blob: 4bfb608b772815cfc2000789ba6537b5c7966bb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library usage.hit_types_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:usage/usage.dart';
import 'src/common.dart';
main() => defineTests();
void defineTests() {
group('screenView', () {
test('simple', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
expect(mock.mockProperties['clientId'], isNotNull);
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isNot(isEmpty));
group('event', () {
test('simple', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
mock.sendEvent('files', 'save');
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isNot(isEmpty));
was(mock.last, 'event');
has(mock.last, 'ec');
has(mock.last, 'ea');
test('optional args', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
mock.sendEvent('files', 'save', label: 'File Save', value: 23);
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isNot(isEmpty));
was(mock.last, 'event');
has(mock.last, 'ec');
has(mock.last, 'ea');
has(mock.last, 'el');
has(mock.last, 'ev');
group('social', () {
test('simple', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
mock.sendSocial('g+', 'plus', 'userid');
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isNot(isEmpty));
was(mock.last, 'social');
has(mock.last, 'sn');
has(mock.last, 'st');
has(mock.last, 'sa');
group('timing', () {
test('simple', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
mock.sendTiming('compile', 123);
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isNot(isEmpty));
was(mock.last, 'timing');
has(mock.last, 'utv');
has(mock.last, 'utt');
test('optional args', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
mock.sendTiming('compile', 123, category: 'Build', label: 'Compile');
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isNot(isEmpty));
was(mock.last, 'timing');
has(mock.last, 'utv');
has(mock.last, 'utt');
has(mock.last, 'utc');
has(mock.last, 'utl');
test('timer', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
AnalyticsTimer timer =
mock.startTimer('compile', category: 'Build', label: 'Compile');
return new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 20), () {
return timer.finish().then((_) {
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isNot(isEmpty));
was(mock.last, 'timing');
has(mock.last, 'utv');
has(mock.last, 'utt');
has(mock.last, 'utc');
has(mock.last, 'utl');
int time = timer.currentElapsedMillis;
expect(time, greaterThan(10));
return new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 10), () {
expect(timer.currentElapsedMillis, time);
group('exception', () {
test('simple', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isNot(isEmpty));
was(mock.last, 'exception');
has(mock.last, 'exd');
test('optional args', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
mock.sendException('FooException', fatal: true);
expect(mock.mockPostHandler.sentValues, isNot(isEmpty));
was(mock.last, 'exception');
has(mock.last, 'exd');
has(mock.last, 'exf');
test('exception file paths', () {
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
mock.sendException('foo bar (file:///Users/foobar/tmp/error.dart:3:13)');
expect(mock.last['exd'], 'foo bar (');
test('long description trimmed', () {
String str = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
AnalyticsImplMock mock = createMock();
mock.sendException(str + str + str + str + str);
expect(mock.last['exd'].length, 100);