blob: bb1b79ec5db5e0f814688177c6b17f3af6e13e54 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
## 2.2.1
* Add support for `crypto` 1.0.0.
## 2.2.0
* `WebSocketChannel` has been moved to
[the `web_socket_channel` package][web_socket_channel]. The implementation
here is now deprecated.
## 2.1.0
* Added `WebSocketChannel`, an implementation of `StreamChannel` that's backed
by a `WebSocket`.
* Deprecated `CompatibleWebSocket` in favor of `WebSocketChannel`.
## 2.0.0
* Removed the `DataUri` class. It's redundant with the `` getter that's
coming in Dart 1.14, and the `` field in particular was an invalid
override of that field.
## 1.1.0
* The MIME spec says that media types and their parameter names are
case-insensitive. Accordingly, `MediaType` now uses a case-insensitive map for
its parameters and its `type` and `subtype` fields are now always lowercase.
## 1.0.0
This is 1.0.0 because the API is stable—there are no breaking changes.
* Added an `AuthenticationChallenge` class for parsing and representing the
value of `WWW-Authenticate` and related headers.
* Added a `CaseInsensitiveMap` class for representing case-insensitive HTTP
## 0.0.2+8
* Bring in the latest `dart:io` WebSocket code.
## 0.0.2+7
* Add more detail to the readme.
## 0.0.2+6
* Updated homepage URL.
## 0.0.2+5
* Widen the version constraint on the `collection` package.
## 0.0.2+4
* Widen the `string_scanner` version constraint.
## 0.0.2+3
* Fix a library name conflict.
## 0.0.2+2
* Fixes for HTTP date formatting.
## 0.0.2+1
* Minor code refactoring.
## 0.0.2
* Added `CompatibleWebSocket`, for platform- and API-independent support for the
WebSocket API.