. Run the app server locally, load in browser, and do some basic sanity checks loading a net log file. Be sure to shift-reload so you aren't testing an old cached version, and also check that no JavaScript errors were logged to the console.
cd appengine app.yaml
  1. Deploy without making it the default version yet.
gcloud app deploy --no-promote --project netlog-viewer
  1. Load the versioned URL that was printed in previous step, and again do some manual sanity checks.

  2. Send live traffic to the new version using the GCP console.