blob: cb5f2ca86091ed6ff38b34cb7aa605682c0ef21c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Common AST helpers.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/workspace.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'analyzer.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
final List<String> reservedWords = _collectReservedWords();
/// Returns direct children of [parent].
List<Element> getChildren(Element parent, [String? name]) {
var children = <Element>[];
visitChildren(parent, (Element element) {
if (name == null || element.displayName == name) {
return false;
return children;
/// Return the compilation unit of a node
CompilationUnit? getCompilationUnit(AstNode node) =>
/// Returns a field identifier with the given [name] in the given [decl]'s
/// variable declaration list or `null` if none is found.
Token? getFieldName(FieldDeclaration decl, String name) {
for (var v in decl.fields.variables) {
if (v.name2.lexeme == name) {
return v.name2;
return null;
/// Returns the value of an [IntegerLiteral] or [PrefixExpression] with a
/// minus and then an [IntegerLiteral]. If a [context] is provided,
/// [SimpleIdentifier]s are evaluated as constants. For anything else,
/// returns `null`.
int? getIntValue(Expression expression, LinterContext? context) {
if (expression is PrefixExpression) {
var operand = expression.operand;
if (expression.operator.type != TokenType.MINUS) return null;
return _getIntValue(operand, context, negated: true);
return _getIntValue(expression, context);
/// Returns the most specific AST node appropriate for associating errors.
SyntacticEntity getNodeToAnnotate(Declaration node) {
var mostSpecific = _getNodeToAnnotate(node);
return mostSpecific ?? node;
/// If the [node] is the finishing identifier of an assignment, return its
/// "writeElement", otherwise return its "staticElement", which might be
/// thought as the "readElement".
Element? getWriteOrReadElement(SimpleIdentifier node) {
var writeElement = _getWriteElement(node);
if (writeElement != null) {
return writeElement;
return node.staticElement;
bool hasConstantError(LinterContext context, Expression node) {
var result = context.evaluateConstant(node);
return result.errors.isNotEmpty;
/// Returns `true` if this [element] has a `@literal` annotation.
@Deprecated('prefer: element.hasLiteral')
bool hasLiteralAnnotation(Element element) => element.hasLiteral;
/// Returns `true` if this [element] has an `@override` annotation.
@Deprecated('prefer: element.hasOverride')
bool hasOverrideAnnotation(Element element) => element.hasOverride;
/// Returns `true` if this [node] is the child of a private compilation unit
/// member.
bool inPrivateMember(AstNode node) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is NamedCompilationUnitMember) {
return isPrivate(parent.name2);
if (parent is ExtensionDeclaration) {
return parent.name2 == null || isPrivate(parent.name2);
return false;
/// Returns `true` if this element is the `==` method declaration.
bool isEquals(ClassMember element) =>
element is MethodDeclaration && element.name2.lexeme == '==';
/// Returns `true` if the keyword associated with this token is `final` or
/// `const`.
bool isFinalOrConst(Token token) =>
isKeyword(token, Keyword.FINAL) || isKeyword(token, Keyword.CONST);
/// Returns `true` if this element is a `hashCode` method or field declaration.
bool isHashCode(ClassMember element) => _hasFieldOrMethod(element, 'hashCode');
/// Returns `true` if this element is an `index` method or field declaration.
bool isIndex(ClassMember element) => _hasFieldOrMethod(element, 'index');
/// Return true if this compilation unit [node] is declared within the given
/// [package]'s `lib/` directory tree.
bool isInLibDir(CompilationUnit node, WorkspacePackage? package) {
if (package == null) return false;
var cuPath = node.declaredElement?.library.source.fullName;
if (cuPath == null) return false;
var libDir = path.join(package.root, 'lib');
return path.isWithin(libDir, cuPath);
/// Return `true` if this compilation unit [node] is declared within a public
/// directory in the given [package]'s directory tree. Public dirs are the
/// `lib` and `bin` dirs.
// TODO: move into WorkspacePackage
bool isInPublicDir(CompilationUnit node, WorkspacePackage? package) {
if (package == null) return false;
var cuPath = node.declaredElement?.library.source.fullName;
if (cuPath == null) return false;
var libDir = path.join(package.root, 'lib');
var binDir = path.join(package.root, 'bin');
return path.isWithin(libDir, cuPath) || path.isWithin(binDir, cuPath);
/// Returns `true` if the keyword associated with the given [token] matches
/// [keyword].
bool isKeyword(Token token, Keyword keyword) =>
token is KeywordToken && token.keyword == keyword;
/// Returns `true` if the given [id] is a Dart keyword.
bool isKeyWord(String id) => Keyword.keywords.containsKey(id);
/// Returns `true` if the given [ClassMember] is a method.
bool isMethod(ClassMember m) => m is MethodDeclaration;
/// Check if the given identifier has a private name.
bool isPrivate(Token? name) =>
name != null ? Identifier.isPrivateName(name.lexeme) : false;
/// Returns `true` if the given [ClassMember] is a public method.
bool isPublicMethod(ClassMember m) {
var declaredElement = m.declaredElement2;
return declaredElement != null && isMethod(m) && declaredElement.isPublic;
/// Check if the given word is a Dart reserved word.
bool isReservedWord(String word) => reservedWords.contains(word);
/// Returns `true` if the given method [declaration] is a "simple getter".
/// A simple getter takes one of these basic forms:
/// ```dart
/// get x => _simpleIdentifier;
/// ```
/// or
/// ```dart
/// get x {
/// return _simpleIdentifier;
/// }
/// ```
bool isSimpleGetter(MethodDeclaration declaration) {
if (!declaration.isGetter) {
return false;
var body = declaration.body;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
return _checkForSimpleGetter(declaration, body.expression);
} else if (body is BlockFunctionBody) {
var block = body.block;
if (block.statements.length == 1) {
var statement = block.statements.first;
if (statement is ReturnStatement) {
return _checkForSimpleGetter(declaration, statement.expression);
return false;
/// Returns `true` if the given [setter] is a "simple setter".
/// A simple setter takes this basic form:
/// ```dart
/// var _x;
/// set(x) {
/// _x = x;
/// }
/// ```
/// or:
/// ```dart
/// set(x) => _x = x;
/// ```
/// where the static type of the left and right hand sides must be the same.
bool isSimpleSetter(MethodDeclaration setter) {
var body = setter.body;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
return _checkForSimpleSetter(setter, body.expression);
} else if (body is BlockFunctionBody) {
var block = body.block;
if (block.statements.length == 1) {
var statement = block.statements.first;
if (statement is ExpressionStatement) {
return _checkForSimpleSetter(setter, statement.expression);
return false;
/// Returns `true` if the given [id] is a valid Dart identifier.
bool isValidDartIdentifier(String id) => !isKeyWord(id) && isIdentifier(id);
/// Returns `true` if this element is a `values` method or field declaration.
bool isValues(ClassMember element) => _hasFieldOrMethod(element, 'values');
/// Returns `true` if the keyword associated with this token is `var`.
bool isVar(Token token) => isKeyword(token, Keyword.VAR);
/// Return the nearest enclosing pubspec file.
File? locatePubspecFile(CompilationUnit compilationUnit) {
var fullName = compilationUnit.declaredElement?.source.fullName;
if (fullName == null) {
return null;
var resourceProvider =
if (resourceProvider == null) {
return null;
var file = resourceProvider.getFile(fullName);
// Look for a pubspec.yaml file.
for (var folder in file.parent.withAncestors) {
var pubspecFile = folder.getChildAssumingFile('pubspec.yaml');
if (pubspecFile.exists) {
return pubspecFile;
return null;
/// Uses [processor] to visit all of the children of [element].
/// If [processor] returns `true`, then children of a child are visited too.
void visitChildren(Element element, ElementProcessor processor) {
bool _checkForSimpleGetter(MethodDeclaration getter, Expression? expression) {
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
var staticElement = expression.staticElement;
if (staticElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
var enclosingElement = getter.declaredElement2?.enclosingElement3;
// Skipping library level getters, test that the enclosing element is
// the same
if (staticElement.enclosingElement3 == enclosingElement) {
return staticElement.isSynthetic && staticElement.variable.isPrivate;
return false;
bool _checkForSimpleSetter(MethodDeclaration setter, Expression expression) {
if (expression is! AssignmentExpression) {
return false;
if (expression.operator.type != TokenType.EQ) {
return false;
var leftHandSide = expression.leftHandSide;
var rightHandSide = expression.rightHandSide;
if (leftHandSide is SimpleIdentifier && rightHandSide is SimpleIdentifier) {
var leftElement = expression.writeElement;
if (leftElement is! PropertyAccessorElement || !leftElement.isSynthetic) {
return false;
// To guard against setters used as type constraints
if (expression.writeType != rightHandSide.staticType) {
return false;
var rightElement = rightHandSide.staticElement;
if (rightElement is! ParameterElement) {
return false;
var parameters = setter.parameters?.parameters;
if (parameters != null && parameters.length == 1) {
return rightElement == parameters.first.declaredElement;
return false;
List<String> _collectReservedWords() {
var reserved = <String>[];
for (var entry in Keyword.keywords.entries) {
if (entry.value.isReservedWord) {
return reserved;
int? _getIntValue(Expression expression, LinterContext? context,
{bool negated = false}) {
int? value;
if (expression is IntegerLiteral) {
value = expression.value;
} else if (expression is SimpleIdentifier && context != null) {
value = context.evaluateConstant(expression).value?.toIntValue();
if (value is! int) return null;
return negated ? -value : value;
SyntacticEntity? _getNodeToAnnotate(Declaration node) {
if (node is MethodDeclaration) {
return node.name2;
if (node is ConstructorDeclaration) {
return node.name2;
if (node is FieldDeclaration) {
return node.fields;
if (node is ClassTypeAlias) {
return node.name2;
if (node is FunctionTypeAlias) {
return node.name2;
if (node is ClassDeclaration) {
return node.name2;
if (node is EnumDeclaration) {
return node.name2;
if (node is ExtensionDeclaration) {
return node.name2;
if (node is FunctionDeclaration) {
return node.name2;
if (node is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
return node.variables;
if (node is EnumConstantDeclaration) {
return node.name2;
if (node is TypeParameter) {
return node.name2;
if (node is VariableDeclaration) {
return node.name2;
return null;
/// If the [node] is the target of a [CompoundAssignmentExpression],
/// return the corresponding "writeElement", which is the local variable,
/// the setter referenced with a [SimpleIdentifier] or a [PropertyAccess],
/// or the `[]=` operator.
Element? _getWriteElement(AstNode node) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is AssignmentExpression && parent.leftHandSide == node) {
return parent.writeElement;
if (parent is PostfixExpression) {
return parent.writeElement;
if (parent is PrefixExpression) {
return parent.writeElement;
if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier && parent.identifier == node) {
return _getWriteElement(parent);
if (parent is PropertyAccess && parent.propertyName == node) {
return _getWriteElement(parent);
return null;
bool _hasFieldOrMethod(ClassMember element, String name) =>
(element is MethodDeclaration && element.name2.lexeme == name) ||
(element is FieldDeclaration && getFieldName(element, name) != null);
/// An [Element] processor function type.
/// If `true` is returned, children of [element] will be visited.
typedef ElementProcessor = bool Function(Element element);
/// A [GeneralizingElementVisitor] adapter for [ElementProcessor].
class _ElementVisitorAdapter extends GeneralizingElementVisitor {
final ElementProcessor processor;
void visitElement(Element element) {
var visitChildren = processor(element);
if (visitChildren) {
extension ElementExtension on Element? {
// TODO(srawlins): Move to extensions.dart.
bool get isDartCorePrint {
var self = this;
return self is FunctionElement && == 'print' &&